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class OC_Minimizer_JS extends OC_Minimizer
protected $contentType = 'application/javascript';
public function findFiles($scripts) {
// Read the selected theme from the config file
$theme=OC_Config::getValue( "theme" );
// Read the detected formfactor and use the right file name.
$fext = OC_Template::getFormFactorExtension();
// Add the core js files or the js files provided by the selected theme
foreach($scripts as $script){
// Is it in 3rd party?
if($this->appendIfExist(OC::$THIRDPARTYROOT, OC::$THIRDPARTYWEBROOT, $script.'.js')) {
// Is it in apps and overwritten by the theme?
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "themes/$theme/apps/$script$fext.js" )) {
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "themes/$theme/apps/$script.js" )) {
// Is it part of an app?
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$APPSROOT, OC::$APPSWEBROOT, "apps/$script$fext.js" )) {
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$APPSROOT, OC::$APPSWEBROOT, "apps/$script.js" )) {
// Is it in the owncloud root but overwritten by the theme?
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "themes/$theme/$script$fext.js" )) {
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "themes/$theme/$script.js" )) {
// Is it in the owncloud root ?
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "$script$fext.js" )) {
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "$script.js" )) {
// Is in core but overwritten by a theme?
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "themes/$theme/core/$script$fext.js" )) {
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "themes/$theme/core/$script.js" )) {
// Is it in core?
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "core/$script$fext.js" )) {
}elseif($this->appendIfExist(OC::$SERVERROOT, OC::$WEBROOT, "core/$script.js" )) {
echo('js file not found: script:'.$script.' formfactor:'.$fext.' webroot:'.OC::$WEBROOT.' serverroot:'.OC::$SERVERROOT);
return $this->files;
public function minimizeFiles($files) {
$js_out = '';
foreach($files as $file_info) {
$file = $file_info[0] . '/' . $file_info[2];
$js_out .= '/* ' . $file . ' */' . "\n";
$js_out .= file_get_contents($file);
if (!defined('DEBUG') || !DEBUG){
$js_out = JavaScriptMinifier::minify($js_out);
return $js_out;