Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1140 lines
34 KiB

for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$AdminBy = "";
$AdministrationTools = "";
$State = "";
$Statistiques = "";
$VisioHostLocal = "";
$VisioRTMPIsWeb = "";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment = "";
$langUsed = "";
$langPresent = "确定";
$langMissing = "不见";
$langExist = "存在的";
$ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree = "";
$ShowNumberOfCourses = "";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle = "";
$DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment = "";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment = "";
$DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle = "";
$ThereAreNoVirtualCourses = "";
$ConfigureHomePage = "";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle = "";
$CourseCreateActiveToolsComment = "";
$SearchUsers = "";
$CreateUser = "";
$ModifyInformation = "";
$ModifyUser = "";
$buttonEditUserField = "";
$ModifyCoach = "";
$ModifyThisSession = "";
$ExportSession = "";
$ImportSession = "";
$langCourseBackup = "备份课程";
$langCourseTitular = "授课老师";
$langCourseTitle = "课程名称";
$langCourseFaculty = "课程分类";
$langCourseDepartment = "课程所属部门";
$langCourseDepartmentURL = "部门URL";
$langCourseLanguage = "课程语言";
$langCourseAccess = "课程访问";
$langCourseSubscription = "课程注册";
$langPublicAccess = "匿名访问";
$langPrivateAccess = "密码访问";
$langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin = "数据库管理仅对服务器管理员开放";
$langShowUsersOfCourse = "显示注册该课程用户";
$langShowClassesOfCourse = "显示注册该课程班级";
$langShowGroupsOfCourse = "显示注册该课程用户组";
$langPhone = "电话";
$langPhoneNumber = "电话号码";
$langActions = "操作";
$langAddToCourse = "加入到该课程";
$langDeleteFromPlatform = "删除";
$langDeleteCourse = "删除所选课程";
$langDeleteFromCourse = "取消注册课程";
$langDeleteSelectedClasses = "删除所选班级";
$langDeleteSelectedGroups = "删除所选组";
$langAdministrator = "管理员";
$langAddPicture = "图片";
$langChangePicture = "更换图片";
$langDeletePicture = "删除图片";
$langAddUsers = "添加用户";
$langAddGroups = "添加组";
$langAddClasses = "添加班级";
$langExportUsers = "输出用户名单";
$langKeyword = "关键词";
$langGroupName = "组名";
$langGroupTutor = "组辅导";
$langGroupDescription = "组描述";
$langNumberOfParticipants = "参加者数目";
$langNumberOfUsers = "学生数量";
$langMaximum = "最大";
$langMaximumOfParticipants = "最大参加者数目";
$langParticipants = "参加者";
$langFirstLetterClass = "首字母";
$langFirstLetterUser = "首字母";
$langFirstLetterCourse = "首字母";
$langModifyUserInfo = "修改用户信息";
$langModifyClassInfo = "修改班级信息";
$langModifyGroupInfo = "修改组信息";
$langModifyCourseInfo = "修改课程";
$langPleaseEnterClassName = "请输入班级名称!";
$langPleaseEnterLastName = "请输入用户姓!";
$langPleaseEnterFirstName = "请输入用户名!";
$langPleaseEnterValidEmail = "请输入有效电子邮件地址!";
$langPleaseEnterValidLogin = "请输入有效用户!";
$langPleaseEnterCourseCode = "请输入课程代码!";
$langPleaseEnterTitularName = "请输入授课老师姓名!";
$langPleaseEnterCourseTitle = "请输入课程名称!";
$langAcceptedPictureFormats = "可接受格式为:JPG, PNG 于GIF!";
$langLoginAlreadyTaken = "您已经登录!";
$langImportUserListXMLCSV = "导入用户";
$langExportUserListXMLCSV = "导出用户";
$langOnlyUsersFromCourse = "导出范围";
$langAddClassesToACourse = "分配课程-班级";
$langAddUsersToACourse = "分配课程-用户";
$langAddUsersToAClass = "添加学生";
$langAddUsersToAGroup = "加组用户";
$langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse = "你至少选择一个班级和一门课程!";
$AtLeastOneUser = "";
$langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse = "你至少选择一个用户和一门课程!";
$langClassList = "班级列表";
$langUserList = "用户列表";
$langCourseList = "课程列表";
$langAddToThatCourse = "加入该课程";
$langAddToClass = "加入该班级";
$langRemoveFromClass = "从班级删除";
$langAddToGroup = "加入该组";
$langRemoveFromGroup = "从组删除";
$langUsersOutsideClass = "班级外学生";
$langUsersInsideClass = "班级内学生";
$langUsersOutsideGroup = "组外用户";
$langUsersInsideGroup = "组内用户";
$langImportFileLocation = "导入文件";
$langFileType = "文件类型";
$langOutputFileType = "文件类型";
$langMustUseSeparator = "需用";
$langCSVMustLookLike = "CSV文件格式如下";
$langXMLMustLookLike = "XML文件格式如下";
$langMandatoryFields = "<strong>加粗</strong>为必需字段";
$langNotXML = "文件不是XML格式!";
$langNotCSV = "文件不是CSV格式!";
$langNoNeededData = "文件中没有找到所需数据!";
$langMaxImportUsers = "每次输入用户数不能超过500名!";
$langAdminDatabases = "数据库(phpMyAdmin)";
$langAdminUsers = "用户";
$langAdminClasses = "班级";
$langAdminGroups = "用户组";
$langAdminCourses = "课程";
$langAdminCategories = "课程分类";
$langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse = "加入用户/组到课程";
$langAddACategory = "添加分类";
$langInto = "到";
$langNoCategories = "没有分类";
$langAllowCoursesInCategory = "允许添加课程";
$langGoToForum = "转向论坛";
$langCategoryCode = "分类代码";
$langCategoryName = "分类名";
$langCategories = "分类";
$langEditNode = "编辑分类";
$langOpenNode = "打开分类";
$langDeleteNode = "删除该分类";
$langAddChildNode = "添加二级分类";
$langViewChildren = "察看下一级";
$langTreeRebuildedIn = "主目录重建于";
$langTreeRecountedIn = "主目录重数于";
$langRebuildTree = "重建主目录";
$langRefreshNbChildren = "刷新下一级数目";
$langShowTree = "显示主目录";
$langBack = "返回";
$langLogDeleteCat = "分类已删除";
$langRecountChildren = "重数下一级";
$langUpInSameLevel = "提升到同一级";
$langSeconds = "秒";
$langMailTo = "寄给:";
$lang_no_access_here = "不开放";
$lang_php_info = "系统信息";
$langAddAdminInApache = "添加管理员";
$langAddFaculties = "添加分类";
$langSearchACourse = "搜索课程";
$langSearchAUser = "搜索用户";
$langTechnicalTools = "技术支持";
$langConfig = "系统配置";
$langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "登录名单(扩展)";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMax = "在列表能显示的最大用户数";
$NoTimeLimits = "";
$GeneralCoach = "";
$GeneralProperties = "";
$CourseCoach = "";
$UsersNumber = "";
$DokeosClassic = "";
$PublicAdmin = "";
$PageAfterLoginTitle = "";
$PageAfterLoginComment = "";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "";
$TabsMyProfile = "";
$GlobalRole = "";
$langNomOutilTodo = "管理Todo列表";
$langNomPageAdmin = "系统管理";
$langSysInfo = "系统信息";
$langDiffTranslation = "比较翻译";
$langStatOf = "统计信息";
$langSpeeSubscribe = "快速选课";
$langLogIdentLogout = "登录日志";
$langServerStatus = "MySQL服务器状态";
$langDataBase = "数据库";
$langRun = "生效";
$langClient = "MySql客户";
$langServer = "MySql服务器";
$langtitulary = "控权";
$langUpgradeBase = "升级数据库";
$langManage = "管理入口";
$langErrorsFound = "发现问题";
$langMaintenance = "维护工具";
$langUpgrade = "升级IILearn";
$langWebsite = "DEKEOS网站";
$langDocumentation = "文献";
$langContribute = "贡献";
$langInfoServer = "服务器信息";
$langOtherCategory = "其它分类";
$langSendMailToUsers = "发送邮件";
$langExampleXMLFile = "XML文件样例";
$langExampleCSVFile = "CSV文件样例";
$langCourseSystemCode = "系统代码";
$langCourseVisualCode = "可见代码";
$langSystemCode = "系统代码";
$langVisualCode = "可见代码";
$langAddCourse = "新建课程";
$langAdminManageVirtualCourses = "管理虚拟课程";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourse = "新建虚拟课程";
$langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation = "这门虚拟课程将要和现有的\\"真实\\"课程共享存储空间(目录和数据库空间)";
$langRealCourseCode = "真实课程代码";
$langCourseCreationSucceeded = "创建课程成功";
$langYourDokeosUses = "IILearn安装程序现在在使用";
$langOnTheHardDisk = "在硬盘上";
$langIsVirtualCourse = "虚拟课程";
$langSystemAnnouncements = "学校通知";
$langAddAnnouncement = "添加通知";
$langAnnouncementAdded = "通知已经被添加";
$langAnnouncementUpdated = "通知已经被更新";
$langAnnouncementDeleted = "通知已经被删除";
$langContent = "内容";
$PermissionsForNewFiles = "";
$PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "";
$langStudent = "学生";
$Guest = "";
$langLoginAsThisUserColumnName = "用户登录";
$langLoginAsThisUser = "登录";
$SelectPicture = "";
$DontResetPassword = "";
$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "";
$langCourseAdmin = "教师";
$langOtherCourses = "其它课程";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "";
$ServerStatusComment = "";
$ServerStatusTitle = "";
$PlatformLanguages = "";
$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "";
$OriginalName = "";
$EnglishName = "";
$DokeosFolder = "";
$Properties = "";
$DokeosConfigSettings = "";
$SettingsStored = "";
$InstitutionTitle = "";
$InstitutionComment = "";
$InstitutionUrlTitle = "";
$InstitutionUrlComment = "";
$SiteNameTitle = "";
$SiteNameComment = "";
$emailAdministratorTitle = "";
$emailAdministratorComment = "";
$administratorSurnameTitle = "";
$administratorSurnameComment = "";
$administratorNameTitle = "";
$administratorNameComment = "";
$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "";
$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "";
$HomepageViewTitle = "";
$HomepageViewComment = "";
$HomepageViewDefault = "";
$HomepageViewFixed = "";
$Yes = "";
$No = "";
$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "";
$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "";
$ShowStudentViewTitle = "";
$ShowStudentViewComment = "";
$AllowGroupCategories = "";
$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "";
$ProductionServer = "";
$TestServer = "";
$ShowOnlineTitle = "";
$AsPlatformLanguage = "";
$ShowOnlineComment = "";
$AllowNameChangeTitle = "";
$AllowNameChangeComment = "";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle = "";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "";
$ProfileChangesTitle = "";
$ProfileChangesComment = "";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle = "";
$RegistrationRequiredFormsComment = "";
$DefaultGroupQuotumTitle = "";
$DefaultGroupQuotumComment = "";
$AllowLostPasswordTitle = "";
$AllowLostPasswordComment = "";
$AllowRegistrationTitle = "";
$AllowRegistrationComment = "";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle = "";
$AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment = "";
$PlatformLanguage = "";
$Tuning = "";
$SplitUsersUploadDirectory = "";
$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "";
$CourseQuota = "";
$EditNotice = "";
$General = "";
$LostPassword = "";
$Registration = "";
$Password = "";
$InsertLink = "";
$EditNews = "";
$EditCategories = "";
$EditHomePage = "";
$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "";
$Platform = "";
$Course = "";
$Languages = "";
$Privacy = "";
$NoticeTitle = "";
$NoticeText = "";
$LinkName = "";
$LinkURL = "";
$OpenInNewWindow = "";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "此界面允许添加用户到课程或班级中, 如果第一个未经筛选的列表中的用户数超过这个数字, 默认为第一个字母(A)";
$Plugins = "";
$HideDLTTMarkupComment = "";
$Info = "";
$UserAdded = "";
$NoSearchResults = "";
$UserDeleted = "";
$NoClassesForThisCourse = "";
$CourseUsage = "";
$NoCoursesForThisUser = "";
$NoClassesForThisUser = "";
$NoCoursesForThisClass = "";
$langOpenToTheWorld = "开放 - 允许任何人访问";
$OpenToThePlatform = "";
$langPrivate = "访问限制 - 仅对选定的用户开放访问";
$langCourseVisibilityClosed = "完全关闭 - 仅对课程管理员开放访问";
$langSubscription = "注册";
$langUnsubscription = "注销";
$CourseAccessConfigTip = "课程默认为开放. 你可以自定义开放级别.";
$Tool = "";
$NumberOfItems = "";
$DocumentsAndFolders = "";
$Learnpath = "";
$Exercises = "";
$AllowPersonalAgendaTitle = "";
$AllowPersonalAgendaComment = "";
$CurrentValue = "";
$CourseDescription = "";
$OnlineConference = "";
$Chat = "";
$Quiz = "";
$Announcements = "";
$Links = "";
$LearningPath = "";
$Documents = "";
$UserPicture = "";
$officialcode = "";
$Login = "";
$UserPassword = "";
$SubscriptionAllowed = "";
$UnsubscriptionAllowed = "";
$AllowedToUnsubscribe = "";
$NotAllowedToUnsubscribe = "";
$AddDummyContentToCourse = "";
$DummyCourseCreator = "";
$DummyCourseDescription = "";
$AvailablePlugins = "";
$CreateVirtualCourse = "";
$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "";
$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "";
$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "";
$WantedCourseCode = "";
$ResetPassword = "";
$CheckToSendNewPassword = "";
$AutoGeneratePassword = "";
$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "";
$UseDocumentTitleComment = "";
$StudentPublications = "";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "";
$ClassName = "";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle = "";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "";
$DropboxAllowMailingTitle = "";
$DropboxAllowMailingComment = "";
$PermissionsForNewDirs = "";
$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "";
$UserListHasBeenExported = "";
$ClickHereToDownloadTheFile = "";
$administratorTelephoneTitle = "";
$administratorTelephoneComment = "";
$SendMailToNewUser = "";
$ExtendedProfileTitle = "";
$ExtendedProfileComment = "";
$Classes = "";
$UserUnsubscribed = "";
$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "";
$InvalidStartDate = "";
$InvalidEndDate = "";
$DateFormatLabel = "";
$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "";
$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "";
$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "";
$PleaseEnterLinkName = "";
$InsertThisLink = "";
$FirstPlace = "";
$After = "";
$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "";
$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "";
$ClassDeleted = "";
$ClassesDeleted = "";
$NoUsersInClass = "";
$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "";
$InvalidTitle = "";
$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "";
$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "";
$DokeosHomepage = "";
$DokeosForum = "";
$RegisterYourPortal = "";
$DokeosExtensions = "";
$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "";
$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "";
$LoginAs = "";
$ImportClassListCSV = "";
$ShowOnlineWorld = "";
$ShowOnlineUsers = "";
$ShowOnlineCourse = "";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "";
$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "";
$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "";
$ClassesUnsubscribed = "";
$ClassesSubscribed = "";
$RoleId = "";
$RoleName = "";
$RoleType = "";
$RightValueModified = "";
$MakeAvailable = "";
$MakeUnavailable = "";
$Stylesheets = "";
$DefaultDokeosStyle = "";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "";
$Plugin = "";
$MainMenu = "";
$MainMenuLogged = "";
$Banner = "";
$ImageResizeTitle = "";
$ImageResizeComment = "";
$MaxImageWidthTitle = "";
$MaxImageWidthComment = "";
$MaxImageHeightTitle = "";
$MaxImageHeightComment = "";
$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "";
$YourVersionIs = "";
$PleaseVisitDokeos = "";
$VersionUpToDate = "";
$ConnectSocketError = "";
$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "";
$ShowEmailAddresses = "";
$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "";
$LatestVersionIs = "";
$langConfigureExtensions = "配置应用";
$langActiveExtensions = "启动本服务";
$langVisioconf = "视频会议";
$langVisioconfDescription = "Chamilo Live Conferencing 是一个标准的视频会议工具,它提供了显示幻灯片、白板、语音/视频和聊天等功能;它仅仅需要Flash播放器支持,它提供了三种使用模式:一对一、一对多、多对多。";
$langPpt2lp = "oogie";
$langPpt2lpDescription = "本工具让您可以点击鼠标就能将幻灯片转换为学习路径。";
$langBandWidthStatistics = "流量统计";
$langBandWidthStatisticsDescription = "MRTG 让您可以了解服务器在最近24小时内的运行状态。";
$ServerStatistics = "";
$langServerStatisticsDescription = "AWStats 让您了解系统以下情况:访问、页面浏览、提交...";
$SearchEngine = "";
$langSearchEngineDescription = "全文搜索引擎让您搜索系统的内容,每天进行内容索引保证了搜索质量。";
$langListSession = "Session 名单";
$AddSession = "";
$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions in XML/CSV format";
$ExportSessionListXMLCSV = "";
$SessionName = "";
$langNbCourses = "课程编号";
$DateStart = "";
$DateEnd = "";
$CoachName = "";
$SessionList = "";
$SessionNameIsRequired = "";
$NextStep = "";
$keyword = "";
$Confirm = "";
$UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse = "";
$MissingClassName = "";
$ClassNameExists = "";
$ImportCSVFileLocation = "";
$ClassesCreated = "";
$ErrorsWhenImportingFile = "";
$ServiceActivated = "";
$ActivateExtension = "";
$InvalidExtension = "";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "";
$AfterApproval = "";
$StudentViewEnabledTitle = "";
$StudentViewEnabledComment = "";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "";
$AccountValidDurationTitle = "";
$AccountValidDurationComment = "";
$UseSessionModeTitle = "";
$UseSessionModeComment = "";
$HomepageViewActivity = "";
$HomepageView2column = "";
$HomepageView3column = "";
$AllowUserHeadings = "";
$IconsOnly = "";
$TextOnly = "";
$IconsText = "";
$EnableToolIntroductionTitle = "";
$EnableToolIntroductionComment = "";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle = "";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "";
$Comment = "";
$Version = "";
$LoginPageMainArea = "";
$LoginPageMenu = "";
$CampusHomepageMainArea = "";
$CampusHomepageMenu = "";
$MyCoursesMainArea = "";
$MyCoursesMenu = "";
$Header = "";
$Footer = "";
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$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "";
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$Inactive = "";
$SessionOverview = "";
$SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed = "";
$UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile = "";
$DeleteSelectedSessions = "";
$CourseListInSession = "";
$UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession = "";
$NbUsers = "";
$SubscribeUsersToSession = "";
$UserListInPlatform = "";
$UserListInSession = "";
$CourseListInPlatform = "";
$Host = "";
$UserOnHost = "";
$FtpPassword = "";
$PathToLzx = "";
$WCAGContent = "";
$SubscribeCoursesToSession = "";
$DateStartSession = "";
$DateEndSession = "";
$EditSession = "";
$VideoConferenceUrl = "";
$VideoClassroomUrl = "";
$ReconfigureExtension = "";
$ServiceReconfigured = "";
$ChooseNewsLanguage = "";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "";
$EditLink = "";
$FinishSessionCreation = "";
$VisioRTMPPort = "";
$SessionNameAlreadyExists = "";
$NoClassesHaveBeenCreated = "";
$ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric = "";
$UserLocked = "";
$UserUnlocked = "";
$CannotDeleteUser = "";
$SelectedUsersDeleted = "";
$SomeUsersNotDeleted = "";
$ExternalAuthentication = "";
$RegistrationDate = "";
$UserUpdated = "";
$HomePageFilesNotReadable = "";
$Choose = "";
$ModifySessionCourse = "";
$CourseSessionList = "";
$SelectACoach = "";
$UserNameUsedTwice = "";
$UserNameNotAvailable = "";
$UserNameTooLong = "";
$WrongStatus = "";
$ClassNameNotAvailable = "";
$FileImported = "";
$WhichSessionToExport = "";
$AllSessions = "";
$CodeDoesNotExists = "";
$UnknownUser = "";
$UnknownStatus = "";
$SessionDeleted = "";
$CourseDoesNotExist = "";
$UserDoesNotExist = "";
$ButProblemsOccured = "";
$UsernameTooLongWasCut = "";
$NoInputFile = "";
$StudentStatusWasGivenTo = "";
$WrongDate = "";
$ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "";
$YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach = "";
$SlideSize = "";
$EphorusPlagiarismPrevention = "";
$CourseTeachers = "";
$UnknownTeacher = "";
$HideDLTTMarkup = "";
$ListOfCoursesOfSession = "";
$UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession = "";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment = "";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment = "";
$ShowEmptyCourseCategories = "";
$XMLNotValid = "";
$ForTheSession = "";
$AllowEmailEditorTitle = "";
$AllowEmailEditorComment = "";
$AddCSVHeader = "";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "";
$ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse = "";
$NumberOfCourses = "";
$ShowDifferentCourseLanguage = "";
$VisioRTMPTunnelPort = "";
$name = "";
$Security = "";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "";
$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "";
$Blacklist = "";
$Whitelist = "";
$UploadExtensionsBlacklist = "";
$UploadExtensionsWhitelist = "";
$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "";
$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "";
$UploadExtensionsSkip = "";
$UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceBy = "";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "";
$Remove = "";
$Rename = "";
$ShowNumberOfCoursesComment = "";
$EphorusDescription = "";
$EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism = "";
$EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices = "";
$NameOfTheSession = "";
$NoSessionsForThisUser = "";
$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle = "";
$DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment = "";
$ShowTabsTitle = "";
$ShowTabsComment = "";
$DefaultForumViewTitle = "";
$DefaultForumViewComment = "";
$TabsMyCourses = "";
$TabsCampusHomepage = "";
$TabsReporting = "";
$TabsPlatformAdministration = "";
$NoCoursesForThisSession = "";
$NoUsersForThisSession = "";
$LastNameMandatory = "";
$FirstNameMandatory = "";
$EmailMandatory = "";
$TabsMyAgenda = "";
$NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed = "";
$LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice = "";
$Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5 = "";
$PlatformCharsetTitle = "";
$PlatformCharsetComment = "";
$ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle = "";
$ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment = "";
$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle = "";
$ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment = "";
$NoReplyEmailAddress = "";
$NoReplyEmailAddressComment = "";
$SurveyEmailSenderNoReply = "";
$SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment = "";
$CourseCoachEmailSender = "";
$NoReplyEmailSender = "";
$Flat = "";
$Threaded = "";
$Nested = "";
$OpenIdAuthenticationComment = "";
$VersionCheckEnabled = "";
$InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat = "";
$GradebookActivation = "";
$GradebookActivationComment = "";
$UserTheme = "";
$UserThemeSelection = "";
$UserThemeSelectionComment = "";
$AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "";
$VisioHost = "";
$VisioPort = "";
$VisioPassword = "";
$Port = "";
$EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount = "";
$ManageUserFields = "";
$UserFields = "";
$AddUserField = "";
$FieldLabel = "";
$FieldType = "";
$FieldTitle = "";
$FieldDefaultValue = "";
$FieldOrder = "";
$FieldVisibility = "";
$FieldChangeability = "";
$FieldTypeText = "";
$FieldTypeTextarea = "";
$FieldTypeRadio = "";
$FieldTypeSelect = "";
$FieldTypeSelectMultiple = "";
$FieldAdded = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayColoring = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment = "";
$TabsGradebookEnableColoring = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayCustom = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment = "";
$TabsGradebookEnableCustom = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit = "";
$GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment = "";
$TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit = "";
$AddUserFields = "";
$FieldPossibleValues = "";
$FieldPossibleValuesComment = "";
$FieldTypeDate = "";
$FieldTypeDatetime = "";
$UserFieldsAddHelp = "";
$AllowCourseThemeTitle = "";
$AllowCourseThemeComment = "";
$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle = "";
$DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment = "";
$DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle = "";
$DisplayUpcomingEventsComment = "";
$NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle = "";
$NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment = "";
$ShowClosedCoursesTitle = "";
$ShowClosedCoursesComment = "";
$LDAPConnectionError = "";
$LDAP = "";
$LDAPEnableTitle = "";
$LDAPEnableComment = "";
$LDAPMainServerAddressTitle = "";
$LDAPMainServerAddressComment = "";
$LDAPMainServerPortTitle = "";
$LDAPMainServerPortComment = "";
$LDAPDomainTitle = "";
$LDAPDomainComment = "";
$LDAPReplicateServerAddressTitle = "";
$LDAPReplicateServerAddressComment = "";
$LDAPReplicateServerPortTitle = "";
$LDAPReplicateServerPortComment = "";
$LDAPSearchTermTitle = "";
$LDAPSearchTermComment = "";
$LDAPVersionTitle = "";
$LDAPVersionComment = "";
$LDAPVersion2 = "";
$LDAPVersion3 = "";
$LDAPFilledTutorFieldTitle = "";
$LDAPFilledTutorFieldComment = "";
$LDAPAuthenticationLoginTitle = "";
$LDAPAuthenticationLoginComment = "";
$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordTitle = "";
$LDAPAuthenticationPasswordComment = "";
$LDAPImport = "";
$EmailNotifySubscription = "";
$DontUncheck = "";
$AllSlashNone = "";
$LDAPImportUsersSteps = "";
$EnterStepToAddToYourSession = "";
$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearDepartmentAndStep = "";
$FollowEachOfTheseStepsStepByStep = "";
$RegistrationYearExample = "";
$SelectDepartment = "";
$RegistrationYear = "";
$SelectStepAcademicYear = "";
$ErrorExistingStep = "";
$ErrorStepNotFoundOnLDAP = "";
$StepDeletedSuccessfully = "";
$StepUsersDeletedSuccessfully = "";
$NoStepForThisSession = "";
$DeleteStepUsers = "";
$ImportStudentsOfAllSteps = "";
$ImportLDAPUsersIntoPlatform = "";
$NoUserInThisSession = "";
$SubscribeSomeUsersToThisSession = "";
$EnterStudentsToSubscribeToCourse = "";
$ToDoThisYouMustEnterYearComponentAndComponentStep = "";
$SelectComponent = "";
$Component = "";
$SelectStudents = "";
$LDAPUsersAdded = "";
$NoUserAdded = "";
$ImportLDAPUsersIntoCourse = "";
$ImportLDAPUsersAndStepIntoSession = "";
$LDAPSynchroImportUsersAndStepsInSessions = "";
$TabsMyGradebook = "";
$LDAPUsersAddedOrUpdated = "";
$SearchLDAPUsers = "";
$SelectCourseToImportUsersTo = "";
$ImportLDAPUsersIntoSession = "";
$LDAPSelectFilterOnUsersOU = "";
$LDAPOUAttributeFilter = "";
$SelectSessionToImportUsersTo = "";
$VisioUseRtmptTitle = "";
$VisioUseRtmptComment = "";
$UploadNewStylesheet = "";
$NameStylesheet = "";
$StylesheetAdded = "";
$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueTitle = "";
$LDAPFilledTutorFieldValueComment = "";
$IsNotWritable = "";
$FieldMovedDown = "";
$CannotMoveField = "";
$FieldMovedUp = "";
$FieldShown = "";
$CannotShowField = "";
$FieldHidden = "";
$CannotHideField = "";
$FieldMadeChangeable = "";
$CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "";
$FieldMadeUnchangeable = "";
$CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "";
$FieldDeleted = "";
$CannotDeleteField = "";
$AddUsersByCoachTitle = "";
$AddUsersByCoachComment = "";
$UserFieldsSortOptions = "";
$FieldOptionMovedUp = "";
$CannotMoveFieldOption = "";
$FieldOptionMovedDown = "";
$DefineSessionOptions = "";
$DaysBefore = "";
$DaysAfter = "";
$SessionAddTypeUnique = "";
$SessionAddTypeMultiple = "";
$EnableSearchTitle = "";
$EnableSearchComment = "";
$SearchASession = "";
$ActiveSession = "";
$AddUrl = "";
$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "";
$ShowSessionCoachComment = "";
$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "";
$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "";
$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "";
$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "";
$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "";
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "";
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "";
$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesComment = "";
$YesWillDeletePermanently = "";
$NoWillDeletePermanently = "";
$SelectAResponsible = "";
$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "";
$AllowStudentsToBrowseCoursesTitle = "";
$SharedSettingIconComment = "";
$GlobalAgenda = "";
$AdvancedFileManagerTitle = "";
$AdvancedFileManagerComment = "";
$ScormAndLPProgressTotalAverage = "";
$MultipleAccessURLs = "";
$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsTitle = "";
$SearchShowUnlinkedResultsComment = "";
$SearchHideUnlinkedResults = "";
$SearchShowUnlinkedResults = "";
$Templates = "";
$HideCampusFromPublicDokeosPlatformsList = "";
$EnableVersionCheck = "";
$AllowMessageToolTitle = "";
$AllowReservationTitle = "";
$AllowReservationComment = "";
$ConfigureResourceType = "";
$ConfigureMultipleAccessURLs = "";
$URLAdded = "";
$URLAlreadyAdded = "";
$AreYouSureYouWantToSetThisLanguageAsThePortalDefault = "";
$CurrentLanguagesPortal = "";
$EditUsersToURL = "";
$AddUsersToURL = "";
$URLList = "";
$AddToThatURL = "";
$SelectUrl = "";
$UserListInURL = "";
$UsersWereEdited = "";
$AtLeastOneUserAndOneURL = "";
$UsersBelongURL = "";
$LPTestScore = "";
$ScormAndLPTestTotalAverage = "";
$ImportUsersToACourse = "";
$ImportCourses = "";
$ManageUsers = "";
$ManageCourses = "";
$UserListIn = "";
$URLInactive = "";
$URLActive = "";
$EditUsers = "";
$EditCourses = "";
$CourseListIn = "";
$AddCoursesToURL = "";
$EditCoursesToURL = "";
$AddCoursesToThatURL = "";
$EnablePlugins = "";
$AtLeastOneCourseAndOneURL = "";
$ClickToRegisterAdmin = "";
$AdminShouldBeRegisterInSite = "";
$URLNotConfiguredPleaseChangedTo = "";
$AdminUserRegisteredToThisURL = "";
$CoursesWereEdited = "";
$URLEdited = "";
$AddSessionToURL = "";
$FirstLetterSession = "";
$EditSessionToURL = "";
$AddSessionsToThatURL = "";
$SessionBelongURL = "";
$ManageSessions = "";
$AllowMessageToolComment = "";
$AllowSocialToolTitle = "";
$AllowSocialToolComment = "";
$SetLanguageAsDefault = "";
$FieldFilter = "";
$FilterOn = "";
$FilterOff = "";
$FieldFilterSetOn = "";
$FieldFilterSetOff = "";
$buttonAddUserField = "";
$UsersSubscribedToFollowingCoursesBecauseOfVirtualCourses = "";
$TheFollowingCoursesAlreadyUseThisVisualCode = "";
$UsersSubscribedToBecauseVisualCode = "";
$UsersUnsubscribedFromBecauseVisualCode = "";
$FilterUsers = "";
$SeveralCoursesSubscribedToSessionBecauseOfSameVisualCode = "";
$CoachIsRequired = "";
$EncryptMethodUserPass = "";
$AddTemplate = "";
$TemplateImageComment100x70 = "";
$TemplateAdded = "";
$TemplateDeleted = "";
$EditTemplate = "";
$FileImportedJustUsersThatAreNotRegistered = "";
$YouMustImportAFileAccordingToSelectedOption = "";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorTitle = "";
$ShowEmailOfTeacherOrTutorComent = "";
$Created = "";
$AddSystemAnnouncement = "";
$EditSystemAnnouncement = "";
$LPProgressScore = "";
$TotalTimeByCourse = "";
$LastTimeTheCourseWasUsed = "";
$AnnouncementAvailable = "";
$AnnouncementNotAvailable = "";
$Searching = "";
$AddLDAPUsers = "";
$Academica = "";
$AddNews = "";
$SearchDatabaseOpeningError = "";
$SearchDatabaseVersionError = "";
$SearchDatabaseModifiedError = "";
$SearchDatabaseLockError = "";
$SearchDatabaseCreateError = "";
$SearchDatabaseCorruptError = "";
$SearchNetworkTimeoutError = "";
$SearchOtherXapianError = "";
$SearchXapianModuleNotInstaled = "";
$FieldRemoved = "";
$TheNewSubLanguageHasBeenAdd = "";
$DeleteSubLanguage = "";
$CreateSubLanguageForLanguage = "";
$DeleteSubLanguageFromLanguage = "";
$CreateSubLanguage = "";
$RegisterTermsOfSubLanguageForLanguage = "";
$AddTermsOfThisSubLanguage = "";
$LoadLanguageFile = "";
$AllowUseSubLanguageTitle = "";
$AllowUseSubLanguageComment = "";
$AddWordForTheSubLanguage = "";
$TemplateEdited = "";
$SubLanguage = "";
$LanguageIsNowVisible = "";
$LanguageIsNowHidden = "";
$LanguageDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "";
$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsTitle = "";
$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsComment = "";
$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsAutomatic = "";
$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsManual = "";
$ShowGlossaryInDocumentsIsNone = "";
$LanguageVariable = "";
$ToExportDocumentsWithGlossaryYouHaveToSelectGlossary = "";
$ShowTutorDataTitle = "";
$ShowTutorDataComment = "";
$ShowTeacherDataTitle = "";
$ShowTeacherDataComment = "";
$TermsAndConditions = "";
$HTMLText = "";
$PageLink = "";
$DisplayTermsConditions = "";
$AllowTermsAndConditionsTitle = "";
$AllowTermsAndConditionsComment = "";
$Load = "";
$AllVersions = "";
$EditTermsAndConditions = "";
$Changes = "";
$ExplainChanges = "";
$TermAndConditionNotSaved = "";
$TheSubLanguageHasBeenRemoved = "";
$AddTermsAndConditions = "";
$TermAndConditionSaved = "";
$Visibility = "";
$SessionCategory = "";
$ListSessionCategory = "";
$AddSessionCategory = "";
$SessionCategoryName = "";
$EditSessionCategory = "";
$SessionCategoryAdded = "";
$SessionCategoryUpdate = "";
$SessionCategoryDelete = "";
$SessionCategoryNameIsRequired = "";
$ThereIsNotStillASession = "";
$SelectASession = "";
$OriginCoursesFromSession = "";
$DestinationCoursesFromSession = "";
$CopyCourseFromSessionToSessionExplanation = "";
$TypeOfCopy = "";
$CopyFromCourseInSessionToAnotherSession = "";
$YouMustSelectACourseFromOriginalSession = "";
$MaybeYouWantToDeleteThisUserFromSession = "";
$EditSessionCoursesByUser = "";
$CoursesUpdated = "";
$CurrentCourses = "";
$CoursesToAvoid = "";
$EditSessionCourses = "";
$SessionVisibility = "";
$BlockCoursesForThisUser = "";
$LanguageFile = "";
$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogTitle = "";
$ShowCoursesDescriptionsInCatalogComment = "";
$StylesheetNotHasBeenAdded = "";
$AddSessionsInCategories = "";
$ItIsRecommendedInstallImagickExtension = "";
$EditSpecificSearchField = "";
$FieldName = "";
$SpecialExports = "";
$SpecialCreateFullBackup = "";
$SpecialLetMeSelectItems = "";
$CreateBackup = "";
$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessions = "";
$AllowCoachsToEditInsideTrainingSessionsComment = "";
$ShowSessionDataTitle = "";
$ShowSessionDataComment = "";
$SubscribeSessionsToCategory = "";
$SessionListInPlatform = "";
$SessionListInCategory = "";
$ToExportSpecialSelect = "";
$ErrorMsgSpecialExport = "";
$ConfigureInscription = "";
$MsgErrorSessionCategory = "";
$NumberOfSession = "";
$DeleteSelectedSessionCategory = "";
$DeleteSelectedFullSessionCategory = "";
$EditTopRegister = "";
$InsertTabs = "";
$EditTabs = "";
$BabyOrange = "";
$BlueLagoon = "";
$CoolBlue = "";
$Corporate = "";
$CosmicCampus = "";
$DeliciousBordeaux = "";
$DokeosClassic2D = "";
$DokeosBlue = "";
$EmpireGreen = "";
$FruityOrange = "";
$Medical = "";
$RoyalPurple = "";
$SilverLine = "";
$SoberBrown = "";
$SteelGrey = "";
$TastyOlive = "";
$ExportCourses = "";
$IsAdministrator = "";
$IsNotAdministrator = "";
$AddTimeLimit = "";
$EditTimeLimit = "";
$TheTimeLimitsAreReferential = "";
$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle = "";
$ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment = "";
$FieldTypeTag = "";
$SendEmailToAdminTitle = "";
$SendEmailToAdminComment = "";
$UserTag = "";
$SelectSession = "";
$GroupPermissions = "";
$SpecialCourse = "";
$MathMimetexTitle = "";
$MathMimetexComment = "";
$MathASCIImathMLTitle = "";
$MathASCIImathMLComment = "";
$YoutubeForStudentsTitle = "";
$YoutubeForStudentsComment = "";
$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsTitle = "";
$BlockCopyPasteForStudentsComment = "";
$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeTitle = "";
$MoreButtonsForMaximizedModeComment = "";
$Editor = "";
$GoToCourseAfterLoginTitle = "";
$GoToCourseAfterLoginComment = "";
$GroupList = "";
$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersTitle = "";
$AllowStudentsDownloadFoldersComment = "";
$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialTitle = "";
$AllowStudentsToCreateGroupsInSocialComment = "";
$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "";
$AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersComment = "";
$TabsSocial = "";
$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeTitle = "";
$MessageMaxUploadFilesizeComment = "";
$AddAdditionalProfileField = "";
$Username = "";
$ChamiloHomepage = "";
$ChamiloForum = "";
$ChamiloExtensions = "";
$ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "";
$ChamiloGreen = "";
$ChamiloRed = "";
$MessagesSent = "";
$MessagesReceived = "";
$CountFriends = "";
$ThisPluginHasbeenDeletedFromDashboardPluginDirectory = "";
$EnableDashboardPlugins = "";
$CoursesListInPlatform = "";
$AssignedCoursesListToHumanResourceManager = "";
$AssignedCoursesTo = "";
$AssignCoursesToHumanResourcesManager = "";
$TimezoneValueTitle = "";
$TimezoneValueComment = "";
$UseUsersTimezoneTitle = "";
$UseUsersTimezoneComment = "";
$FieldTypeTimezone = "";
$AssignedSessionsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "";
$AssignedCoursesHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "";
$AssignedUsersHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully = "";