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* Copyright (c) 2012 Frank Karlitschek <frank@owncloud.org>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
* OC_Mail
* A class to handle mail sending.
class OC_Mail {
* send an email
* @param string $toaddress
* @param string $toname
* @param string $subject
* @param string $mailtext
* @param string $fromaddress
* @param string $fromname
* @param bool $html
public static function send($toaddress,$toname,$subject,$mailtext,$fromaddress,$fromname,$html=0,$altbody='',$ccaddress='',$ccname='',$bcc='') {
$SMTPMODE = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpmode', 'sendmail' );
$SMTPHOST = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtphost', '' );
$SMTPAUTH = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpauth', false );
$SMTPUSERNAME = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtpname', '' );
$SMTPPASSWORD = OC_Config::getValue( 'mail_smtppassword', '' );
$mailo = new PHPMailer(true);
if($SMTPMODE=='sendmail') {
$mailo->Host = $SMTPHOST;
$mailo->SMTPAuth = $SMTPAUTH;
$mailo->Username = $SMTPUSERNAME;
$mailo->Password = $SMTPPASSWORD;
$mailo->From =$fromaddress;
$mailo->FromName = $fromname;;
$a=explode(' ',$toaddress);
try {
foreach($a as $ad) {
if($ccaddress<>'') $mailo->AddCC($ccaddress,$ccname);
if($bcc<>'') $mailo->AddBCC($bcc);
$mailo->AddReplyTo($fromaddress, $fromname);
$mailo->WordWrap = 50;
if($html==1) $mailo->IsHTML(true); else $mailo->IsHTML(false);
$mailo->Subject = $subject;
if($altbody=='') {
$mailo->Body = $mailtext.OC_MAIL::getfooter();
$mailo->AltBody = '';
$mailo->Body = $mailtext;
$mailo->AltBody = $altbody;
$mailo->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
OC_Log::write('mail', 'Mail from '.$fromname.' ('.$fromaddress.')'.' to: '.$toname.'('.$toaddress.')'.' subject: '.$subject, OC_Log::DEBUG);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
OC_Log::write('mail', $exception->getMessage(), OC_Log::DEBUG);
* return the footer for a mail
public static function getfooter() {
$txt.="Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way!\n";