Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
2.7 KiB

<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$langInvalidId = "Login failed - incorrect username or password.";
$langWelcome = "courses are freely available below. Other courses require
a username and a password, which you can obtain by clicking on \'registration\'. Teachers
can create course areas by clicking on registration too, but selecting then
\'Create course areas\'.";
$langPass = "Password";
$langEnter = "Enter";
$langReg = "Registration";
$langMenu = "Menu";
$langAdvises = "Advises";
$langCourseDoesntExist = "<b>Warning :</b> This course doesn\'t exist";
$langGetCourseFromOldPortal = "click here to get this course from your old portal";
$langOtherCourses = "Courses list";
$langSupportForum = "Support forum";
$langCategories = "Categories";
$langBackToHomePage = "Categories Overview";
$lang_No_course_publicly_available = "No course publicly available.";
$langLostPassword = "Lost Password";
$lang_edit_my_course_list = "Edit my courses List";
$langAgenda = "Agenda next events";
$langValvas = "Latest announcements";
$langUp = "previous level";
$langCatList = "Categories";
$langCourseList = "Courses";
$langHelptwo = "Help";
$langRegAll = "register";
$EussMenu = "menu";
$Opinio = "Opinion";
$email = "e-mail";
$Intranet = "Intranet";
$Englin = "English";
$langInvalidForSelfRegistration = "Login failed - if you are not registered, you can do so using
the <a href=claroline/auth/inscription.php>registration form</a>";
$langSubCat = "sub-categories";
$langMenuGeneral = "General";
$langMenuUser = "User";
$langMenuAdmin = "Platform Admin";
$langUsersOnLineList = "Online user list";
$langTotalOnLine = "Total online";
$langRefresh = "refresh page";
$langMe = "me";
$langSystemAnnouncements = "Portal Announcements";
$langHelpMaj = "Help";
$langNotRegistered = "Not Registered";
$langAdmin = "Platform admin";
$Login = "Login";
$langRegisterForCourse = "Register for course";
$langUnregisterForCourse = "Unregister from course";
$langCombinedCourse = "Combined course - ";
$Platform = "Platform";
$Refresh = "Refresh";
$UsersOnLine = "users online";
$TotalOnLine = "total users online";
$langCourseCreate = "Create a course";
$langCourseClosed = "(the course is currently closed)";
$ViewOpenCourses = "View open courses";
$langCompetences = "Competences";
$langDiplomas = "Diplomas";
$langTeach = "What s/he can teach";
$langOpenarea = "Personal area";
$langProductions = "Productions";
$langSendChatRequest = "Send chat request to this person";
$langRequestDenied = "The invitation has been rejected.";
$UsageDatacreated = "Usage data created";
$SessionView = "Display the courses ordered by sessions";
$CourseView = "Display the full list of the courses";