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<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Error 404, Cloud not found" => "Fejl 404, Skyen kan ikke findes",
"Welcome to <strong>ownCloud</strong>, your personnal cloud." => "Velkommen til <strong>ownCloud</strong>, din personlige Sky.",
"To finish the installation, please follow the steps below." => "For at fuldføre installationen, følg venligst nedenstående trin",
"Create an <strong>admin account.</strong>" => "Lav en <strong>administrator konto.</strong>",
"Login:" => "Login:",
"Password:" => "Kodeord:",
"Advanced" => "Avanceret",
"Set where to store the data." => "Indstil data mappe.",
"Data directory:" => "Data mappe:",
"Configure your database." => "Konfigurer din database.",
"I will use a SQLite database. You have nothing to do!" => "Jeg vil benytte en SQLite database. Du skal ikke gøre noget!",
"SQLite" => "SQLite",
"I will use a MySQL database." => "Jeg vil benytte en MySQL database.",
"Host:" => "Host:",
"Database name:" => "Database navn:",
"Table prefix:" => "Tabel prefix:",
"MySQL user login:" => "MySQL bruger login:",
"MySQL user password:" => "MySQL bruger password:",
"Finish setup" => "Afslut installation",
"<a href=\"\">ownCloud</a> is a personal cloud which runs on your own server.</p>" => "<a href=\"\">ownCloud</a> er din personly sky der køre på din egen server.</p>",
"Login failed!" => "Login mislykkedes",
"You are logged out." => "Du er nu logget ud",
"prev" => "forrige",
"next" => "næste",
"Search" => "Søg"