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{ "translations": {
"Sharing" : "分享",
"Log" : "日誌",
"Updates" : "更新",
"Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
"Enabled" : "啟用",
"Not enabled" : "未啟用",
"Saved" : "已儲存",
"test email settings" : "測試電子郵件設定",
"Email sent" : "郵件已傳",
"Sending..." : "發送中...",
"All" : "所有",
"Please wait...." : "請稍候....",
"Disable" : "停用",
"Enable" : "啟用",
"Updating...." : "更新中....",
"Updated" : "已更新",
"Uninstalling ...." : "正在解除安裝 ....",
"Uninstall" : "解除安裝",
"Delete" : "刪除",
"Groups" : "群組",
"undo" : "復原",
"None" : "空",
"Login" : "登入",
"SSL" : "SSL",
"TLS" : "TLS",
"days" : "天",
"Encryption" : "加密",
"Server address" : "伺服器地址",
"Port" : "連接埠",
"SMTP Username" : "SMTP 使用者名稱",
"SMTP Password" : "SMTP 密碼",
"Log level" : "日誌等級",
"More" : "更多",
"Version" : "版本",
"Forum" : "討論區",
"Android app" : "Android 應用程式",
"iOS app" : "iOS 應用程式",
"Password" : "密碼",
"New password" : "新密碼",
"Change password" : "更改密碼",
"Email" : "電郵",
"Your email address" : "你的電郵地址",
"Remove image" : "刪除圖片",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Language" : "語言",
"Help translate" : "幫忙翻譯",
"Username" : "用戶名稱",
"Create" : "新增",
"Group" : "群組",
"Everyone" : "所有人",
"Unlimited" : "無限",
"Other" : "其他",
"Last Login" : "最後登入",
"Default" : "預設"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"