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28 lines
987 B

global $profile;
<div id="login">
<img src="<?php echo image_path("", "owncloud-logo-medium-white.png"); ?>" alt="ownCloud" />
<li class='error'>
<div id="setup_form">
<p><?php echo($l->t('This is an OpenID server endpoint. For more information, see '));?><a href='' title=''></a></p>
<?php if($_['user']):?>
<p><?php echo($l->t('Identity: <b>').$profile['idp_url']); ?></b></p>
<p><?php echo($l->t('Realm: <b>').$profile['php_realm']); ?></b></p>
<p><?php echo($l->t('User: <b>').$_['user']); ?></b>
<p><a href="<?php echo($profile['idp_url']); ?>?openid.mode=login"><?php echo($l->t('Login')); ?></a>
<?php if($profile['allow_test'] === true): ?>
<a href="<?php echo($profile['idp_url']); ?>?openid.mode=test">Test</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p><?php echo($l->t('Error: <b>No user Selected')); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>