"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "prepísaný {new_name} súborom {old_name}",
"perform delete operation" => "vykonať zmazanie",
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' je neplatné meno súboru.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "Meno súboru nemôže byť prázdne",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nesprávne meno, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' a '*' nie sú povolené hodnoty.",
@ -56,11 +57,13 @@
"Text file" => "Textový súbor",
"Folder" => "Priečinok",
"From link" => "Z odkazu",
"Trash" => "Kôš",
"Cancel upload" => "Zrušiť odosielanie",
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Žiadny súbor. Nahrajte niečo!",
"Download" => "Stiahnuť",
"Upload too large" => "Odosielaný súbor je príliš veľký",
"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Súbory, ktoré sa snažíte nahrať, presahujú maximálnu veľkosť pre nahratie súborov na tento server.",
"Files are being scanned, please wait." => "Čakajte, súbory sú prehľadávané.",
"Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion." => "Lūdzu, pārslēdzieties uz savu ownCloud klientu un maniet savu šifrēšanas paroli, lai pabeigtu pārveidošanu.",
"switched to client side encryption" => "Pārslēdzās uz klienta puses šifrēšanu",
"Change encryption password to login password" => "Mainīt šifrēšanas paroli uz ierakstīšanās paroli",
"Please check your passwords and try again." => "Lūdzu, pārbaudiet savas paroles un mēģiniet vēlreiz.",
"Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nevarēja mainīt datņu šifrēšanas paroli uz ierakstīšanās paroli",
"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Klienta puses šifrēšana (visdrošākā, bet nav iespējams piekļūt saviem datiem no tīmekļa saskarnes)",
"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Servera puses šifrēšana (ļauj piekļūt datnēm ar tīmekļa saskarni un ar darbvirsmas klientu)",
"None (no encryption at all)" => "Nav (nekādas šifrēšanas)",
"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Svarīgi — kad esat izvēlējies šifrēšanas režīmu, to nekādi nevar mainīt atpakaļ",
"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Lietotājam specifiski (ļauj lietotājam izlemt)",
"Encryption" => "Šifrēšana",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Sekojošos datņu tipus nešifrēt",
"Fill out all required fields" => "Aizpildīt visus pieprasītos laukus",
"Please provide a valid Dropbox app key and secret." => "Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu Dropbox lietotnes atslēgu un noslēpumu.",
"Error configuring Google Drive storage" => "Kļūda, konfigurējot Google Drive krātuvi",
"<b>Warning:</b> \"smbclient\" is not installed. Mounting of CIFS/SMB shares is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Brīdinājums:</b> nav uzinstalēts “smbclient”. Nevar montēt CIFS/SMB koplietojumus. Lūdzu, vaicājiet savam sistēmas administratoram, lai to uzinstalē.",
"<b>Warning:</b> The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of FTP shares is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Brīdinājums: </b> uz PHP nav aktivēts vai instalēts FTP atbalsts. Nevar montēt FTP koplietojumus. Lūdzu, vaicājiet savam sistēmas administratoram, lai to uzinstalē.",
"External Storage" => "Ārējā krātuve",
"Mount point" => "Montēšanas punkts",
"Backend" => "Aizmugure",
"Configuration" => "Konfigurācija",
"Options" => "Opcijas",
"Applicable" => "Piemērojams",
"Add mount point" => "Pievienot montēšanas punktu",
"None set" => "Neviens nav iestatīts",
"All Users" => "Visi lietotāji",
"Groups" => "Grupas",
"Users" => "Lietotāji",
"Delete" => "Izdzēst"
"Delete" => "Dzēst",
"Enable User External Storage" => "Aktivēt lietotāja ārējo krātuvi",
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "Ļaut lietotājiem montēt pašiem savu ārējo krātuvi",
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Defineix el filtre a aplicar quan es mostren grups.",
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "sense cap paràmetre de substitució, per exemple \"objectClass=grupPosix\".",
"Connection Settings" => "Arranjaments de connexió",
"Configuration Active" => "Configuració activa",
"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Si està desmarcat, aquesta configuració s'ometrà.",
"Port" => "Port",
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Si la connexió només funciona amb aquesta opció, importeu el certificat SSL del servidor LDAP en el vostre servidor ownCloud.",
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "No recomanat, ús només per proves.",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "en segons. Un canvi buidarà la memòria de cau.",
"Directory Settings" => "Arranjaments de carpetes",
"User Display Name Field" => "Camp per mostrar el nom d'usuari",
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "Atribut LDAP a usar per generar el nom d'usuari ownCloud.",
"Base User Tree" => "Arbre base d'usuaris",
@ -60,6 +62,7 @@
"One Group Base DN per line" => "Una DN Base de Grup per línia",
"Group Search Attributes" => "Atributs de cerca de grup",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Deixeu-ho buit pel nom d'usuari (per defecte). Altrament, especifiqueu un atribut LDAP/AD.",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "Die Konfiguration ist valide, aber das Herstellen einer Verbindung schlug fehl. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Server-Einstellungen und Zertifikate.",
"The configuration is invalid. Please look in the ownCloud log for further details." => "Die Konfiguration ist nicht valide. Weitere Details können Sie im ownCloud-Log nachlesen.",
"Deletion failed" => "Löschen fehlgeschlagen",
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Sollen die Einstellungen der letzten Server-Konfiguration übernommen werden?",
"Keep settings?" => "Einstellungen behalten?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Das Hinzufügen der Server-Konfiguration schlug fehl",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Verbindungs-Test erfolgreich",
@ -32,11 +33,15 @@
"Group Filter" => "Gruppen-Filter",
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Definiert den Filter für die Anfrage der Gruppen.",
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "ohne Platzhalter, z.B.: \"objectClass=posixGroup\"",
"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "Optionaler Backup Host. Es muss ein Replikat des eigentlichen LDAP/AD Servers sein.",
"Disable Main Server" => "Hauptserver deaktivieren",
"When switched on, ownCloud will only connect to the replica server." => "Wenn eingeschaltet wird sich ownCloud nur mit dem Replilat-Server verbinden.",
"Use TLS" => "Nutze TLS",
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Verwenden Sie dies nicht für SSL-Verbindungen, es wird fehlschlagen.",
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "LDAP-Server (Windows: Groß- und Kleinschreibung bleibt unbeachtet)",
@ -44,16 +49,20 @@
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Falls die Verbindung es erfordert, muss das SSL-Zertifikat des LDAP-Server importiert werden.",
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Nicht empfohlen, nur zu Testzwecken.",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "in Sekunden. Eine Änderung leert den Cache.",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Ohne Eingabe wird der Benutzername (Standard) verwendet. Anderenfall trage ein LDAP/AD-Attribut ein.",
"Failed to delete the server configuration" => "Neizdevās izdzēst servera konfigurāciju",
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "Konfigurācija ir derīga un varēja izveidot savienojumu!",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "Konfigurācija ir derīga, bet sasaiste neizdevās. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet servera iestatījumus un akreditācijas datus.",
"The configuration is invalid. Please look in the ownCloud log for further details." => "Konfigurācija ir nederīga. Lūdzu, apskatiet ownCloud žurnālu, lai uzzinātu vairāk.",
"Deletion failed" => "Neizdevās izdzēst",
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Paņemt iestatījumus no nesenas servera konfigurācijas?",
"Keep settings?" => "Paturēt iestatījumus?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Nevar pievienot servera konfigurāciju",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Savienojuma tests ir veiksmīgs",
"Connection test failed" => "Savienojuma tests cieta neveiksmi",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst pašreizējo servera konfigurāciju?",
"Confirm Deletion" => "Apstiprināt dzēšanu",
"<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may experience unexpected behaviour. Please ask your system administrator to disable one of them." => "<b>Brīdinājums:</b> lietotnes user_ldap un user_webdavauth ir nesavietojamas. Tās var izraisīt negaidītu uzvedību. Lūdzu, prasiet savam sistēmas administratoram kādu no tām deaktivēt.",
"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Brīdinājums:</b> PHP LDAP modulis nav uzinstalēts, aizmugure nedarbosies. Lūdzu, prasiet savam sistēmas administratoram kādu no tām deaktivēt.",
"Add Server Configuration" => "Pievienot servera konfigurāciju",
"Host" => "Resursdators",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Var neiekļaut protokolu, izņemot, ja vajag SSL. Tad sākums ir ldaps://",
"Base DN" => "Bāzes DN",
"One Base DN per line" => "Viena bāzes DN rindā",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Lietotājiem un grupām bāzes DN var norādīt cilnē “Paplašināti”",
"User DN" => "Lietotāja DN",
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Klienta lietotāja DN, ar ko veiks sasaisti, piemēram, uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Lai piekļūtu anonīmi, atstājiet DN un paroli tukšu.",
"Password" => "Parole",
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Lai piekļūtu anonīmi, atstājiet DN un paroli tukšu.",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action." => "Definē filtru, ko izmantot, kad mēģina ierakstīties. %%uid ierakstīšanās darbībā aizstāj lietotājvārdu.",
"use %%uid placeholder, e.g. \"uid=%%uid\"" => "lieto %%uid vietturi, piemēram, \"uid=%%uid\"",
"User List Filter" => "Lietotāju saraksta filtrs",
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users." => "Definē filtru, ko izmantot, kad saņem lietotāju sarakstu.",
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"." => "bez jebkādiem vietturiem, piemēram, \"objectClass=person\".",
"Group Filter" => "Grupu filtrs",
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Definē filtru, ko izmantot, kad saņem grupu sarakstu.",
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "bez jebkādiem vietturiem, piemēram, \"objectClass=posixGroup\".",
"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "Norādi rezerves serveri (nav obligāti). Tam ir jābūt galvenā LDAP/AD servera kopijai.",
"Disable Main Server" => "Deaktivēt galveno serveri",
"When switched on, ownCloud will only connect to the replica server." => "Kad ieslēgts, ownCloud savienosies tikai ar kopijas serveri.",
"Use TLS" => "Lietot TLS",
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Neizmanto to SSL savienojumiem, tas neizdosies.",
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "Reģistrnejutīgs LDAP serveris (Windows)",
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Izslēgt SSL sertifikātu validēšanu.",
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Ja savienojums darbojas ar šo opciju, importē LDAP serveru SSL sertifikātu savā ownCloud serverī.",
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Nav ieteicams, izmanto tikai testēšanai!",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "sekundēs. Izmaiņas iztukšos kešatmiņu.",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Atstāt tukšu lietotāja vārdam (noklusējuma). Citādi, norādi LDAP/AD atribūtu.",
"Failed to delete the server configuration" => "Zlyhalo zmazanie nastavenia servera.",
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "Nastavenie je v poriadku a pripojenie je stabilné.",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "Nastavenie je v poriadku, ale pripojenie zlyhalo. Skontrolujte nastavenia servera a prihlasovacie údaje.",
"The configuration is invalid. Please look in the ownCloud log for further details." => "Nastavenia sú neplatné. Podrobnosti hľadajte v logu ownCloud.",
"Deletion failed" => "Odstránenie zlyhalo",
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Prebrať nastavenia z nedávneho nastavenia servera?",
"Keep settings?" => "Ponechať nastavenia?",
"Cannot add server configuration" => "Nemožno pridať nastavenie servera",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Test pripojenia bol úspešný",
"Connection test failed" => "Test pripojenia zlyhal",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Naozaj chcete zmazať súčasné nastavenie servera?",
"Confirm Deletion" => "Potvrdiť vymazanie",
"<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may experience unexpected behaviour. Please ask your system administrator to disable one of them." => "<b>Upozornenie:</b> Aplikácie user_ldap a user_webdavauth nie sú kompatibilné. Môže nastávať neočakávané správanie. Požiadajte správcu systému aby jednu z nich zakázal.",
"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Upozornenie:</b> nie je nainštalovaný LDAP modul pre PHP, backend vrstva nebude fungovať. Požádejte správcu systému aby ho nainštaloval.",
"Server configuration" => "Nastavenia servera",
"Add Server Configuration" => "Pridať nastavenia servera.",
"Host" => "Hostiteľ",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Môžete vynechať protokol, s výnimkou požadovania SSL. Vtedy začnite s ldaps://",
"Base DN" => "Základné DN",
@ -20,7 +33,15 @@
"Group Filter" => "Filter skupiny",
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Definuje použitý filter, pre získanie skupín.",
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "bez zástupných znakov, napr. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"",
"Connection Settings" => "Nastavenie pripojenia",
"Configuration Active" => "Nastavenia sú aktívne ",
"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Ak nie je zaškrtnuté, nastavenie bude preskočené.",
"Port" => "Port",
"Backup (Replica) Host" => "Záložný server (kópia) hosť",
"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "Zadajte záložný LDAP/AD. Musí to byť kópia hlavného LDAP/AD servera.",
"Backup (Replica) Port" => "Záložný server (kópia) port",
"Disable Main Server" => "Zakázať hlavný server",
"When switched on, ownCloud will only connect to the replica server." => "Pri zapnutí sa ownCloud pripojí len k záložnému serveru.",
"Use TLS" => "Použi TLS",
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Nepoužívajte pre pripojenie SSL, pripojenie zlyhá.",
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "LDAP server nerozlišuje veľkosť znakov (Windows)",
@ -28,15 +49,20 @@
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Ak pripojenie pracuje len s touto možnosťou, tak importujte SSL certifikát LDAP serveru do vášho servera ownCloud.",
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Nie je doporučované, len pre testovacie účely.",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "v sekundách. Zmena vyprázdni vyrovnávaciu pamäť.",
"Directory Settings" => "Nastavenie priečinka",
"User Display Name Field" => "Pole pre zobrazenia mena používateľa",
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "Atribút LDAP použitý na vygenerovanie mena používateľa ownCloud ",
"Base User Tree" => "Základný používateľský strom",
"One User Base DN per line" => "Jedna používateľská základná DN na riadok",
"Group-Member association" => "Asociácia člena skupiny",
"Special Attributes" => "Špeciálne atribúty",
"in bytes" => "v bajtoch",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Nechajte prázdne pre používateľské meno (predvolené). Inak uveďte atribút LDAP/AD.",
"ownCloud will send the user credentials to this URL. This plugin checks the response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials." => "ownCloud akan mengirimkan informasi pengguna ke URL ini. Pengaya akan mengecek respon dan menginterpretasikan kode status HTTP 401 serta 403 sebagai informasi yang keliru, sedangkan respon lainnya dianggap benar."
"ownCloud will send the user credentials to this URL. This plugin checks the response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials." => "ownCloud sūtīs lietotāja akreditācijas datus uz šo URL. Šis spraudnis pārbauda atbildi un interpretē HTTP statusa kodus 401 un 403 kā nederīgus akreditācijas datus un visas citas atbildes kā derīgus akreditācijas datus."
"User %s shared a file with you" => "Lietotājs %s ar jums dalījās ar datni.",
"User %s shared a folder with you" => "Lietotājs %s ar jums dalījās ar mapi.",
"User %s shared the file \"%s\" with you. It is available for download here: %s" => "Lietotājs %s ar jums dalījās ar datni “%s”. To var lejupielādēt šeit — %s",
"User %s shared the folder \"%s\" with you. It is available for download here: %s" => "Lietotājs %s ar jums dalījās ar mapi “%s”. To var lejupielādēt šeit — %s",
"Category type not provided." => "Kategorijas tips nav norādīts.",
"No category to add?" => "Nav kategoriju, ko pievienot?",
"This category already exists: " => "Šāda kategorija jau eksistē:",
"Object type not provided." => "Objekta tips nav norādīts.",
"%s ID not provided." => "%s ID nav norādīts.",
"Error adding %s to favorites." => "Kļūda, pievienojot %s izlasei.",
"No categories selected for deletion." => "Neviena kategorija nav izvēlēta dzēšanai",
"Error removing %s from favorites." => "Kļūda, izņemot %s no izlases.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <ahref=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\"target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "Atjaunināšana beidzās nesekmīgi. Lūdzu, ziņojiet par šo problēmu <ahref=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\"target=\"_blank\">ownCloud kopienai</a>.",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "Atjaunināšana beidzās sekmīgi. Tagad pārsūta jūs uz ownCloud.",
"Your password was reset" => "Jūsu parole tika nomainīta",
@ -34,23 +99,37 @@
"Reset password" => "Mainīt paroli",
"Personal" => "Personīgi",
"Users" => "Lietotāji",
"Apps" => "Aplikācijas",
"Apps" => "Lietotnes",
"Admin" => "Administrators",
"Help" => "Palīdzība",
"Access forbidden" => "Pieeja ir liegta",
"Cloud not found" => "Mākonis netika atrasts",
"Edit categories" => "Rediģēt kategoriju",
"Add" => "Pievienot",
"Security Warning" => "Brīdinājums par drošību",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Nav pieejams drošs nejaušu skaitļu ģenerators. Lūdzu, aktivējiet PHP OpenSSL paplašinājumu.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Bez droša nejaušu skaitļu ģeneratora uzbrucējs var paredzēt paroļu atjaunošanas marķierus un pārņem jūsu kontu.",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the internet. The .htaccess file that ownCloud provides is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the webserver document root." => "Jūsu datu direktorija un datnes visdrīzāk ir pieejamas no interneta. ownCloud nodrošinātā .htaccess datne nedarbojas. Mēs iesakām konfigurēt serveri tā, lai datu direktorija vairs nebūtu pieejama, vai arī pārvietojiet datu direktoriju ārpus tīmekļa servera dokumentu saknes.",
"Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" => "Izveidot <strong>administratora kontu</strong>",
"Advanced" => "Paplašināti",
"Data folder" => "Datu mape",
"Configure the database" => "Nokonfigurēt datubāzi",
"Configure the database" => "Konfigurēt datubāzi",
"web services under your control" => "jūsu vadībā esošie tīmekļa servisi",
"Log out" => "Izrakstīties",
"Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automātiskā ierakstīšanās ir noraidīta!",
"If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "Ja neesat pēdējā laikā mainījis paroli, iespējams, ka jūsu konts ir kompromitēts.",
"Please change your password to secure your account again." => "Lūdzu, nomainiet savu paroli, lai atkal nodrošinātu savu kontu.",
"Lost your password?" => "Aizmirsāt paroli?",
"remember" => "atcerēties",
"Log in" => "Ielogoties",
"Log in" => "Ierakstīties",
"prev" => "iepriekšējā",
"next" => "nākamā"
"next" => "nākamā",
"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "Atjaunina ownCloud uz versiju %s. Tas var aizņemt kādu laiciņu."
"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-05 00:19+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-04 02:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: w41l <walecha99@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/id/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -19,15 +20,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/settings.php:3
msgid "WebDAV Authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Otentikasi WebDAV"
#: templates/settings.php:4
msgid "URL: http://"
msgstr ""
msgstr "URL: http://"
#: templates/settings.php:6
#: templates/settings.php:7
msgid ""
"ownCloud will send the user credentials to this URL. This plugin checks the "
"response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid "
"credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ownCloud akan mengirimkan informasi pengguna ke URL ini. Pengaya akan mengecek respon dan menginterpretasikan kode status HTTP 401 serta 403 sebagai informasi yang keliru, sedangkan respon lainnya dianggap benar."
msgstr "Atjaunināšana beidzās nesekmīgi. Lūdzu, ziņojiet par šo problēmu <a href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud kopienai</a>."
#: js/update.js:18
msgid "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Atjaunināšana beidzās sekmīgi. Tagad pārsūta jūs uz ownCloud."
#: lostpassword/controller.php:47
msgid "ownCloud password reset"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ownCloud paroles maiņa"
#: lostpassword/templates/email.php:2
msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}"
msgstr "Izmantojiet šo linku lai mainītu paroli"
msgstr "Izmantojiet šo saiti, lai mainītu paroli: {link}"
#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3
msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email."
@ -400,11 +401,11 @@ msgstr "Jūs savā epastā saņemsiet interneta saiti, caur kuru varēsiet atjau
@ -475,13 +476,13 @@ msgstr "Brīdinājums par drošību"
msgid ""
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP "
"OpenSSL extension."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nav pieejams drošs nejaušu skaitļu ģenerators. Lūdzu, aktivējiet PHP OpenSSL paplašinājumu."
#: templates/installation.php:26
msgid ""
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict "
"password reset tokens and take over your account."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bez droša nejaušu skaitļu ģeneratora uzbrucējs var paredzēt paroļu atjaunošanas marķierus un pārņem jūsu kontu."
#: templates/installation.php:32
msgid ""
@ -490,15 +491,15 @@ msgid ""
"strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data "
"directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the"
" webserver document root."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jūsu datu direktorija un datnes visdrīzāk ir pieejamas no interneta. ownCloud nodrošinātā .htaccess datne nedarbojas. Mēs iesakām konfigurēt serveri tā, lai datu direktorija vairs nebūtu pieejama, vai arī pārvietojiet datu direktoriju ārpus tīmekļa servera dokumentu saknes."
"<b>Warning:</b> \"smbclient\" is not installed. Mounting of CIFS/SMB shares "
"is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<b>Brīdinājums:</b> nav uzinstalēts “smbclient”. Nevar montēt CIFS/SMB koplietojumus. Lūdzu, vaicājiet savam sistēmas administratoram, lai to uzinstalē."
#: lib/config.php:406
msgid ""
"<b>Warning:</b> The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting"
" of FTP shares is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to "
"install it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<b>Brīdinājums: </b> uz PHP nav aktivēts vai instalēts FTP atbalsts. Nevar montēt FTP koplietojumus. Lūdzu, vaicājiet savam sistēmas administratoram, lai to uzinstalē."
"<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may"
" experience unexpected behaviour. Please ask your system administrator to "
"disable one of them."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<b>Brīdinājums:</b> lietotnes user_ldap un user_webdavauth ir nesavietojamas. Tās var izraisīt negaidītu uzvedību. Lūdzu, prasiet savam sistēmas administratoram kādu no tām deaktivēt."
#: templates/settings.php:11
msgid ""
"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not "
"work. Please ask your system administrator to install it."
msgstr ""
msgstr "<b>Brīdinājums:</b> PHP LDAP modulis nav uzinstalēts, aizmugure nedarbosies. Lūdzu, prasiet savam sistēmas administratoram kādu no tām deaktivēt."
#: templates/settings.php:15
msgid "Server configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Servera konfigurācija"
#: templates/settings.php:17
msgid "Add Server Configuration"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pievienot servera konfigurāciju"
#: templates/settings.php:21
msgid "Host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resursdators"
#: templates/settings.php:21
msgid ""
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Var neiekļaut protokolu, izņemot, ja vajag SSL. Tad sākums ir ldaps://"
#: templates/settings.php:22
msgid "Base DN"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bāzes DN"
#: templates/settings.php:22
msgid "One Base DN per line"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Viena bāzes DN rindā"
#: templates/settings.php:22
msgid "You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lietotājiem un grupām bāzes DN var norādīt cilnē “Paplašināti”"
#: templates/settings.php:23
msgid "User DN"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lietotāja DN"
#: templates/settings.php:23
msgid ""
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. "
"uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Klienta lietotāja DN, ar ko veiks sasaisti, piemēram, uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Lai piekļūtu anonīmi, atstājiet DN un paroli tukšu."
#: templates/settings.php:24
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Parole"
#: templates/settings.php:24
msgid "For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lai piekļūtu anonīmi, atstājiet DN un paroli tukšu."
#: templates/settings.php:25
msgid "User Login Filter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lietotāja ierakstīšanās filtrs"
#: templates/settings.php:25
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the "
"username in the login action."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Definē filtru, ko izmantot, kad mēģina ierakstīties. %%uid ierakstīšanās darbībā aizstāj lietotājvārdu."
#: templates/settings.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "use %%uid placeholder, e.g. \"uid=%%uid\""
msgstr ""
msgstr "lieto %%uid vietturi, piemēram, \"uid=%%uid\""
#: templates/settings.php:26
msgid "User List Filter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lietotāju saraksta filtrs"
#: templates/settings.php:26
msgid "Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Definē filtru, ko izmantot, kad saņem lietotāju sarakstu."
#: templates/settings.php:26
msgid "without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"."
msgstr ""
msgstr "bez jebkādiem vietturiem, piemēram, \"objectClass=person\"."
#: templates/settings.php:27
msgid "Group Filter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Grupu filtrs"
#: templates/settings.php:27
msgid "Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Definē filtru, ko izmantot, kad saņem grupu sarakstu."
#: templates/settings.php:27
msgid "without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"."
msgstr ""
msgstr "bez jebkādiem vietturiem, piemēram, \"objectClass=posixGroup\"."
#: templates/settings.php:31
msgid "Connection Settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Savienojuma iestatījumi"
#: templates/settings.php:33
msgid "Configuration Active"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Konfigurācija ir aktīva"
#: templates/settings.php:33
msgid "When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ja nav atzīmēts, šī konfigurācija tiks izlaista."
#: templates/settings.php:34
msgid "Port"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ports"
#: templates/settings.php:35
msgid "Backup (Replica) Host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Rezerves (kopija) serveris"
#: templates/settings.php:35
msgid ""
"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Norādi rezerves serveri (nav obligāti). Tam ir jābūt galvenā LDAP/AD servera kopijai."
#: templates/settings.php:36
msgid "Backup (Replica) Port"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Rezerves (kopijas) ports"
#: templates/settings.php:37
msgid "Disable Main Server"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deaktivēt galveno serveri"
#: templates/settings.php:37
msgid "When switched on, ownCloud will only connect to the replica server."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kad ieslēgts, ownCloud savienosies tikai ar kopijas serveri."
#: templates/settings.php:38
msgid "Use TLS"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lietot TLS"
#: templates/settings.php:38
msgid "Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Neizmanto to SSL savienojumiem, tas neizdosies."
#: templates/settings.php:39
msgid "Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Reģistrnejutīgs LDAP serveris (Windows)"
#: templates/settings.php:40
msgid "Turn off SSL certificate validation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Izslēgt SSL sertifikātu validēšanu."
#: templates/settings.php:40
msgid ""
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL "
"certificate in your ownCloud server."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ja savienojums darbojas ar šo opciju, importē LDAP serveru SSL sertifikātu savā ownCloud serverī."
#: templates/settings.php:40
msgid "Not recommended, use for testing only."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nav ieteicams, izmanto tikai testēšanai!"
#: templates/settings.php:41
msgid "in seconds. A change empties the cache."
msgstr ""
msgstr "sekundēs. Izmaiņas iztukšos kešatmiņu."
#: templates/settings.php:43
msgid "Directory Settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Direktorijas iestatījumi"
#: templates/settings.php:45
msgid "User Display Name Field"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lietotāja redzamā vārda lauks"
#: templates/settings.php:45
msgid "The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name."
msgstr ""
msgstr "LDAP atribūts, ko izmantot lietotāja ownCloud vārda veidošanai."
"Language-Team: Latvian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lv/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -19,15 +20,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: templates/settings.php:3
msgid "WebDAV Authentication"
msgstr ""
msgstr "WebDAV autentifikācija"
#: templates/settings.php:4
msgid "URL: http://"
msgstr ""
msgstr "URL: http://"
#: templates/settings.php:6
#: templates/settings.php:7
msgid ""
"ownCloud will send the user credentials to this URL. This plugin checks the "
"response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid "
"credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials."
msgstr ""
msgstr "ownCloud sūtīs lietotāja akreditācijas datus uz šo URL. Šis spraudnis pārbauda atbildi un interpretē HTTP statusa kodus 401 un 403 kā nederīgus akreditācijas datus un visas citas atbildes kā derīgus akreditācijas datus."