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* <tasks:replace> - read/write version
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* @category pear
* @package PEAR
* @author Greg Beaver <>
* @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors
* @license New BSD License
* @version CVS: $Id: rw.php 313023 2011-07-06 19:17:11Z dufuz $
* @link
* @since File available since Release 1.4.0a10
* Base class
require_once 'PEAR/Task/Replace.php';
* Abstracts the replace task xml.
* @category pear
* @package PEAR
* @author Greg Beaver <>
* @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors
* @license New BSD License
* @version Release: 1.9.4
* @link
* @since Class available since Release 1.4.0a10
class PEAR_Task_Replace_rw extends PEAR_Task_Replace
function PEAR_Task_Replace_rw(&$pkg, &$config, &$logger, $fileXml)
parent::PEAR_Task_Common($config, $logger, PEAR_TASK_PACKAGE);
$this->_contents = $fileXml;
$this->_pkg = &$pkg;
$this->_params = array();
function validate()
return $this->validateXml($this->_pkg, $this->_params, $this->config, $this->_contents);
function setInfo($from, $to, $type)
$this->_params = array('attribs' => array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'type' => $type));
function getName()
return 'replace';
function getXml()
return $this->_params;