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13 lines
673 B

<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Could not revert: %s" => "Nevarēja atgriezt — %s",
"success" => "veiksme",
"File %s was reverted to version %s" => "Datne %s tika atgriezt uz versiju %s",
"failure" => "neveiksme",
"File %s could not be reverted to version %s" => "Datni %s nevarēja atgriezt uz versiju %s",
"No old versions available" => "Nav pieejamu vecāku versiju",
"No path specified" => "Nav norādīts ceļš",
"History" => "Vēsture",
"Revert a file to a previous version by clicking on its revert button" => "Atgriez datni uz iepriekšēju versiju, spiežot uz tās atgriešanas pogu",
"Files Versioning" => "Datņu versiju izskošana",
"Enable" => "Aktivēt"