@ -8,45 +8,50 @@
< form id = "calendar" >
< fieldset class = "personalblock" >
< fieldset class = "personalblock" >
< legend > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Calendar' ); ?> </ legend >
< table class = "nostyle" >
< tr >< td >< label for = "timezone" class = "bold" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Timezone' ); ?> </ label ></ td >< td >< select style = "display: none;" id = "timezone" name = "timezone" >
$continent = '';
foreach($_['timezones'] as $timezone):
$ex=explode('/', $timezone, 2);//obtain continent,city
if (!isset($ex[1])) {
$ex[1] = $ex[0];
$ex[0] = "Other";
if ($continent!=$ex[0]):
if ($continent!="") echo '< / optgroup > ';
echo '< optgroup label = "'.$ex[0].'" > ';
< table class = "nostyle" >
< tr >< td >< label for = "timezone" class = "bold" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Timezone' ); ?> </ label ></ td >< td >< select style = "display: none;" id = "timezone" name = "timezone" >
$continent = '';
foreach($_['timezones'] as $timezone):
$ex=explode('/', $timezone, 2);//obtain continent,city
if (!isset($ex[1])) {
$ex[1] = $ex[0];
$ex[0] = "Other";
if ($continent!=$ex[0]):
if ($continent!="") echo '< / optgroup > ';
echo '< optgroup label = "'.$ex[0].'" > ';
$city=strtr($ex[1], '_', ' ');
echo '< option value = "'.$timezone.'" ' . ( $ _ [ ' timezone ' ] = = $ timezone ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ' ' ) . ' > '.$city.'< / option > ';
</ select >< input type = "checkbox" name = "timezonedetection" id = "timezonedetection" >< label for = "timezonedetection" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Check always for changes of the timezone' ); ?> </ label ></ td ></ tr >
echo '< option value = "'.$timezone.'" ' . ( $ _ [ ' timezone ' ] = = $ timezone ? ' selected = "selected" ' : ' ' ) . ' > '.$city.'< / option > ';
</ select >< input type = "checkbox" name = "timezonedetection" id = "timezonedetection" >< label for = "timezonedetection" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Check always for changes of the timezone' ); ?> </ label ></ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td >< label for = "timeformat" class = "bold" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Timeformat' ); ?> </ label ></ td >< td >
< select style = "display: none; width: 60px;" id = "timeformat" title = " <?php echo "timeformat" ; ?> " name = "timeformat" >
< option value = "24" id = "24h" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "24h" ); ?> </ option >
< option value = "ampm" id = "ampm" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "12h" ); ?> </ option >
< / select >
< / td > < / tr >
< tr >< td >< label for = "timeformat" class = "bold" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Timeformat' ); ?> </ label ></ td >< td >
< select style = "display: none; width: 60px;" id = "timeformat" title = " <?php echo "timeformat" ; ?> " name = "timeformat" >
< option value = "24" id = "24h" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "24h" ); ?> </ option >
< option value = "ampm" id = "ampm" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "12h" ); ?> </ option >
< / select >
< / td > < / tr >
< tr >< td >< label for = "firstday" class = "bold" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'First day of the week' ); ?> </ label ></ td >< td >
< select style = "display: none;" id = "firstday" title = " <?php echo "First day" ; ?> " name = "firstday" >
< option value = "mo" id = "mo" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "Monday" ); ?> </ option >
< option value = "su" id = "su" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "Sunday" ); ?> </ option >
< / select >
< / td > < / tr >
< tr >< td >< label for = "firstday" class = "bold" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'First day of the week' ); ?> </ label ></ td >< td >
< select style = "display: none;" id = "firstday" title = " <?php echo "First day" ; ?> " name = "firstday" >
< option value = "mo" id = "mo" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "Monday" ); ?> </ option >
< option value = "su" id = "su" > <?php echo $l -> t ( "Sunday" ); ?> </ option >
< / select >
< / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< / table >
<?php echo $l -> t ( 'Calendar CalDAV syncing address:' ); ?>
< code > <?php echo OCP\Util :: linkToRemote ( 'caldav' ); ?> </ code >< br />
<?php echo $l -> t ( 'Calendar CalDAV syncing addresses' ); ?> (< a href = "http://owncloud.org/synchronisation/" target = "_blank" > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'more info' ); ?> </ a > )
< dl >
< dt > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'Primary address (Kontact et al)' ); ?> </ dt >
< dd >< code > <?php echo OCP\Util :: linkToRemote ( 'caldav' ); ?> </ code ></ dd >
< dt > <?php echo $l -> t ( 'iOS/OS X' ); ?> </ dt >
< dd >< code > <?php echo OCP\Util :: linkToRemote ( 'caldav' ); ?> principals/<?php echo OCP\USER :: getUser (); ?> </ code > /</ dd >
< / dl >
< / fieldset >
< / form >