Merge branch 'master' of
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Ошибка отсутствует, файл загружен успешно.", |
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Размер загруженного файла превышает заданный в директиве upload_max_filesize в php.ini", |
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Размер загруженного", |
"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Загружаемый файл был загружен частично", |
"No file was uploaded" => "Файл не был загружен", |
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Отсутствует временная папка", |
"Failed to write to disk" => "Не удалось записать на диск", |
"Files" => "Файлы", |
"Unshare" => "Скрыть", |
"Delete" => "Удалить", |
"already exists" => "уже существует", |
"replace" => "отмена", |
"suggest name" => "подобрать название", |
"cancel" => "отменить", |
"replaced" => "заменено", |
"undo" => "отменить действие", |
"with" => "с", |
"unshared" => "скрытый", |
"deleted" => "удалено", |
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "Создание ZIP-файла, это может занять некоторое время.", |
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Невозможно загрузить файл,\n так как он имеет нулевой размер или является директорией", |
"Upload Error" => "Ошибка загрузки", |
"Pending" => "Ожидающий решения", |
"Upload cancelled." => "Загрузка отменена", |
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Процесс загрузки файла. Если покинуть страницу сейчас, загрузка будет отменена.", |
"Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "Неправильное имя, '/' не допускается.", |
"Size" => "Размер", |
"Modified" => "Изменен", |
"folder" => "папка", |
"folders" => "папки", |
"file" => "файл", |
"files" => "файлы", |
"File handling" => "Работа с файлами", |
"Maximum upload size" => "Максимальный размер загружаемого файла", |
"max. possible: " => "Максимально возможный", |
"Needed for multi-file and folder downloads." => "Необходимо для множественной загрузки.", |
"Enable ZIP-download" => "Включение ZIP-загрузки", |
"0 is unlimited" => "0 без ограничений", |
"Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Максимальный размер входящих ZIP-файлов ", |
"Save" => "Сохранить", |
"New" => "Новый", |
"Text file" => "Текстовый файл", |
"Folder" => "Папка", |
"From url" => "Из url", |
"Upload" => "Загрузить ", |
"Cancel upload" => "Отмена загрузки", |
"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Здесь ничего нет. Загрузите что-нибудь!", |
"Name" => "Имя", |
"Share" => "Сделать общим", |
"Download" => "Загрузить", |
"Upload too large" => "Загрузка слишком велика", |
"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Размер файлов, которые Вы пытаетесь загрузить, превышает максимально допустимый размер для загрузки на данный сервер.", |
"Files are being scanned, please wait." => "Файлы сканируются, пожалуйста, подождите.", |
"Current scanning" => "Текущее сканирование" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Encryption" => "Kryptering", |
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ekskluder følgende filtyper fra kryptering", |
"None" => "Ingen", |
"Enable Encryption" => "Aktivér kryptering" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Encryption" => "加密", |
"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "从加密中排除如下文件类型", |
"None" => "无", |
"Enable Encryption" => "启用加密" |
); |
@ -1,10 +1,18 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"External Storage" => "Εξωτερική αποθήκευση", |
"External Storage" => "Εξωτερικό Αποθηκευτικό Μέσο", |
"Mount point" => "Σημείο προσάρτησης", |
"Backend" => "Σύστημα υποστήριξης", |
"Configuration" => "Ρυθμίσεις", |
"Options" => "Επιλογές", |
"Applicable" => "Εφαρμόσιμο", |
"Add mount point" => "Προσθήκη σημείου προσάρτησης", |
"None set" => "Κανένα επιλεγμένο", |
"All Users" => "Όλοι οι χρήστες", |
"Groups" => "Ομάδες", |
"Users" => "Χρήστες", |
"Delete" => "Διαγραφή" |
"Delete" => "Διαγραφή", |
"SSL root certificates" => "Πιστοποιητικά SSL root", |
"Import Root Certificate" => "Εισαγωγή Πιστοποιητικού Root", |
"Enable User External Storage" => "Ενεργοποίηση Εξωτερικού Αποθηκευτικού Χώρου Χρήστη", |
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "Να επιτρέπεται στους χρήστες να προσαρτούν δικό τους εξωτερικό αποθηκευτικό χώρο" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"External Storage" => "外部存储", |
"Mount point" => "挂载点", |
"Backend" => "后端", |
"Configuration" => "配置", |
"Options" => "选项", |
"Applicable" => "可应用", |
"Add mount point" => "添加挂载点", |
"None set" => "未设置", |
"All Users" => "所有用户", |
"Groups" => "群组", |
"Users" => "用户", |
"Delete" => "删除", |
"SSL root certificates" => "SSL 根证书", |
"Import Root Certificate" => "导入根证书", |
"Enable User External Storage" => "启用用户外部存储", |
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "允许用户挂载他们的外部存储" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Password" => "Kodeord", |
"Submit" => "Send", |
"Download" => "Download", |
"No preview available for" => "Forhåndsvisning ikke tilgængelig for", |
"web services under your control" => "Webtjenester under din kontrol" |
); |
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Password" => "Συνθηματικό", |
"Submit" => "Καταχώρηση" |
"Submit" => "Καταχώρηση", |
"Download" => "Λήψη", |
"No preview available for" => "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση για", |
"web services under your control" => "υπηρεσίες δικτύου υπό τον έλεγχό σας" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Password" => "密码", |
"Submit" => "提交", |
"Download" => "下载", |
"No preview available for" => "没有预览可用于", |
"web services under your control" => "您控制的网络服务" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Expira totes les versions", |
"Versions" => "Versions", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Això eliminarà totes les versions de còpia de seguretat dels vostres fitxers", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Habilita les versions de fitxers" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Això eliminarà totes les versions de còpia de seguretat dels vostres fitxers" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Lad alle versioner udløbe", |
"Versions" => "Versioner", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Dette vil slette alle eksisterende backupversioner af dine filer" |
); |
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Λήξη όλων των εκδόσεων", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Ενεργοποίηση παρακολούθησης εκδόσεων αρχείων" |
"Versions" => "Εκδόσεις", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Αυτό θα διαγράψει όλες τις υπάρχουσες εκδόσεις των αντιγράφων ασφαλείας των αρχείων σας", |
"Files Versioning" => "Εκδόσεις Αρχείων", |
"Enable" => "Ενεργοποίηση" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Eksvalidigi ĉiujn eldonojn", |
"Versions" => "Eldonoj", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Ĉi tio forigos ĉiujn estantajn sekurkopiajn eldonojn de viaj dosieroj", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Kapabligi dosiereldonkontrolon" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Ĉi tio forigos ĉiujn estantajn sekurkopiajn eldonojn de viaj dosieroj" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Kõikide versioonide aegumine", |
"Versions" => "Versioonid", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "See kustutab kõik sinu failidest tehtud varuversiooni", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Luba failide versioonihaldus" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "See kustutab kõik sinu failidest tehtud varuversiooni" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Iraungi bertsio guztiak", |
"Versions" => "Bertsioak", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Honek zure fitxategien bertsio guztiak ezabatuko ditu", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Gaitu fitxategien bertsioak" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Honek zure fitxategien bertsio guztiak ezabatuko ditu" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Vanhenna kaikki versiot", |
"Versions" => "Versiot", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Tämä poistaa kaikki tiedostojesi olemassa olevat varmuuskopioversiot", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Käytä tiedostojen versiointia" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Tämä poistaa kaikki tiedostojesi olemassa olevat varmuuskopioversiot" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Supprimer les versions intermédiaires", |
"Versions" => "Versions", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Cette opération va effacer toutes les versions intermédiaires de vos fichiers (et ne garder que la dernière version en date).", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Activer le versionnage" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Cette opération va effacer toutes les versions intermédiaires de vos fichiers (et ne garder que la dernière version en date)." |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "הפגת תוקף כל הגרסאות", |
"Versions" => "גרסאות", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "פעולה זו תמחק את כל גיבויי הגרסאות הקיימים של הקבצים שלך", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "הפעלת ניהול גרסאות לקבצים" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "פעולה זו תמחק את כל גיבויי הגרסאות הקיימים של הקבצים שלך" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "すべてのバージョンを削除する", |
"Versions" => "バージョン", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "これは、あなたのファイルのすべてのバックアップバージョンを削除します", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "ファイルのバージョン管理を有効にする" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "これは、あなたのファイルのすべてのバックアップバージョンを削除します" |
); |
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Panaikinti visų versijų galiojimą", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Įjungti failų versijų vedimą" |
"Expire all versions" => "Panaikinti visų versijų galiojimą" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Alle versies laten verlopen", |
"Versions" => "Versies", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Dit zal alle bestaande backup versies van uw bestanden verwijderen", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Activeer file versioning" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Dit zal alle bestaande backup versies van uw bestanden verwijderen" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Wygasają wszystkie wersje", |
"Versions" => "Wersje", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich istniejących wersji kopii zapasowych plików", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Włącz wersjonowanie plików" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich istniejących wersji kopii zapasowych plików" |
); |
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Expirar todas as versões", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Habilitar versionamento de arquivos" |
"Expire all versions" => "Expirar todas as versões" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Просрочить все версии", |
"Versions" => "Версии", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Очистить список версий ваших файлов", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "Включить ведение версий файлов" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Очистить список версий ваших файлов" |
); |
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "Hết hạn tất cả các phiên bản", |
"Versions" => "Phiên bản", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Điều này sẽ xóa tất cả các phiên bản sao lưu hiện có ", |
"Enable Files Versioning" => "BẬT tập tin phiên bản" |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "Điều này sẽ xóa tất cả các phiên bản sao lưu hiện có " |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Expire all versions" => "作废所有版本", |
"Versions" => "版本", |
"This will delete all existing backup versions of your files" => "这将删除所有您现有文件的备份版本", |
"Files Versioning" => "文件版本", |
"Enable" => "启用" |
); |
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ |
<form id="versionssettings"> |
<fieldset class="personalblock"> |
<input type="checkbox" name="versions" id="versions" value="1" <?php if (OCP\Config::getSystemValue('versions', 'true')=='true') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> /> <label for="versions"><?php echo $l->t('Enable Files Versioning'); ?></label> <br/>
<legend><strong><?php echo $l->t('Files Versioning');?></strong></legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="versions" id="versions" value="1" <?php if (OCP\Config::getSystemValue('versions', 'true')=='true') echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> /> <label for="versions"><?php echo $l->t('Enable'); ?></label> <br/>
</fieldset> |
</form> |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Host" => "主机", |
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "您可以忽略协议,除非您需要 SSL。然后用 ldaps:// 开头", |
"Base DN" => "基本判别名", |
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "您可以在高级选项卡中为用户和群组指定基本判别名", |
"User DN" => "用户判别名", |
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "客户机用户的判别名,将用于绑定,例如 uid=agent, dc=example, dc=com。匿名访问请留空判别名和密码。", |
"Password" => "密码", |
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "匿名访问请留空判别名和密码。", |
"User Login Filter" => "用户登录过滤器", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action." => "定义尝试登录时要应用的过滤器。用 %%uid 替换登录操作中使用的用户名。", |
"use %%uid placeholder, e.g. \"uid=%%uid\"" => "使用 %%uid 占位符,例如 \"uid=%%uid\"", |
"User List Filter" => "用户列表过滤器", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users." => "定义撷取用户时要应用的过滤器。", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"." => "不能使用占位符,例如 \"objectClass=person\"。", |
"Group Filter" => "群组过滤器", |
"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "定义撷取群组时要应用的过滤器", |
"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "不能使用占位符,例如 \"objectClass=posixGroup\"。", |
"Port" => "端口", |
"Base User Tree" => "基本用户树", |
"Base Group Tree" => "基本群组树", |
"Group-Member association" => "群组-成员组合", |
"Use TLS" => "使用 TLS", |
"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "不要使用它进行 SSL 连接,会失败的。", |
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "大小写不敏感的 LDAP 服务器 (Windows)", |
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "关闭 SSL 证书校验。", |
"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "如果只有使用此选项才能连接,请导入 LDAP 服务器的 SSL 证书到您的 ownCloud 服务器。", |
"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "不推荐,仅供测试", |
"User Display Name Field" => "用户显示名称字段", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "用于生成用户的 ownCloud 名称的 LDAP 属性。", |
"Group Display Name Field" => "群组显示名称字段", |
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "用于生成群组的 ownCloud 名称的 LDAP 属性。", |
"in bytes" => "以字节计", |
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "以秒计。修改会清空缓存。", |
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "用户名请留空 (默认)。否则,请指定一个 LDAP/AD 属性。", |
"Help" => "帮助" |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( |
"Application name not provided." => "Имя приложения не предоставлено.", |
"No category to add?" => "Нет категории для добавления?", |
"This category already exists: " => "Эта категория уже существует:", |
"Settings" => "Настройки", |
"January" => "Январь", |
"February" => "Февраль", |
"March" => "Март", |
"April" => "Апрель", |
"May" => "Май", |
"June" => "Июнь", |
"July" => "Июль", |
"August" => "Август", |
"September" => "Сентябрь", |
"October" => "Октябрь", |
"November" => "Ноябрь", |
"December" => "Декабрь", |
"Cancel" => "Отмена", |
"No" => "Нет", |
"Yes" => "Да", |
"Ok" => "Да", |
"No categories selected for deletion." => "Нет категорий, выбранных для удаления.", |
"Error" => "Ошибка", |
"ownCloud password reset" => "Переназначение пароля", |
"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Воспользуйтесь следующей ссылкой для переназначения пароля: {link}", |
"You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Вы получите ссылку для восстановления пароля по электронной почте.", |
"Requested" => "Запрашиваемое", |
"Login failed!" => "Войти не удалось!", |
"Username" => "Имя пользователя", |
"Request reset" => "Сброс запроса", |
"Your password was reset" => "Ваш пароль был переустановлен", |
"To login page" => "На страницу входа", |
"New password" => "Новый пароль", |
"Reset password" => "Переназначение пароля", |
"Personal" => "Персональный", |
"Users" => "Пользователи", |
"Apps" => "Приложения", |
"Admin" => "Администратор", |
"Help" => "Помощь", |
"Access forbidden" => "Доступ запрещен", |
"Cloud not found" => "Облако не найдено", |
"Edit categories" => "Редактирование категорий", |
"Add" => "Добавить", |
"Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" => "Создать <strong>admin account</strong>", |
"Password" => "Пароль", |
"Advanced" => "Расширенный", |
"Data folder" => "Папка данных", |
"Configure the database" => "Настроить базу данных", |
"will be used" => "будет использоваться", |
"Database user" => "Пользователь базы данных", |
"Database password" => "Пароль базы данных", |
"Database name" => "Имя базы данных", |
"Database tablespace" => "Табличная область базы данных", |
"Database host" => "Сервер базы данных", |
"Finish setup" => "Завершение настройки", |
"web services under your control" => "веб-сервисы под Вашим контролем", |
"Log out" => "Выйти", |
"Lost your password?" => "Забыли пароль?", |
"remember" => "запомнить", |
"Log in" => "Войти", |
"You are logged out." => "Вы вышли из системы.", |
"prev" => "предыдущий", |
"next" => "следующий" |
); |
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in new issue