@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
# Copyright 2021 Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -12,13 +13,11 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from unittest . mock import Mock
import synapse . api . errors
import synapse . rest . admin
from synapse . api . constants import EventTypes
from synapse . config . room_directory import RoomDirectoryConfig
from synapse . rest . client import directory , login , room
from synapse . types import RoomAlias , create_requester
@ -394,22 +393,15 @@ class TestCreateAliasACL(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
servlets = [ directory . register_servlets , room . register_servlets ]
def prepare ( self , reactor , clock , hs ) :
# We cheekily override the config to add custom alias creation rules
config = { }
def default_config ( self ) :
config = super ( ) . default_config ( )
# Add custom alias creation rules to the config.
config [ " alias_creation_rules " ] = [
{ " user_id " : " * " , " alias " : " #unofficial_* " , " action " : " allow " }
config [ " room_list_publication_rules " ] = [ ]
rd_config = RoomDirectoryConfig ( )
rd_config . read_config ( config )
self . hs . config . roomdirectory . is_alias_creation_allowed = (
rd_config . is_alias_creation_allowed
return hs
return config
def test_denied ( self ) :
room_id = self . helper . create_room_as ( self . user_id )
@ -417,7 +409,7 @@ class TestCreateAliasACL(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
channel = self . make_request (
" PUT " ,
b " directory/room/ % 23test % 3Atest " ,
( ' { " room_id " : " %s " } ' % ( room_id , ) ) . encode ( " ascii " ) ,
{ " room_id " : room_id } ,
self . assertEquals ( 403 , channel . code , channel . result )
@ -427,14 +419,35 @@ class TestCreateAliasACL(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
channel = self . make_request (
" PUT " ,
b " directory/room/ %23u nofficial_test % 3Atest " ,
( ' { " room_id " : " %s " } ' % ( room_id , ) ) . encode ( " ascii " ) ,
{ " room_id " : room_id } ,
self . assertEquals ( 200 , channel . code , channel . result )
def test_denied_during_creation ( self ) :
""" A room alias that is not allowed should be rejected during creation. """
# Invalid room alias.
self . helper . create_room_as (
self . user_id ,
expect_code = 403 ,
extra_content = { " room_alias_name " : " foo " } ,
class TestCreatePublishedRoomACL ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
data = { " room_alias_name " : " unofficial_test " }
def test_allowed_during_creation ( self ) :
""" A valid room alias should be allowed during creation. """
room_id = self . helper . create_room_as (
self . user_id ,
extra_content = { " room_alias_name " : " unofficial_test " } ,
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
b " directory/room/ %23u nofficial_test % 3Atest " ,
self . assertEquals ( 200 , channel . code , channel . result )
self . assertEquals ( channel . json_body [ " room_id " ] , room_id )
class TestCreatePublishedRoomACL ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
servlets = [
synapse . rest . admin . register_servlets_for_client_rest_resource ,
login . register_servlets ,
@ -443,27 +456,30 @@ class TestCreatePublishedRoomACL(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
hijack_auth = False
def prepare ( self , reactor , clock , hs ) :
self . allowed_user_id = self . register_user ( " allowed " , " pass " )
self . allowed_access_token = self . login ( " allowed " , " pass " )
data = { " room_alias_name " : " unofficial_test " }
allowed_localpart = " allowed "
self . denied_user_id = self . register_user ( " denied " , " pass " )
self . denied_access_token = self . login ( " denied " , " pass " )
def default_config ( self ) :
config = super ( ) . default_config ( )
# This time we add custom room list publication rules
config = { }
config [ " alias_creation_rules " ] = [ ]
# Add custom room list publication rules to the config.
config [ " room_list_publication_rules " ] = [
" user_id " : " @ " + self . allowed_localpart + " * " ,
" alias " : " #unofficial_* " ,
" action " : " allow " ,
} ,
{ " user_id " : " * " , " alias " : " * " , " action " : " deny " } ,
{ " user_id " : self . allowed_user_id , " alias " : " * " , " action " : " allow " } ,
rd_config = RoomDirectoryConfig ( )
rd_config . read_config ( config )
return config
self . hs . config . roomdirectory . is_publishing_room_allowed = (
rd_config . is_publishing_room_allowed
def prepare ( self , reactor , clock , hs ) :
self . allowed_user_id = self . register_user ( self . allowed_localpart , " pass " )
self . allowed_access_token = self . login ( self . allowed_localpart , " pass " )
self . denied_user_id = self . register_user ( " denied " , " pass " )
self . denied_access_token = self . login ( " denied " , " pass " )
return hs
@ -505,10 +521,23 @@ class TestCreatePublishedRoomACL(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
self . allowed_user_id ,
tok = self . allowed_access_token ,
extra_content = self . data ,
is_public = Fals e,
is_public = Tru e,
expect_code = 200 ,
def test_denied_publication_with_invalid_alias ( self ) :
Try to create a room , register an alias for it , and publish it ,
as a user WITH permission to publish rooms .
self . helper . create_room_as (
self . allowed_user_id ,
tok = self . allowed_access_token ,
extra_content = { " room_alias_name " : " foo " } ,
is_public = True ,
expect_code = 403 ,
def test_can_create_as_private_room_after_rejection ( self ) :
After failing to publish a room with an alias as a user without publish permission ,