You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
5.6 KiB

<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"No calendars found." => "No se encontraron calendarios.",
"No events found." => "No se encontraron eventos.",
"Wrong calendar" => "Calendario incorrecto",
"New Timezone:" => "Nueva zona horaria:",
"Timezone changed" => "Zona horaria cambiada",
"Invalid request" => "Petición no válida",
"Calendar" => "Calendario",
"MMM d[ yyyy]{ '&#8212;'[ MMM] d yyyy}" => "MMM d[ yyyy]{ '&#8212;'[ MMM] d yyyy}",
"Birthday" => "Cumpleaños",
"Business" => "Negocios",
"Call" => "Llamada",
"Clients" => "Clientes",
"Deliverer" => "Entrega",
"Holidays" => "Festivos",
"Ideas" => "Ideas",
"Journey" => "Viaje",
"Jubilee" => "Aniversario",
"Meeting" => "Reunión",
"Other" => "Otro",
"Personal" => "Personal",
"Projects" => "Proyectos",
"Questions" => "Preguntas",
"Work" => "Trabajo",
"unnamed" => "Sin nombre",
"Does not repeat" => "No se repite",
"Daily" => "Diariamente",
"Weekly" => "Semanalmente",
"Every Weekday" => "Días de semana laboral",
"Bi-Weekly" => "Cada 2 semanas",
"Monthly" => "Mensualmente",
"Yearly" => "Anualmente",
"never" => "nunca",
"by occurrences" => "por ocurrencias",
"by date" => "por fecha",
"by monthday" => "por día del mes",
"by weekday" => "por día de la semana",
"Monday" => "Lunes",
"Tuesday" => "Martes",
"Wednesday" => "Miércoles",
"Thursday" => "Jueves",
"Friday" => "Viernes",
"Saturday" => "Sábado",
"Sunday" => "Domingo",
"events week of month" => "eventos de la semana del mes",
"first" => "primer",
"second" => "segundo",
"third" => "tercer",
"fourth" => "cuarto",
"fifth" => "quinto",
"last" => "último",
"January" => "Enero",
"February" => "Febrero",
"March" => "Marzo",
"April" => "Abril",
"May" => "Mayo",
"June" => "Junio",
"July" => "Julio",
"August" => "Agosto",
"September" => "Septiembre",
"October" => "Octubre",
"November" => "Noviembre",
"December" => "Diciembre",
"by events date" => "por fecha de los eventos",
"by yearday(s)" => "por día(s) del año",
"by weeknumber(s)" => "por número(s) de semana",
"by day and month" => "por día y mes",
"Date" => "Fecha",
"Cal." => "Cal.",
"All day" => "Todo el día",
"New Calendar" => "Nuevo calendario",
"Missing fields" => "Los campos que faltan",
"Title" => "Título",
"From Date" => "Desde la fecha",
"From Time" => "Desde la hora",
"To Date" => "Hasta la fecha",
"To Time" => "Hasta la hora",
"The event ends before it starts" => "El evento termina antes de que comience",
"There was a database fail" => "Se ha producido un error en la base de datos",
"Week" => "Semana",
"Month" => "Mes",
"List" => "Lista",
"Today" => "Hoy",
"Calendars" => "Calendarios",
"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Se ha producido un fallo al analizar el archivo.",
"Choose active calendars" => "Elige los calendarios activos",
"Your calendars" => "Tus calendarios",
"CalDav Link" => "Enlace a CalDav",
"Shared calendars" => "Calendarios compartidos",
"No shared calendars" => "Calendarios no compartidos",
"Share Calendar" => "Compartir calendario",
"Download" => "Descargar",
"Edit" => "Editar",
"Delete" => "Eliminar",
"shared with you by" => "compartido contigo por",
"New calendar" => "Nuevo calendario",
"Edit calendar" => "Editar calendario",
"Displayname" => "Nombre",
"Active" => "Activo",
"Calendar color" => "Color del calendario",
"Save" => "Guardar",
"Submit" => "Guardar",
"Cancel" => "Cancelar",
"Edit an event" => "Editar un evento",
"Export" => "Exportar",
"Eventinfo" => "Información del evento",
"Repeating" => "Repetición",
"Alarm" => "Alarma",
"Attendees" => "Asistentes",
"Share" => "Compartir",
"Title of the Event" => "Título del evento",
"Category" => "Categoría",
"Separate categories with commas" => "Separar categorías con comas",
"Edit categories" => "Editar categorías",
"All Day Event" => "Todo el día",
"From" => "Desde",
"To" => "Hasta",
"Advanced options" => "Opciones avanzadas",
"Location" => "Lugar",
"Location of the Event" => "Lugar del evento",
"Description" => "Descripción",
"Description of the Event" => "Descripción del evento",
"Repeat" => "Repetir",
"Advanced" => "Avanzado",
"Select weekdays" => "Seleccionar días de la semana",
"Select days" => "Seleccionar días",
"and the events day of year." => "y el día del año de los eventos.",
"and the events day of month." => "y el día del mes de los eventos.",
"Select months" => "Seleccionar meses",
"Select weeks" => "Seleccionar semanas",
"and the events week of year." => "y la semana del año de los eventos.",
"Interval" => "Intervalo",
"End" => "Fin",
"occurrences" => "ocurrencias",
"Import a calendar file" => "Importar un archivo de calendario",
"Please choose the calendar" => "Por favor elige el calendario",
"create a new calendar" => "Crear un nuevo calendario",
"Name of new calendar" => "Nombre del nuevo calendario",
"Import" => "Importar",
"Importing calendar" => "Importando calendario",
"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importado exitosamente",
"Close Dialog" => "Cerrar diálogo",
"Create a new event" => "Crear un nuevo evento",
"View an event" => "Ver un evento",
"No categories selected" => "Ninguna categoría seleccionada",
"Select category" => "Seleccionar categoría",
"of" => "de",
"at" => "a las",
"Timezone" => "Zona horaria",
"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Comprobar siempre por cambios en la zona horaria",
"Timeformat" => "Formato de hora",
"24h" => "24h",
"12h" => "12h",
"First day of the week" => "Primer día de la semana",
"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "Dirección de sincronización de calendario CalDAV:",
"Users" => "Usuarios",
"select users" => "seleccionar usuarios",
"Editable" => "Editable",
"Groups" => "Grupos",
"select groups" => "seleccionar grupos",
"make public" => "hacerlo público"