cleanup comments

Jörn Friedrich Dreyer 12 years ago
parent 0a0410815e
commit 8828fafd36
  1. 205
  2. 73

@ -1,100 +1,11 @@
* and yet another idea how to handle file uploads:
* let the jquery fileupload thing handle as much as possible
* use singlefileupload
* on first add of every selection
* - check all files of originalFiles array with files in dir
* - on conflict show dialog
* - skip all -> remember as default action
* - replace all -> remember as default action
* - choose -> show choose dialog
* - mark files to keep
* - when only existing -> remember as single skip action
* - when only new -> remember as single replace action
* - when both -> remember as single autorename action
* - continue -> apply marks, when nothing is marked continue == skip all
* - start uploading selection
* on send
* - if single action or default action
* - when skip -> abort upload
* ..- when replace -> add replace=true parameter
* ..- when rename -> add newName=filename parameter
* ..- when autorename -> add autorename=true parameter
* on fail
* - if server sent existserror
* - show dialog
* - on skip single -> abort single upload
* - on skip always -> remember as default action
* - on replace single -> replace single upload
* - on replace always -> remember as default action
* - on rename single -> rename single upload, propose autorename - when changed disable remember always checkbox
* - on rename always -> remember autorename as default action
* - resubmit data
* on uplad done
* - if last upload -> unset default action
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* use put t ocacnel upload before it starts? use chunked uploads?
* 1. tracking which file to upload next -> upload queue with data elements added whenever add is called
* 2. tracking progress for each folder individually -> track progress in a progress[dirname] object
* - every new selection increases the total size and number of files for a directory
* - add increases, successful done decreases, skip decreases, cancel decreases
* 3. track selections -> the general skip / overwrite decision is selection based and can change
* - server might send already exists error -> show dialog & remember decision for selection again
* - server sends error, how do we find collection?
* 4. track jqXHR object to prevent browser from navigationg away -> track in a uploads[dirname][filename] object [x]
* selections can progress in parrallel but each selection progresses sequentially
* -> store everything in context?
* context.folder
* context.element?
* context.progressui?
* context.jqXHR
* context.selection
* context.selection.onExistsAction?
* context available in what events?
* build in drop() add dir
* latest in add() add file? add selection!
* progress? -> update progress?
* onsubmit -> context.jqXHR?
* fail() ->
* done()
* when versioning app is active -> always overwrite
* fileupload scenario: empty folder & d&d 20 files
* queue the 20 files
* check list of files for duplicates -> empty
* start uploading the queue (show progress dialog?)
* - no duplicates -> all good, add files to list
* - server reports duplicate -> show skip, replace or rename dialog (for individual files)
* fileupload scenario: files uploaded & d&d 20 files again
* queue the 20 files
* check list of files for duplicates -> find n duplicates ->
* show skip, replace or rename dialog as general option
* - show list of differences with preview (win 8)
* remember action for each file
* start uploading the queue (show progress dialog?)
* - no duplicates -> all good, add files to list
* - server reports duplicate -> use remembered action
* dialoge:
* -> skip, replace, choose (or abort) ()
* -> choose left or right (with skip) (when only one file in list also show rename option and remember for all option)
* progress always based on filesize
* number of files as text, bytes as bar
* The file upload code uses several hooks to interact with blueimps jQuery file upload library:
* 1. the core upload handling hooks are added when initializing the plugin,
* 2. if the browser supports progress events they are added in a separate set after the initialization
* 3. every app can add it's own triggers for fileupload
* - files adds d'n'd handlers and also reacts to done events to add new rows to the filelist
* - TODO pictures upload button
* - TODO music upload button
// from
@ -122,9 +33,20 @@ function supportAjaxUploadWithProgress() {
//TODO clean uploads when all progress has completed
* keeps track of uploads in progress and implements callbacks for the conflicts dialog
* @type OC.Upload
OC.Upload = {
_uploads: [],
* cancels a single upload,
* @deprecated because it was only used when a file currently beeing uploaded was deleted. Now they are added after
* they have been uploaded.
* @param string dir
* @param string filename
* @returns unresolved
cancelUpload:function(dir, filename) {
var self = this;
var deleted = false;
@ -137,22 +59,33 @@ OC.Upload = {
return deleted;
* deletes the jqHXR object from a data selection
* @param data data
deleteUpload:function(data) {
delete data.jqXHR;
* cancels all uploads
cancelUploads:function() {
console.log('canceling uploads');
jQuery.each(this._uploads,function(i, jqXHR){
this._uploads = [];
if (jqXHR) {
* Checks the currently known uploads.
* returns true if any hxr has the state 'pending'
* @returns Boolean
var count = 0;
@ -163,9 +96,18 @@ OC.Upload = {
return count > 0;
* callback for the conflicts dialog
* @param data
onCancel:function(data) {
* callback for the conflicts dialog
* calls onSkip, onReplace or onAutorename for each conflict
* @param conflicts list of conflict elements
onContinue:function(conflicts) {
var self = this;
//iterate over all conflicts
@ -186,15 +128,27 @@ OC.Upload = {
* handle skipping an upload
* @param data data
this.logStatus('skip', null, data);
* handle replacing a file on the server with an uploaded file
* @param data data
this.logStatus('replace', null, data);'resolution', 'replace');
* handle uploading a file and letting the server decide a new name
* @param data data
this.logStatus('autorename', null, data);
if ( {
@ -208,8 +162,19 @@ OC.Upload = {
* TODO checks the list of existing files prior to uploading and shows a simple dialog to choose
* skip all, replace all or choosw which files to keep
* @param array selection of files to upload
* @param callbacks to call:
* onNoConflicts,
* onSkipConflicts,
* onReplaceConflicts,
* onChooseConflicts,
* onCancel
checkExistingFiles: function (selection, callbacks){
// FIXME check filelist before uploading
// TODO check filelist before uploading and show dialog on conflicts, use callbacks
@ -220,7 +185,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
dropZone: $('#content'), // restrict dropZone to content div
autoUpload: false,
sequentialUploads: true,
//singleFileUploads is on by default, so the data.files array will always have length 1
* on first add of every selection
@ -306,7 +270,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
onSkipConflicts: function (selection) {
//TODO mark conflicting files as toskip
//TODO mark conflicting files as toskip
onReplaceConflicts: function (selection) {
//TODO mark conflicting files as toreplace
@ -324,22 +288,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
OC.Upload.checkExistingFiles(selection, callbacks);
//TODO check filename already exists
if ($('tr[data-file="'+data.files[0].name+'"][data-id]').length > 0) {
data.textStatus = 'alreadyexists';
data.errorThrown = t('files', '{filename} already exists',
{filename: data.files[0].name}
//TODO show "file already exists" dialog
var fu ='blueimp-fileupload') ||'fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
return false;
return true; // continue adding files
@ -368,8 +316,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
}, 5000);
//var selection = OC.Upload.getSelection(data.originalFiles);
//OC.Upload.deleteSelectionUpload(selection, data.files[0].name);
@ -455,30 +401,13 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
fileupload.on('fileuploaddone', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploaddone', e, data);
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
//if (! OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
// $('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').fadeOut();
// $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut();
fileupload.on('fileuploadstop', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadstop', e, data);
//if(OC.Upload.progressBytes()>=100) { //only hide controls when all selections have ended uploading
//OC.Upload.cancelUploads(); //cleanup
// if(data.dataType !== 'iframe') {
// $('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').hide();
// }
// $('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value', 100);
// $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut();
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
//if (! OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
$('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').fadeOut();
fileupload.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadfail', e, data);

@ -547,11 +547,9 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
file_upload_start.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('filelist handle fileuploadadd', e, data);
// lookup selection for dir
//var selection = OC.Upload.getSelection(data.originalFiles);
if(FileList.deleteFiles && FileList.deleteFiles.indexOf(data.files[0].name)!==-1){//finish delete if we are uploading a deleted file
//finish delete if we are uploading a deleted file
if(FileList.deleteFiles && FileList.deleteFiles.indexOf(data.files[0].name)!==-1){
FileList.finishDelete(null, true); //delete file before continuing
@ -584,6 +582,10 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
file_upload_start.on('fileuploadstart', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('filelist handle fileuploadstart', e, data);
* when file upload done successfully add row to filelist
* update counter when uploading to sub folder
file_upload_start.on('fileuploaddone', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('filelist handle fileuploaddone', e, data);
@ -649,18 +651,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
if (! OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
//cleanup uploading to a dir
var uploadtext = $('tr .uploadtext');
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder.png');
uploadtext.attr('currentUploads', 0);
file_upload_start.on('fileuploadalways', function(e, data) {
@ -668,9 +658,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
file_upload_start.on('fileuploadsend', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('filelist handle fileuploadsend', e, data);
// TODOD add vis
//data.context.element =
file_upload_start.on('fileuploadprogress', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('filelist handle fileuploadprogress', e, data);
@ -704,51 +691,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
uploadtext.attr('currentUploads', 0);
file_upload_start.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) {
console.log('fileuploadfail'+((data.files&&data.files.length>0)?' '+data.files[0].name:''));
// if we are uploading to a subdirectory
if (data.context &&'type') === 'dir') {
// update upload counter ui
var uploadtext = data.context.find('.uploadtext');
var currentUploads = parseInt(uploadtext.attr('currentUploads'));
currentUploads -= 1;
uploadtext.attr('currentUploads', currentUploads);
if(currentUploads === 0) {
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder.png');
} else {
uploadtext.text(currentUploads + ' ' + t('files', 'files uploading'));
// cleanup files, error notification has been shown by fileupload code
var tr = data.context;
if (typeof tr === 'undefined') {
tr = $('tr').filterAttr('data-file', data.files[0].name);
if (tr.attr('data-type') === 'dir') {
//cleanup uploading to a dir
var uploadtext = tr.find('.uploadtext');
var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder.png');
uploadtext.hide(); //TODO really hide already
} else {
//TODO add row when sending file
//remove file
$('#notification').on('click', '.undo', function(){
if (FileList.deleteFiles) {
