notification of user who have never been active yet<br/>
<li>reporting: notification of user who have never been active yet</li>
<li>reporting: the additional user profiles (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > profiling) can now be displayed also. </li>
<li>subscribing users in a course: you can also filter on a certain addtional user profile field or search inside the values of the additional user profiles fields when subscribing a user in a course (through user/subscribe_user.php) </li>
<li>Score result in reporting is expressed as a percentage</li>
<li>csv export of reporting no longer contains html code in the last column</li>
<li>the course list is now sorted like you have defined on the course management page</li>
<h1>Dokeos <spanstyle="font-style: italic;">(Babel?)</span> - August 2009</h1>