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The requested content cannot be loaded.
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"auto" : i.height + - y - d.padding * 2 + }); + if (c) + g(); + else { + B.prop = 0; + b(B).animate({ + prop : 1 + }, { + duration : d.changeSpeed, + easing : d.easingChange, + step : T, + complete : g + }) + } + }) + } else { + f.removeAttr("style"); + j.css("border-width", d.padding); + if (d.transitionIn == "elastic") { + r = V(); + j.html(m.contents()); + f.show(); + if (d.opacity) + i.opacity = 0; + B.prop = 0; + b(B).animate({ + prop : 1 + }, { + duration : d.speedIn, + easing : d.easingIn, + step : T, + complete : S + }) + } else { + d.titlePosition == "inside" && y > 0 && n.show(); + j.css( + { + width : i.width - d.padding * 2, + height : e.autoDimensions ? "auto" : i.height + - y - d.padding * 2 + }).html(m.contents()); + f + .css(i) + .fadeIn(d.transitionIn == "none" ? 0 : d.speedIn, S) + } + } + } + }, Y = function() { + if (d.enableEscapeButton || d.enableKeyboardNav) + b(document).bind( + "keydown.fb", + function(a) { + if (a.keyCode == 27 && d.enableEscapeButton) { + a.preventDefault(); + b.fancybox.close() + } else if ((a.keyCode == 37 || a.keyCode == 39) + && d.enableKeyboardNav + && a.target.tagName !== "INPUT" + && a.target.tagName !== "TEXTAREA" + && a.target.tagName !== "SELECT") { + a.preventDefault(); + b.fancybox[a.keyCode == 37 ? "prev" : "next"]() + } + }); + if (d.showNavArrows) { + if (d.cyclic && l.length > 1 || p !== 0) + z.show(); + if (d.cyclic && l.length > 1 || p != l.length - 1) + A.show() + } else { + z.hide(); + A.hide() + } + }, S = function() { + if (!b.support.opacity) { + j.get(0).style.removeAttribute("filter"); + f.get(0).style.removeAttribute("filter") + } + e.autoDimensions && j.css("height", "auto"); + f.css("height", "auto"); + s && s.length && n.show(); + d.showCloseButton && E.show(); + Y(); + d.hideOnContentClick && j.bind("click", b.fancybox.close); + d.hideOnOverlayClick && u.bind("click", b.fancybox.close); + b(window).bind("resize.fb", b.fancybox.resize); + d.centerOnScroll && b(window).bind("scroll.fb", b.fancybox.center); + if (d.type == "iframe") + b( + '').appendTo(j); + f.show(); + h = false; + b.fancybox.center(); + d.onComplete(l, p, d); + var a, c; + if (l.length - 1 > p) { + a = l[p + 1].href; + if (typeof a !== "undefined" && a.match(J)) { + c = new Image; + c.src = a + } + } + if (p > 0) { + a = l[p - 1].href; + if (typeof a !== "undefined" && a.match(J)) { + c = new Image; + c.src = a + } + } + }, T = function(a) { + var c = { + width : parseInt(r.width + (i.width - r.width) * a, 10), + height : parseInt(r.height + (i.height - r.height) * a, 10), + top : parseInt(r.top + (i.top - r.top) * a, 10), + left : parseInt(r.left + (i.left - r.left) * a, 10) + }; + if (typeof i.opacity !== "undefined") + c.opacity = a < 0.5 ? 0.5 : a; + f.css(c); + j.css({ + width : c.width - d.padding * 2, + height : c.height - y * a - d.padding * 2 + }) + }, U = function() { + return [ b(window).width() - d.margin * 2, + b(window).height() - d.margin * 2, + b(document).scrollLeft() + d.margin, + b(document).scrollTop() + d.margin ] + }, X = function() { + var a = U(), c = {}, g = d.autoScale, k = d.padding * 2; + c.width = d.width.toString().indexOf("%") > -1 ? parseInt(a[0] + * parseFloat(d.width) / 100, 10) : d.width + k; + c.height = d.height.toString().indexOf("%") > -1 ? parseInt(a[1] + * parseFloat(d.height) / 100, 10) : d.height + k; + if (g && (c.width > a[0] || c.height > a[1])) + if (e.type == "image" || e.type == "swf") { + g = d.width / d.height; + if (c.width > a[0]) { + c.width = a[0]; + c.height = parseInt((c.width - k) / g + k, 10) + } + if (c.height > a[1]) { + c.height = a[1]; + c.width = parseInt((c.height - k) * g + k, 10) + } + } else { + c.width = Math.min(c.width, a[0]); + c.height = Math.min(c.height, a[1]) + } + c.top = parseInt(Math.max(a[3] - 20, a[3] + (a[1] - c.height - 40) + * 0.5), 10); + c.left = parseInt(Math.max(a[2] - 20, a[2] + (a[0] - c.width - 40) + * 0.5), 10); + return c + }, V = function() { + var a = e.orig ? b(e.orig) : false, c = {}; + if (a && a.length) { + c = a.offset(); + c.top += parseInt(a.css("paddingTop"), 10) || 0; + c.left += parseInt(a.css("paddingLeft"), 10) || 0; + c.top += parseInt(a.css("border-top-width"), 10) || 0; + c.left += parseInt(a.css("border-left-width"), 10) || 0; + c.width = a.width(); + c.height = a.height(); + c = { + width : c.width + d.padding * 2, + height : c.height + d.padding * 2, + top : c.top - d.padding - 20, + left : c.left - d.padding - 20 + } + } else { + a = U(); + c = { + width : d.padding * 2, + height : d.padding * 2, + top : parseInt(a[3] + a[1] * 0.5, 10), + left : parseInt(a[2] + a[0] * 0.5, 10) + } + } + return c + }, Z = function() { + if (t.is(":visible")) { + b("div", t).css("top", L * -40 + "px"); + L = (L + 1) % 12 + } else + clearInterval(K) + }; + b.fn.fancybox = function(a) { + if (!b(this).length) + return this; + b(this).data("fancybox", + b.extend({}, a, b.metadata ? b(this).metadata() : {})).unbind( + "click.fb").bind("click.fb", function(c) { + c.preventDefault(); + if (!h) { + h = true; + b(this).blur(); + o = []; + q = 0; + c = b(this).attr("rel") || ""; + if (!c || c == "" || c === "nofollow") + o.push(this); + else { + o = b("a[rel=" + c + "], area[rel=" + c + "]"); + q = o.index(this) + } + I() + } + }); + return this + }; + b.fancybox = function(a, c) { + var g; + if (!h) { + h = true; + g = typeof c !== "undefined" ? c : {}; + o = []; + q = parseInt(g.index, 10) || 0; + if (b.isArray(a)) { + for ( var k = 0, C = a.length; k < C; k++) + if (typeof a[k] == "object") + b(a[k]).data("fancybox", b.extend({}, g, a[k])); + else + a[k] = b({}).data("fancybox", b.extend({ + content : a[k] + }, g)); + o = jQuery.merge(o, a) + } else { + if (typeof a == "object") + b(a).data("fancybox", b.extend({}, g, a)); + else + a = b({}).data("fancybox", b.extend({ + content : a + }, g)); + o.push(a) + } + if (q > o.length || q < 0) + q = 0; + I() + } + }; + b.fancybox.showActivity = function() { + clearInterval(K); + t.show(); + K = setInterval(Z, 66) + }; + b.fancybox.hideActivity = function() { + t.hide() + }; + b.fancybox.next = function() { + return b.fancybox.pos(p + 1) + }; + b.fancybox.prev = function() { + return b.fancybox.pos(p - 1) + }; + b.fancybox.pos = function(a) { + if (!h) { + a = parseInt(a); + o = l; + if (a > -1 && a < l.length) { + q = a; + I() + } else if (d.cyclic && l.length > 1) { + q = a >= l.length ? 0 : l.length - 1; + I() + } + } + }; + b.fancybox.cancel = function() { + if (!h) { + h = true; + b.event.trigger("fancybox-cancel"); + N(); + e.onCancel(o, q, e); + h = false + } + }; + b.fancybox.close = function() { + function a() { + u.fadeOut("fast"); + n.empty().hide(); + f.hide(); + b.event.trigger("fancybox-cleanup"); + j.empty(); + d.onClosed(l, p, d); + l = e = []; + p = q = 0; + d = e = {}; + h = false + } + if (!(h || f.is(":hidden"))) { + h = true; + if (d && false === d.onCleanup(l, p, d)) + h = false; + else { + N(); + b(E.add(z).add(A)).hide(); + b(j.add(u)).unbind(); + b(window).unbind("resize.fb scroll.fb"); + b(document).unbind("keydown.fb"); + j + .find("iframe") + .attr( + "src", + M && /^https/i.test(window.location.href || "") ? "javascript:void(false)" + : "about:blank"); + d.titlePosition !== "inside" && n.empty(); + f.stop(); + if (d.transitionOut == "elastic") { + r = V(); + var c = f.position(); + i = { + top : c.top, + left : c.left, + width : f.width(), + height : f.height() + }; + if (d.opacity) + i.opacity = 1; + n.empty().hide(); + B.prop = 1; + b(B).animate({ + prop : 0 + }, { + duration : d.speedOut, + easing : d.easingOut, + step : T, + complete : a + }) + } else + f.fadeOut(d.transitionOut == "none" ? 0 : d.speedOut, a) + } + } + }; + b.fancybox.resize = function() { + u.is(":visible") && u.css("height", b(document).height()); + b.fancybox.center(true) + }; + b.fancybox.center = function(a) { + var c, g; + if (!h) { + g = a === true ? 1 : 0; + c = U(); + !g + && (f.width() > c[0] || f.height() > c[1]) + || f.stop().animate( + { + top : parseInt(Math.max(c[3] - 20, c[3] + + (c[1] - j.height() - 40) * 0.5 + - d.padding)), + left : parseInt(Math.max(c[2] - 20, c[2] + + (c[0] - j.width() - 40) * 0.5 + - d.padding)) + }, typeof a == "number" ? a : 200) + } + }; + b.fancybox.init = function() { + if (!b("#fancybox-wrap").length) { + b("body").append(m = b('
'), + t = b('
'), + u = b('
'), + f = b('
')); + D = b('
') + .append( + '
') + .appendTo(f); + D + .append( + j = b('
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'), + z = b(''), + A = b('')); + E.click(b.fancybox.close); + t.click(b.fancybox.cancel); + z.click(function(a) { + a.preventDefault(); + b.fancybox.prev() + }); + A.click(function(a) { + a.preventDefault(); + b.fancybox.next() + }); + b.fn.mousewheel + && f.bind("mousewheel.fb", function(a, c) { + if (h) + a.preventDefault(); + else if (b(a.target).get(0).clientHeight == 0 + || b(a.target).get(0).scrollHeight === b( + a.target).get(0).clientHeight) { + a.preventDefault(); + b.fancybox[c > 0 ? "prev" : "next"]() + } + }); + b.support.opacity || f.addClass("fancybox-ie"); + if (M) { + t.addClass("fancybox-ie6"); + f.addClass("fancybox-ie6"); + b( + '') + .prependTo(D) + } + } + }; + b.fn.fancybox.defaults = { + padding : 10, + margin : 40, + opacity : false, + modal : false, + cyclic : false, + scrolling : "auto", + width : 560, + height : 340, + autoScale : true, + autoDimensions : true, + centerOnScroll : false, + ajax : {}, + swf : { + wmode : "transparent" + }, + hideOnOverlayClick : true, + hideOnContentClick : false, + overlayShow : true, + overlayOpacity : 0.7, + overlayColor : "#777", + titleShow : true, + titlePosition : "float", + titleFormat : null, + titleFromAlt : false, + transitionIn : "fade", + transitionOut : "fade", + speedIn : 300, + speedOut : 300, + changeSpeed : 300, + changeFade : "fast", + easingIn : "swing", + easingOut : "swing", + showCloseButton : true, + showNavArrows : true, + enableEscapeButton : true, + enableKeyboardNav : true, + onStart : function() { + }, + onCancel : function() { + }, + onComplete : function() { + }, + onCleanup : function() { + }, + onClosed : function() { + }, + onError : function() { + } + }; + b(document).ready(function() { + b.fancybox.init() + }) +})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/files_imageviewer/js/lightbox.js b/apps/files_imageviewer/js/lightbox.js index 69cda7a0ecc..32147782fea 100644 --- a/apps/files_imageviewer/js/lightbox.js +++ b/apps/files_imageviewer/js/lightbox.js @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ function viewImage(dir, file) { if(file.indexOf('.psd')>0){//can't view those return; } + console.log("!!!!!!!!! lightbox"); var location=OC.filePath('files','ajax','download.php')+'?files='+encodeURIComponent(file)+'&dir='+encodeURIComponent(dir); $.fancybox({ "href": location,