@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"The php-json module is needed by the many applications for inter communications" => "Das Modul php-json wird von vielen Anwendungen zur internen Kommunikation benötigt.", |
"The php-curl modude is needed to fetch the page title when adding a bookmarks" => "Das Modul php-curl wird benötigt, um den Titel der Seite für die Lesezeichen hinzuzufügen.", |
"The php-gd module is needed to create thumbnails of your images" => "Das Modul php-gd wird für die Erzeugung der Vorschaubilder benötigt.", |
"The php-ldap module is needed connect to your ldap server" => "Das Modul php-ldap wird für die Verbindung mit dem LDAP-Server benötigt.", |
"The php-zip module is needed download multiple files at once" => "Das Modul php-zip wird für den gleichzeitigen Download mehrerer Dateien benötigt.", |
"The php-mb_multibyte module is needed to manage correctly the encoding." => "Das Modul php_mb_multibyte wird benötigt, um das Encoding richtig zu handhaben.", |
"The php-ctype module is needed validate data." => "Das Modul php-ctype wird benötigt, um Daten zu prüfen.", |
"The php-xml module is needed to share files with webdav." => "Das Modul php-xml wird benötigt, um Dateien über WebDAV zu teilen.", |
"The allow_url_fopen directive of your php.ini should be set to 1 to retrieve knowledge base from OCS servers" => "Die Richtlinie allow_url_fopen in Ihrer php.ini sollte auf 1 gesetzt werden, um die Wissensbasis vom OCS-Server abrufen.", |
"The php-pdo module is needed to store owncloud data into a database." => "Das Modul php-pdo wird benötigt, um Daten in der Datenbank zu speichern.", |
"Dependencies status" => "Status der Abhängigkeiten", |
"Used by :" => "Benutzt von:" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"The php-json module is needed by the many applications for inter communications" => "Le module php-json est requis pour l'inter-communication de nombreux modules.", |
"The php-curl modude is needed to fetch the page title when adding a bookmarks" => "Le module php-curl est requis afin de rapatrier le titre des pages lorsque vous ajoutez un marque-pages.", |
"The php-gd module is needed to create thumbnails of your images" => "Le module php-gd est requis afin de permettre la création d'aperçus pour vos images.", |
"The php-ldap module is needed connect to your ldap server" => "Le module php-ldap est requis afin de permettre la connexion à votre serveur ldap.", |
"The php-zip module is needed download multiple files at once" => "Le module php-zip est requis pour le téléchargement simultané de plusieurs fichiers.", |
"The php-mb_multibyte module is needed to manage correctly the encoding." => "Le module php-mb_multibyte est requis pour une gestion correcte des encodages.", |
"The php-ctype module is needed validate data." => "Le module php-ctype est requis pour la validation des données.", |
"The php-xml module is needed to share files with webdav." => "Le module php-xml est requis pour le partage de fichiers via webdav.", |
"The allow_url_fopen directive of your php.ini should be set to 1 to retrieve knowledge base from OCS servers" => "La directive allow_url_fopen de votre fichier php.ini doit être à la valeur 1 afin de permettre le rapatriement de la base de connaissance depuis les serveurs OCS.", |
"The php-pdo module is needed to store owncloud data into a database." => "le module php-pdo est requis pour le stockage des données ownCloud en base de données.", |
"Dependencies status" => "Statut des dépendances", |
"Used by :" => "Utilisé par :" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"The php-json module is needed by the many applications for inter communications" => "Il modulo php-json è richiesto per l'intercomunicazione di diverse applicazioni", |
"The php-curl modude is needed to fetch the page title when adding a bookmarks" => "Il modulo php-curl è richiesto per scaricare il titolo della pagina quando si aggiunge un segnalibro", |
"The php-gd module is needed to create thumbnails of your images" => "Il modulo php-gd è richiesto per creare miniature delle tue immagini", |
"The php-ldap module is needed connect to your ldap server" => "Il modulo php-ldap è richiesto per collegarsi a un server ldap", |
"The php-zip module is needed download multiple files at once" => "Il modulo php-zip è richiesto per scaricare diversi file contemporaneamente", |
"The php-mb_multibyte module is needed to manage correctly the encoding." => "Il modulo php-mb_multibyte è richiesto per gestire correttamente la codifica.", |
"The php-ctype module is needed validate data." => "Il modulo php-ctype è richiesto per la validazione dei dati.", |
"The php-xml module is needed to share files with webdav." => "Il modulo php-xml è richiesto per condividere i file con webdav.", |
"The php-pdo module is needed to store owncloud data into a database." => "Il modulo php-pdo è richiesto per archiviare i dati di ownCloud in un database.", |
"Dependencies status" => "Stato delle dipendenze", |
"Used by :" => "Usato da:" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export this ownCloud instance" => "Diese ownCloud-Instanz exportieren.", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains the data of this owncloud instance.\n Please choose the export type:" => "Dies wird eine komprimierte Datei erzeugen, welche die Daten dieser ownCloud-Instanz enthält.\n Bitte wählen Sie den Exporttyp:", |
"Export" => "Exportieren" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export this ownCloud instance" => "Exporter cette instance ownCloud", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains the data of this owncloud instance.\n Please choose the export type:" => "Ceci va créer une archive compressée contenant les données de cette instance ownCloud.\n Veuillez choisir le type d'export :", |
"Export" => "Exporter" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export this ownCloud instance" => "Esporta questa istanza di ownClou", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains the data of this owncloud instance.\n Please choose the export type:" => "Questa operazione creerà un file compresso che contiene i dati dell'istanza di ownCloud. Scegli il tipo di esportazione:", |
"Export" => "Esporta" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Encryption" => "Chiffrement", |
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ne pas chiffrer les fichiers dont les types sont les suivants", |
"None" => "Aucun", |
"Enable Encryption" => "Activer le chiffrement" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Encryption" => "Cifratura", |
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Escludi i seguenti tipi di file dalla cifratura", |
"None" => "Nessuna", |
"Enable Encryption" => "Abilita cifratura" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"External Storage" => "Externer Speicher", |
"Mount point" => "Mount-Point", |
"Backend" => "Backend", |
"Configuration" => "Konfiguration", |
"Options" => "Optionen", |
"Applicable" => "Zutreffend", |
"Add mount point" => "Mount-Point hinzufügen", |
"None set" => "Nicht definiert", |
"All Users" => "Alle Benutzer", |
"Groups" => "Gruppen", |
"Users" => "Benutzer", |
"Delete" => "Löschen", |
"SSL root certificates" => "SSL-Root-Zertifikate", |
"Import Root Certificate" => "Root-Zertifikate importieren", |
"Enable User External Storage" => "Externer Speicher für Benutzer aktivieren", |
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "Erlaubt Benutzern Ihre eigenen externen Speicher einzubinden" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"External Storage" => "Stockage externe", |
"Mount point" => "Point de montage", |
"Backend" => "Infrastructure", |
"Configuration" => "Configuration", |
"Options" => "Options", |
"Applicable" => "Disponible", |
"Add mount point" => "Ajouter un point de montage", |
"None set" => "Aucun spécifié", |
"All Users" => "Tous les utilisateurs", |
"Groups" => "Groupes", |
"Users" => "Utilisateurs", |
"Delete" => "Supprimer", |
"SSL root certificates" => "Certificats racine SSL", |
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importer un certificat racine", |
"Enable User External Storage" => "Activer le stockage externe pour les utilisateurs", |
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "Autoriser les utilisateurs à monter leur propre stockage externe" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"External Storage" => "Archiviazione esterna", |
"Mount point" => "Punto di mount", |
"Backend" => "Motore", |
"Configuration" => "Configurazione", |
"Options" => "Opzioni", |
"Applicable" => "Applicabile", |
"Add mount point" => "Aggiungi punto di mount", |
"None set" => "Nessuna impostazione", |
"All Users" => "Tutti gli utenti", |
"Groups" => "Gruppi", |
"Users" => "Utenti", |
"Delete" => "Elimina", |
"SSL root certificates" => "Certificato principale per SSL", |
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importa certificato principale", |
"Enable User External Storage" => "Abilita la memoria esterna dell'utente", |
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "Consente agli utenti di montare la propria memoria esterna" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"All Users" => "Vsi uporabniki", |
"Groups" => "Skupine", |
"Users" => "Uporabniki", |
"Delete" => "Izbriši", |
"SSL root certificates" => "SSL korenski certifikati", |
"Import Root Certificate" => "Uvozi korenski certifikat", |
"Enable User External Storage" => "Omogoči" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Your Shared Files" => "Ihre geteilten Dateien", |
"Item" => "Objekt", |
"Shared With" => "Teilen mit", |
"Permissions" => "Berechtigungen", |
"Read" => "Lesen", |
"Edit" => "Bearbeiten", |
"Delete" => "Löschen", |
"Enable Resharing" => "Austausch ermöglichen", |
"Allow users to reshare files they don't own" => "Benutzer dürfen Dateien nochmals teilen, auch wenn sie nicht der Besitzer dieser Dateien sind." |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Your Shared Files" => "Vos documents partagés", |
"Item" => "Item", |
"Shared With" => "Partagé avec", |
"Permissions" => "Permissions", |
"Read" => "Lecture", |
"Edit" => "Édition", |
"Delete" => "Effacement", |
"Enable Resharing" => "Permettre le repartage", |
"Allow users to reshare files they don't own" => "Permettre aux utilisateurs de repartager des fichiers dont ils ne sont pas propriétaires" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Your Shared Files" => "I tuoi file condivisi", |
"Item" => "Elemento", |
"Shared With" => "Condiviso con", |
"Permissions" => "Permessi", |
"Read" => "Lettura", |
"Edit" => "Modifica", |
"Delete" => "Eliminazione" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Your Shared Files" => "Vaše datoteke v souporabi", |
"Item" => "Predmet", |
"Shared With" => "V souporabi z", |
"Permissions" => "Dovoljenja", |
"Read" => "Branje", |
"Edit" => "Pisanje", |
"Delete" => "Izbris", |
"Enable Resharing" => "Omogoči nadaljnjo izmenjavo", |
"Allow users to reshare files they don't own" => "Dovoli uporabnikom nadaljnjo izmenjavo tujih datotek" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Alle Versionen löschen", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Datei-Versionierung aktivieren" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Supprimer les versions intermédiaires", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Activer le versionnage" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Scadenza di tutte le versioni", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Abilita controllo di versione" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Invalid date/time" => "Datum/Uhrzeit ungültig", |
"Tasks" => "Aufgaben", |
"No category" => "Keine Kategorie", |
"Unspecified" => "Nicht angegeben", |
"1=highest" => "1=am höchsten", |
"5=medium" => "5=Durchschnitt", |
"9=lowest" => "9=am niedrigsten", |
"Empty Summary" => "Leere Zusammenfassung", |
"Invalid percent complete" => "Ungültige Prozent abgeschlossen", |
"Invalid priority" => "Falsche Priorität", |
"Add Task" => "Aufgabe hinzufügen", |
"Order Due" => "Nach Fälligkeit sortieren", |
"Order List" => "Nach Kategorie sortieren ", |
"Order Complete" => "Nach Fertigstellung sortieren", |
"Order Location" => "Nach Ort sortieren", |
"Order Priority" => "Nach Priorität sortieren", |
"Order Label" => "Nach Label sortieren", |
"Loading tasks..." => "Lade Aufgaben...", |
"Important" => "Wichtig", |
"More" => "Mehr", |
"Less" => "Weniger", |
"Delete" => "Löschen" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Invalid date/time" => "date/heure invalide", |
"Tasks" => "Tâches", |
"No category" => "Sans catégorie", |
"Unspecified" => "Non spécifié", |
"1=highest" => "1=le plus important", |
"5=medium" => "5=importance moyenne", |
"9=lowest" => "9=le moins important", |
"Empty Summary" => "Résumé vide", |
"Invalid percent complete" => "Pourcentage d'achèvement invalide", |
"Invalid priority" => "Priorité invalide", |
"Add Task" => "Ajouter une tâche", |
"Loading tasks..." => "Chargement des tâches…", |
"Important" => "Important", |
"More" => "Plus", |
"Less" => "Moins", |
"Delete" => "Supprimer" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Invalid date/time" => "Ora/Data non valida", |
"Tasks" => "Attività", |
"No category" => "Nessuna categoria", |
"Unspecified" => "Non specificata", |
"1=highest" => "1=massima", |
"5=medium" => "5=media", |
"9=lowest" => "9=minima", |
"Invalid percent complete" => "Percentuale di completamento non valida", |
"Invalid priority" => "Priorità non valida", |
"Add Task" => "Aggiungi attività", |
"Loading tasks..." => "Caricamento attività in corso...", |
"Important" => "Importante", |
"Delete" => "Elimina" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Invalid date/time" => "Data/timpul invalid", |
"Tasks" => "Sarcini", |
"No category" => "Fără categorie", |
"Unspecified" => "Nespecificat", |
"1=highest" => "1=cel mai înalt", |
"5=medium" => "5=mediu", |
"9=lowest" => "9=cel mai jos", |
"Empty Summary" => "Rezumat gol", |
"Invalid percent complete" => "Completare procentuală greșită", |
"Invalid priority" => "Prioritare greșită", |
"Add Task" => "Adaugă sarcină", |
"Order Due" => "Comandă până la", |
"Order List" => "Lista de comenzi", |
"Order Complete" => "Comandă executată", |
"Order Location" => "Locația comenzii", |
"Order Priority" => "Prioritarea comenzii", |
"Order Label" => "Eticheta comenzii", |
"Loading tasks..." => "Încărcare sarcini", |
"Important" => "Important", |
"More" => "Mai mult", |
"Less" => "Mai puțin", |
"Delete" => "Șterge" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Invalid date/time" => "Neveljaven datum/čas", |
"Tasks" => "Opravila", |
"No category" => "Ni kategorije", |
"Unspecified" => "Nedoločen", |
"1=highest" => "1=najvišje", |
"5=medium" => "5=srednje", |
"9=lowest" => "9=najnižje", |
"Empty Summary" => "Prazen povzetek", |
"Invalid priority" => "Neveljavna prednost", |
"Add Task" => "Dodaj opravilo", |
"More" => "Več", |
"Less" => "Manj" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Host" => "Host", |
"Password" => "Passwort", |
"User Login Filter" => "Benutzer Login Filter", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action." => "Bestimmt den angewendeten Filter, wenn eine Anmeldung versucht wird. %%uid ersetzt den Benutzernamen bei dem Anmeldeversuch.", |
"User List Filter" => "Benutzer Filter Liste", |
"Group Filter" => "Gruppen Filter", |
"Port" => "Port", |
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Verwenden Sie es nicht für SSL-Verbindungen, wird es scheitern.", |
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Schalte die SSL Zertifikatsprüfung aus.", |
"in bytes" => "in bytes", |
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "in Sekunden. Eine Änderung leert den Cache.", |
"Help" => "Hilfe" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Host" => "Hôte", |
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Vous pouvez omettre le protocole, sauf si vous avez besoin de SSL. Dans ce cas préfixez avec ldaps://", |
"Base DN" => "DN de base", |
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Vous pouvez spécifier le DN de base pour les utilisateurs et les groupes dans l'onglet Avancé", |
"User DN" => "DN Utilisateur", |
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Le DN de l'utilisateur client avec lequel la liaison doit se faire, par exemple uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Pour l'accès anonyme, laisser le DN et le mot de passe vides.", |
"Password" => "Mot de passe", |
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Pour l'accès anonyme, laisser le DN et le mot de passe vides.", |
"User Login Filter" => "Filtre d'identifiants utilisateur", |
"User List Filter" => "Filtre d'utilisateurs", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users." => "Définit le filtre à appliquer lors de la récupération des utilisateurs.", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"." => "sans élément de substitution, par exemple \"objectClass=person\".", |
"Group Filter" => "Filtre de groupes", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Définit le filtre à appliquer lors de la récupération des groupes.", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "sans élément de substitution, par exemple \"objectClass=posixGroup\".", |
"Port" => "Port", |
"Group-Member association" => "Association groupe-membre", |
"Use TLS" => "Utiliser TLS", |
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Ne pas utiliser pour les connexions SSL, car cela échouera.", |
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "Serveur LDAP insensible à la casse (Windows)", |
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Désactiver la validation du certificat SSL", |
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Si la connexion ne fonctionne qu'avec cette option, importez le certificat SSL du serveur LDAP dans le serveur ownCloud.", |
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Non recommendé, utilisation pour tests uniquement.", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "L'attribut LDAP utilisé pour générer les noms d'utilisateurs d'ownCloud", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "L'attribut LDAP utilisé pour générer les noms de groupes d'ownCloud", |
"in bytes" => "en octets", |
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "en secondes. Tout changement vide le cache.", |
"Help" => "Aide" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Host" => "Host", |
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "È possibile omettere il protocollo, ad eccezione se è necessario SSL. Quindi inizia con ldaps://", |
"Base DN" => "DN base", |
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Puoi specificare una DN base per gli utenti ed i gruppi nella scheda Avanzate", |
"User DN" => "DN utente", |
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Il DN per il client dell'utente con cui deve essere associato, ad esempio uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Per l'accesso anonimo, lasciare vuoti i campi DN e Password", |
"Password" => "Password", |
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Per l'accesso anonimo, lasciare vuoti i campi DN e Password", |
"User Login Filter" => "Filtro per il login utente", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action." => "Specifica quale filtro utilizzare quando si tenta il login. %%uid sostituisce il nome utente all'atto del login.", |
"use %%uid placeholder, e.g. \"uid=%%uid\"" => "utilizza il segnaposto %%uid, per esempio \"uid=%%uid\"", |
"User List Filter" => "Filtro per la lista utente", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users." => "Specifica quale filtro utilizzare durante il recupero degli utenti.", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"." => "senza nessun segnaposto, per esempio \"objectClass=person\".", |
"Group Filter" => "Filtro per il gruppo", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Specifica quale filtro utilizzare durante il recupero dei gruppi.", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "senza nessun segnaposto, per esempio \"objectClass=posixGroup\".", |
"Port" => "Porta", |
"Base User Tree" => "Struttura base dell'utente", |
"Base Group Tree" => "Struttura base del gruppo", |
"Group-Member association" => "Associazione gruppo-utente ", |
"Use TLS" => "Usa TLS", |
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Non utilizzare per le connessioni SSL, fallirà.", |
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)", |
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Disattiva il controllo del certificato SSL.", |
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Se la connessione funziona esclusivamente con questa opzione, importa il certificato SSL del server LDAP nel tuo server ownCloud.", |
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Non consigliato, utilizzare solo per test.", |
"User Display Name Field" => "Campo per la visualizzazione del nome utente", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "L'attributo LDAP da usare per generare il nome dell'utente ownCloud.", |
"Group Display Name Field" => "Campo per la visualizzazione del nome del gruppo", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "L'attributo LDAP da usare per generare il nome del gruppo ownCloud.", |
"in bytes" => "in byte", |
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "in secondi. Il cambio svuota la cache.", |
"Help" => "Aiuto" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Host" => "Gazdă", |
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Puteți omite protocolul, decât dacă folosiți SSL. Atunci se începe cu ldaps://", |
"Base DN" => "DN de bază", |
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Puteți să specificați DN de bază pentru utilizatori și grupuri în fila Avansat", |
"User DN" => "DN al utilizatorului", |
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "DN-ul clientului utilizator cu care se va efectua conectarea, d.e. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Pentru acces anonim, lăsăți DN și Parolă libere.", |
"Password" => "Parolă", |
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Pentru acces anonim, lăsați DN și Parolă libere.", |
"User Login Filter" => "Filtrare după Nume Utilizator", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action." => "Definește fitrele care trebuie aplicate, când se încearcă conectarea. %%uid înlocuiește numele utilizatorului în procesul de conectare.", |
"use %%uid placeholder, e.g. \"uid=%%uid\"" => "folosiți substituentul %%uid , d.e. \"uid=%%uid\"", |
"User List Filter" => "Filtrarea după lista utilizatorilor", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users." => "Definește filtrele care trebui aplicate, când se peiau utilzatorii.", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"." => "fără substituenți, d.e. \"objectClass=person\".", |
"Group Filter" => "Fitrare Grup", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Definește filtrele care se aplică, când se preiau grupurile.", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "fără substituenți, d.e. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"", |
"Port" => "Portul", |
"Base User Tree" => "Arborele de bază al Utilizatorilor", |
"Base Group Tree" => "Arborele de bază al Grupurilor", |
"Group-Member association" => "Asocierea Grup-Membru", |
"Use TLS" => "Utilizează TLS", |
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "A nu se utiliza pentru conexiuni SSL, va eșua.", |
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "Server LDAP insensibil la majuscule (Windows)", |
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Oprește validarea certificatelor SSL ", |
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Dacă conexiunea lucrează doar cu această opțiune, importează certificatul SSL al serverului LDAP în serverul ownCloud.", |
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Nu este recomandat, a se utiliza doar pentru testare.", |
"User Display Name Field" => "Câmpul cu numele vizibil al utilizatorului", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "Atributul LDAP folosit pentru a genera numele de utilizator din ownCloud.", |
"Group Display Name Field" => "Câmpul cu numele grupului", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "Atributul LDAP folosit pentru a genera numele grupurilor din ownCloud", |
"in bytes" => "în octeți", |
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "în secunde. O schimbare curăță memoria tampon.", |
"Help" => "Ajutor" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export" => "Export", |
"Something went wrong while the export file was being generated" => "Beim Export der Datei ist etwas schief gegangen.", |
"An error has occurred" => "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", |
"Export your user account" => "Ihr Konto exportieren", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains your ownCloud account." => "Eine komprimierte Datei wird erzeugen, die Ihr ownCloud-Konto enthält.", |
"Import user account" => "Konto importieren", |
"ownCloud User Zip" => "Zip-Archiv mit Benutzerdaten", |
"Import" => "Importieren" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export" => "Exporter", |
"Something went wrong while the export file was being generated" => "Une erreur s'est produit pendant la génération du fichier d'export", |
"An error has occurred" => "Une erreur s'est produite", |
"Export your user account" => "Exportez votre compte utilisateur", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains your ownCloud account." => "Cette action va créer une archive compressée qui contiendra les données de votre compte ownCloud.", |
"Import user account" => "Importer un compte utilisateur", |
"ownCloud User Zip" => "Archive Zip de l'utilisateur", |
"Import" => "Importer" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export" => "Esporta", |
"Something went wrong while the export file was being generated" => "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione del file di esportazione", |
"An error has occurred" => "Si è verificato un errore", |
"Export your user account" => "Esporta il tuo account utente", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains your ownCloud account." => "Questa operazione creerà un file compresso che contiene il tuo account ownCloud.", |
"Import user account" => "Importa account utente", |
"ownCloud User Zip" => "Zip account utente", |
"Import" => "Importa" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Export" => "Izvozi", |
"Something went wrong while the export file was being generated" => "Med ustvarjanjem datoteke za izvoz je prišlo do napake", |
"An error has occurred" => "Prišlo je do napake", |
"Export your user account" => "Izvozi vaš uporabniški račun", |
"This will create a compressed file that contains your ownCloud account." => "Ustvarjena bo stisnjena datoteka z vašim ownCloud računom.", |
"Import user account" => "Uvozi uporabniški račun", |
"ownCloud User Zip" => "Zip datoteka ownCloud uporabnika", |
"Import" => "Uvozi" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"This is an OpenID server endpoint. For more information, see " => "Dies ist ein OpenID-Server-Endpunkt. Für weitere Informationen schauen Sie sich folgendes an:", |
"Identity: <b>" => "Identität: <b>", |
"Realm: <b>" => "Bereich: <b>", |
"User: <b>" => "Benutzer: <b>", |
"Login" => "Anmelden", |
"Error: <b>No user Selected" => "Fehler: <b> Kein Benutzer gewählt", |
"you can authenticate to other sites with this address" => "Sie können sich auf anderen Seiten mit dieser Adresse authentifizieren.", |
"Authorized OpenID provider" => "Authorisierter OpenID-Anbieter", |
"Your address at Wordpress,, …" => "Ihre Adresse bei Wordpress,, …" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"This is an OpenID server endpoint. For more information, see " => "Ce serveur est un point d'accès OpenID. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter", |
"Identity: <b>" => "Identité : <b>", |
"Realm: <b>" => "Domaine : <b>", |
"User: <b>" => "Utilisateur : <b>", |
"Login" => "Connexion", |
"Error: <b>No user Selected" => "Erreur : <b>Aucun nom d'utilisateur n'a été saisi", |
"you can authenticate to other sites with this address" => "vous pouvez vous authentifier sur d'autres sites grâce à cette adresse", |
"Authorized OpenID provider" => "Fournisseur d'identité OpenID autorisé", |
"Your address at Wordpress,, …" => "Votre adresse Wordpress,, …" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"This is an OpenID server endpoint. For more information, see " => "Questo è un server OpenID. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedi", |
"Identity: <b>" => "Identità: <b>", |
"Realm: <b>" => "Dominio: <b>", |
"User: <b>" => "Utente: <b>", |
"Login" => "Accesso", |
"Error: <b>No user Selected" => "Errore: <b>nessun utente selezionato", |
"you can authenticate to other sites with this address" => "puoi autenticarti ad altri siti con questo indirizzo", |
"Authorized OpenID provider" => "Fornitore OpenID autorizzato", |
"Your address at Wordpress,, …" => "Il tuo indirizzo su Wordpress,, …" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"This is an OpenID server endpoint. For more information, see " => "To je OpenID strežniška končna točka. Za več informacij si oglejte", |
"Identity: <b>" => "Istovetnost: <b>", |
"User: <b>" => "Uporabnik:", |
"Login" => "Prijava", |
"Error: <b>No user Selected" => "Napaka: <b>Uporabnik ni bil izbran", |
"you can authenticate to other sites with this address" => "s tem naslovom se lahko overite tudi na drugih straneh", |
"Authorized OpenID provider" => "Odobren OpenID ponudnik", |
"Your address at Wordpress,, …" => "Vaš naslov na Wordpress,, …" |
); |
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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