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class OC_PublicLink{
* create a new public link
* @param string path
* @param int (optional) expiretime time the link expires, as timestamp
public function __construct($path,$expiretime=0){
if($path and OC_FILESYSTEM::file_exists($path) and OC_FILESYSTEM::is_readable($path)){
$query=OC_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*publiclink VALUES(?,?,?,?)");
if( PEAR::isError($result)) {
$entry = 'DB Error: "'.$result->getMessage().'"<br />';
$entry .= 'Offending command was: '.$result->getDebugInfo().'<br />';
error_log( $entry );
die( $entry );
* get the path of that shared file
public static function getPath($token){
//remove expired links
$query=OC_DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*publiclink WHERE expire_time < NOW() AND expire_time!=0");
//get the path and the user
$query=OC_DB::prepare("SELECT user,path FROM *PREFIX*publiclink WHERE token=?");
//prepare the filesystem
return $path;
return false;
* get the token for the public link
* @return string
public function getToken(){
return $this->token;
private $token;