@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ describe('OCA.Files.NewFileMenu', function() {
describe ( 'rendering' , function ( ) {
it ( 'renders menu items' , function ( ) {
var $items = menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) ;
expect ( $items . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( $items . length ) . toEqual ( 2 ) ;
// label points to the file_upload_start item
var $item = $items . eq ( 0 ) ;
expect ( $item . is ( 'label' ) ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
@ -55,39 +55,26 @@ describe('OCA.Files.NewFileMenu', function() {
} ) ;
describe ( 'New file/folder' , function ( ) {
var $input ;
var createFileStub ;
var createDirectoryStub ;
beforeEach ( function ( ) {
createFileStub = sinon . stub ( FileList . prototype , 'createFile' ) ;
createDirectoryStub = sinon . stub ( FileList . prototype , 'createDirectory' ) ;
menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) . eq ( 1 ) . click ( ) ;
$input = menu . $el . find ( 'form.filenameform input' ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( function ( ) {
createFileStub . restore ( ) ;
createDirectoryStub . restore ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'sets default text in field' , function ( ) {
expect ( $input . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
expect ( $input . val ( ) ) . toEqual ( 'New text file.txt' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'creates file when enter is pressed' , function ( ) {
$input . val ( 'somefile.txt' ) ;
$input . trigger ( new $ . Event ( 'keyup' , { keyCode : 13 } ) ) ;
$input . parent ( 'form' ) . submit ( ) ;
expect ( createFileStub . calledOnce ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
expect ( createFileStub . getCall ( 0 ) . args [ 0 ] ) . toEqual ( 'somefile.txt' ) ;
expect ( createDirectoryStub . notCalled ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
expect ( $input . val ( ) ) . toEqual ( 'New folder' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'prevents entering invalid file names' , function ( ) {
$input . val ( '..' ) ;
$input . trigger ( new $ . Event ( 'keyup' , { keyCode : 13 } ) ) ;
$input . closest ( 'form' ) . submit ( ) ;
expect ( createFileStub . notCalled ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
expect ( createDirectoryStub . notCalled ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'prevents entering file names that already exist' , function ( ) {
@ -96,16 +83,10 @@ describe('OCA.Files.NewFileMenu', function() {
$input . trigger ( new $ . Event ( 'keyup' , { keyCode : 13 } ) ) ;
$input . closest ( 'form' ) . submit ( ) ;
expect ( createFileStub . notCalled ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
expect ( createDirectoryStub . notCalled ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
inListStub . restore ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'switching fields removes the previous form' , function ( ) {
menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) . eq ( 2 ) . click ( ) ;
expect ( menu . $el . find ( 'form' ) . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'creates directory when clicking on create directory field' , function ( ) {
menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) . eq ( 2 ) . click ( ) ;
$input = menu . $el . find ( 'form.filenameform input' ) ;
$input . val ( 'some folder' ) ;
$input . trigger ( new $ . Event ( 'keyup' , { keyCode : 13 } ) ) ;
@ -113,7 +94,55 @@ describe('OCA.Files.NewFileMenu', function() {
expect ( createDirectoryStub . calledOnce ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
expect ( createDirectoryStub . getCall ( 0 ) . args [ 0 ] ) . toEqual ( 'some folder' ) ;
expect ( createFileStub . notCalled ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'custom entries' , function ( ) {
var oldPlugins ;
var plugin ;
var actionStub ;
beforeEach ( function ( ) {
oldPlugins = _ . extend ( { } , OC . Plugins . _plugins ) ;
actionStub = sinon . stub ( ) ;
plugin = {
attach : function ( menu ) {
menu . addMenuEntry ( {
id : 'file' ,
displayName : t ( 'files_texteditor' , 'Text file' ) ,
templateName : t ( 'files_texteditor' , 'New text file.txt' ) ,
iconClass : 'icon-filetype-text' ,
fileType : 'file' ,
actionHandler : actionStub
} ) ;
} ;
OC . Plugins . register ( 'OCA.Files.NewFileMenu' , plugin ) ;
menu = new OCA . Files . NewFileMenu ( {
fileList : fileList
} ) ;
menu . showAt ( $trigger ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( function ( ) {
OC . Plugins . _plugins = oldPlugins ;
} ) ;
it ( 'renders custom menu items' , function ( ) {
expect ( menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) . length ) . toEqual ( 3 ) ;
expect ( menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem[data-action=file]' ) . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'calls action handler when clicking on custom item' , function ( ) {
menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) . eq ( 2 ) . click ( ) ;
var $input = menu . $el . find ( 'form.filenameform input' ) ;
$input . val ( 'some name' ) ;
$input . trigger ( new $ . Event ( 'keyup' , { keyCode : 13 } ) ) ;
$input . closest ( 'form' ) . submit ( ) ;
expect ( actionStub . calledOnce ) . toEqual ( true ) ;
expect ( actionStub . getCall ( 0 ) . args [ 0 ] ) . toEqual ( 'some name' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'switching fields removes the previous form' , function ( ) {
menu . $el . find ( '.menuitem' ) . eq ( 2 ) . click ( ) ;
expect ( menu . $el . find ( 'form' ) . length ) . toEqual ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;