Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
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<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$select = "Ge<EFBFBD>erli k&#305;l";
$square = "Kare";
$circle = "Elips";
$poly = "<EFBFBD>okgen";
$status1 = "Hotspot <EFBFBD>izin";
$status2_poly = "<EFBFBD>okgeni kapatmak i<EFBFBD>in sa&#287; tu&#351;a bas&#305;n";
$status2_other = "Hotspotu kaydetmek i<EFBFBD>in farenin tu&#351;unu b&#305;rak&#305;n";
$status3 = "Hotspot kaydedildi";
$exercise_status_1 = "A&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki resme t&#305;klayarak cevaplay&#305;n";
$exercise_status_2 = "Cevaplar&#305; ge<EFBFBD>erli k&#305;l";
$exercise_status_3 = "Durum: Sorudan vazge<EFBFBD>ildi";
$showUserPoints = "Kullan&#305;c&#305; t&#305;klamalar&#305;n&#305; G<EFBFBD>ster/Gizle";
$showHotspots = "Hotspotlar&#305; g<EFBFBD>ster/gizle";
$labelPolyMenu = "<EFBFBD>okgeni kapat";
$triesleft = "Kalan denemeler";
$exeFinished = "Cevab&#305;n&#305;z&#305;n ge<EFBFBD>erli olmas&#305; i<EFBFBD>in a&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki tu&#351;u &#351;imdi t&#305;klay&#305;n&#305;z";
$nextAnswer = "&#350;imdi yap&#305;ld&#305;ya t&#305;klay&#305;n&#305;z";
$delineation = "<EFBFBD>izim";
$labelDelineationMenu = "<EFBFBD>izimi kapat";
$oar = "Riskli alan";