[svn r17069] DLTT import (completed French translation)

Yannick Warnier 16 years ago
parent ff941f2cf0
commit 371306c7fc
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@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ $CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "This user cannot be deleted because he is
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Allow non admin to create courses";
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Allow non administrator users (teachers) to create new courses on the portal";
$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Yes (the files will be deleted permanently and will not be recoverable)";
$NoWillDeletePermanently = "Not (the files will be deleted from the application and will yes manually retrieved by your administrator)";
$NoWillDeletePermanently = "No (the files will be deleted from the application but will be manually recoverable by your server administrator)";
$SelectAResponsible = "Select a manager";
$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "No HR manager available";

@ -208,5 +208,5 @@ $ChangesStored = "Changes stored";
$ViewScoreChangeHistory = "View score change history";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "Image will resize msg";
$ImagePreview = "Image preview";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Up already exists";
$UplAlreadyExists = "File already exists";

@ -185,12 +185,11 @@ $SelectType = "Select type";
$Conditional = "Conditional";
$ParentSurvey = "Parent Survey";
$OneQuestionPerPage = "One question per page";
$ActivateShuffle = "Activate to shuffle";
$ShowFormProfile = "Show form profile";
$ActivateShuffle = "Enable shuffle mode";
$ShowFormProfile = "Show profile form";
$PersonalityQuestion = "Edit question";
$YouNeedToCreateGroups = "You need to create groups";
$ManageGroups = "Manage groups";
$Condition = "Condition";
$Create = "Create";
$GroupCreatedSuccessfully = "Group created successfully";
$GroupNeedName = "Group need name";

@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ $DisplayCoaches = "Coaches Overview";
$DisplayUserOverview = "User overview";
$ExportUserOverviewOptions = "User overview export options";
$FollowingFieldsWillAlsoBeExported = "The following fields will also be exported";
$TotalExercisesScoreObtained = "Total obtained exercise score";
$TotalExercisesScorePossible = "Total possible exercise score";
$TotalExercisesScoreObtained = "Total score obtained for exercises";
$TotalExercisesScorePossible = "Total possible score for exercises";
$TotalExercisesAnswered = "Number of exercises answered";
$TotalExercisesScorePercentage = "Procentual total score of the exercises";
$TotalExercisesScorePercentage = "Total score percentage for exercises";

@ -592,8 +592,11 @@ $CourseSettings = "Course settings";
$EmailNotifications = "Email notifications";
$UserRights = "User rights";
$Theming = "Theming";
$Coach = "Coach";
$coach = "Coach";
$Qualification = "Qualification";
$OnlyNumbers = "Only numbers";
$ReorderOptions = "Reorder options";
$EditUserFields = "Edit user fields";
$OptionText = "Text";
$FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Double select";
$FieldTypeDivider = "Visual divider";

@ -146,5 +146,5 @@ $MostActiveUsers = "Most active users";
$Contributions = "contributions";
$UserContributions = "User contributions";
$MostActiveUsers = "Most active users";
$WarningDeleteMainPage = "It isn\'t recommended erasing the Home Page of the Wiki as it\'s the main access to the hierarchical structure of it.<br> If however you need to do it, do not forget to recreate this Home Page. Until you do so, other users can not add new pages.";
$WarningDeleteMainPage = "It isn\'t recommended erasing the Home Page of the Wiki as it\'s the main access to the hierarchical structure of it.<br />If, however, you need to do it, do not forget to recreate this Home Page. Until you do, other users will not be able to add new pages.";

@ -38,14 +38,13 @@ $QualificationOfAssignment = "Qualification of assignment";
$MakeQualifiable = "Enable qualification";
$QualificationNumberOver = "Qualification over";
$WeightInTheGradebook = "Weight in the grade book";
$DatesAvailables = "Dates availables";
$DatesAvailables = "Dates available";
$ExpiresAt = "Expires at";
$AddToCalendar = "Add to calendar";
$DirectoryCreated = "Directory created";
$Assignment = "Assignment";
$Expires_At = "Expires at";
$Ends_At = "Ends at (completely closed)";
$AdvancedParameters = "Advanced parameters";
$MakeRandomExpires = "Make random expires";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Expiry date to send works";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Expiry date before which to send assignments";
$EnableExpiryDate = "Enable expiry date";
$EnableEndDate = "Enable end date";

@ -837,8 +837,17 @@ $EnableSearchComment = "S
$SearchASession = "Rechercher une session";
$ActiveSession = "Activation de la session";
$AddUrl = "Ajouter URL";
$ShowSessionCoachTitle = "Afficher le coach de session";
$ShowSessionCoachComment = "Afficher le nom du coach global de session dans le cadre de titre de session, sur la page de liste de cours";
$ExtendRightsForCoachTitle = "Donner des droits étendus au coach";
$ExtendRightsForCoachComment = "Activer cette option donner aux coachs les mêmes droits qu\'au formateur sur les outils de production";
$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyComment = "Activer cette option donnera aux coachs le droit de créer et éditer les enquêtes";
$ExtendRightsForCoachOnSurveyTitle = "Etendre les droits des coachs sur les enquêtes";
$CannotDeleteUserBecauseOwnsCourse = "Cet utilisateur ne peut être supprimé car il est toujours professeur dans un ou plusieurs cours. Vous pouvez soit lui retirer son statut de professeur dans ce/ces cours, soit le désactiver au lieu de le supprimer.";
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Autoriser les utilisateurs non-administrateurs à créer des cours";
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Autoriser les non-administrateurs (professeurs) à créer de nouveaux cours sur le portail";
$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Oui (les fichiers seront supprimés de manière permanente et ne pourront pas être récupérés)";
$NoWillDeletePermanently = "Non (les fichiers seront supprimés de l\'application et pourront être récupérés manuellement par l\'administrateur du serveur)";
$SelectAResponsible = "Sélectionnez un responsable RH";
$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "Aucun responsable RH disponible";

@ -209,4 +209,5 @@ $TemplateTitleStopAndThink = "Faisons le point";
$TemplateTitleListLeftListDescription = "Liste à gauche avec un instructeur";
$TemplateTitleStopAndThinkDescription = "Présentation invitant à réfléchir";
$SaveDocument = "Enregistrer le document";
$CreateTheDocument = "Enregistrer le document";

@ -248,4 +248,12 @@ $RandomQuestionsHelp = "Nombre de questions qui seront tir
$ExerciseAttempts = "Nombre maximum de tentatives";
$DoNotRandomize = "Ne pas changer l\'ordre";
$Infinite = "Infini";
$BackToExercisesList = "Retour aux exercices";
$ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Afficher l\'historique des scores";
$NoStartDate = "Aucune date de début";
$NoLogOfDuration = "Pas d\'historique de durée";
$EnableTimeLimits = "Activer les limites de temps";
$ExeStartTime = "Date de début";
$ExeEndTime = "Date de fin";
$Value = "Valeur";

@ -103,4 +103,16 @@ $AverageTotal = "Total moyen";
$Evaluation = "Évaluation";
$EvaluationAverage = "Moyenne de l\'évaluation";
$EditCategory = "Éditer la catégorie";
$EditAllWeights = "Éditer tous les poids";
$GradebookQualificationTotal = "Total";
$GradebookEvaluationDeleted = "L\'évalutation a bien été supprimée";
$GradebookQualifyLog = "Historique des poids du bulletin";
$GradebookNameLog = "Nom du bulletin";
$GradebookDescriptionLog = "Description du bulletin";
$GradebookVisibilityLog = "Visibilité du bulletin";
$ResourceType = "Type de ressource";
$GradebookWhoChangedItLog = "Qui l\'a modifié";
$EvaluationEdited = "Cette évaluation a bien été modifiée";
$CategoryEdited = "Catégorie mise à jour";
$OnlyNumbers = "Nombres uniquement";

@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ $langSendPage = "Page
$langPageTitleModified = "L\'intitulé de la page a été modifié";
$langPageAdded = "La page a été ajoutée";
$langAddPage = "Ajouter une page";
$Choose = "Parcourir";

@ -198,4 +198,15 @@ $ViewLearningPath = "Voir le parcours";
$SearchFeatureDoIndexDocument = "Indexer le contenu du document?";
$SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Tags à ajouter au document, en cas d\'indexation";
$SearchFeatureDocumentLanguage = "Langue du document, pour indexation";
$ReturnToLearningPaths = "Retour aux cours";
$UploadMp3audio = "Envoyer audio MP3";
$UpdateAllAudioFragments = "Modifier tous les morceaux sonores";
$LeaveEmptyToKeepCurrentFile = "Laisser vide pour conserver le fichier actuel";
$RemoveAudio = "Supprimer l\'audio";
$SaveAudio = "Enregistrer";
$ChangesStored = "Modifications enregistrées";
$ViewScoreChangeHistory = "Afficher l\'historique des changements de score";
$ImageWillResizeMsg = "L\'image sera redimensionnée";
$ImagePreview = "Prévisualisation image";
$UplAlreadyExists = "Ce fichier existe déjà";

@ -179,4 +179,23 @@ $IllegalSurveyId = "Num
$SurveyQuestionMoved = "La question a été déplacée";
$IdenticalSurveycodeWarning = "Ce code d\'enquête existe déjà. Cela signifie probablement que l\'enquête existe également dans d\'autres langues. Les invités choisiront donc la langue dans laquelle sera l\'enquête.";
$ThisSurveyCodeSoonExistsInThisLanguage = "Ce code d\'enquête existe déjà dans cette langue";
$SurveyUserAnswersHaveBeenRemovedSuccessfully = "Les réponses de l\'utilisateur à l\'enquête ont bien été supprimées.";
$DeleteSurveyByUser = "Supprimer les réponses de cet utilisateur à cette enquête";
$SelectType = "Sélectionner le type";
$Conditional = "Test de personnalité";
$ParentSurvey = "Enquête mère";
$OneQuestionPerPage = "Une question par page";
$ActivateShuffle = "Activer le mode aléatoire";
$ShowFormProfile = "Montrer le formulaire de profil";
$PersonalityQuestion = "Éditer question";
$YouNeedToCreateGroups = "Vous devez créer des groupes";
$ManageGroups = "Gérer les groupes";
$Create = "Créer";
$GroupCreatedSuccessfully = "Le groupe a bien été créé";
$GroupNeedName = "Il manque un nom au groupe";
$Personality = "Personnaliser";
$Condition = "Condition";
$Primary = "Primaire";
$Secondary = "Secondaire";
$CourseSettings = "Paramètres de cours";

@ -218,4 +218,12 @@ $AccessDetails = "D
$DateAndTimeOfAccess = "Date et heure d\'accès";
$Duration = "Durée";
$WrongDatasForTimeSpentOnThePlatform = "Les données de suivi à propos de cet apprenant ont été enregistrées à une époque où le calcul du temps sur la plateforme était impossible.";
$DisplayCoaches = "Vue des coaches";
$DisplayUserOverview = "Vue des utilisateurs";
$ExportUserOverviewOptions = "Option d\'export de la vue utilisateurs";
$FollowingFieldsWillAlsoBeExported = "Les champs suivants seront également exportés";
$TotalExercisesScoreObtained = "Score total obtenu pour les exercices";
$TotalExercisesScorePossible = "Score total possible pour les exercices";
$TotalExercisesAnswered = "Nombre d\'exercices répondus";
$TotalExercisesScorePercentage = "Pourcentage du score total pour les exercices";

@ -565,7 +565,38 @@ $CommentAdded = "Votre commentaire a
$BackToPreviousPage = "Retour ŕ la page précédente";
$NoOfficialCode = "Pas de code oficiel";
$Owner = "Propriétaire";
$With = "avec";
$GeneralCoach = "Coach général";
$CategoryDeleted = "La catégorie a été supprimée";
$CategoryAdded = "Catégorie créée";
$IP = "IP";
$Qualify = "Évaluer";
$Words = "Mots";
$GoBack = "Retour";
$Details = "Détails";
$EditLink = "Éditer lien";
$LinkEdited = "Lien édité";
$ForumThreads = "Fils de discussion du forum";
$GradebookVisible = "Visible";
$GradebookInvisible = "Invisible";
$Phone = "Téléphone";
$InfoMessage = "Message d\'information";
$ConfirmationMessage = "Message de confirmation";
$WarningMessage = "Message d\'avertissement";
$ErrorMessage = "Message d\'erreur";
$Glossary = "Glossaire";
$Coach = "Coach";
$Wiki = "Wiki";
$Condition = "Condition";
$CourseSettings = "Paramètres du cours";
$EmailNotifications = "Alertes par courriel";
$UserRights = "Permissions utilisateurs";
$Theming = "Apparence";
$Qualification = "Évaluation";
$OnlyNumbers = "Nombres uniquement";
$ReorderOptions = "Réordonner les options";
$EditUserFields = "Éditer les champs utilisateurs";
$OptionText = "Texte";
$FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Double boîte de sélection";
$FieldTypeDivider = "Diviseur visuel";

@ -136,4 +136,15 @@ $FullNotifyByEmail = "Recevoir une alerte par e-mail
$FullCancelNotifyByEmail = "Arrêter l\'envoi des alertes par e-mail à chaque modification du wiki";
$EmailWikiChangesExt_1 = "Cette alerte a été envoyée selon la configuration des alertes du wiki. Cette option est actuellement activée.";
$EmailWikiChangesExt_2 = "Si vous voulez arrêter de recevoir des alertes à propos des modifications du wiki, sélectionnez l\'onglet <strong>Modifications récentes</strong>, <strong>Page courante</strong>, <strong>Discussion</strong> et sélectionnez la bonne option";
$Visits = "visites";
$OrphanedPages = "Pages orphelines";
$WantedPages = "Pages désirées";
$MostVisitedPages = "Pages ls plus visitées";
$MostChangedPages = "Pages les plus modifiées";
$Changes = "modifications";
$MostActiveUsers = "Utilisateurs les plus actifs";
$Contributions = "contributions";
$UserContributions = "Contributions utilisateurs";
$MostActiveUsers = "Utilisateurs les plus actifs";
$WarningDeleteMainPage = "Il n\'est pas recommandé de supprimer la page d\'accueil du wiki car il s\'agit de l\'accès principal à sa structure hiérarchique.<br />Si toutefois vous avec besoin de le faire, n\'oubliez pas de recréer cette page d\'accueil. Tant que vous ne l\'aurez pas fait, les autres utilisateurs ne pourront pas ajouter de nouvelles pages.";

@ -33,4 +33,18 @@ $SendMailBody = "Un utilisateur a publi
$DirDelete = "Supprimer le dossier";
$ValidateChanges = "Valider les changements";
$FolderUpdated = "Dossier mis à jour";
$EndsAt = "Se termine le (totalement fermé)";
$QualificationOfAssignment = "Évaluation de la tâche";
$MakeQualifiable = "Activer l\'évaluation";
$QualificationNumberOver = "Évaluation sur...";
$WeightInTheGradebook = "Poids dans le bulletin";
$DatesAvailables = "Dates disponibles";
$ExpiresAt = "Expire le";
$AddToCalendar = "Ajouter au calendrier";
$DirectoryCreated = "Répertoire créé";
$Assignment = "Tâche";
$AdvancedParameters = "Paramètres avancés";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Date d\'expiration de remise des travaux";
$EnableExpiryDate = "Activer la date d\'expiration";
$EnableEndDate = "Activer la date de fin";

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ $ActivateShuffle = "Attiva il mescolamento";
$PersonalityQuestion = "Modifica il quesito";
$YouNeedToCreateGroups = "Devi creare dei gruppi";
$ManageGroups = "Gestisci i gruppi";
$Condition = "Condizione";
$Create = "Crea";
$GroupCreatedSuccessfully = "Gruppo creato";
$GroupNeedName = "Il gruppo deve avere un nome";

@ -592,6 +592,4 @@ $CourseSettings = "Configurazione del corso";
$EmailNotifications = "Notifica e-mail";
$UserRights = "Permessi dell\'utente";
$Theming = "Tema";
$Coach = "Tutor";
$coach = "Tutor";

@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ $ExpiresAt = "Si conclude il";
$AddToCalendar = "Aggiungi al calendario";
$DirectoryCreated = "Cartella creata";
$Assignment = "Compito";
$Expires_At = "Si conclude il";
$Ends_At = "Si conclude definitivamente il";
$AdvancedParameters = "Parametri avanzati";
$MakeRandomExpires = "Rendi casuale la scadenza";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Data di scadenza per l\'invio di elaborati";

@ -848,4 +848,6 @@ $AllowUsersToCreateCoursesTitle = "Permiteti ca utilizatorii fara drept de admin
$AllowUsersToCreateCoursesComment = "Permiteti ca utilizatorii fara drept de administrare (profesori) sa creeze cursuri noi in portal";
$YesWillDeletePermanently = "Da (fisierele vor fi sterse definitiv si nu vor putea fi recuperate)";
$NoWillDeletePermanently = "Nu (fisierele vor fi sterse din aplicatie si vor putea fi recuperate manual de catre administratorul dvs)";
$SelectAResponsible = "Selectati un manager";
$ThereIsNotStillAResponsible = "Nu este disponibil nici un HR manager";

@ -12,4 +12,7 @@ $langAddCat = "adauga categorie";
$langAdd = "Adauga";
$langValid = "Valid";
$langBackAndForget = "Inapoi si uita";
$CourseDescriptionUpdated = "Descrierea cursului a fost actualizata";
$CourseDescriptionDeleted = "Descrierea cursului a fost eliminata";
$CourseDescriptionIntro = "Pentru a crea o descriere de curs, click pe un antet si completati campul din formular. <br/><br/>. Click OK si completati un alt antet.";

@ -23,4 +23,6 @@ $GreyIcons = "Unelte";
$Interaction = "Interactiune";
$Authoring = "Creator";
$Administration = "Administratie";
$IntroductionTextUpdated = "Textul introductiv a fost actualizat";
$IntroductionTextDeleted = "Textul introductiv a fost eliminat";

@ -95,4 +95,13 @@ $CourseRegistrationPassword = "Parola pentru inregistrarea la curs";
$langDescriptionDeleteCourse = "Apasa pe aceasta legatura pentru a elimina orice urma a cursului pe server.<br><br>Aceasta optiune trebuie utilizata cu precautie maxima!";
$langDescriptionCopyCourse = "Dokeos introduce posibilitatea de duplicare a intregului curs sau fragmente din acesta fata de alt curs, care pot fi inital goale.<br><br>Singura preconditie este de a avea un curs care sa contina cateva documente, reclame, forumuri... si un al 2-lea curs care nu contine elementele din primul !";
$DescriptionRecycleCourse = "Aceasta unealta goleste cursul de elementele selectate, sau de toate elementele pe care le contine. Elimina documentele, forumurile, legaturile... Aceasta procedura poate fi implementata la safarsitul anului universitar. Desigur, inaintea \"reciclarii\", va trebui sa aveti grija sa salvati intregul curs.";
$QuizEmailAlert = "Alerta prin e-mail la trimiterea unui nou quiz";
$QuizEmailAlertActivate = "Activeaza trimiterea e-mail cand utilizatorul trimite raspunsuri la un nou quiz";
$QuizEmailAlertDeactivate = "Dezactiveaza alerta prin e-mail cand se trimit raspunsuri noi la quiz-uri";
$AllowUserImageForum = "Imagine utilizator in forum";
$AllowUserImageForumActivate = "Afiseaza imaginile utilizatorilor in forum";
$AllowUserImageForumDeactivate = "Ascunde imaginile utilizatorilor in forum";
$AllowLearningPathTheme = "Activeaza tema de stil pentru calea de invatare";
$AllowLearningPathThemeAllow = "Permis";
$AllowLearningPathThemeDisallow = "Interzis";

@ -42,4 +42,9 @@ $langBackup = "Copie de rezerva";
$langImportBackupInfo = "Importa o copie de rezerva. Vei putea sa transferi copia de rezerva de pe calculatorul tau sau poti folosi o copie de rezerva de pe server.";
$langCreateBackupInfo = "Creaza o copie de rezerva a acestui curs. Selecteaza componentele cursului pentru a le pune in copia de rezerva.";
$ToolIntro = "Introducerea uneltei";
$UploadError = "Incarcare esuata, va rugam verificati dimensiunea maxima a fisierului si drepturile asupra directorului.";
$DocumentsWillBeAddedToo = "Se vor adauga si documente";
$ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz = "Daca doriti sa exportati o cale de invatare ce contine un test, trebuie sa va asigurati ca testele respective vor fi adaugate in export deci, va trebui sa le selectati din lista de teste.";
$ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin = "Directorul cu arhivele utilizat de acest instrument este needitabil. Va rugam contactati administratorul platformei.";
$DestinationCourse = "Cursul destinatie";

@ -62,4 +62,11 @@ $CourseSortingDone = "Sortarea cursurilor a fost finalizata";
$ExistingCourseCategories = "Categoriile existente de cursuri";
$YouAreNowUnsubscribed = "Ai renuntat la acest curs.";
$ViewOpenCourses = "Vizualizeaza cursurile deschise";
$ErrorContactPlatformAdmin = "A avut loc o eroare neidentificata. Va rugam contactati administratorul platformei.";
$CourseRegistrationCodeIncorrect = "Codul de curs este incorect";
$CourseRequiresPassword = "Cursul necesita o parola";
$SubmitRegistrationCode = "Trimiteti codul de inregistrare";
$CourseCategoryDeleted = "Categoria a fost stearsa";
$CategorySortingDone = "S-a incheiat sortarea categoriei";
$CourseCategoryEditStored = "Categorie actualizata";

@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ $langOnlineDescription = "Acesta este un exemplu de descriere pentru unealta de
$langDropbox = "Cutie postala";
$langOnly = "Doar";
$langRandomLanguage = "Amesteca selectia in limbile disponibile";
$langImages = "Imagini";
$langAudio = "Audio";
$langFlash = "Flash";
$langForumLanguage = "engleza";
$langNewCourse = "Arie de curs noua";
$langAddNewCourse = "Adauga noua arie de curs";
@ -90,4 +93,10 @@ $langRecycle = "Refoloseste cursul";
$AnnouncementExampleTitle = "Acesta este un exemplu de anunt";
$Wikipedia = "Enciclopedie online gratis";
$DefaultGroupCategory = "Grupuri obisnuite";
$DefaultCourseImages = "Galerie";
$ExampleForumCategory = "Exemplu de categorie in forum";
$ExampleForum = "Exemplu de forum";
$ExampleThread = "Exemplu de cale";
$ExampleThreadContent = "Exemplu de continut";
$IntroductionWiki = "Cuvantul Wiki este prescurtarea de la WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki este un cuvant in hawaiana ce inseamna rapid sau viteza. Intr-un wiki, utilizatorii pot scrie paginile impreuna. Daca o persoana scrie ceva gresit, o alta persoana o poate corecta. Urmatoarea persoana poate adauga ceva nou. De aceea, pagina devine din ce in ce mai buna pe masura ce este modificata.";

@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ $OneQuestionPerPage = "Eno vprašanje na stran";
$PersonalityQuestion = "Uredi vprašanje";
$YouNeedToCreateGroups = "Ustvariti morate skupine";
$ManageGroups = "Upravljaj skupine";
$Condition = "Pogoj";
$Create = "Ustvari";
$GroupCreatedSuccessfully = "Skupina je bila uspešno ustvarjena";
$GroupNeedName = "Skupina zahteva ime skupine";

@ -592,6 +592,4 @@ $CourseSettings = "Nastavitve tečaja";
$EmailNotifications = "E-poštno obveščanje";
$UserRights = "Pravice uporabnikov";
$Theming = "Tema";
$Coach = "Inštruktor";
$coach = "inštruktor";

@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ $ExpiresAt = "Poteče dne";
$AddToCalendar = "Dodaj v koledar";
$DirectoryCreated = "Mapa je bila ustvarjena";
$Assignment = "Zadolžitev";
$Expires_At = "Poteče dne";
$Ends_At = "Se konča dne (popolnoma zaprta)";
$AdvancedParameters = "Napredni parametri";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Zadnji rok za pošiljanje nalog/izdelkov";

@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ $ShowFormProfile = "Mostrar el formato del perfil";
$PersonalityQuestion = "Editar pregunta";
$YouNeedToCreateGroups = "Tu necesitas crear grupos";
$ManageGroups = "Administrar grupos";
$Condition = "Condicion";
$Create = "Crear";
$GroupCreatedSuccessfully = "Grupo creado con exito";
$GroupNeedName = "Grupo necesita nombre";

@ -592,8 +592,11 @@ $CourseSettings = "Configuraci
$EmailNotifications = "Notificaciones por e-mail";
$UserRights = "Derechos de usuario";
$Theming = "Tema";
$Coach = "Tutor";
$coach = "Tutor";
$Qualification = "Calificación";
$OnlyNumbers = "Solamente numeros";
$ReorderOptions = "Reordenar opciones";
$EditUserFields = "Editar campos de usuario";
$OptionText = "Opción de texto";
$FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Campo de tipo selección doble";
$FieldTypeDivider = "Campo de tipo separador";

@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ $ExpiresAt = "Expira en";
$AddToCalendar = "Agregar a agenda";
$DirectoryCreated = "Directorio creado";
$Assignment = "Asignación";
$Expires_At = "Expira en";
$Ends_At = "Acaba en (totalmente cerrado)";
$AdvancedParameters = "Parámetros avanzados";
$MakeRandomExpires = "Hacer que expire al azar";
$ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs = "Fecha de vencimiento para enviar trabajos";