@ -747,100 +747,181 @@ describe('Core base tests', function() { |
}); |
}); |
describe('Notifications', function() { |
beforeEach(function(){ |
notificationMock = sinon.mock(OC.Notification); |
var showSpy; |
var showHtmlSpy; |
var hideSpy; |
var clock; |
beforeEach(function() { |
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); |
showSpy = sinon.spy(OC.Notification, 'show'); |
showHtmlSpy = sinon.spy(OC.Notification, 'showHtml'); |
hideSpy = sinon.spy(OC.Notification, 'hide'); |
$('#testArea').append('<div id="notification"></div>'); |
}); |
afterEach(function(){ |
// verify that all expectations are met
notificationMock.verify(); |
// restore mocked methods
notificationMock.restore(); |
// clean up the global variable
delete notificationMock; |
afterEach(function() { |
showSpy.restore(); |
showHtmlSpy.restore(); |
hideSpy.restore(); |
// jump past animations
clock.tick(10000); |
clock.restore(); |
}); |
it('Should show a plain text notification' , function() { |
// one is shown ...
notificationMock.expects('show').once().withExactArgs('My notification test'); |
// ... but not the HTML one
notificationMock.expects('showHtml').never(); |
describe('showTemporary', function() { |
it('shows a plain text notification with default timeout', function() { |
var $row = OC.Notification.showTemporary('My notification test'); |
OC.Notification.showTemporary('My notification test'); |
expect(showSpy.calledOnce).toEqual(true); |
expect(showSpy.firstCall.args[0]).toEqual('My notification test'); |
expect(showSpy.firstCall.args[1]).toEqual({isHTML: false, timeout: 7}); |
// verification is done in afterEach
expect($row).toBeDefined(); |
expect($row.text()).toEqual('My notification test'); |
}); |
it('shows a HTML notification with default timeout', function() { |
var $row = OC.Notification.showTemporary('<a>My notification test</a>', { isHTML: true }); |
expect(showSpy.notCalled).toEqual(true); |
expect(showHtmlSpy.calledOnce).toEqual(true); |
expect(showHtmlSpy.firstCall.args[0]).toEqual('<a>My notification test</a>'); |
expect(showHtmlSpy.firstCall.args[1]).toEqual({isHTML: true, timeout: 7}); |
expect($row).toBeDefined(); |
expect($row.text()).toEqual('My notification test'); |
}); |
it('hides itself after 7 seconds', function() { |
var $row = OC.Notification.showTemporary(''); |
// travel in time +7000 milliseconds
clock.tick(7000); |
expect(hideSpy.calledOnce).toEqual(true); |
expect(hideSpy.firstCall.args[0]).toEqual($row); |
}); |
}); |
it('Should show a HTML notification' , function() { |
// no plain is shown ...
notificationMock.expects('show').never(); |
// ... but one HTML notification
notificationMock.expects('showHtml').once().withExactArgs('<a>My notification test</a>'); |
describe('show', function() { |
it('hides itself after a given time', function() { |
OC.Notification.show('', { timeout: 10 }); |
// travel in time +9 seconds
clock.tick(9000); |
OC.Notification.showTemporary('<a>My notification test</a>', { isHTML: true }); |
expect(hideSpy.notCalled).toEqual(true); |
// verification is done in afterEach
// travel in time +1 seconds
clock.tick(1000); |
expect(hideSpy.calledOnce).toEqual(true); |
}); |
it('does not hide itself after a given time if a timeout of 0 is defined', function() { |
OC.Notification.show('', { timeout: 0 }); |
// travel in time +1000 seconds
clock.tick(1000000); |
expect(hideSpy.notCalled).toEqual(true); |
}); |
it('does not hide itself if no timeout given to show', function() { |
OC.Notification.show(''); |
// travel in time +1000 seconds
clock.tick(1000000); |
expect(hideSpy.notCalled).toEqual(true); |
}); |
}); |
it('Should hide previous notification and hide itself after 7 seconds' , function() { |
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); |
it('cumulates several notifications', function() { |
var $row1 = OC.Notification.showTemporary('One'); |
var $row2 = OC.Notification.showTemporary('Two', {timeout: 2}); |
var $row3 = OC.Notification.showTemporary('Three'); |
var $el = $('#notification'); |
var $rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(3); |
// previous notifications get hidden
notificationMock.expects('hide').once(); |
expect($rows.eq(0).is($row1)).toEqual(true); |
expect($rows.eq(1).is($row2)).toEqual(true); |
expect($rows.eq(2).is($row3)).toEqual(true); |
OC.Notification.showTemporary(''); |
clock.tick(3000); |
// verify the first call
notificationMock.verify(); |
$rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(2); |
// expect it a second time
notificationMock.expects('hide').once(); |
expect($rows.eq(0).is($row1)).toEqual(true); |
expect($rows.eq(1).is($row3)).toEqual(true); |
}); |
it('shows close button for error types', function() { |
var $row = OC.Notification.showTemporary('One'); |
var $rowError = OC.Notification.showTemporary('Two', {type: 'error'}); |
expect($row.find('.close').length).toEqual(0); |
expect($rowError.find('.close').length).toEqual(1); |
// travel in time +7000 milliseconds
clock.tick(7000); |
// after clicking, row is gone
$rowError.find('.close').click(); |
// verification is done in afterEach
var $rows = $('#notification').find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(1); |
expect($rows.eq(0).is($row)).toEqual(true); |
}); |
it('Should hide itself after a given time' , function() { |
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); |
it('fades out the last notification but not the other ones', function() { |
var fadeOutStub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'fadeOut'); |
var $row1 = OC.Notification.show('One', {type: 'error'}); |
var $row2 = OC.Notification.show('Two', {type: 'error'}); |
OC.Notification.showTemporary('Three', {timeout: 2}); |
// previous notifications get hidden
notificationMock.expects('hide').once(); |
var $el = $('#notification'); |
var $rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(3); |
OC.Notification.showTemporary('', { timeout: 10 }); |
clock.tick(3000); |
// verify the first call
notificationMock.verify(); |
$rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(2); |
// expect to not be called after 9 seconds
notificationMock.expects('hide').never(); |
$row1.find('.close').click(); |
clock.tick(1000); |
// travel in time +9 seconds
clock.tick(9000); |
// verify this
notificationMock.verify(); |
expect(fadeOutStub.notCalled).toEqual(true); |
// expect the second call one second later
notificationMock.expects('hide').once(); |
// travel in time +1 seconds
$row2.find('.close').click(); |
clock.tick(1000); |
expect(fadeOutStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); |
// verification is done in afterEach
expect($el.is(':empty')).toEqual(false); |
fadeOutStub.yield(); |
expect($el.is(':empty')).toEqual(true); |
fadeOutStub.restore(); |
}); |
it('Should not hide itself after a given time if a timeout of 0 is defined' , function() { |
var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); |
it('hides the first notification when calling hide without arguments', function() { |
var $row1 = OC.Notification.show('One'); |
var $row2 = OC.Notification.show('Two'); |
// previous notifications get hidden
notificationMock.expects('hide').once(); |
var $el = $('#notification'); |
var $rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(2); |
OC.Notification.showTemporary('', { timeout: 0 }); |
OC.Notification.hide(); |
// verify the first call
notificationMock.verify(); |
$rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(1); |
expect($rows.eq(0).is($row2)).toEqual(true); |
}); |
it('hides the given notification when calling hide with argument', function() { |
var $row1 = OC.Notification.show('One'); |
var $row2 = OC.Notification.show('Two'); |
// expect to not be called after 1000 seconds
notificationMock.expects('hide').never(); |
var $el = $('#notification'); |
var $rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(2); |
// travel in time +1000 seconds
clock.tick(1000000); |
OC.Notification.hide($row2); |
// verification is done in afterEach
$rows = $el.find('.row'); |
expect($rows.length).toEqual(1); |
expect($rows.eq(0).is($row1)).toEqual(true); |
}); |
}); |
describe('global ajax errors', function() { |