@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ $ExtensionSessionsNotAvailable = "Sessions extension not available";
$ExtensionZlibNotAvailable = "Zlib extension not available";
$ExtensionPCRENotAvailable = "PCRE extension not available";
$DatabaseXWillBeCreated = "Database <b>%s</b> will be created";
$ADatabaseWithTheSameNameAlreadyExistsGoOnOrCheckTheDatabase = "A database with the same name <b>already exists</b>. The contents in the database will be lost.";
$ADatabaseWithTheSameNameAlreadyExists = "A database with the same name <b>already exists</b>. The contents in the database will be lost.";
$UserXCantHaveAccessInTheDatabaseX = "User <b>%s</b> can't have access in the database <b>%s</b>";
$DatabaseXCantBeCreatedUserXDoestHaveEnoughtPermissions = "Database <b>%s</b> can't be created user <b>%s</b> doesn't have enought permissions";
$DatabaseXCantBeCreatedUserXDoestHaveEnoughPermissions = "Database <b>%s</b> can't be created, user <b>%s</b> doesn't have enough permissions";