/* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
* These files are a complete rework of the forum. The database structure is
* based on phpBB but all the code is rewritten. A lot of new functionalities
* are added:
* - forum categories and forums can be sorted up or down, locked or made invisible
* - consistent and integrated forum administration
* - forum options: are students allowed to edit their post?
* moderation of posts (approval)
* reply only forums (students cannot create new threads)
* multiple forums per group
* - sticky messages
* - new view option: nested view
* - quoting a message
* @Author Patrick Cool < patrick.cool @ UGent . be > , Ghent University
* @Copyright Ghent University
* @Copyright Patrick Cool
* @package chamilo.forum
// Language file that needs to be included.
$language_file = 'forum';
// Including the global initialization file.
require_once '../inc/global.inc.php';
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '< script type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript" >
$(document).ready(function(){ $(\'.hide-me\').slideUp() });
function hidecontent(content){ $(content).slideToggle(\'normal\'); }
< / script > ';
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '< script type = "text/javascript" >
function advanced_parameters() {
if(document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display == \'none\') {
document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display = \'block\';
document.getElementById(\'plus_minus\').innerHTML=\' '.Display::return_icon('div_hide.gif',get_lang('Hide'),array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle')).' '.get_lang('AdvancedParameters').'\';
} else {
document.getElementById(\'options\').style.display = \'none\';
document.getElementById(\'plus_minus\').innerHTML=\' '.Display::return_icon('div_show.gif',get_lang('Show'),array('style'=>'vertical-align:middle')).' '.get_lang('AdvancedParameters').'\';
< / script > ';
// The section (tabs)
$this_section = SECTION_COURSES;
// Notification for unauthorized people.
// Including additional library scripts.
$nameTools = get_lang('ToolForum');
// Including necessary files
require 'forumconfig.inc.php';
require_once 'forumfunction.inc.php';
/* Header and Breadcrumbs */
$gradebook = null;
if (isset($_SESSION['gradebook'])) {
$gradebook= $_SESSION['gradebook'];
if (!empty($gradebook) & & $gradebook == 'view') {
$interbreadcrumb[] = array (
'url' => '../gradebook/'.$_SESSION['gradebook_dest'],
'name' => get_lang('ToolGradebook')
$current_forum_category = get_forum_categories($_GET['forumcategory']);
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'index.php?gradebook='.$gradebook.'& search='.Security::remove_XSS(urlencode(isset($_GET['search'])?$_GET['search']:'')),'name' => get_lang('Forum'));
if (!empty($_GET['action']) & & !empty($_GET['content'])) {
if ($_GET['action']=='add' & & $_GET['content']=='forum' ) {
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' =>'viewforumcategory.php?forumcategory='.$current_forum_category['cat_id'].'& origin='.$origin,'name' => $current_forum_category['cat_title']);
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' =>'#', 'name' => get_lang('AddForum'));
} else {
$interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#','name' => $current_forum_category['cat_title']);
// Are we in a lp ?
$origin = '';
if (isset($_GET['origin'])) {
$origin = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['origin']);
if ($origin=='learnpath') {
} else {
Display :: display_header(null);
$whatsnew_post_info = isset($_SESSION['whatsnew_post_info']) ? $_SESSION['whatsnew_post_info'] : null;
/* Is the user allowed here? */
// if the user is not a course administrator and the forum is hidden
// then the user is not allowed here.
if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) AND ($current_forum_category & & $current_forum_category['visibility']==0)) {
/* Action Links */
echo '< div class = "actions" > ';
echo '< span style = "float:right;" > '.search_link().'< / span > ';
echo '< a href = "index.php?gradebook='.$gradebook.'" > '.Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('BackToForumOverview'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).'< / a > ';
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true)) {
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.$current_forum_category['cat_id'].'&action=add&content=forum" > '.Display::return_icon('new_forum.png', get_lang('AddForum'),'',ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).'< / a > ';
echo '< / div > ';
$action_forums = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, true)) {
// Notification
if ($action_forums == 'notify' & & isset($_GET['content']) & & isset($_GET['id'])) {
$return_message = set_notification($_GET['content'], $_GET['id']);
Display :: display_confirmation_message($return_message, false);
if ($action_forums != 'add') {
Note: We do this here just after het handling of the actions to be sure that we already incorporate the
latest changes.
// Step 1: We store all the forum categories in an array $forum_categories.
$forum_categories = array();
$forum_category = get_forum_categories($_GET['forumcategory']);
// Step 2: We find all the forums.
$forum_list = array();
$forum_list = get_forums();
// The groups of the user.
$groups_of_user = array();
$groups_of_user = GroupManager::get_group_ids($_course['real_id'], $_user['user_id']);
// All groups in the course (and sorting them as the id of the group = the key of the array.
$all_groups = GroupManager::get_group_list();
if (is_array($all_groups)) {
foreach ($all_groups as $group) {
$all_groups[$group['id']] = $group;
if (isset($_SESSION['_gid'])) {
/* Display Forum Categories and the Forums in it */
echo '< table class = "forum_table" width = "100%" > ';
$my_session = isset($_SESSION['id_session']) ? $_SESSION['id_session'] : null;
if ((!isset($_SESSION['id_session']) || $_SESSION['id_session'] == 0) & & !empty($forum_category['session_name'])) {
$session_displayed = ' ('.Security::remove_XSS($forum_category['session_name']).')';
} else {
$session_displayed = '';
$forum_categories_list = '';
echo '< thead > ';
echo '< tr > < th class = "forum_head" ' . ( api_is_allowed_to_edit ( null , true ) ? ' colspan = "5" ' : ' colspan = "6" ' ) . ' > ';
echo '< a href = "viewforumcategory.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.strval(intval($forum_category['cat_id'])).'" ' . class_visible_invisible ( strval ( intval ( $ forum_category [ ' visibility ' ] ) ) ) . ' > '.prepare4display($forum_category['cat_title']).$session_displayed.'< / a > '. $session_img .'< br / > ';
echo '< span class = "forum_description" > '.prepare4display($forum_category['cat_comment']).'< / span > ';
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, true) & & !($forum_category['session_id'] == 0 & & intval($my_session) != 0)) {
echo '< th style = "vertical-align: top;" align = "center" > ';
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['forumcategory']).'&action=edit&content=forumcategory&id='.$forum_category['cat_id'].'" > '.Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).'< / a > ';
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['forumcategory']).'&action=delete&content=forumcategory&amp;id='.$forum_category['cat_id']." \ " onclick = \"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('DeleteForumCategory'), ENT_QUOTES ) ) . " ' ) ) return false ; \ " > ".Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).'< / a > ';
display_visible_invisible_icon('forumcategory', $forum_category['cat_id'], $forum_category['visibility'], array('forumcategory' => $_GET['forumcategory']));
display_lock_unlock_icon('forumcategory', $forum_category['cat_id'], $forum_category['locked'], array('forumcategory' => $_GET['forumcategory']));
display_up_down_icon('forumcategory', $forum_category['cat_id'], $forum_categories_list);
echo '< / th > ';
echo '< / tr > ';
// Step 3: The interim headers (for the forum).
echo '< tr class = "forum_header" > ';
echo '< td colspan = "2" > '.get_lang('Forum').'< / td > ';
echo '< td > '.get_lang('ForumThreads').'< / td > ';
echo '< td > '.get_lang('Posts').'< / td > ';
echo '< td > '.get_lang('LastPosts').'< / td > ';
echo '< td > '.get_lang('Actions').'< / td > ';
echo '< / tr > ';
echo '< / thead > ';
// The forums in this category.
$forums_in_category = get_forums_in_category($forum_category['cat_id']);
// Step 4: We display all the forums in this category.
$forum_count = 0;
foreach ($forum_list as $key => $forum) {
if ($forum['forum_category'] == $forum_category['cat_id']) {
// The forum has to be showed if
// 1.v it is a not a group forum (teacher and student)
// 2.v it is a group forum and it is public (teacher and student)
// 3. it is a group forum and it is private (always for teachers only if the user is member of the forum
// if the forum is private and it is a group forum and the user is not a member of the group forum then it cannot be displayed
//if (!($forum['forum_group_public_private']=='private' AND !is_null($forum['forum_of_group']) AND !in_array($forum['forum_of_group'], $groups_of_user))) {
$show_forum = false;
// you are teacher => show forum
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true)) {
//echo 'teacher';
$show_forum = true;
} else {
// you are not a teacher
//echo 'student';
// it is not a group forum => show forum (invisible forums are already left out see get_forums function)
if ($forum['forum_of_group'] == '0') {
//echo '-gewoon forum';
$show_forum = true;
} else {
// it is a group forum
//echo '-groepsforum';
// it is a group forum but it is public => show
if ($forum['forum_group_public_private'] == 'public') {
$show_forum = true;
//echo '-publiek';
} else {
// it is a group forum and it is private
//echo '-prive';
// it is a group forum and it is private but the user is member of the group
if (in_array($forum['forum_of_group'], $groups_of_user)) {
//echo '-is lid';
$show_forum = true;
} else {
//echo '-is GEEN lid';
$show_forum = false;
//echo '< hr / > ';
$form_count = isset($form_count) ? $form_count : 0;
if ($show_forum === true) {
echo '< tr class = "forum" > ';
echo '< td width = "20" > ';
$my_whatsnew_post_info = isset($whatsnew_post_info[$forum['forum_id']]) ? $whatsnew_post_info[$forum['forum_id']] : null;
if ($forum['forum_of_group'] !== '0') {
if (is_array($my_whatsnew_post_info) & & !empty($my_whatsnew_post_info)) {
echo Display::return_icon('forumgroupnew.gif');
} else {
echo Display::return_icon('forumgroup.gif', get_lang('GroupForum'));
} else {
if (is_array($my_whatsnew_post_info) & & !empty($my_whatsnew_post_info)) {
echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif', get_lang('Forum'));
} else {
echo Display::return_icon('forum.gif');
echo '< / td > ';
if ($forum['forum_of_group'] != '0') {
$my_all_groups_forum_name = isset($all_groups[$forum['forum_of_group']]['name']) ? $all_groups[$forum['forum_of_group']]['name'] : null;
$my_all_groups_forum_id = isset($all_groups[$forum['forum_of_group']]['id']) ? $all_groups[$forum['forum_of_group']]['id'] : null;
$group_title = api_substr($my_all_groups_forum_name, 0, 30);
$forum_title_group_addition = ' (< a href = "../group/group_space.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&gidReq='.$my_all_groups_forum_id.'" class = "forum_group_link" > '.get_lang('GoTo').' '.$group_title.'< / a > )';
} else {
$forum_title_group_addition = '';
if ((!isset($_SESSION['id_session']) || $_SESSION['id_session'] == 0) & & !empty($forum['session_name'])) {
$session_displayed = ' ('.$forum['session_name'].')';
} else {
$session_displayed = '';
echo '< td > < a href = "viewforum.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'&gidReq='.$forum['forum_of_group'].'&forum='.$forum['forum_id'].'&origin='.$origin.'&search='.Security::remove_XSS(urlencode(isset($_GET['search']) ? $_GET['search'] : '')).'" ' . class_visible_invisible ( $ forum [ ' visibility ' ] ) . ' > '.prepare4display($forum['forum_title']).$session_displayed.'< / a > '.$forum_title_group_addition.'< br / > '.prepare4display($forum['forum_comment']).'< / td > ';
//$number_forum_topics_and_posts=get_post_topics_of_forum($forum['forum_id']); // deprecated
// the number of topics and posts
$my_number_threads = isset($forum['number_of_threads']) ? $forum['number_of_threads'] : '';
$my_number_posts = isset($forum['number_of_posts']) ? $forum['number_of_posts'] : '';
echo '< td > '.$my_number_threads.'< / td > ';
echo '< td > '.$my_number_posts.'< / td > ';
// the last post in the forum
if ($forum['last_poster_name'] != '') {
$name = $forum['last_poster_name'];
$poster_id = 0;
} else {
$name = api_get_person_name($forum['last_poster_firstname'], $forum['last_poster_lastname']);
$poster_id = $forum['last_poster_id'];
echo '< td > ';
if (!empty($forum['last_post_id'])) {
echo $forum['last_post_date'].' '.get_lang('By').' '.display_user_link($poster_id, $name);
echo '< / td > ';
echo '< td class = "td_actions" > ';
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, true) & & !($forum['session_id'] == 0 & & intval(isset($_SESSION['id_session']) ? $_SESSION['id_session'] : null) != 0)) {
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['forumcategory']).'&action=edit&content=forum&id='.$forum['forum_id'].'" > '.Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).'< / a > ';
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['forumcategory']).'&action=delete&content=forum&id='.$forum['forum_id']." \ " onclick = \"javascript:if(!confirm('".addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('DeleteForum'), ENT_QUOTES ) ) . " ' ) ) return false ; \ " > ".Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).'< / a > ';
display_visible_invisible_icon('forum', $forum['forum_id'], $forum['visibility'], array('forumcategory' => $_GET['forumcategory']));
display_lock_unlock_icon('forum', $forum['forum_id'], $forum['locked'], array('forumcategory' => $_GET['forumcategory']));
display_up_down_icon('forum', $forum['forum_id'], $forums_in_category);
$iconnotify = 'send_mail.gif';
if (is_array(isset($_SESSION['forum_notification']['forum']) ? $_SESSION['forum_notification']['forum'] : null)) {
if (in_array($forum['forum_id'],$_SESSION['forum_notification']['forum'])) {
$iconnotify = 'send_mail_checked.gif';
if (!api_is_anonymous()) {
echo '< a href = "'.api_get_self().'?'.api_get_cidreq().'&forumcategory='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['forumcategory']).'&action=notify&content=forum&id='.$forum['forum_id'].'" > '.Display::return_icon($iconnotify, get_lang('NotifyMe')).'< / a > ';
echo '< / td > < / tr > ';
if (count($forum_list) == 0) {
echo '< tr > < td > '.get_lang('NoForumInThisCategory').'< / td > < / tr > ';
echo '< / table > ';
/* FOOTER */
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
Display :: display_footer();