@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ abstract class Access {
* @return the sanitized DN
private function sanitizeDN($dn) {
//treating multiple base DNs
if(is_array($dn)) {
$result = array();
foreach($dn as $singleDN) {
$result[] = $this->sanitizeDN($singleDN);
return $result;
//OID sometimes gives back DNs with whitespace after the comma a la "uid=foo, cn=bar, dn=..." We need to tackle this!
$dn = preg_replace('/([^\\\]),(\s+)/u', '\1,', $dn);
@ -212,9 +221,11 @@ abstract class Access {
* returns the internal ownCloud name for the given LDAP DN of the group, false on DN outside of search DN or failure
public function dn2groupname($dn, $ldapname = null) {
if(mb_strripos($dn, $this->sanitizeDN($this->connection->ldapBaseGroups), 0, 'UTF-8') !== (mb_strlen($dn, 'UTF-8')-mb_strlen($this->sanitizeDN($this->connection->ldapBaseGroups), 'UTF-8'))) {
//To avoid bypassing the base DN settings under certain circumstances with the group support, check whether the provided DN matches one of the given Bases
if(!$this->isDNPartOfBase($dn, $this->connection->ldapBaseGroups)) {
return false;
return $this->dn2ocname($dn, $ldapname, false);
@ -227,9 +238,11 @@ abstract class Access {
* returns the internal ownCloud name for the given LDAP DN of the user, false on DN outside of search DN or failure
public function dn2username($dn, $ldapname = null) {
if(mb_strripos($dn, $this->sanitizeDN($this->connection->ldapBaseUsers), 0, 'UTF-8') !== (mb_strlen($dn, 'UTF-8')-mb_strlen($this->sanitizeDN($this->connection->ldapBaseUsers), 'UTF-8'))) {
//To avoid bypassing the base DN settings under certain circumstances with the group support, check whether the provided DN matches one of the given Bases
if(!$this->isDNPartOfBase($dn, $this->connection->ldapBaseUsers)) {
return false;
return $this->dn2ocname($dn, $ldapname, true);
@ -544,13 +557,17 @@ abstract class Access {
//check wether paged search should be attempted
$pagedSearchOK = $this->initPagedSearch($filter, $base, $attr, $limit, $offset);
$sr = ldap_search($link_resource, $base, $filter, $attr);
if(!$sr) {
$linkResources = array_pad(array(), count($base), $link_resource);
$sr = ldap_search($linkResources, $base, $filter, $attr);
if(!is_array($sr)) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Error when searching: '.ldap_error($link_resource).' code '.ldap_errno($link_resource), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Attempt for Paging? '.print_r($pagedSearchOK, true), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
return array();
$findings = ldap_get_entries($link_resource, $sr );
$findings = array();
foreach($sr as $key => $res) {
$findings = array_merge($findings, ldap_get_entries($link_resource, $res ));
if($pagedSearchOK) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Paged search successful', \OCP\Util::INFO);
ldap_control_paged_result_response($link_resource, $sr, $cookie);
@ -791,6 +808,26 @@ abstract class Access {
return str_replace('\\5c', '\\', $dn);
* @brief checks if the given DN is part of the given base DN(s)
* @param $dn the DN
* @param $bases array containing the allowed base DN or DNs
* @returns Boolean
private function isDNPartOfBase($dn, $bases) {
$bases = $this->sanitizeDN($bases);
foreach($bases as $base) {
$belongsToBase = true;
if(mb_strripos($dn, $base, 0, 'UTF-8') !== (mb_strlen($dn, 'UTF-8')-mb_strlen($base))) {
$belongsToBase = false;
if($belongsToBase) {
return $belongsToBase;
* @brief get a cookie for the next LDAP paged search
* @param $filter the search filter to identify the correct search