You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
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"January" : "ဇနနဝ",
"February" : "ဖ",
"March" : "မတ",
"April" : "ဧပ",
"May" : "မ",
"June" : "ဇ",
"July" : "ဇ",
"August" : "ဩဂ",
"September" : "စကတင",
"October" : "အက",
"November" : "နဝင",
"December" : "ဒဇင",
"No" : "မဟ",
"Yes" : "ဟ",
"Choose" : "ရ",
"Ok" : "အက",
"Cancel" : "ပယကမည",
"Password" : "စကက",
"Set expiration date" : "သကတမကမညရကသတမည",
"Expiration date" : "သကတမကမညရက",
"Resharing is not allowed" : "ပလညမပ",
"can edit" : "ပဆင",
"create" : "ဖနမည",
"delete" : "ဖကမည",
"Password protected" : "စကကကကသည",
"Add" : "ပထည",
"New password" : "စကကအသစ",
"Users" : "သ",
"Apps" : "Apps",
"Admin" : "အကဒမင",
"Help" : "အကအည",
"Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "<strong>အကဒမငအက</strong>တစဖနမည",
"Username" : "သအမည",
"Data folder" : "အခကအလက",
"Database user" : "Database သ",
"Database password" : "Database စကက",
"Database name" : "Database အမည",
"Finish setup" : "တပဆင။",
"remember" : "မသည",
"Log in" : "ဝငကရန"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");