"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Invalid name: '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" => "Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialised, please log-out and log-in again",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files.",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre Invalido, \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Su almacenamiento está lleno, ¡no se pueden actualizar o sincronizar más!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Su almacenamiento está casi lleno ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" => "Encryption App está habilitada pero tus claves no han sido inicializadas, por favor, cierra la sesión y vuelva a iniciarla de nuevo.",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "La clave privada no es válida para Encryption App. Por favor, actualiza la contraseña de tu clave privada en tus ajustes personales para recuperar el acceso a tus archivos encriptados.",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "El cifrado ha sido deshabilitado pero tus archivos permanecen cifrados. Por favor, ve a tus ajustes personales para descifrar tus archivos.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Su descarga está siendo preparada. Esto puede tardar algún tiempo si los archivos son grandes.",
"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus. Üleslaetud faili ei leitud",
"Invalid directory." => "Vigane kaust.",
"Files" => "Failid",
"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Ei saa üles laadida {filename}, kuna see on kataloog või selle suurus on 0 baiti",
"Not enough space available" => "Pole piisavalt ruumi",
"Could not get result from server." => "Serverist ei saadud tulemusi",
@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Vigane nimi, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' ja '*' pole lubatud.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Sinu andmemaht on täis! Faile ei uuendata ega sünkroniseerita!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Su andmemaht on peaaegu täis ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" => "Krüpteerimisrakend on lubatud, kuid võtmeid pole lähtestatud. Palun logi välja ning uuesti sisse.",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Vigane Krüpteerimisrakendi privaatvõti . Palun uuenda oma privaatse võtme parool oma personaasete seadete all taastamaks ligipääsu oma krüpteeritud failidele.",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Krüpteering on keelatud, kuid sinu failid on endiselt krüpteeritud. Palun vaata oma personaalseid seadeid oma failide dekrüpteerimiseks.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Valmistatakse allalaadimist. See võib võtta veidi aega, kui on tegu suurte failidega. ",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nom invalide, les caractères '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' et '*' ne sont pas autorisés.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Votre espage de stockage est plein, les fichiers ne peuvent plus être téléversés ou synchronisés !",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Votre espace de stockage est presque plein ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" => "L'application de chiffrement est activée mais vos clés ne sont pas initialisées, veuillez vous déconnecter et ensuite vous reconnecter.",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Votre clef privée pour l'application de chiffrement est invalide ! Veuillez mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée dans vos paramètres personnels pour récupérer l'accès à vos fichiers chiffrés.",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Le chiffrement était désactivé mais vos fichiers sont toujours chiffrés. Veuillez vous rendre sur vos Paramètres personnels pour déchiffrer vos fichiers.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Votre téléchargement est cours de préparation. Ceci peut nécessiter un certain temps si les fichiers sont volumineux.",
"Error moving file" => "Erreur lors du déplacement du fichier",
"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "Upload mislukt, Kon geen bestandsinfo krijgen.",
"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Upload mislukt. Kon ge-uploade bestand niet vinden",
"Invalid directory." => "Ongeldige directory.",
"Files" => "Bestanden",
"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kan {filename} niet uploaden omdat het een map is of 0 bytes groot is",
"Not enough space available" => "Niet genoeg ruimte beschikbaar",
"Upload cancelled." => "Uploaden geannuleerd.",
"Could not get result from server." => "Kon het resultaat van de server niet terugkrijgen.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Bestandsupload is bezig. Wanneer de pagina nu verlaten wordt, stopt de upload.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL kan niet leeg zijn.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "Ongeldige mapnaam. Gebruik van 'Gedeeld' is voorbehouden aan Owncloud zelf",
@ -40,8 +44,11 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Onjuiste naam; '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' en '*' zijn niet toegestaan.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Uw opslagruimte zit vol, Bestanden kunnen niet meer worden ge-upload of gesynchroniseerd!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Uw opslagruimte zit bijna vol ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" => "Crypto app is geactiveerd, maar uw sleutels werden niet geïnitialiseerd. Log uit en log daarna opnieuw in.",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Ongeldige privésleutel voor crypto app. Werk het privésleutel wachtwoord bij in uw persoonlijke instellingen om opnieuw toegang te krijgen tot uw versleutelde bestanden.",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Encryptie is uitgeschakeld maar uw bestanden zijn nog steeds versleuteld. Ga naar uw persoonlijke instellingen om uw bestanden te decoderen.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Uw download wordt voorbereid. Dit kan enige tijd duren bij grote bestanden.",
"Error moving file" => "Fout bij verplaatsen bestand",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Está a faltar a pasta temporária",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Falhou a escrita no disco",
"Not enough storage available" => "Não há espaço suficiente em disco",
"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "O carregamento falhou. Não foi possível obter a informação do ficheiro.",
"Invalid directory." => "Directório Inválido",
"Files" => "Ficheiros",
"Not enough space available" => "Espaço em disco insuficiente!",
"Upload cancelled." => "Envio cancelado.",
"Could not get result from server." => "Não foi possível obter o resultado do servidor.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Envio de ficheiro em progresso. Irá cancelar o envio se sair da página agora.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "O URL não pode estar vazio.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "Nome da pasta inválido. Palavra 'Shared' é reservado pela ownCloud",
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "O seu espaço de armazenamento está quase cheiro ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "A encriptação foi desactivada mas os seus ficheiros continuam encriptados. Por favor consulte as suas definições pessoais para desencriptar os ficheiros.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "O seu download está a ser preparado. Este processo pode demorar algum tempo se os ficheiros forem grandes.",
"Error moving file" => "Erro ao mover o ficheiro",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "En temporär mapp saknas",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Misslyckades spara till disk",
"Not enough storage available" => "Inte tillräckligt med lagringsutrymme tillgängligt",
"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "Uppladdning misslyckades. Gick inte att hämta filinformation.",
"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Uppladdning misslyckades. Kunde inte hitta den uppladdade filen",
"Invalid directory." => "Felaktig mapp.",
"Files" => "Filer",
"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Kan inte ladda upp {filename} eftersom den antingen är en mapp eller har 0 bytes.",
"Not enough space available" => "Inte tillräckligt med utrymme tillgängligt",
"Upload cancelled." => "Uppladdning avbruten.",
"Could not get result from server." => "Gick inte att hämta resultat från server.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Filuppladdning pågår. Lämnar du sidan så avbryts uppladdningen.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL kan inte vara tom.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "Ogiltigt mappnamn. Användning av 'Shared' är reserverad av ownCloud",
@ -40,8 +44,11 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Ogiltigt namn, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' och '*' är inte tillåtet.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Ditt lagringsutrymme är fullt, filer kan inte längre uppdateras eller synkroniseras!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Ditt lagringsutrymme är nästan fullt ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" => "Krypteringsprogrammet är aktiverat men dina nycklar är inte initierade. Vänligen logga ut och in igen",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Ogiltig privat nyckel i krypteringsprogrammet. Vänligen uppdatera lösenordet till din privata nyckel under dina personliga inställningar för att återfå tillgång till dina krypterade filer.",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Kryptering inaktiverades men dina filer är fortfarande krypterade. Vänligen gå till sidan för dina personliga inställningar för att dekryptera dina filer.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Din nedladdning förbereds. Det kan ta tid om det är stora filer.",
"Error moving file" => "Fel uppstod vid flyttning av fil",
@ -5,26 +5,39 @@ if (!isset($_)) { //also provide standalone error page
$l = OC_L10N::get('files_encryption');
if (isset($_GET['i']) && $_GET['i'] === '0') {
$errorMsg = $l->t('Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app.');
$init = '0';
if (isset($_GET['errorCode'])) {
$errorCode = $_GET['errorCode'];
switch ($errorCode) {
$errorMsg = $l->t('Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app.');
$errorMsg = $l->t('Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files.');
$errorMsg = $l->t('Can not decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you.');
$errorMsg = $l->t("Unknown error please check your system settings or contact your administrator");
} else {
$errorMsg = $l->t('Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files.');
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Das Passwort konnte nicht geändert werden. Vielleicht war das alte Passwort falsch.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Das Passwort des privaten Schlüssels konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Eventuell war das alte Passwort falsch.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Verschlüsselung-App ist nicht initialisiert! Vielleicht wurde die Verschlüsselung-App in der aktuellen Sitzung reaktiviert. Bitte versuche Dich ab- und wieder anzumelden, um die Verschlüsselung-App zu initialisieren.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Dein privater Schlüssel ist ungültig. Möglicher Weise wurde von außerhalb Dein Passwort geändert (z.B. in deinem gemeinsamen Verzeichnis). Du kannst das Passwort deines privaten Schlüssels in den persönlichen Einstellungen aktualisieren, um wieder an deine Dateien zu gelangen.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Bitte stelle sicher, dass PHP 5.3.3 oder neuer installiert und das OpenSSL zusammen mit der PHP-Erweiterung aktiviert und richtig konfiguriert ist. Zur Zeit ist die Verschlüsselungs-App deaktiviert.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Für folgende Nutzer ist keine Verschlüsselung eingerichtet:",
"Saving..." => "Speichern...",
"Go directly to your " => "Direkt wechseln zu Deinem",
"personal settings" => "Private Einstellungen",
"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel aktivieren (ermöglicht das Wiederherstellen von Dateien, falls das Passwort vergessen wurde):",
"New Recovery key password" => "Neues Wiederherstellungsschlüssel-Passwort",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Neues Schlüssel-Passwort zur Wiederherstellung wiederholen",
"Change Password" => "Passwort ändern",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Ihr Passwort für ihren privaten Schlüssel stimmt nicht mehr mit ihrem Loginpasswort überein.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Setzen Sie ihr altes Passwort für ihren privaten Schlüssel auf ihr aktuelles Login-Passwort",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Das Passwort konnte nicht geändert werden. Vielleicht war das alte Passwort nicht richtig.",
"Private key password successfully updated." => "Das Passwort des privaten Schlüssels wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Das Passwort des privaten Schlüssels konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Vielleicht war das alte Passwort nicht richtig.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Verschlüsselung-App ist nicht initialisiert! Vielleicht wurde die Verschlüsselung-App in der aktuellen Sitzung reaktiviert. Bitte versuchen Sie sich ab- und wieder anzumelden, um die Verschlüsselung-App zu initialisieren.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Ihr privater Schlüssel ist ungültig. Möglicher Weise wurde von außerhalb Ihr Passwort geändert (z.B. in Ihrem gemeinsamen Verzeichnis). Sie können das Passwort Ihres privaten Schlüssels in den persönlichen Einstellungen aktualisieren, um wieder an Ihre Dateien zu gelangen.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass PHP 5.3.3 oder neuer installiert und das OpenSSL zusammen mit der PHP-Erweiterung aktiviert und richtig konfiguriert ist. Zur Zeit ist die Verschlüsselungs-App deaktiviert.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Für folgende Nutzer ist keine Verschlüsselung eingerichtet:",
"Saving..." => "Speichern...",
"Go directly to your " => "Direkt wechseln zu Ihrem",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Aktivieren Sie den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel (erlaubt die Wiederherstellung des Zugangs zu den Benutzerdateien, wenn das Passwort verloren geht).",
"New Recovery key password" => "Neues Wiederherstellungsschlüsselpasswort ",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Neues Schlüssel-Passwort zur Wiederherstellung wiederholen",
"Change Password" => "Passwort ändern",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Das Privatschlüsselpasswort darf nicht länger mit den Login-Passwort übereinstimmen.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Setzen Sie Ihr altes Privatschlüsselpasswort auf Ihr aktuelles LogIn-Passwort.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Encryption app not initialised! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialise the encryption app.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Following users are not set up for encryption:",
"Saving..." => "Saving...",
"Go directly to your " => "Go directly to your ",
"personal settings" => "personal settings",
"Encryption" => "Encryption",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):",
"New Recovery key password" => "New recovery key password",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Repeat new recovery key password",
"Change Password" => "Change Password",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Your private key password no longer match your login password:",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Your private key password no longer matches your login password:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Set your old private key password to your current login password.",
" If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files." => " If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files.",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "No se pudo cambiar la contraseña. Compruebe que la contraseña actual sea correcta.",
"Private key password successfully updated." => "Contraseña de clave privada actualizada con éxito.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "No se pudo cambiar la contraseña. Puede que la contraseña antigua no sea correcta.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "¡Encryption App no está inicializada!. Quizás la aplicación fue reiniciada durante tu sesión. Por favor, cierra la sesión y vuelva a iniciarla para intentar inicializar la Encryption App.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "¡Su clave privada no es válida! Tal vez su contraseña ha sido cambiada desde fuera. Puede actualizar su clave privada en sus opciones personales para recuperar el acceso a sus ficheros.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Por favor, asegúrese de que PHP 5.3.3 o posterior está instalado y que la extensión OpenSSL de PHP está habilitada y configurada correctamente. Por el momento, la aplicación de cifrado ha sido deshabilitada.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Los siguientes usuarios no han sido configurados para el cifrado:",
"Saving..." => "Guardando...",
"Go directly to your " => "Ir directamente a su",
"personal settings" => "opciones personales",
"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Habilitar la clave de recuperación (permite recuperar los ficheros del usuario en caso de pérdida de la contraseña);",
"Recovery key password" => "Contraseña de clave de recuperación",
"Repeat Recovery key password" => "Repetir contraseña de clave de recuperación",
"Enabled" => "Habilitar",
"Disabled" => "Deshabilitado",
"Change recovery key password:" => "Cambiar la contraseña de la clave de recuperación",
"Old Recovery key password" => "Antigua clave de recuperación",
"New Recovery key password" => "Nueva clave de recuperación",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Repetir nueva contraseña de clave de recuperación",
"Change Password" => "Cambiar contraseña",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Su contraseña de clave privada ya no coincide con su contraseña de acceso:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Establecer la contraseña de su antigua clave privada a su contraseña actual de acceso.",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Ei suutnud vahetada parooli. Võib-olla on vana parool valesti sisestatud.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Ei suutnud uuendada privaatse võtme parooli. Võib-olla polnud vana parool õige.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Krüpteerimise rakend pole käivitatud. Võib-olla krüpteerimise rakend taaskäivitati sinu sessiooni kestel. Palun proovi logida välja ning uuesti sisse käivitamaks krüpteerimise rakendit.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Sinu privaatne võti pole toimiv! Tõenäoliselt on sinu parool muutunud väljaspool ownCloud süsteemi (näiteks ettevõtte keskhaldus). Sa saad uuendada oma privaatse võtme parooli seadete all taastamaks ligipääsu oma krüpteeritud failidele.",
"Missing requirements." => "Nõutavad on puudu.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Palun veendu, et on paigaldatud PHP 5.3.3 või uuem ning PHP OpenSSL laiendus on lubatud ning seadistatud korrektselt. Hetkel krüpteerimise rakendus on peatatud.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Järgmised kasutajad pole seadistatud krüpteeringuks:",
"Saving..." => "Salvestamine...",
"Go directly to your " => "Liigu otse oma",
"personal settings" => "isiklikes seadetes",
"Encryption" => "Krüpteerimine",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Luba taastevõti (võimada kasutaja failide taastamine parooli kaotuse puhul):",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Ne peut pas changer le mot de passe. L'ancien mot de passe est peut-être incorrect.",
"Private key password successfully updated." => "Mot de passe de la clé privé mis à jour avec succès.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Impossible de mettre à jour le mot de passe de la clé privé. Peut-être que l'ancien mot de passe n'était pas correcte.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "L'application de chiffrement n'est pas initialisée ! Peut-être que cette application a été réactivée pendant votre session. Veuillez essayer de vous déconnecter et ensuite de vous reconnecter pour initialiser l'application de chiffrement.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Votre clé de sécurité privée n'est pas valide! Il est probable que votre mot de passe ait été changé sans passer par le système ownCloud (par éxemple: le serveur de votre entreprise). Ain d'avoir à nouveau accès à vos fichiers cryptés, vous pouvez mettre à jour votre clé de sécurité privée dans les paramètres personnels de votre compte.",
"Missing requirements." => "Système minimum requis non respecté.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Veuillez vous assurer qu'une version de PHP 5.3.3 ou supérieure est installée et qu'OpenSSL et son extension PHP sont activés et configurés correctement. En attendant, l'application de chiffrement été désactivée.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Les utilisateurs suivants ne sont pas configurés pour le chiffrement :",
"Saving..." => "Enregistrement...",
"Go directly to your " => "Allez directement à votre",
"personal settings" => "paramètres personnel",
"Encryption" => "Chiffrement",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Activer la clef de récupération (permet de récupérer les fichiers des utilisateurs en cas de perte de mot de passe).",
"Recovery key password" => "Mot de passe de la clef de récupération",
"Repeat Recovery key password" => "Répétez le mot de passe de la clé de récupération",
"Enabled" => "Activer",
"Disabled" => "Désactiver",
"Change recovery key password:" => "Modifier le mot de passe de la clef de récupération :",
"Old Recovery key password" => "Ancien mot de passe de la clef de récupération",
"New Recovery key password" => "Nouveau mot de passe de la clef de récupération",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Répétez le nouveau mot de passe de la clé de récupération",
"Change Password" => "Changer de mot de passe",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Le mot de passe de votre clef privée ne correspond plus à votre mot de passe de connexion :",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Configurez le mot de passe de votre ancienne clef privée avec votre mot de passe courant de connexion. ",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Non foi posíbel cambiar o contrasinal. Probabelmente o contrasinal antigo non é o correcto.",
"Private key password successfully updated." => "A chave privada foi actualizada correctamente.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Non foi posíbel actualizar o contrasinal da chave privada. É probábel que o contrasinal antigo non sexa correcto.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Non se iniciou o aplicativo de cifrado! Quizais volva a activarse durante a sesión. Tente pechar a sesión e volver iniciala que tamén se inicie o aplicativo de cifrado.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "A chave privada non é correcta! É probábel que o seu contrasinal teña sido cambiado desde o exterior (p.ex. o seu directorio corporativo). Vostede pode actualizar o contrasinal da súa chave privada nos seus axustes persoais para recuperar o acceso aos seus ficheiros",
"Missing requirements." => "Non se cumpren os requisitos.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Asegúrese de que está instalado o PHP 5.3.3 ou posterior e de o OpenSSL xunto coa extensión PHP estean activados e configurados correctamente. Polo de agora foi desactivado o aplicativo de cifrado.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Os seguintes usuarios non teñen configuración para o cifrado:",
"Saving..." => "Gardando...",
"Go directly to your " => "Vaia directamente ao seu",
"personal settings" => "axustes persoais",
"Encryption" => "Cifrado",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Activar a chave de recuperación (permitirá recuperar os ficheiros dos usuarios no caso de perda do contrasinal):",
"Recovery key password" => "Contrasinal da chave de recuperación",
"Repeat Recovery key password" => "Repita o contrasinal da chave da recuperación",
"Enabled" => "Activado",
"Disabled" => "Desactivado",
"Change recovery key password:" => "Cambiar o contrasinal da chave de la recuperación:",
"Old Recovery key password" => "Antigo contrasinal da chave de recuperación",
"New Recovery key password" => "Novo contrasinal da chave de recuperación",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Repita o novo contrasinal da chave da recuperación",
"Change Password" => "Cambiar o contrasinal",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "O seu contrasinal da chave privada non coincide co seu contrasinal de acceso.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Estabeleza o seu contrasinal antigo da chave de recuperación ao seu contrasinal de acceso actual",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Assicurati che sia installato PHP 5.3.3 o versioni successive e che l'estensione OpenSSL di PHP sia abilitata e configurata correttamente. Per ora, l'applicazione di cifratura è disabilitata.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "I seguenti utenti non sono configurati per la cifratura:",
"Saving..." => "Salvataggio in corso...",
"Go directly to your " => "Passa direttamente a",
"personal settings" => "impostazioni personali",
"Encryption" => "Cifratura",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Abilita la chiave di recupero (permette di recuperare i file utenti in caso di perdita della password):",
"Recovery key password" => "Password della chiave di recupero",
"Repeat Recovery key password" => "Ripeti la password della chiave di recupero",
"Enabled" => "Abilitata",
"Disabled" => "Disabilitata",
"Change recovery key password:" => "Cambia la password della chiave di recupero:",
"Old Recovery key password" => "Vecchia password della chiave di recupero",
"New Recovery key password" => "Nuova password della chiave di recupero",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Ripeti la nuova password della chiave di recupero",
"Change Password" => "Modifica password",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "La password della chiave privata non corrisponde più alla password di accesso:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Imposta la vecchia password della chiave privata sull'attuale password di accesso.",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Slaptažodis nebuvo pakeistas. Gali būti, kad buvo neteisingai suvestas senasis.",
"Private key password successfully updated." => "Privataus rakto slaptažodis buvo sėkmingai atnaujintas.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Nepavyko atnaujinti privataus rakto slaptažodžio. Gali būti, kad buvo neteisingai suvestas senasis.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Šifravimo programa nepaleista! Galbūt šifravimo programa buvo įjungta dar kartą Jūsų sesijos metu. Prašome atsijungti ir vėl prisijungti, kad paleisti šifravimo programą.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Jūsų privatus raktas yra netinkamas! Panašu, kad Jūsų slaptažodis buvo pakeistas išorėje ownCloud sistemos (pvz. Jūsų organizacijos kataloge). Galite atnaujinti savo privataus rakto slaptažodį savo asmeniniuose nustatymuose, kad atkurti prieigą prie savo šifruotų failų.",
"Missing requirements." => "Trūkstami laukai.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Prašome įsitikinti, kad PHP 5.3.3 ar naujesnė yra įdiegta ir kad OpenSSL kartu su PHP plėtiniu yra šjungti ir teisingai sukonfigūruoti. Kol kas šifravimo programa bus išjungta.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Sekantys naudotojai nenustatyti šifravimui:",
"Saving..." => "Saugoma...",
"Go directly to your " => "Eiti tiesiai į Jūsų",
"personal settings" => "asmeniniai nustatymai",
"Encryption" => "Šifravimas",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Įjunkite atkūrimo raktą, (leisti atkurti naudotojų failus praradus slaptažodį):",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Kon wachtwoord niet wijzigen. Wellicht oude wachtwoord niet juist ingevoerd.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Kon het wachtwoord van de privésleutel niet wijzigen. Misschien was het oude wachtwoord onjuist.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Crypto app niet geïnitialiseerd. Misschien werd de crypto app geheractiveerd tijdens de sessie. Log uit en log daarna opnieuw in om de crypto app te initialiseren.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Uw privésleutel is niet geldig! Misschien was uw wachtwoord van buitenaf gewijzigd. U kunt het wachtwoord van uw privésleutel aanpassen in uw persoonlijke instellingen om toegang tot uw versleutelde bestanden te vergaren.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Wees er zeker van dat PHP5.3.3 of nieuwer is geïstalleerd en dat de OpenSSL PHP extensie is ingeschakeld en correct geconfigureerd. De versleutel-app is voorlopig uitgeschakeld.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "De volgende gebruikers hebben geen configuratie voor encryptie:",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Activeren herstelsleutel (maakt het mogelijk om gebruikersbestanden terug te halen in geval van verlies van het wachtwoord):",
"New Recovery key password" => "Nieuwe wachtwoord herstelsleutel",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Herhaal het nieuwe herstelsleutel wachtwoord",
"Change Password" => "Wijzigen wachtwoord",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Het wachtwoord van uw privésleutel komt niet meer overeen met uw inlogwachtwoord:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Stel het wachtwoord van uw oude privésleutel in op uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Nie można zmienić prywatnego hasła. Może stare hasło nie było poprawne.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Szyfrowanie aplikacja nie została zainicjowane! Może szyfrowanie aplikacji zostało ponownie włączone podczas tej sesji. Spróbuj się wylogować i zalogować ponownie aby zainicjować szyfrowanie aplikacji.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Klucz prywatny nie jest ważny! Prawdopodobnie Twoje hasło zostało zmienione poza systemem ownCloud (np. w katalogu firmy). Aby odzyskać dostęp do zaszyfrowanych plików można zaktualizować hasło klucza prywatnego w ustawieniach osobistych.",
"Missing requirements." => "Brak wymagań.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Proszę upewnić się, że PHP 5.3.3 lub nowszy jest zainstalowany i że OpenSSL oraz rozszerzenie PHP jest włączone i poprawnie skonfigurowane. Obecnie szyfrowanie aplikacji zostało wyłączone.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Następujący użytkownicy nie mają skonfigurowanego szyfrowania:",
"Saving..." => "Zapisywanie...",
"Go directly to your " => "Przejdź bezpośrednio do",
"personal settings" => "Ustawienia osobiste",
"Encryption" => "Szyfrowanie",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Włączhasło klucza odzyskiwania (pozwala odzyskać pliki użytkowników w przypadku utraty hasła):",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Não foi possível alterar a senha. Talvez a senha antiga não estava correta.",
"Private key password successfully updated." => "Senha de chave privada atualizada com sucesso.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Não foi possível atualizar a senha de chave privada. Talvez a senha antiga esteja incorreta.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Aplicativo de criptografia não foi inicializado! Talvez o aplicativo de criptografia tenha sido reativado durante essa sessão. Por favor, tente fazer logoff e login novamente para inicializar o aplicativo de criptografia.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Sua chave privada não é válida! Provavelmente sua senha foi alterada fora do sistema ownCloud (por exemplo, seu diretório corporativo). Você pode atualizar sua senha de chave privada em suas configurações pessoais para recuperar o acesso a seus arquivos criptografados.",
"Missing requirements." => "Requisitos não encontrados.",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Por favor, certifique-se que o PHP 5.3.3 ou mais recente está instalado e que a extensão PHP OpenSSL está habilitado e configurado corretamente. Por enquanto, o aplicativo de criptografia foi desativado.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Seguintes usuários não estão configurados para criptografia:",
"Saving..." => "Salvando...",
"Go directly to your " => "Ir diretamente para o seu",
"personal settings" => "configurações pessoais.",
"Encryption" => "Criptografia",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Habilitar chave de recuperação (permite recuperar arquivos de usuários em caso de perda de senha):",
"Recovery key password" => "Senha da chave de recuperação",
"Repeat Recovery key password" => "Repita Recuperação de senha da chave",
"Enabled" => "Habilitado",
"Disabled" => "Desabilitado",
"Change recovery key password:" => "Mudar a senha da chave de recuperação:",
"Old Recovery key password" => "Senha antiga da chave de recuperação",
"New Recovery key password" => "Nova senha da chave de recuperação",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Repita Nova senha da chave de recuperação",
"Change Password" => "Trocar Senha",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Sua senha de chave privada não coincide mais com sua senha de login:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Configure sua antiga senha de chave privada para sua atual senha de login.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Não foi possível alterar a chave. Possivelmente a password antiga não está correcta.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Chave privada não é válida! Provavelmente senha foi alterada fora do sistema ownCloud (exemplo, o diretório corporativo). Pode atualizar password da chave privada em configurações personalizadas para recuperar o acesso aos seus arquivos encriptados.",
"Missing requirements." => "Faltam alguns requisitos.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Os utilizadores seguintes não estão marcados para cifragem:",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Kunde inte uppdatera den privata lösenordsnyckeln. Kanske var det gamla lösenordet fel.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Din privata lösenordsnyckel är inte giltig! Troligen har ditt lösenord ändrats utanför ownCloud (t.ex. i företagets katalogtjänst). Du kan uppdatera den privata lösenordsnyckeln under dina personliga inställningar för att återfå tillgång till dina filer.",
"Could not update the private key password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Kunde inte uppdatera lösenordet för den privata nyckeln. Kanske var det gamla lösenordet fel.",
"Encryption app not initialized! Maybe the encryption app was re-enabled during your session. Please try to log out and log back in to initialize the encryption app." => "Krypteringsprogrammet kunde inte initieras! Möjligen blev krypteringsprogrammet återaktiverad under din session. Försök med att logga ut och in igen för att initiera krypteringsprogrammet.",
"Your private key is not valid! Likely your password was changed outside the ownCloud system (e.g. your corporate directory). You can update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." => "Lösenordet för din privata nyckel är inte giltig! Troligen har ditt lösenord ändrats utanför ownCloud (t.ex. i företagets katalogtjänst). Du kan uppdatera lösenordet för den privata nyckeln under dina personliga inställningar för att återfå tillgång till dina filer.",
"Missing requirements." => "Krav som saknas",
"Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled." => "Kontrollera att PHP 5.3.3 eller senare är installerad och att tillägget OpenSSL PHP är aktiverad och korrekt konfigurerad. Kryptering är tillsvidare inaktiverad.",
"Following users are not set up for encryption:" => "Följande användare har inte aktiverat kryptering:",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Aktivera lösenordsnyckel (för att kunna återfå användarens filer vid glömt eller förlorat lösenord):",
"Recovery key password" => "Lösenordsnyckel",
"Enable recovery key (allow to recover users files in case of password loss):" => "Aktivera återställningsnyckel (för att kunna återfå användarens filer vid glömt eller förlorat lösenord):",
"Recovery key password" => "Lösenord för återställningsnyckel",
"New Recovery key password" => "Ny lösenordsnyckel",
"Change recovery key password:" => "Ändra lösenord för återställningsnyckel:",
"Old Recovery key password" => "Gammalt lösenord för återställningsnyckel",
"New Recovery key password" => "Nytt lösenord för återställningsnyckel",
"Repeat New Recovery key password" => "Upprepa lösenord för ny återställningsnyckel",
"Change Password" => "Byt lösenord",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Din privata lösenordsnyckel stämmer inte längre överrens med ditt inloggningslösenord:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Ställ in din gamla privata lösenordsnyckel till ditt aktuella inloggningslösenord.",
"Your private key password no longer match your log-in password:" => "Lösenordet till din privata nyckel stämmer inte längre överens med ditt inloggningslösenord:",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password." => "Använd din gamla privata nyckels lösenord som ditt aktuella inloggningslösenord.",
" If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files." => "Om du inte kommer ihåg ditt gamla lösenord kan du be din administratör att återställa dina filer.",
"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files in case of password loss" => "Genom att aktivera detta alternativ kommer du kunna återfå tillgång till dina krypterade filer om du skulle förlora/glömma ditt lösenord",
"File recovery settings updated" => "Inställningarna för filåterställning har uppdaterats",
@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ if (version_compare($installedVersion, '0.3', '<')) {
// clean up oc_share table from files which are no longer exists
if (version_compare($installedVersion, '0.3.4', '<')) {
if (version_compare($installedVersion, '0.3.5', '<')) {
// get all shares where the original file no longer exists
$findShares = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `file_source` FROM `*PREFIX*share` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache` ON `file_source` = `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid` WHERE `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid` IS NULL');
$findShares = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `file_source` FROM `*PREFIX*share` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*filecache` ON `file_source` = `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid` WHERE `*PREFIX*filecache`.`fileid` IS NULL AND `*PREFIX*share`.`item_type` IN (\'file\', \'folder\')');