@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ $AllowUserViewUserList = "Allow user view user list";
$AllowUserViewUserListActivate = "Enable user list";
$AllowUserViewUserListDeactivate = "Disable user list";
$DoNotDisplayAnyAdvance = "Do not display progress";
$CourseSettingsRegisterDirectLink = "If your course is public or open, you can use the direct link below to send an invitation to new users, so after registration, they will be sent directly to the course. Also, you can add the e=1 parameter to the URL, replacing \"1\" by an exercise ID to send them directly to a specific exam. The exercise ID can be discovered in the URL when clicking on an exercise to open it.<br/>%s";
$DirectLink = "Direct link";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlert = "Email users on assignment creation";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlertEnable = "Enable email users on assignment submission";
$NewHomeworkEmailAlertDisable = "Disable email users on assignment submission";
$ShowALegalNoticeWhenEnteringTheCourse = "Show a legal notice when entering the course";
$CourseLegalAgreement = "Legal agreement for this course";
$AcceptLegal = "Accept legal terms";
$CourseSettingsRegisterDirectLink = "If your course is public or open, you can use the direct link below to send an invitation to new users, so after registration, they will be sent directly to the course. Also, you can add the e=1 parameter to the URL, replacing 1 by an exercise ID to send them directly to a specific exam. The exercise ID can be discovered in the url when clicking on an exercise to open it.<br/>%s";
$YouDoNotHaveAnySessionInItsHistory = "You have no session in your sessions history";
$PortalHomepageDefaultIntroduction = "<h2>Congratulations! You have successfully installed your e-learning portal!</h2><p>You can now complete the installation by following three easy steps:<br/><ol><li>Configure you portal by going to the administration section, and select the Portal -> <ahref=\"main/admin/settings.php\">Configuration settings</a> entry.</li><li>Add some life to your portal by creating users and/or training. You can do that by inviting new people to create their accounts or creating them yourself through the <ahref=\"main/admin/\">administration</a>'s Users and Training sections.</li><li>Edit this page through the <ahref=\"main/admin/configure_homepage.php\">Edit portal homepage</a> entry in the administration section.</li></ol><p>You can always find more information about this software on our website: <ahref=\"http://www.chamilo.org\">http://www.chamilo.org</a>.</p><p>Have fun, and don't hesitate to join the community and give us feedback through <ahref=\"http://www.chamilo.org/forum\">our forum</a>.</p>";
$Username = "User name";
$Profile = "Profile";
$GoAheadAndBrowseOurCourseCatalogXOnceRegisteredYouWillSeeTheCourseHereX = "<p>Go ahead and browse our course catalog %s to register to any course you like. Once registered, you will see the course appear right %s, instead of this message.</p>";
$HelloXAsYouCanSeeYourCourseListIsEmpty = "<p>Hello <strong>%s</strong> and welcome,</p>
<p>As you can see, your courses list is still empty. That's because you are not registered to any course yet! </p>";
$GoAheadAndBrowseOurCourseCatalogXOnceRegisteredYouWillSeeTheCourseHereX = "<p>Go ahead and browse our course catalog %s to register to any course you like. Once registered, you will see the course appear right %s, instead of this message.</p>";