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18 lines
710 B

<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"External Storage" => "Externe opslag",
"Mount point" => "Aankoppelpunt",
"Backend" => "Backend",
"Configuration" => "Configuratie",
"Options" => "Opties",
"Applicable" => "Van toepassing",
"Add mount point" => "Voeg aankoppelpunt toe",
"None set" => "Niets ingesteld",
"All Users" => "Alle gebruikers",
"Groups" => "Groepen",
"Users" => "Gebruikers",
"Delete" => "Verwijder",
"Enable User External Storage" => "Zet gebruiker's externe opslag aan",
"Allow users to mount their own external storage" => "Sta gebruikers toe om hun eigen externe opslag aan te koppelen",
"SSL root certificates" => "SSL root certificaten",
"Import Root Certificate" => "Importeer root certificaat"