You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
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// Init owncloud
// We send json data
header( "Content-Type: application/jsonrequest" );
// Check if we are a user
if( !OC_USER::isLoggedIn() || !OC_GROUP::inGroup( $_SESSION['user_id'], 'admin' )){
echo json_encode( array( "status" => "error", "data" => array( "message" => "Authentication error" )));
$groups = array();
$username = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$groups = $_POST["groups"];
$success = true;
if( $password ){
$success = $success && OC_USER::setPassword( $username, $password );
// update groups (delete old ones, add new ones)
foreach( OC_GROUP::getUserGroups( $username ) as $i ){
OC_GROUP::removeFromGroup( $username, $i );
foreach( $groups as $i ){
OC_GROUP::addToGroup( $username, $i );
// Return Success story
if( $success ){
echo json_encode( array( "status" => "success", "data" => array( "username" => $username, "groups" => implode( ", ", $groups ))));
echo json_encode( array( "status" => "error", "data" => array( "message" => "Edit user" )));