<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2013 Bart Visscher <bartv@thisnet.nl> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. * */ namespace OC; /** * Class to generate URLs */ class URLGenerator { /** * @brief Creates an url using a defined route * @param $route * @param array $parameters * @return * @internal param array $args with param=>value, will be appended to the returned url * @returns the url * * Returns a url to the given app and file. */ public function linkToRoute($route, $parameters = array()) { $urlLinkTo = \OC::getRouter()->generate($route, $parameters); return $urlLinkTo; } /** * @brief Creates an url * @param string $app app * @param string $file file * @param array $args array with param=>value, will be appended to the returned url * The value of $args will be urlencoded * @return string the url * * Returns a url to the given app and file. */ public function linkTo( $app, $file, $args = array() ) { if( $app != '' ) { $app_path = \OC_App::getAppPath($app); // Check if the app is in the app folder if ($app_path && file_exists($app_path . '/' . $file)) { if (substr($file, -3) == 'php' || substr($file, -3) == 'css') { $urlLinkTo = \OC::$WEBROOT . '/index.php/apps/' . $app; $urlLinkTo .= ($file != 'index.php') ? '/' . $file : ''; } else { $urlLinkTo = \OC_App::getAppWebPath($app) . '/' . $file; } } else { $urlLinkTo = \OC::$WEBROOT . '/' . $app . '/' . $file; } } else { if (file_exists(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/' . $file)) { $urlLinkTo = \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/' . $file; } else { $urlLinkTo = \OC::$WEBROOT . '/' . $file; } } if ($args && $query = http_build_query($args, '', '&')) { $urlLinkTo .= '?' . $query; } return $urlLinkTo; } /** * @brief Creates path to an image * @param string $app app * @param string $image image name * @return string the url * * Returns the path to the image. */ public function imagePath($app, $image) { // Read the selected theme from the config file $theme = \OC_Util::getTheme(); // Check if the app is in the app folder if (file_exists(\OC::$SERVERROOT . "/themes/$theme/apps/$app/img/$image")) { return \OC::$WEBROOT . "/themes/$theme/apps/$app/img/$image"; } elseif (file_exists(\OC_App::getAppPath($app) . "/img/$image")) { return \OC_App::getAppWebPath($app) . "/img/$image"; } elseif (!empty($app) and file_exists(\OC::$SERVERROOT . "/themes/$theme/$app/img/$image")) { return \OC::$WEBROOT . "/themes/$theme/$app/img/$image"; } elseif (!empty($app) and file_exists(\OC::$SERVERROOT . "/$app/img/$image")) { return \OC::$WEBROOT . "/$app/img/$image"; } elseif (file_exists(\OC::$SERVERROOT . "/themes/$theme/core/img/$image")) { return \OC::$WEBROOT . "/themes/$theme/core/img/$image"; } elseif (file_exists(\OC::$SERVERROOT . "/core/img/$image")) { return \OC::$WEBROOT . "/core/img/$image"; } else { throw new RuntimeException('image not found: image:' . $image . ' webroot:' . \OC::$WEBROOT . ' serverroot:' . \OC::$SERVERROOT); } } /** * @brief Makes an $url absolute * @param string $url the url * @return string the absolute url * * Returns a absolute url to the given app and file. */ public function makeURLAbsolute($url) { return \OC_Request::serverProtocol() . '://' . \OC_Request::serverHost() . $url; } }