You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
4.1 KiB

* @author Omer Hassan
* @author Ryan Parman
* @license MIT
class Array2DOM
const ATTRIBUTES = '__attributes__';
const CONTENT = '__content__';
* @param array $source
* @param string $rootTagName
* @return DOMDocument
public static function arrayToDOMDocument(array $source, $rootTagName = 'root')
$document = new DOMDocument();
$document->appendChild(self::createDOMElement($source, $rootTagName, $document));
return $document;
* @param array $source
* @param string $rootTagName
* @param bool $formatOutput
* @return string
public static function arrayToXMLString(array $source, $rootTagName = 'root', $formatOutput = true)
$document = self::arrayToDOMDocument($source, $rootTagName);
$document->formatOutput = $formatOutput;
return $document->saveXML();
* @param DOMDocument $document
* @return array
public static function domDocumentToArray(DOMDocument $document)
return self::createArray($document->documentElement);
* @param string $xmlString
* @return array
public static function xmlStringToArray($xmlString)
$document = new DOMDocument();
return $document->loadXML($xmlString) ? self::domDocumentToArray($document) : array();
* @param mixed $source
* @param string $tagName
* @param DOMDocument $document
* @return DOMNode
private static function createDOMElement($source, $tagName, DOMDocument $document)
if (!is_array($source))
$element = $document->createElement($tagName);
return $element;
$element = $document->createElement($tagName);
foreach ($source as $key => $value)
if (is_string($key) && !is_numeric($key))
if ($key === self::ATTRIBUTES)
foreach ($value as $attributeName => $attributeValue)
$element->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue);
elseif ($key === self::CONTENT)
elseif (is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value))
$element->appendChild(self::createDOMElement($value, $key, $document));
elseif (is_array($value) && count($value))
$keyNode = $document->createElement($key);
foreach ($value as $elementKey => $elementValue)
if (is_string($elementKey) && !is_numeric($elementKey))
$keyNode->appendChild(self::createDOMElement($elementValue, $elementKey, $document));
$element->appendChild(self::createDOMElement($elementValue, $key, $document));
if ($keyNode->hasChildNodes())
if (is_bool($value))
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
$element->appendChild(self::createDOMElement($value, $key, $document));
$element->appendChild(self::createDOMElement($value, $tagName, $document));
return $element;
* @param DOMNode $domNode
* @return array
private static function createArray(DOMNode $domNode)
$array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $domNode->childNodes->length; $i++)
$item = $domNode->childNodes->item($i);
if ($item->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
$arrayElement = array();
for ($attributeIndex = 0; !is_null($attribute = $item->attributes->item($attributeIndex)); $attributeIndex++)
if ($attribute->nodeType === XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
$arrayElement[self::ATTRIBUTES][$attribute->nodeName] = $attribute->nodeValue;
$children = self::createArray($item);
if (is_array($children))
$arrayElement = array_merge($arrayElement, $children);
$arrayElement[self::CONTENT] = $children;
$array[$item->nodeName][] = $arrayElement;
elseif ($item->nodeType === XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE || ($item->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE && trim($item->nodeValue) !== ''))
return $item->nodeValue;
return $array;