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/// getID3() by James Heinrich <> //
// available at //
// or //
// See readme.txt for more details //
// //
// //
// module for analyzing Digital Speech Standard (DSS) files //
// dependencies: NONE //
// ///
class getid3_dss extends getid3_handler
function Analyze() {
$info = &$this->getid3->info;
fseek($this->getid3->fp, $info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
$DSSheader = fread($this->getid3->fp, 1256);
if (!preg_match('#^(\x02|\x03)dss#', $DSSheader)) {
$info['error'][] = 'Expecting "[02-03] 64 73 73" at offset '.$info['avdataoffset'].', found "'.getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($DSSheader, 0, 4)).'"';
return false;
// some structure information taken from
// shortcut
$info['dss'] = array();
$thisfile_dss = &$info['dss'];
$info['fileformat'] = 'dss';
$info['audio']['dataformat'] = 'dss';
$info['audio']['bitrate_mode'] = 'cbr';
//$thisfile_dss['encoding'] = 'ISO-8859-1';
$thisfile_dss['version'] = ord(substr($DSSheader, 0, 1));
$thisfile_dss['date_create'] = $this->DSSdateStringToUnixDate(substr($DSSheader, 38, 12));
$thisfile_dss['date_complete'] = $this->DSSdateStringToUnixDate(substr($DSSheader, 50, 12));
//$thisfile_dss['length'] = intval(substr($DSSheader, 62, 6)); // I thought time was in seconds, it's actually HHMMSS
$thisfile_dss['length'] = intval((substr($DSSheader, 62, 2) * 3600) + (substr($DSSheader, 64, 2) * 60) + substr($DSSheader, 66, 2));
$thisfile_dss['priority'] = ord(substr($DSSheader, 793, 1));
$thisfile_dss['comments'] = trim(substr($DSSheader, 798, 100));
//$info['audio']['bits_per_sample'] = ?;
//$info['audio']['sample_rate'] = ?;
$info['audio']['channels'] = 1;
$info['playtime_seconds'] = $thisfile_dss['length'];
$info['audio']['bitrate'] = ($info['filesize'] * 8) / $info['playtime_seconds'];
return true;
function DSSdateStringToUnixDate($datestring) {
$y = substr($datestring, 0, 2);
$m = substr($datestring, 2, 2);
$d = substr($datestring, 4, 2);
$h = substr($datestring, 6, 2);
$i = substr($datestring, 8, 2);
$s = substr($datestring, 10, 2);
$y += (($y < 95) ? 2000 : 1900);
return mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y);