@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ function get_course_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
$sql .= " WHERE (code LIKE '%".$keyword_code."%' OR visual_code LIKE '%".$keyword_code."%') AND title LIKE '%".$keyword_title."%' AND category_code LIKE '%".$keyword_category."%' AND course_language LIKE '%".$keyword_language."%' AND visibility LIKE '%".$keyword_visibility."%' AND subscribe LIKE '".$keyword_subscribe."'AND unsubscribe LIKE '".$keyword_unsubscribe."'";
// adding the filter to see the user's only of the current access_url
// Adding the filter to see the user's only of the current access_url.
//'<ahref="../course_home/course_home.php?cidReq='.$code.'">'.Display::return_icon('course_home.gif', get_lang('CourseHomepage')).'</a> '. // This is not the preferable way to go to the homepage.
$YouHaveToAcceptTermsAndConditions = "You have to accept our Terms and Conditions in order to request a new training.";
$CourseRequestCreated = "Your request for a new training has been sent successfully. You may receive a reply soon, within one or two days.";
$CreateThisCourseRequest = "Create this course request";
$CreateThisCourseRequest = "Create this training request";
$CourseRequestDate = "Request date";
$AcceptThisCourseRequest = "Accept this training";
$ANewCourseWillBeCreated = "A new training is going to be created. Is it OK to proceed?";
$AdditionalInfoWillBeAsked = "Additional information about this training request is going to be asked through an e-mail message. Is it OK to proceed?";
$ANewCourseWillBeCreated = "A new training %s is going to be created. Is it OK to proceed?";
$AdditionalInfoWillBeAsked = "Additional information about %s training request is going to be asked through an e-mail message. Is it OK to proceed?";
$AskAdditionalInfo = "Ask for additional information";
$DeleteThisCourseRequest = "Delete this training request";
$ACourseRequestWillBeDeleted = "The training request %s is going to be deleted. Is it OK to proceed?";
$RejectThisCourseRequest = "Reject this training request";
$ACourseRequestWillBeRejected = "The training request %s is going to be rejected. Is it OK to proceed?";
$CourseRequestAccepted = "The course request %s has been accepted. A new training %s has been created.";
$CourseRequestAcceptanceFailed = "The course request %s has not been accepted due to internal error.";
$CourseRequestRejected = "The training request %s has been rejected.";
$CourseRequestRejectionFailed = "The training request %s has not been rejected due to internal error.";
$CourseRequestInfoAsked = "Additional information about the training request %s has been asked.";
$CourseRequestInfoFailed = "Additional information about the training request %s has not been asked due to internal error.";
$CourseRequestDeleted = "The training request %s has been deleted.";
$CourseRequestDeletionFailed = "The training request %s has not been deleted due to internal error.";