 * ownCloud
 * @author Frank Karlitschek
 * @author Jakob Sack
 * @copyright 2012 Frank Karlitschek frank@owncloud.org
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * This class manages the apps. It allows them to register and integrate in the
 * owncloud ecosystem. Furthermore, this class is responsible for installing,
 * upgrading and removing apps.
class OC_App{
	static private $activeapp = '';
	static private $navigation = array();
	static private $settingsForms = array();
	static private $adminForms = array();
	static private $personalForms = array();
	static private $appInfo = array();
	static private $appTypes = array();
	static private $loadedApps = array();
	static private $checkedApps = array();

	 * @brief loads all apps
	 * @param array $types
	 * @returns true/false
	 * This function walks through the owncloud directory and loads all apps
	 * it can find. A directory contains an app if the file /appinfo/app.php
	 * exists.
	 * if $types is set, only apps of those types will be loaded
	public static function loadApps($types=null){
		// Load the enabled apps here
		$apps = self::getEnabledApps();
		// prevent app.php from printing output
		foreach( $apps as $app ){
			if((is_null($types) or self::isType($app,$types)) && !in_array($app, self::$loadedApps)){
				self::$loadedApps[] = $app;

		if (!defined('DEBUG') || !DEBUG){
			if (is_null($types)) {
				OC_Util::$core_scripts = OC_Util::$scripts;
				OC_Util::$scripts = array();
				OC_Util::$core_styles = OC_Util::$styles;
				OC_Util::$styles = array();

				if (!OC_AppConfig::getValue('core', 'remote_core.css', false)) {
					OC_AppConfig::setValue('core', 'remote_core.css', '/core/minimizer.php');
					OC_AppConfig::setValue('core', 'remote_core.js', '/core/minimizer.php');
		// return
		return true;

	 * load a single app
	 * @param string app
	public static function loadApp($app){
			require_once( $app.'/appinfo/app.php' );

	 * check if an app is of a specific type
	 * @param string $app
	 * @param string/array $types
	public static function isType($app,$types){
		foreach($types as $type){
				return true;
		return false;

	 * get the types of an app
	 * @param string $app
	 * @return array
	private static function getAppTypes($app){
		//load the cache

			return explode(',',self::$appTypes[$app]);
			return array();

	 * read app types from info.xml and cache them in the database
	public static function setAppTypes($app){



	 * get all enabled apps
	public static function getEnabledApps(){
		if(!OC_Config::getValue('installed', false))
			return array();
		$query = OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `appid` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `configkey` = \'enabled\' AND `configvalue`=\'yes\'' );
		return $apps;

	 * @brief checks whether or not an app is enabled
	 * @param $app app
	 * @returns true/false
	 * This function checks whether or not an app is enabled.
	public static function isEnabled( $app ){
		if( 'files'==$app or 'yes' == OC_Appconfig::getValue( $app, 'enabled' )){
			return true;

		return false;

	 * @brief enables an app
	 * @param $app app
	 * @returns true/false
	 * This function set an app as enabled in appconfig.
	public static function enable( $app ){
			// check if app is a shipped app or not. OCS apps have an integer as id, shipped apps use a string
				$app = OC_Installer::installShippedApp($app);
				if(isset($download['downloadlink']) and $download['downloadlink']!='') {
			// check if the app is compatible with this version of ownCloud
			if(!isset($info['require']) or ($version[0]>$info['require'])){
				OC_Log::write('core','App "'.$info['name'].'" can\'t be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud',OC_Log::ERROR);
				return false;
				OC_Appconfig::setValue( $app, 'enabled', 'yes' );
				return true;
			return false;
		return $app;

	 * @brief disables an app
	 * @param $app app
	 * @returns true/false
	 * This function set an app as disabled in appconfig.
	public static function disable( $app ){
		// check if app is a shiped app or not. if not delete
		OC_Appconfig::setValue( $app, 'enabled', 'no' );

	 * @brief adds an entry to the navigation
	 * @param $data array containing the data
	 * @returns true/false
	 * This function adds a new entry to the navigation visible to users. $data
	 * is an associative array.
	 * The following keys are required:
	 *   - id: unique id for this entry ('addressbook_index')
	 *   - href: link to the page
	 *   - name: Human readable name ('Addressbook')
	 * The following keys are optional:
	 *   - icon: path to the icon of the app
	 *   - order: integer, that influences the position of your application in
	 *     the navigation. Lower values come first.
	public static function addNavigationEntry( $data ){
		OC_App::$navigation[] = $data;
		return true;

	 * @brief marks a navigation entry as active
	 * @param $id id of the entry
	 * @returns true/false
	 * This function sets a navigation entry as active and removes the 'active'
	 * property from all other entries. The templates can use this for
	 * highlighting the current position of the user.
	public static function setActiveNavigationEntry( $id ){
		self::$activeapp = $id;
		return true;

	 * @brief gets the active Menu entry
	 * @returns id or empty string
	 * This function returns the id of the active navigation entry (set by
	 * setActiveNavigationEntry
	public static function getActiveNavigationEntry(){
		return self::$activeapp;

	 * @brief Returns the Settings Navigation
	 * @returns associative array
	 * This function returns an array containing all settings pages added. The
	 * entries are sorted by the key 'order' ascending.
	public static function getSettingsNavigation(){

		$settings = array();
		// by default, settings only contain the help menu
		if(OC_Config::getValue('knowledgebaseenabled', true)==true){
			$settings = array(
				array( "id" => "help", "order" => 1000, "href" => OC_Helper::linkTo( "settings", "help.php" ), "name" => $l->t("Help"), "icon" => OC_Helper::imagePath( "settings", "help.svg" ))

		// if the user is logged-in
		if (OC_User::isLoggedIn()) {
			// personal menu
			$settings[] = array( "id" => "personal", "order" => 1, "href" => OC_Helper::linkTo( "settings", "personal.php" ), "name" => $l->t("Personal"), "icon" => OC_Helper::imagePath( "settings", "personal.svg" ));

			// if there're some settings forms
				// settings menu
				$settings[]=array( "id" => "settings", "order" => 1000, "href" => OC_Helper::linkTo( "settings", "settings.php" ), "name" => $l->t("Settings"), "icon" => OC_Helper::imagePath( "settings", "settings.svg" ));

			//SubAdmins are also allowed to access user management
			if(OC_SubAdmin::isSubAdmin($_SESSION["user_id"]) || OC_Group::inGroup( $_SESSION["user_id"], "admin" )){
				// admin users menu
				$settings[] = array( "id" => "core_users", "order" => 2, "href" => OC_Helper::linkTo( "settings", "users.php" ), "name" => $l->t("Users"), "icon" => OC_Helper::imagePath( "settings", "users.svg" ));

			// if the user is an admin
			if(OC_Group::inGroup( $_SESSION["user_id"], "admin" )) {
				// admin apps menu
				$settings[] = array( "id" => "core_apps", "order" => 3, "href" => OC_Helper::linkTo( "settings", "apps.php" ).'?installed', "name" => $l->t("Apps"), "icon" => OC_Helper::imagePath( "settings", "apps.svg" ));

				$settings[]=array( "id" => "admin", "order" => 1000, "href" => OC_Helper::linkTo( "settings", "admin.php" ), "name" => $l->t("Admin"), "icon" => OC_Helper::imagePath( "settings", "admin.svg" ));

		$navigation = self::proceedNavigation($settings);
		return $navigation;

	/// This is private as well. It simply works, so don't ask for more details
	private static function proceedNavigation( $list ){
		foreach( $list as &$naventry ){
			$naventry['subnavigation'] = array();
			if( $naventry['id'] == self::$activeapp ){
				$naventry['active'] = true;
				$naventry['active'] = false;
		} unset( $naventry );

		usort( $list, create_function( '$a, $b', 'if( $a["order"] == $b["order"] ){return 0;}elseif( $a["order"] < $b["order"] ){return -1;}else{return 1;}' ));

		return $list;

	 * Get the path where to install apps
	public static function getInstallPath() {
		if(OC_Config::getValue('appstoreenabled', true)==false) {
			return false;

		foreach(OC::$APPSROOTS as $dir) {
			if(isset($dir['writable']) && $dir['writable']===true)
				return $dir['path'];

		OC_Log::write('core','No application directories are marked as writable.',OC_Log::ERROR);
		return null;

	protected static function findAppInDirectories($appid) {
		static $app_dir = array();
		if (isset($app_dir[$appid])) {
			return $app_dir[$appid];
		foreach(OC::$APPSROOTS as $dir) {
			if(file_exists($dir['path'].'/'.$appid)) {
				return $app_dir[$appid]=$dir;
	* Get the directory for the given app.
	* If the app is defined in multiple directory, the first one is taken. (false if not found)
	public static function getAppPath($appid) {
		if( ($dir = self::findAppInDirectories($appid)) != false) {
			return $dir['path'].'/'.$appid;

	* Get the path for the given app on the access
	* If the app is defined in multiple directory, the first one is taken. (false if not found)
	public static function getAppWebPath($appid) {
		if( ($dir = self::findAppInDirectories($appid)) != false) {
			return OC::$WEBROOT.$dir['url'].'/'.$appid;

	 * get the last version of the app, either from appinfo/version or from appinfo/info.xml
	public static function getAppVersion($appid){
		$file= self::getAppPath($appid).'/appinfo/version';
			return trim($version);
			return isset($appData['version'])? $appData['version'] : '';

	 * @brief Read app metadata from the info.xml file
	 * @param string $appid id of the app or the path of the info.xml file
	 * @param boolean path (optional)
	 * @returns array
	public static function getAppInfo($appid,$path=false){
				return self::$appInfo[$appid];
			$file= self::getAppPath($appid).'/appinfo/info.xml';
		$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content);
		foreach($xml->children() as $child){
				foreach($child->children() as $remote){
				foreach($child->children() as $public){
				foreach($child->children() as $type){
				$data[$child->getName()]=substr($xml,13,-14);//script <description> tags
		return $data;

	 * @brief Returns the navigation
	 * @returns associative array
	 * This function returns an array containing all entries added. The
	 * entries are sorted by the key 'order' ascending. Additional to the keys
	 * given for each app the following keys exist:
	 *   - active: boolean, signals if the user is on this navigation entry
	 *   - children: array that is empty if the key 'active' is false or
	 *     contains the subentries if the key 'active' is true
	public static function getNavigation(){
		$navigation = self::proceedNavigation( self::$navigation );
		return $navigation;

	 * get the id of loaded app
	 * @return string
	public static function getCurrentApp(){
			return substr($script,$length+1,strpos($script,'/',$length+1)-$length-1);
			return $topFolder;

	 * get the forms for either settings, admin or personal
	public static function getForms($type){
			case 'settings':
			case 'admin':
			case 'personal':
		foreach($source as $form){
			$forms[]=include $form;
		return $forms;

	 * register a settings form to be shown
	public static function registerSettings($app,$page){
		self::$settingsForms[]= $app.'/'.$page.'.php';

	 * register an admin form to be shown
	public static function registerAdmin($app,$page){
		self::$adminForms[]= $app.'/'.$page.'.php';

	 * register a personal form to be shown
	public static function registerPersonal($app,$page){
		self::$personalForms[]= $app.'/'.$page.'.php';

	 * get a list of all apps in the apps folder
	public static function getAllApps(){
		foreach(OC::$APPSROOTS as $apps_dir) {
				if($file[0]!='.' and is_file($apps_dir['path'].'/'.$file.'/appinfo/app.php')){
		return $apps;

	 * check if the app need updating and update when needed
	public static function checkUpgrade($app) {
		if (in_array($app, self::$checkedApps)) {
		self::$checkedApps[] = $app;
		$versions = self::getAppVersions();
		if ($currentVersion) {
			$installedVersion = $versions[$app];
			if (version_compare($currentVersion, $installedVersion, '>')) {
				OC_Log::write($app, 'starting app upgrade from '.$installedVersion.' to '.$currentVersion,OC_Log::DEBUG);
				OC_Appconfig::setValue($app, 'installed_version', OC_App::getAppVersion($app));

	 * check if the current enabled apps are compatible with the current
	 * ownCloud version. disable them if not.
	 * This is important if you upgrade ownCloud and have non ported 3rd
	 * party apps installed.
	public static function checkAppsRequirements($apps = array()){
		if (empty($apps)) {
			$apps = OC_App::getEnabledApps();
		$version = OC_Util::getVersion();
		foreach($apps as $app) {
			// check if the app is compatible with this version of ownCloud
			$info = OC_App::getAppInfo($app);
			if(!isset($info['require']) or ($version[0]>$info['require'])){
				OC_Log::write('core','App "'.$info['name'].'" ('.$app.') can\'t be used because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud',OC_Log::ERROR);
				OC_App::disable( $app );

	 * get the installed version of all apps
	public static function getAppVersions(){
		static $versions;
		if (isset($versions)) {   // simple cache, needs to be fixed
			return $versions; // when function is used besides in checkUpgrade
		$query = OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `appid`, `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `configkey` = \'installed_version\'' );
		$result = $query->execute();
		while($row = $result->fetchRow()){
		return $versions;

	 * update the database for the app and call the update script
	 * @param string appid
	public static function updateApp($appid){
			include self::getAppPath($appid).'/appinfo/update.php';

		//set remote/public handelers
		foreach($appData['remote'] as $name=>$path){
			OCP\CONFIG::setAppValue('core', 'remote_'.$name, $appid.'/'.$path);
		foreach($appData['public'] as $name=>$path){
			OCP\CONFIG::setAppValue('core', 'public_'.$name, $appid.'/'.$path);


	 * @param string appid
	 * @return OC_FilesystemView
	public static function getStorage($appid){
		if(OC_App::isEnabled($appid)){//sanity check
				$view = new OC_FilesystemView('/'.OC_User::getUser());
				if(!$view->file_exists($appid)) {
				return new OC_FilesystemView('/'.OC_User::getUser().'/'.$appid);
				OC_Log::write('core','Can\'t get app storage, app, user not logged in',OC_Log::ERROR);
				return false;
			OC_Log::write('core','Can\'t get app storage, app '.$appid.' not enabled',OC_Log::ERROR);