. * */ namespace OC; use OCP\Search\PagedProvider; use OCP\Search\Provider; use OCP\ISearch; /** * Provide an interface to all search providers */ class Search implements ISearch { private $providers = array(); private $registeredProviders = array(); /** * Search all providers for $query * @param string $query * @param string[] $inApps optionally limit results to the given apps * @return array An array of OC\Search\Result's */ public function search($query, array $inApps = array()) { return $this->searchPaged($query, $inApps, 0, 0); } /** * Search all providers for $query * @param string $query * @param int $page * @param int $size, 0 = all * @return array An array of OC\Search\Result's */ public function searchPaged($query, $page = 0, $size = 30) { $this->initProviders(); $results = array(); foreach($this->providers as $provider) { /** @var $provider Provider */ if ( ! $provider->providesResultsFor($inApps) ) { continue; } if ($provider instanceof PagedProvider) { $results = array_merge($results, $provider->searchPaged($query, $page, $size)); } else if ($provider instanceof Provider) { $providerResults = $provider->search($query); if ($size > 0) { $slicedResults = array_slice($providerResults, $page * $size, $size); } $results = array_merge($results, $slicedResults); } else { \OC::$server->getLogger()->warning('Ignoring Unknown search provider', array('provider' => $provider)); } } return $results; } /** * Remove all registered search providers */ public function clearProviders() { $this->providers = array(); $this->registeredProviders = array(); } /** * Remove one existing search provider * @param string $provider class name of a OC\Search\Provider */ public function removeProvider($provider) { $this->registeredProviders = array_filter( $this->registeredProviders, function ($element) use ($provider) { return ($element['class'] != $provider); } ); // force regeneration of providers on next search $this->providers = array(); } /** * Register a new search provider to search with * @param string $class class name of a OC\Search\Provider * @param array $options optional */ public function registerProvider($class, array $options = array()) { $this->registeredProviders[] = array('class' => $class, 'options' => $options); } /** * Create instances of all the registered search providers */ private function initProviders() { if( ! empty($this->providers) ) { return; } foreach($this->registeredProviders as $provider) { $class = $provider['class']; $options = $provider['options']; $this->providers[] = new $class($options); } } }