Currently if a user does not replace the .htaccess file with the new update this can lead to serious problems in case Apache is used as webserver.
This commit adds the version to the .htaccess file and the update routine fails in case not the newest version is specified in there. This obviously means that every release has to update the version specified in .htaccess as well. But I see no better solution for it.
add logSettingsController
add download logfile button
move getEntries to LogSettingsController
move set log level to logsettingscontroller.php
add warning if logfile is bigger than 100MB
add unit test for set log level
fix typecasting, add new line at EoF
show log and logfile download only if log_type is set to owncloud
add unit test for getFilenameForDownload
* resolves dependencies by type hint or variable name
* simpler route.php
* implementation of
Generates and injects parameters automatically. You can now build full classes like
without having to register it as a service. The resolved object's instance will be saved by using registerService. If a constructor parameter is not type hinted, the parameter name will be taken.
Therefore the following two implementations are identical:
class Class1 { function __construct(MyClassName $class)
class Class1 { function __construct($MyClassName)
This makes it possible to also inject primitive values such as strings, arrays etc.
In addition if the query could not be resolved, a `QueryException` is now thrown
Routes can now be returned as an array from `routes.php` and an `appinfo/application.php` is optional
Old commit messages:
make it possible to return the routes instead of having to intialize the application
try to get the controller by convention
add first implementation of automatic resolve
add another test just to be sure
store the resolved object
more tests
add phpdoc to public app.php method
use the same variable for the public app.php method
deprecate old methods and add services for public interfaces
deprecated getServer method
disallow private api injection for apps other than core or settings (settings should be an app goddamnit :D)
register userid because its such an often used variable
fix indention and leading slash
use test namespace
add deprecation reasons, remove private api usage checks and remove deprecation from getServer()
add additional public interfaces
add public interface for rootfolder
fix syntax error
remove deprecation from methods where no alternative is there yet
remove deprecated from method which has no alternative
add timezone public service for #12881
An error occurred
add another deprecation hint
move deprecation into separate branch
remove dead comment
first try to get the namespace from the info.xml, if it does not exist, just uppercase the first letter
also trim the namespace name
add an interface for timefactory
move timefactory to public and add icontrollermethodreflector
keep core interface
fix copyright date in headers
Beside some small improvements and bug fixes this will probably the final state for OC8.
To test this you need to set up two ownCloud instances. Let's say:
URL: myPC/firstOwnCloud user: user1
URL: myPC/secondOwnCloud user: user2
Now user1 can share a file with user2 by entering the username and the URL to the second ownCloud to the share-drop-down, in this case "user2@myPC/secondOwnCloud".
The next time user2 login he will get a notification that he received a server-to-server share with the option to accept/decline it. If he accept it the share will be mounted. In both cases a event will be send back to user1 and add a notification to the activity stream that the share was accepted/declined.
If user1 decides to unshare the file again from user2 the share will automatically be removed from the second ownCloud server and user2 will see a notification in his activity stream that user1@myPC/firstOwnCloud has unshared the file/folder from him.
* introduced new route settings/users/{id}/mailAddress
* kept old responses
* better error messages
* dropped lostpassword.php from settings/ajax
* cleaned up the UserList.add() and hand in user object instead of
each attribute as another parameter
* check for change permission of mail address
* proper response messages
document docker parameter and use random host port
fix typo
copy to
adds ability to add start* and stop* scripts in env in external tests
run files_external WebDAV tests against ownCloud instance
introduce executor number to be able to shut down the correct docker container
fetch docker images in advance - this also fetches latest versions of the docker images
add second argument to which can specify a single test to run
print out the explicit test run
change naming schema of files_external setup scripts
Added oc:tags and oc:favorites in PROPFIND response.
It is possible to update them with PROPPATCH.
These properties are optional which means they need to be requested
* add switch to settings to show user backend
* user classes for headers and rows to unify the show/hide statement
* add user backend to response of user create request
* proper markup in settings area