Merge pull request #6969 from owncloud/tests-morecoverage

Fixed unit test scripts + coverage
Thomas Müller 11 years ago
commit ced80c6f27
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 43
  4. 99
  5. 64

.gitignore vendored

@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ nbproject
# Tests - auto-generated files

@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ then
exit 2
KARMA_TESTSUITE="$1" $KARMA start tests/karma.config.js --single-run
NODE_PATH='build/node_modules' KARMA_TESTSUITE="$1" $KARMA start tests/karma.config.js --single-run

@ -1,28 +1,23 @@
"libraries": [
"modules": [

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
/* global OC */
describe('Core base tests', function() {
describe('Base values', function() {
it('Sets webroots', function() {
@ -25,6 +27,103 @@ describe('Core base tests', function() {
describe('basename', function() {
it('Returns the nothing if no file name given', function() {
it('Returns the nothing if dir is root', function() {
it('Returns the same name if no path given', function() {
expect(OC.basename('some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if root path given', function() {
expect(OC.basename('/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if double root path given', function() {
expect(OC.basename('//some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir given without root', function() {
expect(OC.basename('subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir given with root', function() {
expect(OC.basename('/subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir given with double root', function() {
expect(OC.basename('//subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns the base name if subdir has dot', function() {
expect(OC.basename('/subdir.dat/some name.txt')).toEqual('some name.txt');
it('Returns dot if file name is dot', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's basename
it('Returns the dir itself if no file name given', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.basename('subdir/')).toEqual('subdir');
it('Returns the dir itself if no file name given with root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.basename('/subdir/')).toEqual('subdir');
describe('dirname', function() {
it('Returns the nothing if no file name given', function() {
it('Returns the root if dir is root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('/')).toEqual('/');
it('Returns the root if dir is double root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('//')).toEqual('/');
expect(OC.dirname('//')).toEqual('/'); // oh no...
it('Returns dot if dir is dot', function() {
it('Returns dot if no root given', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('some dir')).toEqual('.');
expect(OC.dirname('some dir')).toEqual('some dir'); // oh no...
it('Returns the dir name if file name and root path given', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('/some name.txt')).toEqual('/');
expect(OC.dirname('/some name.txt')).toEqual('');
it('Returns the dir name if double root path given', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('//some name.txt')).toEqual('/'); // how lucky...
it('Returns the dir name if subdir given without root', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('subdir');
it('Returns the dir name if subdir given with root', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('/subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('/subdir');
it('Returns the dir name if subdir given with double root', function() {
// TODO: fix the source to make it work like PHP's dirname
// expect(OC.dirname('//subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('/subdir');
expect(OC.dirname('//subdir/some name.txt')).toEqual('//subdir'); // oh...
it('Returns the dir name if subdir has dot', function() {
expect(OC.dirname('/subdir.dat/some name.txt')).toEqual('/subdir.dat');
it('Returns the dir name if file name is dot', function() {
it('Returns the dir name if no file name given', function() {
it('Returns the dir name if no file name given with root', function() {
describe('Link functions', function() {
var TESTAPP = 'testapp';
var TESTAPP_ROOT = OC.webroot + '/appsx/testapp';

@ -29,25 +29,52 @@
* environment variable to the apps name, for example "core" or "files_encryption".
* Multiple apps can be specified by separating them with space.
* Setting the environment variable NOCOVERAGE to 1 will disable the coverage
* preprocessor, which is needed to be able to debug tests properly in a browser.
/* jshint node: true */
module.exports = function(config) {
function findApps() {
var fs = require('fs');
var apps = fs.readdirSync('apps');
return apps;
// other apps tests don't run yet... needs further research / clean up
return ['files'];
// respect NOCOVERAGE env variable
// it is useful to disable coverage for debugging
// because the coverage preprocessor will wrap the JS files somehow
var enableCoverage = !parseInt(process.env.NOCOVERAGE, 10);
console.log('Coverage preprocessor: ', enableCoverage?'enabled':'disabled');
// default apps to test when none is specified (TODO: read from filesystem ?)
var defaultApps = 'core files';
var appsToTest = process.env.KARMA_TESTSUITE || defaultApps;
var appsToTest = process.env.KARMA_TESTSUITE;
if (appsToTest) {
appsToTest = appsToTest.split(' ');
else {
appsToTest = ['core'].concat(findApps());
console.log('Apps to test: ', appsToTest);
// read core files from core.json,
// these are required by all apps so always need to be loaded
// note that the loading order is important that's why they
// are specified in a separate file
var corePath = 'core/js/';
var coreFiles = require('../' + corePath + 'core.json').modules;
var coreModule = require('../' + corePath + 'core.json');
var testCore = false;
var files = [];
var index;
var preprocessors = {};
// find out what apps to test from appsToTest
appsToTest = appsToTest.split(' ');
index = appsToTest.indexOf('core');
if (index > -1) {
appsToTest.splice(index, 1);
@ -60,11 +87,23 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// core mocks
files.push(corePath + 'tests/specHelper.js');
// add core files
for ( var i = 0; i < coreFiles.length; i++ ) {
files.push( corePath + coreFiles[i] );
// add core library files
for ( var i = 0; i < coreModule.libraries.length; i++ ) {
var srcFile = corePath + coreModule.libraries[i];
// add core modules files
for ( var i = 0; i < coreModule.modules.length; i++ ) {
var srcFile = corePath + coreModule.modules[i];
if (enableCoverage) {
preprocessors[srcFile] = 'coverage';
// TODO: settings pages
// need to test the core app as well ?
if (testCore) {
// core tests
@ -73,7 +112,11 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
for ( var i = 0; i < appsToTest.length; i++ ) {
// add app JS
files.push('apps/' + appsToTest[i] + '/js/*.js');
var srcFile = 'apps/' + appsToTest[i] + '/js/*.js';
if (enableCoverage) {
preprocessors[srcFile] = 'coverage';
// add test specs
files.push('apps/' + appsToTest[i] + '/tests/js/*.js');
@ -83,7 +126,6 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// base path, that will be used to resolve files and exclude
basePath: '..',
// frameworks to use
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
@ -106,9 +148,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// web server port
port: 9876,
preprocessors: {
'apps/files/js/*.js': 'coverage'
preprocessors: preprocessors,
coverageReporter: {
