You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
2.2 KiB

<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"This category already exists: %s" => "ఈ వర ఇపపటిి: %s",
"Sunday" => "ఆది",
"Monday" => "మవ",
"Tuesday" => "గళవ",
"Wednesday" => "ధవ",
"Thursday" => "",
"Friday" => "రవ",
"Saturday" => "శని",
"January" => "జనవరి",
"February" => "ిరవరి",
"March" => "ి",
"April" => "ఏపి",
"May" => "",
"June" => "",
"July" => "",
"August" => "ఆగస",
"September" => "బర",
"October" => "అకబర",
"November" => "నవబర",
"December" => "ిబర",
"Settings" => "అమరికల",
"seconds ago" => "షణల కి",
"1 minute ago" => "1 నిిి",
"{minutes} minutes ago" => "{minutes} నిిల కి",
"1 hour ago" => "1 గట కి",
"{hours} hours ago" => "{hours} గటల కి",
"today" => "ఈర",
"yesterday" => "ి",
"{days} days ago" => "{days} రల కి",
"last month" => "ిన న",
"{months} months ago" => "{months} నలల కి",
"months ago" => "లల కి",
"last year" => "ిన సవతసర",
"years ago" => "వతసరల కి",
"Ok" => "సర",
"Cancel" => "రది",
"Yes" => "అవ",
"No" => "",
"Error" => "రప",
"Password" => "తపద",
"Send" => "ి",
"Expiration date" => "",
"delete" => "లగి",
"Username" => "కరి",
"New password" => "త సతపద",
"Users" => "కర",
"Help" => "సహ",
"Add" => "",
"Log out" => "ిరమి",
"Lost your password?" => "తపది?"