@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ function showControls(filename,writeperms){ |
// Load the new toolbar.
var savebtnhtml; |
if(writeperms=="true"){ |
var editorcontrols = '<button id="editor_save">'+t('files_texteditor','Save')+'</button><div class="separator"></div><button id="gotolinebtn">Go to line:</button><input type="text" id="gotolineval">'; |
var editorcontrols = '<button id="editor_save">'+t('files_texteditor','Save')+'</button><div class="separator"></div><button id="gotolinebtn">Go to line:</button><input type="text" id="gotolineval"><div class="separator"></div>'; |
} |
var html = '<button id="editor_close">X</button>'; |
var html = '<label for="editorseachval">Search:</label><input type="text" name="editorsearchval" id="editorsearchval"><div class="separator"></div><button id="editor_close">'+t('files_texteditor','Close')+'</button>'; |
$('#controls').append(html); |
var breadcrumbhtml = '<div class="crumb svg" id="breadcrumb_file" style="background-image:url("../core/img/breadcrumb.png")"><p>'+filename+'</p></div>'; |
@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ function bindControlEvents(){ |
$('#editor_close').die('click',hideFileEditor).live('click',hideFileEditor); |
$('#gotolinebtn').die('click', goToLine).live('click', goToLine); |
$('#editorsearchval').die('keyup', doSearch).live('keyup', doSearch); |
$('#clearsearchbtn').die('click', resetSearch).live('click', resetSearch); |
$('#nextsearchbtn').die('click', nextSearchResult).live('click', nextSearchResult); |
} |
// returns true or false if the editor is in view or not
@ -89,6 +92,48 @@ function goToLine(){ |
} |
//resets the search
function resetSearch(){ |
$('#editorsearchval').val(''); |
$('#nextsearchbtn').remove(); |
$('#clearsearchbtn').remove(); |
} |
// moves the cursor to the next search resukt
function nextSearchResult(){ |
window.aceEditor.findNext(); |
} |
// Performs the initial search
function doSearch(){
// check if search box empty?
if($('#editorsearchval').val()==''){ |
// Hide clear button
window.aceEditor.gotoLine(0); |
$('#nextsearchbtn').remove(); |
$('#clearsearchbtn').remove(); |
} else { |
// New search
// Reset cursor
window.aceEditor.gotoLine(0); |
// Do search
window.aceEditor.find($('#editorsearchval').val(),{ |
backwards: false, |
wrap: false, |
caseSensitive: false, |
wholeWord: false, |
regExp: false |
// Show next and clear buttons
// check if already there
if($('#nextsearchbtn').length==0){ |
var nextbtnhtml = '<button id="nextsearchbtn">Next</button>'; |
var clearbtnhtml = '<button id="clearsearchbtn">Clear</button>'; |
$('#editorsearchval').after(nextbtnhtml).after(clearbtnhtml); |
} |
} |
} |
// Tries to save the file.
function doFileSave(){ |
if(editorIsShown()){ |
@ -168,22 +213,13 @@ function showFileEditor(dir,filename){ |
// Fades out the editor.
function hideFileEditor(){ |
// Fade out controls
$('#editor_close').fadeOut('slow'); |
// Fade out the save button
$('#editor_save').fadeOut('slow'); |
// Goto line items
$('#gotolinebtn').fadeOut('slow'); |
$('#gotolineval').fadeOut('slow'); |
// Fade out separators
$('.separator').fadeOut('slow'); |
// Fade out breadcrumb
$('#breadcrumb_file').fadeOut('slow', function(){ $(this).remove();}); |
// Fades out editor controls
$('#controls > :not(.actions,#file_access_panel),#breadcrumb_file').fadeOut('slow',function(){ |
$(this).remove(); |
}); |
// Fade out editor
$('#editor').fadeOut('slow', function(){ |
$('#editor_close').remove(); |
$('#editor_save').remove(); |
$('#editor').remove(); |
$(this).remove(); |
var editorhtml = '<div id="editor"></div>'; |
$('table').after(editorhtml); |
$('.actions,#file_access_panel').fadeIn('slow'); |