. * */ require_once( 'lib_share.php' ); OC_FILESYSTEM::registerStorageType('shared','OC_FILESTORAGE_SHARED',array('datadir'=>'string')); /** * Convert target path to source path and pass the function call to the correct storage provider */ class OC_FILESTORAGE_SHARED { // TODO uh... I don't know what to do here public function __construct($parameters) { } public function getInternalPath($path) { $mountPoint = OC_FILESYSTEM::getMountPoint($path); $internalPath = substr($path,strlen($mountPoint)); return $internalPath; } // TODO OC_SHARE::getPermissions() public function mkdir($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->mkdir(getInternalPath($source)); } } // TODO OC_SHARE::getPermissions() public function rmdir($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->rmdir(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function opendir($path) { global $FAKEDIRS; $FAKEDIRS['shared'] = array(0 => 'test.txt'); return opendir('fakedir://shared'); } public function is_dir($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return true; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->is_dir(getInternalPath($source)); } } } public function is_file($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->is_file(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function stat($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { $stat["dev"] = ""; $stat["ino"] = ""; $stat["mode"] = ""; $stat["nlink"] = ""; $stat["uid"] = ""; $stat["gid"] = ""; $stat["rdev"] = ""; $stat["size"] = filesize($path); $stat["atime"] = fileatime($path); $stat["mtime"] = filemtime($path); $stat["ctime"] = filectime($path); $stat["blksize"] = ""; $stat["blocks"] = ""; return $stat; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->stat(getInternalPath($source)); } } } public function filetype($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return "dir"; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->filetype(getInternalPath($source)); } } } // TODO Get size of shared directory public function filesize($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return 10000; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->filesize(getInternalPath($source)); } } } // TODO OC_SHARE::getPermissions() public function is_readable($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return true; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->is_readable(getInternalPath($source)); } } } // TODO OC_SHARE::getPermissions() public function is_writeable($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return true; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->is_writeable(getInternalPath($source)); } } } public function file_exists($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return true; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->file_exists(getInternalPath($source)); } } } public function readfile($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->readfile(getInternalPath($source)); } } // TODO Get ctime of last file public function filectime($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return 10000003232; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->filectime(getInternalPath($source)); } } } // TODO Get mtime of last file public function filemtime($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return 10000003232; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->filemtime(getInternalPath($source)); } } } // TODO Get atime of last file public function fileatime($path) { if ($path == "" || $path == "/") { return 10000003232; } else { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->fileatime(getInternalPath($source)); } } } public function file_get_contents($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->file_get_contents(getInternalPath($source)); } } // TODO OC_SHARE::getPermissions() public function file_put_contents($path, $data) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->file_put_contents(getInternalPath($source), $data); } } public function unlink($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->unlink(getInternalPath($source)); } } // TODO OC_SHARE::getPermissions() // TODO Update shared item location public function rename($path1, $path2) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path1); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->rename(getInternalPath($source), $path2); } } public function copy($path1, $path2) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path1); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->copy(getInternalPath($source), $path2); } } public function fopen($path, $mode) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->fopen(getInternalPath($source), $mode); } } public function toTmpFile($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->toTmpFile(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function fromTmpFile($tmpPath, $path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($tmpPath); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->fromTmpFile(getInternalPath($source), $path); } } public function fromUploadedFile($tmpPath, $path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($tmpPath); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->fromUploadedFile(getInternalPath($source), $path); } } public function getMimeType($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->getMimeType(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function delTree($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->delTree(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function find($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->find(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function getTree($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->getTree(getInternalPath($source)); } } public function hash($type, $path, $raw) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->hash($type, getInternalPath($source), $raw); } } public function free_space($path) { $source = OC_SHARE::getSource($path); if ($source) { $storage = OC_FILESYSTEM::getStorage($source); return $storage->free_space(getInternalPath($source)); } } // TODO query all shared files? public function search($query) { } } ?>