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*/ |
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$RecentChanges = "Recent changes"; |
$AllPages = "All pages"; |
$AddNew = "Add new page"; |
$ChangesStored = "Your changes have been saved"; |
$NewWikiSaved = "The new wiki homepage has been saved. You can see it clicking at :"; |
$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"Mr. Dokeos\" title=\"Mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">To begin, start editing this page</p>"; |
$CourseWikiPages = "Course Wiki pages"; |
$GroupWikiPages = "Group Wiki pages"; |
$NoWikiPageTitle = "Your changes have been saved. You still have to give a title to the page"; |
$WikiPageTitleExist = "This page title has already been created, edit the page\'s content clicking here: "; |
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$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "A line has been deleted"; |
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "A line has been moved"; |
$WikiDiffUnchangedLine = "Line without changes"; |
$DifferencesNew = "changes in version "; |
$DifferencesOld = "old version of"; |
$Differences = "Differences"; |
$MostRecentVersion = "View of the latest selected version"; |
$Legend = "Legend"; |
$ShowDifferences = "Compare selected versions "; |
$GroupSpace = "Group area"; |
$SearchPages = "Search pages"; |
$Discuss = "Discuss"; |
$History = "History"; |
$ShowThisPage = "View this page"; |
$DeleteThisPage = "Delete this page"; |
$DiscussThisPage = "Discuss this page"; |
$HomeWiki = "Wiki\'s homepage"; |
$DeleteWiki = "Delete all the Wiki\'s contents"; |
$WikiDeleted = "Your Wiki has been deleted"; |
$WikiPageDeleted = "The page has been deleted with all its history"; |
$NumLine = "Num line"; |
$DeletePageHistory = "Delete this page and all its versions"; |
$OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Only course admins can delete the whole Wiki"; |
$OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Only course admins can delete a page"; |
$OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Only course admins and members of this group can add pages to the group\'s Wiki"; |
$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Only course admins and members of this group can edit pages of the group\'s Wiki"; |
$ConfirmDeleteWiki = "Are you sure you want to delete this Wiki?"; |
$ConfirmDeletePage = "Are you sure you want to delete this page and its whole history?"; |
$AlsoSearchContent = "Search also in content"; |
$PageLocked = "Page protected"; |
$PageUnlocked = "Page unprotected"; |
$PageLockedExtra = "This page is protected. Only course admins can change it"; |
$PageUnlockedExtra = "This page is unprotected. All course users or group members can edit this page"; |
$ShowAddOption = "Show add option"; |
$HideAddOption = "Hide add option"; |
$AddOptionProtected = "The add option has been protected. Only course administrators can add pages to this Wiki. Course users and group members can only edit them"; |
$AddOptionUnprotected = "The add option has been enabled for all course users and group members"; |
$NotifyChanges = "Notify me of changes"; |
$NotNotifyChanges = "Do not notify me of changes"; |
$NotifyByEmail = "Notify me by e-mail when this page is edited"; |
$CancelNotifyByEmail = "Do not notify me by email when this page is edited"; |
$MostRecentVersionBy = "The latest version was edited by"; |
$Rating = "Rating"; |
$RatingMedia = "The average rating of the page is"; |
$NumComments = "Comments on this page"; |
$NumCommentsScore = "Number of comments on this page: "; |
$AddPagesLocked = "The add option has been temporarily disable by the course admin"; |
$LinksPages = "References"; |
$ShowLinksPages = "Show the pages that have links to this page"; |
$MoreWikiOptions = "More Wiki options"; |
$DefaultTitle = "Home"; |
$DiscussNotAvailable = "Discuss option not available"; |
?> |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
*/ |
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$AllPages = "Toutes les pages"; |
$AddNew = "Ajouter une nouvelle page"; |
$ChangesStored = "Vos modifications ont été sauvegardées"; |
$NewWikiSaved = "La nouvelle page d\'accueil du wiki a été sauvée. Vous pouvez la voir en cliquant sur: "; |
$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"Mr. Dokeos\" title=\"Mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">Pour démarrer, commencez par éditer cette page</p>"; |
$CourseWikiPages = "Page de cours du wiki"; |
$GroupWikiPages = "Page de groupe du wiki"; |
$NoWikiPageTitle = "Vos modifications ont été sauvegardées. Vous devez à présent donner un titre à cette page"; |
$WikiPageTitleExist = "Le titre de cette page a déjà été créé, éditez le contenu de la page en cliquant ici: "; |
$WikiDiffAddedLine = "Une ligne a été ajoutée"; |
$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "Une ligne a été supprimée"; |
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "Une ligne a été déplacée"; |
$WikiDiffUnchangedLine = "Ligne sans modification"; |
$DifferencesNew = "modifications dans la version"; |
$DifferencesOld = "ancienne version de"; |
$Differences = "Différences"; |
$MostRecentVersion = "Voir la dernière version sélectionnée"; |
$Legend = "Légende"; |
$ShowDifferences = "Comparer les versions sélectionnées"; |
$GroupSpace = "Espace de groupe"; |
$SearchPages = "Rechercher dans les pages"; |
$Discuss = "Argumenter"; |
$History = "Historique"; |
$ShowThisPage = "Voir cette page"; |
$DeleteThisPage = "Supprimer cette page"; |
$DiscussThisPage = "Argumenter à propos de cette page"; |
$HomeWiki = "Page principale du wiki"; |
$DeleteWiki = "Supprimer tout le contenu du wiki"; |
$WikiDeleted = "Votre wiki a été supprimé"; |
$WikiPageDeleted = "La page a été supprimée ainsi que l\'ensemble de son historique"; |
$NumLine = "Nombre de ligne"; |
$DeletePageHistory = "Supprimer cette page et toutes ses versions"; |
$OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent supprimer tout le wiki"; |
$OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent supprimer une page"; |
$OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours et les membres de ce groupe peuvent ajouter des pages au wiki du groupe"; |
$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Seuls les administrateurs du cours et les membres de ce groupe peuvent éditer des pages de ce wiki de groupe"; |
$ConfirmDeleteWiki = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer ce wiki?"; |
$ConfirmDeletePage = "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette page et tout son historique?"; |
$AlsoSearchContent = "Rechercher aussi dans le contenu"; |
$PageLocked = "Page protégée"; |
$PageUnlocked = "Page déprotégée"; |
$PageLockedExtra = "Cette page est protégée. Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent la modifier"; |
$PageUnlockedExtra = "Cette page est déprotégée. Tous les utilisateurs du cours ou membres du groupe peuvent éditer cette page"; |
$ShowAddOption = "Afficher l\'option d\'ajout"; |
$HideAddOption = "Masquer l\'option d\'ajout"; |
$AddOptionProtected = "L\'option d\'ajout a été protégée. Seuls les administrateurs du cours peuvent ajouter des pages à ce wiki. Les utilisateurs du cours et les membres du groupe peuvent aussi les éditer"; |
$AddOptionUnprotected = "L\'option d\'ajout a été activée pour tous les utilisateurs du cours et les membres des groupes"; |
$NotifyChanges = "Avertir des modifications"; |
$NotNotifyChanges = "Ne pas avertir des modifications"; |
$NotifyByEmail = "M\'avertir par e-mail lorsque cette page est éditée"; |
$CancelNotifyByEmail = "Ne pas m\'avertir par e-mail lorsque cette page est éditée"; |
$MostRecentVersionBy = "La dernière version a été éditée par"; |
$Rating = "Score"; |
$RatingMedia = "Le score moyen de cette page est"; |
$NumComments = "Commentaires sur cette page"; |
$NumCommentsScore = "Le nombre de commentaires sur cette page est de "; |
$AddPagesLocked = "L\'option d\'ajout a été temporairement désactivée par l\'administrateur du cours"; |
$LinksPages = "Références"; |
$ShowLinksPages = "Afficher les pages qui ont des liens vers cette page-ci"; |
$MoreWikiOptions = "Plus d\'options du wiki"; |
$DefaultTitle = "Accueil"; |
$DiscussNotAvailable = "Argumentation non disponible"; |
?> |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
*/ |
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$AllPages = "Alle Seiten"; |
$AddNew = "Neue Seite hinzufügen"; |
$ChangesStored = "Ihre Änderungen wurden gespeichert"; |
$NewWikiSaved = "Der neue Wiki Eintrag wurde gespeichert. Sie können ihn ansehen durch Klick auf: "; |
$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"mr. Dokeos\" title=\"mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">Beginnen Sie, indem Sie diese Seite bearbeiten</p>"; |
$CourseWikiPages = "Wiki Seiten für Kurse"; |
$GroupWikiPages = "Wiki Seiten für Gruppen"; |
$NoWikiPageTitle = "Ihre Änderungen wurden gespeichert. Sie müssen der Seite einen Titel geben"; |
$WikiPageTitleExist = "Die Titelseite wurde bereits erstellt. Sie bearbeiten den Seiteninhalt durch Klick auf: "; |
$WikiDiffAddedLine = "Eine Zeile wurde hinzugefügt"; |
$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "Eine Zeile wurde gelöscht"; |
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "Eine Zeile wurde verschoben"; |
$WikiDiffUnchangedLine = "Zeile ohne Änderungen"; |
$DifferencesNew = "Änderungen in Version "; |
$DifferencesOld = "alte Version von "; |
$Differences = "Unterschiede"; |
$MostRecentVersion = "Die neueste ausgewählte Version anschauen"; |
$Legend = "Legende"; |
$ShowDifferences = "Ausgewählte Versionen vergleichen"; |
$GroupSpace = "Bereich von Gruppe"; |
$SearchPages = "Seiten durchsuchen"; |
$Discuss = "Besprechen"; |
$History = "History"; |
$ShowThisPage = "Diese Seite anschauen"; |
$DeleteThisPage = "Diese Seite löschen"; |
$DiscussThisPage = "Diese Seite besprechen"; |
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$DeleteWiki = "Gesamtinhalt des Wiki löschen"; |
$WikiDeleted = "Das Wiki wurde gelöscht"; |
$WikiPageDeleted = "Diese Seite mit ihrer History wurde gelöscht"; |
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$DeletePageHistory = "Seite mitsamt aller Versionen löschen"; |
$OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Wiki kann nur von Admin Kurs Benutzern ganz gelöscht werden"; |
$OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Seite kann nur von Admin Kurs Benutzern gelöscht werden"; |
$OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Nur Kursadministratoren und Gruppenmitglieder können Seiten zu dieser Wiki Gruppe hinzufügen"; |
$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Nur Kursadministratoren und Gruppenmitglieder können Seiten in dieser Wiki Gruppe bearbeiten"; |
$ConfirmDeleteWiki = "Wollen Sie diese Wiki wirklich löschen?"; |
$ConfirmDeletePage = "Wollen Sie wirklich diese Seite und all ihre History löschen?"; |
$AlsoSearchContent = "Auch den Inhalt durchsuchen"; |
$PageLocked = "Seite ist geschützt"; |
$PageUnlocked = "Seite ist nicht geschützt"; |
$PageLockedExtra = "Diese Seite ist geschützt. Sie kann nur von Lehrern verändert werden. "; |
$PageUnlockedExtra = "Diese Seite ist nicht geschützt. Alle Kursbenutzer oder Gruppenmitglieder können diese Seite bearbeiten"; |
$ShowAddOption = "Option hinzufügen anzeigen"; |
$HideAddOption = "Hinzufügen Option verbergen"; |
$AddOptionProtected = "Hinzufügen Option wurde geschützt. Nur Kurs Lehrer können Seiten zu diesem Wiki hinzufügen. Kursteilnehmer und Gruppenmitglieder können diese ebenfalls bearbeiten"; |
$AddOptionUnprotected = "Hinzufügen Option wurde für all Kursteilnehmer und Gruppenmitglieder eingeschaltet"; |
$NotifyChanges = "Bei Änderungen benachrichtigen"; |
$NotNotifyChanges = "Bei Änderungen nicht benachrichtigen"; |
$NotifyByEmail = "Benachrichtigen per E-Mail, wenn diese Seite bearbeitet wird"; |
$CancelNotifyByEmail = "Nicht per E-Mail benachrichten, wenn diese Seite bearbeitet wird"; |
$MostRecentVersionBy = "Die neueste Version wurde bearbeitet von "; |
$Rating = "Einschätzung"; |
$RatingMedia = "Durchschnittliche Einschätzung dieser Seite ist "; |
$NumComments = "Kemmentare zu dieser Seite"; |
$NumCommentsScore = "Anzahl Kommentare zu dieser Seite "; |
$AddPagesLocked = "Hinzufügen Option wurde vom Kursadministrator momentan ausgechaltet"; |
$LinksPages = "Referenzen"; |
$ShowLinksPages = "Seiten mit Verweisen auf diese Seite anzeigen"; |
$MoreWikiOptions = "Weitere Wiki Optionen"; |
$DefaultTitle = "Home"; |
$DiscussNotAvailable = "Austausch nicht möglich"; |
?> |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
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?> |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
*/ |
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$AddNew = "Aggiungi una pagina"; |
$ChangesStored = "I cambiamenti sono stati salvati"; |
$NewWikiSaved = "La nuova pagina wiki è stata salvata. Puoi vederla cliccando su:"; |
$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"mr. Dokeos\" title=\"mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">Per iniziare, modifica questa pagina</p>"; |
$CourseWikiPages = "Pagine wiki del corso"; |
$GroupWikiPages = "Pagine wiki del corso"; |
$NoWikiPageTitle = "I cambiamenti sono stati effettuati. Ora dai un titolo alla pagina."; |
$WikiPageTitleExist = "La pagina esiste già. La puoi modificare cliccando qui: "; |
$WikiDiffAddedLine = "Linea aggiunta"; |
$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "Linea eliminata"; |
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "Linea spostata"; |
$WikiDiffUnchangedLine = "Linea non modificata"; |
$DifferencesNew = "differenze tra le revisioni"; |
$DifferencesOld = "Versione precedente di"; |
$Differences = "Differenze"; |
$MostRecentVersion = "Visualizzazione dell\'ultima versione selezionata"; |
$Legend = "Legenda"; |
$ShowDifferences = "Confronta le versioni selezionate"; |
$GroupSpace = "Spazio di lavoro del gruppo"; |
$SearchPages = "Ricerca"; |
$Discuss = "Discussione"; |
$History = "Cronologia"; |
$ShowThisPage = "Vedi la pagina"; |
$DeleteThisPage = "Elimina la pagina"; |
$DiscussThisPage = "Discuti i contenuti della pagina"; |
$HomeWiki = "Pagina principale"; |
$DeleteWiki = "Elimina tutti i contenuti del Wiki"; |
$WikiDeleted = "Il Wiki è stato cancellato"; |
$WikiPageDeleted = "La pagina è stata eliminata, con la cronologia associata"; |
$NumLine = "N. di linea"; |
$DeletePageHistory = "Elimina la pagina e tutte le versioni precedenti"; |
$OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Il Wiki può essere eliminato solo dal gestore"; |
$OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Solo il gestore del corso può eliminare una pagina"; |
$OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Possono essere aggiunte pagine al Wiki di gruppo solo da parte del gestore del corso o dai membri del gruppo"; |
$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Possono essere modificate le pagine del Wiki di gruppo solo da parte del gestore del corso o dai membri del gruppo"; |
$ConfirmDeletePage = "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare la pagina e tutte le sue versioni precedenti?"; |
$AlsoSearchContent = "Cerca anche nel corpo del testo"; |
$PageLocked = "Pagina protetta"; |
$PageUnlocked = "Pagina non protetta"; |
$PageLockedExtra = "La pagina è protetta: può essere modificata solo dal docente"; |
$PageUnlockedExtra = "La pagina è non protetta: chiunque (corsisti o membri del gruppo) può modificarne il contenuto"; |
$ShowAddOption = "Mostra l\'opzione \"aggiungi\""; |
$HideAddOption = "Nascondi l\'opzione \"aggiungi\""; |
$AddOptionProtected = "L\'opzione \"aggiungi\" è stata bloccata. Solo il docente può aggiungere pagine al Wiki. I corsisti o i membri del gruppo possono comunque modificare le pagine esistenti."; |
$AddOptionUnprotected = "L\'opzione \"aggiungi\" è consentita per tutti i corsisti o i membri del gruppo"; |
$NotifyChanges = "Notificami i cambiamenti"; |
$NotNotifyChanges = "Non notificarmi i cambiamenti"; |
$NotifyByEmail = "Notificami via e-mail le ulteriori modifiche della pagina"; |
$CancelNotifyByEmail = "Non notificarmi via e-mail le ulteriori modifiche della pagina"; |
$MostRecentVersionBy = "L\'ultima modifica è stata effettuata da "; |
$Rating = "Voto"; |
$RatingMedia = "Il voto medio della pagina è "; |
$NumComments = "Commenti ai contenuti della pagina"; |
$NumCommentsScore = "Numero di commenti associati alla pagina"; |
$AddPagesLocked = "L\'opzione \"aggiungi\" è stata temporaneamente disabilitata dal gestore del corso"; |
$LinksPages = "Riferimenti"; |
$ShowLinksPages = "Mostra le pagine che puntano a questa pagina"; |
$MoreWikiOptions = "Ulteriori opzioni wiki"; |
$DefaultTitle = "Pagina principale"; |
$DiscussNotAvailable = "Discussione non consentita"; |
?> |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
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for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder. |
*/ |
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$AllPages = "Todas as páginas"; |
$AddNew = "Acrescentar nova página"; |
$ChangesStored = "As alterações foram gravadas"; |
$NewWikiSaved = "A nova página foi gravada. Pode visualizá-la clicando aqui:"; |
$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"Mr. Dokeos\" title=\"Mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">Para começar, escreva nesta página</p>"; |
$CourseWikiPages = "Páginas Wiki do curso"; |
$GroupWikiPages = "Páginas Wiki do grupo"; |
$NoWikiPageTitle = "As alterações foram gravadas. Tem de dar um título a esta página"; |
$WikiPageTitleExist = "O título desta página já existe; edite ou altere o conteúdo da página existente clicando aqui : "; |
$WikiDiffAddedLine = "Linha acrescentada"; |
$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "Linha apagada"; |
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "Linha movida"; |
$WikiDiffUnchangedLine = "Linha sem alterações"; |
$DifferencesNew = "alterações na versão"; |
$DifferencesOld = "versão antiga de"; |
$Differences = "Diferenças"; |
$MostRecentVersion = "Vista da versão mais recente"; |
$Legend = "Legenda"; |
$ShowDifferences = "Comparar versões seleccionadas"; |
$GroupSpace = "Área de Grupo"; |
$SearchPages = "Procurar páginas"; |
$Discuss = "Discutir"; |
$History = "Histórico"; |
$ShowThisPage = "Ver esta página"; |
$DeleteThisPage = "Apagar esta página"; |
$DiscussThisPage = "Discutir esta página"; |
$HomeWiki = "Página principal"; |
$DeleteWiki = "Eliminar todo o conteúdo de Wiki"; |
$WikiDeleted = "O Wiki foi apagado"; |
$WikiPageDeleted = "A página foi apagada com todo o histórico"; |
$NumLine = "Núm. de linha"; |
$DeletePageHistory = "Apagar esta página e todas as suas versões"; |
$OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Só os administradores de um curso podem apagar um Wiki"; |
$OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Só os administradores de um curso podem apagar uma página"; |
$OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Só o administrador do curso e os membros deste grupo podem acrescentar páginas ao Wiki do grupo."; |
$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Só o administrador do curso e os membros deste grupo podem editar ou alterar páginas no Wiki do grupo."; |
$ConfirmDeleteWiki = "Tem a certeza que deseja apagar este Wiki?"; |
$ConfirmDeletePage = "Tem a certeza que deseja apagar esta página e todo o seu histórico?"; |
$AlsoSearchContent = "Procurar igualmente no conteúdo"; |
$PageLocked = "Página protegida"; |
$PageUnlocked = "Página desprotegida"; |
$PageLockedExtra = "Esta página está protegida. Só os professores é que podem alterá-la"; |
$PageUnlockedExtra = "Esta página não está protegida. Todos os utilizadores do curso e do grupo podem editar ou alterar esta página."; |
$ShowAddOption = "Activar a opção acrescentar"; |
$HideAddOption = "Desactivar a opção acrescentar"; |
$AddOptionProtected = "A opção acrescentar páginas foi protegida. Só os professores dos cursos podem acrescentar páginas neste Wiki. Os utilizadores do curso e do grupo podem alterar as páginas existentes."; |
$AddOptionUnprotected = "A opção acrescentar páginas foi activada para todos os membros do curso e do grupo"; |
$NotifyChanges = "Notificar alterações"; |
$NotNotifyChanges = "Não notificar alterações"; |
$NotifyByEmail = "Notificar-me por email quando esta página for alterada"; |
$CancelNotifyByEmail = "Não notificar-me por email quando esta página for alterada"; |
$MostRecentVersionBy = "A última versão foi realizada por"; |
$Rating = "Pontuar"; |
$RatingMedia = "A média da pontuação desta página é"; |
$NumComments = "Comentários a esta página"; |
$NumCommentsScore = "Número de comentários sobre esta página"; |
$AddPagesLocked = "A opção acrescentar páginas foi temporariamente desactivada pelo administrador do curso"; |
$LinksPages = "Referências"; |
$ShowLinksPages = "Mostrar as páginas que têm ligações com esta página"; |
$MoreWikiOptions = "Mais opções de Wiki"; |
$DefaultTitle = "Página principal"; |
$DiscussNotAvailable = "Discussão não disponível"; |
?> |
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*/ |
$Wiki = "Wiki"; |
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$AllPages = "Vse strani"; |
$AddNew = "Dodaj novo stran"; |
$ChangesStored = "Vaše spremembe so bile shranjene"; |
$NewWikiSaved = "Nov vnos v wiki je bil shranjen. Vidite ga lahko s klikom na "; |
$DefaultContent = "<br/> <br/> <p align=\"center\"> <img src=\"\'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).\'wiki/wcollaborative.png\" alt=\"mr. Dokeos\" title=\"mr. Dokeos\" /></p> <p align=\"center\">Za zaèetek uredite to stran.</p>"; |
$CourseWikiPages = "Wiki strani teèaja"; |
$GroupWikiPages = "Wiki strani celotne skupine"; |
$NoWikiPageTitle = "Vaše spremembe so bile shranjene. Vpišite še naslov strani"; |
$WikiPageTitleExist = "Glavna stran je bila že ustvarjena. Za njeno urejanje kliknite tukaj:"; |
$WikiDiffAddedLine = "Vrstica je bila dodana"; |
$WikiDiffDeletedLine = "Vrstica je bila izbrisana"; |
$WikiDiffMovedLine = "Vrstica je bila premaknjena"; |
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$DifferencesNew = "razlike v razlièici"; |
$DifferencesOld = "stara razlièica od"; |
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$MostRecentVersion = "Pogled zadnje izbrane razlièice"; |
$Legend = "Legenda"; |
$ShowDifferences = "Primerjaj izbrani razlièici"; |
$GroupSpace = "Podroèje celotne skupine"; |
$SearchPages = "Išèi po straneh"; |
$Discuss = "Diskutiraj"; |
$History = "Zgodovina"; |
$ShowThisPage = "Prikaži to stran"; |
$DeleteThisPage = "Izbriši to stran"; |
$DiscussThisPage = "Diskutiraj o tej strani"; |
$HomeWiki = "Glavna stran wikija"; |
$DeleteWiki = "Izbriši vso vsebino wikija"; |
$WikiDeleted = "Vaš wiki je bil izbrisan"; |
$WikiPageDeleted = "Stran je bila izbrisana skupaj z vso njeno zgodovino"; |
$NumLine = "Št. vrstice"; |
$DeletePageHistory = "Izbriši to stran ter vse njene razlièice"; |
$OnlyAdminDeleteWiki = "Le administratorji teèaja lahko izbrišejo ves wiki"; |
$OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki = "Le administratorji teèaja lahko izbrišejo stran"; |
$OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers = "Le administrator in èlani te skupine lahko dodajajo strani v wiki te skupine"; |
$OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers = "Le administrator ter èlani te skupine lahko spreminjajo strani wikija te skupine"; |
$ConfirmDeleteWiki = "Ali res želite izbrisati ta wiki?"; |
$ConfirmDeletePage = "Ali res želite izbrisati to stran in vso njeno zgodovino?"; |
$AlsoSearchContent = "Išèi tudi po vsebini"; |
$PageLocked = "Stran je zašèitena"; |
$PageUnlocked = "Stran ni zašèitena"; |
$PageLockedExtra = "Ta stran je zašèitena. Urejajo jo lahko le uèitelji"; |
$PageUnlockedExtra = "Ta stran ni zašèitena. Vsi udeleženci teèaja ali skupine jo lahko urejajo"; |
$ShowAddOption = "Prikaži možnost dodajanja"; |
$HideAddOption = "Skrij možnost dodajanja"; |
$AddOptionProtected = "Možnost dodajanja je zašèitena. Le uèitelji lahko dodajajo strani na ta wiki. Udeleženci teèaja in skupine pa jih lahko urejajo"; |
$AddOptionUnprotected = "Možnost dodajanja je omogoèena za vse teèajnike in èlane skupine"; |
$NotifyChanges = "Sporoèi razlike"; |
$NotNotifyChanges = "Ne sporoèi razlik"; |
$NotifyByEmail = "Obvesti me po e-pošti, èe bo ta stran spremenjena"; |
$CancelNotifyByEmail = "Ne obvešèaj me po e-pošti, èe bo ta stran spremenjena"; |
$MostRecentVersionBy = "Zadnjo spremembo je povzroèil"; |
$Rating = "Ocena"; |
$RatingMedia = "Povpreèna ocena te strani je"; |
$NumComments = "Komentarji na tej strani"; |
$NumCommentsScore = "Število komentarjev na tej strani:"; |
$AddPagesLocked = "Možnost dodajanja je trenutno onemogoèena s strani administratorja teèaja"; |
$LinksPages = "Reference"; |
$ShowLinksPages = "Prikaži strani, ki kažejo na to stran"; |
$MoreWikiOptions = "Veè nastavitev wikija"; |
$DefaultTitle = "Domov"; |
$DiscussNotAvailable = "Diskusija ni na voljo"; |
?> |
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