59 lines
1.8 KiB
59 lines
1.8 KiB
// Check for autosetup:
$autosetup_file = OC::$SERVERROOT."/config/autoconfig.php";
if( file_exists( $autosetup_file )) {
OC_Log::write('core', 'Autoconfig file found, setting up owncloud...', OC_Log::INFO);
include $autosetup_file;
$_POST['install'] = 'true';
$_POST = array_merge ($_POST, $AUTOCONFIG);
$hasSQLite = class_exists('SQLite3');
$hasMySQL = is_callable('mysql_connect');
$hasPostgreSQL = is_callable('pg_connect');
$hasOracle = is_callable('oci_connect');
$hasMSSQL = is_callable('sqlsrv_connect');
$datadir = OC_Config::getValue('datadirectory', OC::$SERVERROOT.'/data');
$vulnerableToNullByte = false;
if(@file_exists(__FILE__."\0Nullbyte")) { // Check if the used PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)
$vulnerableToNullByte = true;
// Protect data directory here, so we can test if the protection is working
$opts = array(
'hasSQLite' => $hasSQLite,
'hasMySQL' => $hasMySQL,
'hasPostgreSQL' => $hasPostgreSQL,
'hasOracle' => $hasOracle,
'hasMSSQL' => $hasMSSQL,
'directory' => $datadir,
'secureRNG' => OC_Util::secureRNG_available(),
'htaccessWorking' => OC_Util::ishtaccessworking(),
'vulnerableToNullByte' => $vulnerableToNullByte,
'errors' => array(),
if(isset($_POST['install']) AND $_POST['install']=='true') {
// We have to launch the installation process :
$e = OC_Setup::install($_POST);
$errors = array('errors' => $e);
if(count($e) > 0) {
//OC_Template::printGuestPage("", "error", array("errors" => $errors));
$options = array_merge($_POST, $opts, $errors);
OC_Template::printGuestPage("", "installation", $options);
else {
header( 'Location: '.OC_Helper::linkToRoute( 'post_setup_check' ));
else {
OC_Template::printGuestPage("", "installation", $opts);