You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

954 lines
30 KiB

# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# AriesAnywhere Anywhere <>, 2012.
# AriesAnywhere Anywhere <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-24 02:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-24 00:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: I Robot <>\n"
"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: th_TH\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
#: ajax/addressbook/activate.php:24 ajax/addressbook/update.php:32
msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดใน (ยกเลก)การเปดใชงานสมดบนทกทอย"
#: ajax/addressbook/delete.php:31 ajax/addressbook/update.php:20
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:42 ajax/contact/delete.php:32
#: ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:39
msgid "id is not set."
msgstr "ยงไมไดกำหนดรหส"
#: ajax/addressbook/update.php:24
msgid "Cannot update addressbook with an empty name."
msgstr "ไมสามารถอพเดทสมดบนทกทอยโดยไมอได"
#: ajax/addressbook/update.php:28
msgid "Error updating addressbook."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการอพเดทสมดบนทกทอย"
#: ajax/categories/categoriesfor.php:17
msgid "No ID provided"
msgstr "ยงไมไดใสรหส"
#: ajax/categories/categoriesfor.php:34
msgid "Error setting checksum."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการตงคา checksum"
#: ajax/categories/delete.php:19
msgid "No categories selected for deletion."
msgstr "ยงไมไดเลอกหมวดหมองการลบ"
#: ajax/categories/delete.php:26
msgid "No address books found."
msgstr "ไมพบสมดบนทกทอยองการ"
#: ajax/categories/delete.php:34
msgid "No contacts found."
msgstr "ไมพบขอมลการตดตอทองการ"
#: ajax/contact/add.php:47
msgid "There was an error adding the contact."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการเพมรายชอผดตอใหม"
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:39 ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:36
msgid "element name is not set."
msgstr "ยงไมไดกำหนดชอ"
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:46
msgid "Could not parse contact: "
msgstr "ไมสามารถแจกแจงรายชอผดตอได"
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:56
msgid "Cannot add empty property."
msgstr "ไมสามารถเพมรายละเอยดทไมอมลได"
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:67
msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out."
msgstr "อยางนอยทดชองขอมลทอยจะตองถกกรอกลงไป"
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:76
msgid "Trying to add duplicate property: "
msgstr "พยายามทจะเพมทรพยากรทำซอนกน: "
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:115 ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:93
msgid "Missing IM parameter."
msgstr ""
#: ajax/contact/addproperty.php:119 ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:97
msgid "Unknown IM: "
msgstr ""
#: ajax/contact/deleteproperty.php:37
msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page."
msgstr "ขอมลเกยวกบ vCard ไมกตอง กรณาโหลดหนาเวปใหมกครง"
#: ajax/contact/details.php:31
msgid "Missing ID"
msgstr "รหสสญหาย"
#: ajax/contact/details.php:36
msgid "Error parsing VCard for ID: \""
msgstr "พบขอผดพลาดในการแยกรหส VCard:\""
#: ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:42
msgid "checksum is not set."
msgstr "ยงไมไดกำหนดคา checksum"
#: ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:62
msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page: "
msgstr "ขอมล vCard ไมกตอง กรณาโหลดหนาเวบใหมกครง: "
#: ajax/contact/saveproperty.php:69
msgid "Something went FUBAR. "
msgstr "มบางอยางเกดการ FUBAR. "
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:30 ajax/oc_photo.php:28 ajax/uploadphoto.php:36
#: ajax/uploadphoto.php:68
msgid "No contact ID was submitted."
msgstr "ไมรหสขอมลการตดตอถกสงมา"
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:36
msgid "Error reading contact photo."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการอานรปภาพของขอมลการตดตอ"
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:48
msgid "Error saving temporary file."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการบนทกไฟลวคราว"
#: ajax/currentphoto.php:51
msgid "The loading photo is not valid."
msgstr "โหลดรปภาพไมกตอง"
#: ajax/editname.php:31
msgid "Contact ID is missing."
msgstr "รหสขอมลการตดตอเกดการสญหาย"
#: ajax/oc_photo.php:32
msgid "No photo path was submitted."
msgstr "ไมพบตำแหนงพาธของรปภาพ"
#: ajax/oc_photo.php:39
msgid "File doesn't exist:"
msgstr "ไมไฟลงกลาว"
#: ajax/oc_photo.php:44 ajax/oc_photo.php:47
msgid "Error loading image."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการโหลดรปภาพ"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:69
msgid "Error getting contact object."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการดงขอมลตดตอ"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:79
msgid "Error getting PHOTO property."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการดงคณสมบของรปภาพ"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:98
msgid "Error saving contact."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการบนทกขอมลผดตอ"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:109
msgid "Error resizing image"
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการปรบขนาดรปภาพ"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:112
msgid "Error cropping image"
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการครอบตดภาพ"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:115
msgid "Error creating temporary image"
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการสรางรปภาพชวคราว"
#: ajax/savecrop.php:118
msgid "Error finding image: "
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการคนหารปภาพ: "
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:44 ajax/uploadimport.php:76
msgid "Error uploading contacts to storage."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการอพโหลดขอมลการตดตอไปยงพนทดเกบขอมล"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:61 ajax/uploadphoto.php:77
msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success"
msgstr "ไมพบขอผดพลาดใดๆ, ไฟลกอพโหลดเรยบรอยแลว"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:62 ajax/uploadphoto.php:78
msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"
msgstr "ไฟลพโหลดมขนาดไฟลใหญเกนจำนวนทกำหนดไวในคำสง upload_max_filesize ทอยในไฟล php.ini"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:63 ajax/uploadphoto.php:79
msgid ""
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in "
"the HTML form"
msgstr "ไฟลพโหลดมขนาดไฟลใหญเกนจำนวนทกำหนดไวในคำสง MAX_FILE_SIZE ทกระบไวในรปแบบของ HTML"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:64 ajax/uploadphoto.php:80
msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"
msgstr "ไฟลกอพโหลดไดเพยงบางสวนเทานน"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:65 ajax/uploadphoto.php:81
msgid "No file was uploaded"
msgstr "ไมไฟลกอพโหลด"
#: ajax/uploadimport.php:66 ajax/uploadphoto.php:82
msgid "Missing a temporary folder"
msgstr "โฟลเดอรวคราวเกดการสญหาย"
#: ajax/uploadphoto.php:59 ajax/uploadphoto.php:109
msgid "Couldn't save temporary image: "
msgstr "ไมสามารถบนทกรปภาพชวคราวได: "
#: ajax/uploadphoto.php:62 ajax/uploadphoto.php:112
msgid "Couldn't load temporary image: "
msgstr "ไมสามารถโหลดรปภาพชวคราวได: "
#: ajax/uploadphoto.php:71
msgid "No file was uploaded. Unknown error"
msgstr "ยงไมไฟลใดทกอพโหลด เกดขอผดพลาดทไมทราบสาเหต"
#: appinfo/app.php:21
msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "ขอมลการตดตอ"
#: js/contacts.js:71
msgid "Sorry, this functionality has not been implemented yet"
msgstr "ขออภย, ฟงกนการทำงานนงไมไดกดำเนนการ"
#: js/contacts.js:71
msgid "Not implemented"
msgstr "ยงไมไดกดำเนนการ"
#: js/contacts.js:76
msgid "Couldn't get a valid address."
msgstr "ไมสามารถดงทอยกตองได"
#: js/contacts.js:76 js/contacts.js:365 js/contacts.js:381 js/contacts.js:393
#: js/contacts.js:723 js/contacts.js:763 js/contacts.js:789 js/contacts.js:921
#: js/contacts.js:927 js/contacts.js:939 js/contacts.js:976
#: js/contacts.js:1250 js/contacts.js:1258 js/contacts.js:1267
#: js/contacts.js:1302 js/contacts.js:1338 js/contacts.js:1353
#: js/contacts.js:1379 js/contacts.js:1609 js/contacts.js:1644
#: js/contacts.js:1664 js/settings.js:26 js/settings.js:43 js/settings.js:68
msgid "Error"
msgstr "พบขอผดพลาด"
#: js/contacts.js:424
msgid "You do not have permission to add contacts to "
msgstr ""
#: js/contacts.js:425
msgid "Please select one of your own address books."
msgstr ""
#: js/contacts.js:425
msgid "Permission error"
msgstr ""
#: js/contacts.js:763
msgid "This property has to be non-empty."
msgstr "คณสมบองไมอมลวางอย"
#: js/contacts.js:789
msgid "Couldn't serialize elements."
msgstr "ไมสามารถทำสญลกษณองคประกอบตางๆใหเปนตวเลขตามลำดบได"
#: js/contacts.js:921 js/contacts.js:939
msgid ""
"'deleteProperty' called without type argument. Please report at "
msgstr "'deleteProperty' ถกเรยกใชโดยไมอารวเมนต กรณาแจงได"
#: js/contacts.js:958
msgid "Edit name"
msgstr "แกไขชอ"
#: js/contacts.js:1250
msgid "No files selected for upload."
msgstr "ยงไมไดเลอกไฟลำสำหรบอพโหลด"
#: js/contacts.js:1258
msgid ""
"The file you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads "
"on this server."
msgstr "ไฟลณกำลงพยายามทจะอพโหลดมขนาดเกนจำนวนสงสดทสามารถอพโหลดไดสำหรบเซฟเวอร"
#: js/contacts.js:1322
msgid "Error loading profile picture."
msgstr "เกดขอผดพลาดในการโหลดรปภาพประจำตว"
#: js/contacts.js:1457 js/contacts.js:1498 js/contacts.js:1517
#: js/contacts.js:1560
msgid "Select type"
msgstr "เลอกชนด"
#: js/contacts.js:1578
msgid ""
"Some contacts are marked for deletion, but not deleted yet. Please wait for "
"them to be deleted."
msgstr "ขอมลผดตอบางรายการไดกทำเครองหมายสำหรบลบทงเอาไว, แตงไมไดกลบทง, กรณารอใหรายการดงกลาวถกลบทงเสยกอน"
#: js/contacts.js:1649
msgid "Do you want to merge these address books?"
msgstr "คณตองการผสานขอมลสมดบนทกทอยเหลานหรอไม?"
#: js/loader.js:49
msgid "Result: "
msgstr "ผลลพธ: "
#: js/loader.js:49
msgid " imported, "
msgstr " นำเขาขอมลแลว, "
#: js/loader.js:49
msgid " failed."
msgstr " ลมเหลว."
#: js/settings.js:68
msgid "Displayname cannot be empty."
msgstr "ชอทใชแสดงไมสามารถเวนวางได"
#: lib/app.php:36
msgid "Addressbook not found: "
msgstr "ไมพบสมดบนทกทอยองการ"
#: lib/app.php:52
msgid "This is not your addressbook."
msgstr "นไมใชสมดบนทกทอยของคณ"
#: lib/app.php:71
msgid "Contact could not be found."
msgstr "ไมพบขอมลการตดตอ"
#: lib/app.php:116
msgid "Jabber"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:121
msgid "AIM"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:126
msgid "MSN"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:131
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:136
msgid "GoogleTalk"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:141
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:146
msgid "XMPP"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:151
msgid "ICQ"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:156
msgid "Yahoo"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:161
msgid "Skype"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:166
msgid "QQ"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:171
msgid "GaduGadu"
msgstr ""
#: lib/app.php:194 lib/app.php:202 lib/app.php:213 lib/app.php:266
msgid "Work"
msgstr "ททำงาน"
#: lib/app.php:195 lib/app.php:200 lib/app.php:214
msgid "Home"
msgstr "บาน"
#: lib/app.php:196 lib/app.php:209 lib/app.php:262 lib/vcard.php:593
msgid "Other"
msgstr "อนๆ"
#: lib/app.php:201
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "มอถอ"
#: lib/app.php:203
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ขอความ"
#: lib/app.php:204
msgid "Voice"
msgstr "เสยงพด"
#: lib/app.php:205
msgid "Message"
msgstr "ขอความ"
#: lib/app.php:206
msgid "Fax"
msgstr "โทรสาร"
#: lib/app.php:207
msgid "Video"
msgstr "วโอ"
#: lib/app.php:208
msgid "Pager"
msgstr "เพจเจอร"
#: lib/app.php:215
msgid "Internet"
msgstr "อนเทอรเนต"
#: lib/app.php:252 templates/
#: templates/
msgid "Birthday"
msgstr "วนเกด"
#: lib/app.php:253
msgid "Business"
msgstr "ธรกจ"
#: lib/app.php:254
msgid "Call"
msgstr "โทร"
#: lib/app.php:255
msgid "Clients"
msgstr "ลกคา"
#: lib/app.php:256
msgid "Deliverer"
msgstr "ผดสง"
#: lib/app.php:257
msgid "Holidays"
msgstr "วนหยด"
#: lib/app.php:258
msgid "Ideas"
msgstr "ไอเดย"
#: lib/app.php:259
msgid "Journey"
msgstr "การเดนทาง"
#: lib/app.php:260
msgid "Jubilee"
msgstr "งานเฉลมฉลอง"
#: lib/app.php:261
msgid "Meeting"
msgstr "ประชม"
#: lib/app.php:263
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "สวนตว"
#: lib/app.php:264
msgid "Projects"
msgstr "โปรเจค"
#: lib/app.php:265
msgid "Questions"
msgstr "คำถาม"
#: lib/hooks.php:102
msgid "{name}'s Birthday"
msgstr "วนเกดของ {name}"
#: lib/search.php:15
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "ขอมลการตดตอ"
#: lib/vcard.php:408
msgid "You do not have the permissions to edit this contact."
msgstr ""
#: lib/vcard.php:483
msgid "You do not have the permissions to delete this contact."
msgstr ""
#: templates/index.php:14
msgid "Add Contact"
msgstr "เพมรายชอผดตอใหม"
#: templates/index.php:15 templates/index.php:16 templates/part.import.php:17
msgid "Import"
msgstr "นำเขา"
#: templates/index.php:18
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "ตงคา"
#: templates/index.php:18 templates/settings.php:9
msgid "Addressbooks"
msgstr "สมดบนทกทอย"
#: templates/index.php:36 templates/part.import.php:24
msgid "Close"
msgstr "ปด"
#: templates/index.php:37
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr "ปมลด"
#: templates/index.php:39
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "ระบบเมน"
#: templates/index.php:42
msgid "Next contact in list"
msgstr "ขอมลผดตอถดไปในรายการ"
#: templates/index.php:44
msgid "Previous contact in list"
msgstr "ขอมลผดตอกอนหนาในรายการ"
#: templates/index.php:46
msgid "Expand/collapse current addressbook"
msgstr "ขยาย/ยอ สมดบนทกทอยจจน"
#: templates/index.php:48
msgid "Next addressbook"
msgstr "สมดบนทกทอยดไป"
#: templates/index.php:50
msgid "Previous addressbook"
msgstr "สมดบนทกทอยอนหนา"
#: templates/index.php:54
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "การกระทำ"
#: templates/index.php:57
msgid "Refresh contacts list"
msgstr "รเฟรชรายชอผดตอใหม"
#: templates/index.php:59
msgid "Add new contact"
msgstr "เพมขอมลผดตอใหม"
#: templates/index.php:61
msgid "Add new addressbook"
msgstr "เพมสมดบนทกทอยใหม"
#: templates/index.php:63
msgid "Delete current contact"
msgstr "ลบขอมลผดตอปจจน"
#: templates/
msgid "Drop photo to upload"
msgstr "วางรปภาพทองการอพโหลด"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete current photo"
msgstr "ลบรปภาพปจจน"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit current photo"
msgstr "แกไขรปภาพปจจน"
#: templates/
msgid "Upload new photo"
msgstr "อพโหลดรปภาพใหม"
#: templates/
msgid "Select photo from ownCloud"
msgstr "เลอกรปภาพจาก ownCloud"
#: templates/
msgid "Format custom, Short name, Full name, Reverse or Reverse with comma"
msgstr "กำหนดรปแบบของชอยอ, ชอจรง, ยอนคากลบดวยคอมมาเอง"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit name details"
msgstr "แกไขรายละเอยดของชอ"
#: templates/ templates/
#: templates/
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "หนวยงาน"
#: templates/ templates/
#: templates/ templates/
#: templates/ templates/settings.php:36
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "ลบ"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "ชอเลน"
#: templates/
msgid "Enter nickname"
msgstr "กรอกชอเลน"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "เวบไซต"
#: templates/
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: templates/
msgid "Go to web site"
msgstr "ไปทเวบไซต"
#: templates/
msgid "dd-mm-yyyy"
msgstr "dd-mm-yyyy"
#: templates/ templates/
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "กลม"
#: templates/
msgid "Separate groups with commas"
msgstr "คนระหวางรายชอกลมดวยเครองหมายจลภาคหรอคอมมา"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit groups"
msgstr "แกไขกลม"
#: templates/ templates/
#: templates/
msgid "Preferred"
msgstr "พเศษ"
#: templates/
msgid "Please specify a valid email address."
msgstr "กรณาระบอยเมลทกตอง"
#: templates/
msgid "Enter email address"
msgstr "กรอกทอยเมล"
#: templates/
msgid "Mail to address"
msgstr "สงอเมลไปท"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete email address"
msgstr "ลบทอยเมล"
#: templates/
msgid "Enter phone number"
msgstr "กรอกหมายเลขโทรศพท"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete phone number"
msgstr "ลบหมายเลขโทรศพท"
#: templates/
msgid "Instant Messenger"
msgstr ""
#: templates/
msgid "Delete IM"
msgstr ""
#: templates/
msgid "View on map"
msgstr "ดบนแผนท"
#: templates/
msgid "Edit address details"
msgstr "แกไขรายละเอยดทอย"
#: templates/
msgid "Add notes here."
msgstr "เพมหมายเหตกำกบไว"
#: templates/
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "เพมชองรบขอมล"
#: templates/
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "โทรศพท"
#: templates/
msgid "Email"
msgstr "อเมล"
#: templates/
msgid "Instant Messaging"
msgstr ""
#: templates/
msgid "Address"
msgstr "ทอย"
#: templates/
msgid "Note"
msgstr "หมายเหต"
#: templates/
msgid "Download contact"
msgstr "ดาวนโหลดขอมลการตดตอ"
#: templates/
msgid "Delete contact"
msgstr "ลบขอมลการตดตอ"
#: templates/part.cropphoto.php:65
msgid "The temporary image has been removed from cache."
msgstr "รปภาพชวคราวดงกลาวไดกลบออกจากหนวยความจำแคชแลว"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:6
msgid "Edit address"
msgstr "แกไขทอย"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:10
msgid "Type"
msgstr "ประเภท"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:18
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:21
msgid "PO Box"
msgstr "ต ปณ."
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:24
msgid "Street address"
msgstr "ทอย"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:27
msgid "Street and number"
msgstr "ถนนและหมายเลข"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:30
msgid "Extended"
msgstr "เพม"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:33
msgid "Apartment number etc."
msgstr "หมายเลขอพารทเมนต ฯลฯ"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:36
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:39
msgid "City"
msgstr "เมอง"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:42
msgid "Region"
msgstr "ภภาค"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:45
msgid "E.g. state or province"
msgstr "เชน รฐ หรอ จงหวด"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:48
msgid "Zipcode"
msgstr "รหสไปรษณ"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:51
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "รหสไปรษณ"
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:54
#: templates/part.edit_address_dialog.php:57
msgid "Country"
msgstr "ประเทศ"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:16
msgid "Addressbook"
msgstr "สมดบนทกทอย"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:23
msgid "Hon. prefixes"
msgstr "คำนำหนาชอคนรก"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:27
msgid "Miss"
msgstr "นางสาว"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:28
msgid "Ms"
msgstr "น.ส."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:29
msgid "Mr"
msgstr "นาย"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:30
msgid "Sir"
msgstr "คณ"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:31
msgid "Mrs"
msgstr "นาง"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:32
msgid "Dr"
msgstr "ดร."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:35
msgid "Given name"
msgstr "ชอทใช"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:37
msgid "Additional names"
msgstr "ชออนๆ"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:39
msgid "Family name"
msgstr "ชอครอบครว"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:41
msgid "Hon. suffixes"
msgstr "คำแนบทายชอคนรก"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:45
msgid "J.D."
msgstr "J.D."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:46
msgid "M.D."
msgstr "M.D."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:47
msgid "D.O."
msgstr "D.O."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:48
msgid "D.C."
msgstr "D.C."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:49
msgid "Ph.D."
msgstr "ปรญญาเอก"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:50
msgid "Esq."
msgstr "Esq."
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:51
msgid "Jr."
msgstr "จเนยร"
#: templates/part.edit_name_dialog.php:52
msgid "Sn."
msgstr "ซเนยร"
#: templates/part.import.php:1
msgid "Import a contacts file"
msgstr "นำเขาไฟลอมลการตดตอ"
#: templates/part.import.php:6
msgid "Please choose the addressbook"
msgstr "กรณาเลอกสมดบนทกทอย"
#: templates/part.import.php:10
msgid "create a new addressbook"
msgstr "สรางสมดบนทกทอยใหม"
#: templates/part.import.php:15
msgid "Name of new addressbook"
msgstr "กำหนดชอของสมดทอยสรางใหม"
#: templates/part.import.php:20
msgid "Importing contacts"
msgstr "นำเขาขอมลการตดตอ"
#: templates/part.no_contacts.php:3
msgid "You have no contacts in your addressbook."
msgstr "คณยงไมอมลการตดตอใดๆในสมดบนทกทอยของคณ"
#: templates/part.no_contacts.php:5
msgid "Add contact"
msgstr "เพมชอผดตอ"
#: templates/part.selectaddressbook.php:1
msgid "Select Address Books"
msgstr "เลอกสมดบนทกทอย"
#: templates/part.selectaddressbook.php:27
msgid "Enter name"
msgstr "กรอกชอ"
#: templates/part.selectaddressbook.php:29
msgid "Enter description"
msgstr "กรอกคำอธบาย"
#: templates/settings.php:3
msgid "CardDAV syncing addresses"
msgstr "ทอยใชเชอมขอมลกบ CardDAV"
#: templates/settings.php:3
msgid "more info"
msgstr "ขอมลเพมเตม"
#: templates/settings.php:5
msgid "Primary address (Kontact et al)"
msgstr "ทอยหลก (สำหรบตดตอ)"
#: templates/settings.php:7
msgid "iOS/OS X"
msgstr "iOS/OS X"
#: templates/settings.php:20
msgid "Show CardDav link"
msgstr "แสดงลงก CardDav"
#: templates/settings.php:23
msgid "Show read-only VCF link"
msgstr "แสดงลงก VCF สำหรบอานเทานน"
#: templates/settings.php:26
msgid "Share"
msgstr "แชร"
#: templates/settings.php:29
msgid "Download"
msgstr "ดาวนโหลด"
#: templates/settings.php:33
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "แกไข"
#: templates/settings.php:43
msgid "New Address Book"
msgstr "สรางสมดบนทกขอมลการตดตอใหม"
#: templates/settings.php:44
msgid "Name"
msgstr "ชอ"
#: templates/settings.php:45
msgid "Description"
msgstr "คำอธบาย"
#: templates/settings.php:46
msgid "Save"
msgstr "บนทก"
#: templates/settings.php:47
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "ยกเลก"
#: templates/settings.php:52
msgid "More..."
msgstr "เพมเตม..."