You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
6.9 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Unknown filetype" : "មរភឯកសរ",
"Invalid image" : "របភវ",
"Sunday" : "ថយ",
"Monday" : "ថចនទ",
"Tuesday" : "ថអងរ",
"Wednesday" : "ថធ",
"Thursday" : "ថរហសបត",
"Friday" : "ថរ",
"Saturday" : "ថ",
"January" : "ខមករ",
"February" : "ខ",
"March" : "ខ",
"April" : "ខ",
"May" : "ខឧសភ",
"June" : "ខ",
"July" : "ខកកកដ",
"August" : "ខ",
"September" : "ខកញ",
"October" : "ខ",
"November" : "ខ",
"December" : "ខ",
"Settings" : "ករកណត",
"Saving..." : "ករកក",
"No" : "ទ",
"Yes" : "ពរម",
"Choose" : "ជស",
"Ok" : "ពរម",
"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" : [""],
"New Files" : "ឯកស",
"Already existing files" : "មឯកសយ",
"Cancel" : "លកលង",
"Continue" : "បនត",
"(all selected)" : "(បអស)",
"({count} selected)" : "(បស {count})",
"Very weak password" : "ពសម",
"Weak password" : "ពសមយ",
"So-so password" : "ពសមធមមត",
"Good password" : "ពសមអ",
"Strong password" : "ពសមង",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "មរបសនកនរបចមតវ ដអនឯកសសមកលកមមប WebDAV ហចហយ។",
"Shared" : "បក",
"Share" : "ចក",
"Error" : "កស",
"Error while sharing" : "កក",
"Error while unsharing" : "កក",
"Error while changing permissions" : "ម",
"Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "បនក នម {group} ដយ {owner}",
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "បនកយ {owner}",
"Password protect" : "កសម",
"Password" : "ពយសម",
"Send" : "ផ",
"Set expiration date" : "កណតណត",
"Expiration date" : "ពណត",
"group" : "កម",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "មអនញ",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" : "បង {item} ជយ {user}",
"Unshare" : "លក",
"can share" : "អក",
"can edit" : "អ",
"access control" : "សបញ",
"create" : "បងត",
"delete" : "លប",
"Password protected" : "បសម",
"Sending ..." : "ក ...",
"Email sent" : "បល",
"Warning" : "បមម",
"The object type is not specified." : "មណតរភវត។",
"Delete" : "លប",
"Add" : "បញល",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : [""],
"Please reload the page." : "សញ។",
"New password" : "ពសម",
"Reset password" : "កណតសមដងត",
"_{count} search result in other places_::_{count} search results in other places_" : [""],
"Personal" : "ផន",
"Users" : "អនកប",
"Apps" : "កមមវ",
"Admin" : "អនករបរង",
"Help" : "ជយ",
"Access forbidden" : "បមឃល",
"Security Warning" : "បមវតព",
"Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "បង<strong>គណនអភល</strong>",
"Username" : "ឈនកប",
"Storage & database" : "ឃក & មលដននយ",
"Data folder" : "ថតននយ",
"Configure the database" : "កណតសណលដននយ",
"Database user" : "អនកលដននយ",
"Database password" : "ពសមលដននយ",
"Database name" : "ឈលដននយ",
"Database host" : "មលដននយ",
"Finish setup" : "បញចបង",
"Finishing …" : "កបញចប ...",
"Log out" : "ចញ",
"Search" : "សរក",
"remember" : "ចងច",
"Log in" : "ចល",
"Alternative Logins" : "កស"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"