"Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes.":"使用系统定时任务服务每5分钟执行一次cron.php文件。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"%s\".":"cron.php 需要被系统用户 \"%s\" 执行。",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details.":"为了运行该功能,您需要 PHP posix 扩展。请参考 {linkstart}PHP 文档{linkend} 获取更多信息。",
"You need to enable the File sharing App.":"你需要启用 File 共享应用",
"As admin you can fine-tune the sharing behavior. Please see the documentation for more information.":"作为管理员,您可以调整共享行为。 有关详细信息,请参阅文档。",
"Allow apps to use the Share API":"允许应用使用共享 API",
"Set default expiration date for shares":"设置共享的默认截止日期",
"Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes.":"使用系统定时任务服务每5分钟执行一次cron.php文件。",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"%s\".":"cron.php 需要被系统用户 \"%s\" 执行。",
"To run this you need the PHP POSIX extension. See {linkstart}PHP documentation{linkend} for more details.":"为了运行该功能,您需要 PHP posix 扩展。请参考 {linkstart}PHP 文档{linkend} 获取更多信息。",
"You need to enable the File sharing App.":"你需要启用 File 共享应用",
"As admin you can fine-tune the sharing behavior. Please see the documentation for more information.":"作为管理员,您可以调整共享行为。 有关详细信息,请参阅文档。",
"Allow apps to use the Share API":"允许应用使用共享 API",
"Set default expiration date for shares":"设置共享的默认截止日期",