@ -13,7 +13,23 @@ use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Security\Authorization\Voter\ResourceNodeVoter; |
require_once __DIR__.'/../../main/inc/global.inc.php'; |
require_once __DIR__.'/../../main/inc/global.inc.php'; |
$sql = "SELECT * FROM c_item_property WHERE tool = 'document' LIMIT 10"; |
$sql = "SELECT |
d.id, |
d.c_id, |
d.session_id, |
i.to_group_id, |
i.to_user_id, |
i.iid, |
insert_user_id, |
insert_date, |
lastedit_date, |
tool, |
visibility |
FROM c_item_property i |
INNER JOIN c_document d |
ON (d.iid = i.ref AND i.c_id = d.c_id) |
WHERE i.tool = 'document' AND filetype <> 'folder' AND d.c_id = 4 |
ORDER BY d.path LIMIT 10"; |
$result = Database::query($sql); |
$result = Database::query($sql); |
$fs = Container::$container->get('oneup_flysystem.courses_filesystem'); |
$fs = Container::$container->get('oneup_flysystem.courses_filesystem'); |
@ -22,6 +38,9 @@ $em = Database::getManager(); |
$resourceType = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:Resource\ResourceType')->findOneBy(['name' => 'document']); |
$resourceType = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCoreBundle:Resource\ResourceType')->findOneBy(['name' => 'document']); |
$coursePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'app/courses/'; |
$coursePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'app/courses/'; |
$mediaManager = Container::$container->get('sonata.media.manager.media'); |
$mediaManager = Container::$container->get('sonata.media.manager.media'); |
$documentManager = $em->getRepository('ChamiloCourseBundle:CDocument'); |
$contextManager = Container::$container->get('sonata.classification.manager.context'); |
$defaultContext = $contextManager->findOneBy(['id' => 'default']); |
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { |
while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { |
$itemIid = $row['iid']; |
$itemIid = $row['iid']; |
@ -29,20 +48,31 @@ while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { |
$sessionId = $row['session_id']; |
$sessionId = $row['session_id']; |
$groupId = $row['to_group_id']; |
$groupId = $row['to_group_id']; |
$toUserId = $row['to_user_id']; |
$toUserId = $row['to_user_id']; |
$documentId = $row['id']; |
$toUser = api_get_user_entity($toUserId); |
$toUser = api_get_user_entity($toUserId); |
$author = api_get_user_entity($row['insert_user_id']); |
$author = api_get_user_entity($row['insert_user_id']); |
if (empty($author)) { |
error_log("User does not exists in the DB ".$row['insert_user_id']); |
continue; |
} |
$createdAt = api_get_utc_datetime($row['insert_date'], true, true); |
$createdAt = api_get_utc_datetime($row['insert_date'], true, true); |
$lastUpdatedAt = api_get_utc_datetime($row['lastedit_date'], true, true); |
$lastUpdatedAt = api_get_utc_datetime($row['lastedit_date'], true, true); |
$course = api_get_course_entity($courseId); |
$course = api_get_course_entity($courseId); |
$session = api_get_course_entity($sessionId); |
if (empty($course)) { |
error_log("Course does not exists in the DB $courseId"); |
continue; |
} |
$session = api_get_session_entity($sessionId); |
$group = api_get_group_entity($groupId); |
$group = api_get_group_entity($groupId); |
switch ($row['tool']) { |
switch ($row['tool']) { |
case 'document': |
case 'document': |
$documentData = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($row['ref'], $course->getCode(), $sessionId); |
$documentData = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($documentId, $course->getCode(), $sessionId); |
var_dump($documentData); |
//var_dump($documentData); |
if (!$documentData) { |
if (!$documentData) { |
//$documentData = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($row['ref'], $course->getCode(), $sessionId); |
//$documentData = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($row['ref'], $course->getCode(), $sessionId); |
error_log("Skipped item property iid #$itemIid"); |
error_log("Skipped item property iid #$itemIid"); |
@ -50,103 +80,114 @@ while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC')) { |
} |
} |
$folderPath = $course->getDirectory().'/document/'.$documentData['path']; |
$folderPath = $course->getDirectory().'/document/'.$documentData['path']; |
$file = $coursePath.$folderPath; |
$file = $coursePath.$folderPath; |
switch ($documentData['filetype']) { |
switch ($documentData['filetype']) { |
case 'folder': |
case 'folder': |
//$fs->createDir($folderPath); |
//$fs->createDir($folderPath); |
/*$node = new ResourceNode(); |
$node |
->setName($documentData['title']) |
->setDescription('') |
->setCreator($author) |
->setResourceType($resourceType) |
->setCreatedAt($createdAt) |
->setUpdatedAt($lastUpdatedAt) |
; |
$em->persist($node); |
$em->flush();*/ |
break; |
break; |
case 'file': |
case 'file': |
//$stream = fopen($file, 'r+'); |
$document = $documentManager->find($documentData['iid']); |
//$fs->writeStream($folderPath, $stream); |
var_dump('Parsing document iid #'.$document->getIid()); |
//fclose($stream); |
/** @var Media $media */ |
/** @var Media $media */ |
$media = $mediaManager->create(); |
$media = $mediaManager->create(); |
//$media = new Media(); |
$media->setName($documentData['title']); |
$media->setName($documentData['title']); |
$fileName = basename($documentData['path']); |
$extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); |
$media->setSize($documentData['size']); |
$media->setSize($documentData['size']); |
$media->setContext('default'); |
$media->setContext('default'); |
$media->setProviderName('sonata.media.provider.image'); |
var_dump($file); |
$provider = 'sonata.media.provider.image'; |
if (!in_array($extension, ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'])) { |
$provider = 'sonata.media.provider.file'; |
} |
$media->setProviderName($provider); |
$media->setEnabled(true); |
$media->setEnabled(true); |
$stdFile = new Std |
$media->setBinaryContent($file); |
$media->setBinaryContent(file_get_contents($file)); |
$mediaManager->save($media, true); |
$mediaManager->save($media, true); |
$resourceFile = new ResourceFile(); |
$resourceFile->setMedia($media); |
$resourceFile->setName($documentData['title']); |
$em->persist($resourceFile); |
$node = new ResourceNode(); |
$node |
->setName($documentData['title']) |
->setDescription($documentData['comment'] ?? '') |
->setResourceFile($resourceFile) |
->setCreator($author) |
->setResourceType($resourceType) |
->setCreatedAt($createdAt) |
->setUpdatedAt($lastUpdatedAt) |
; |
$em->persist($node); |
$document->setResourceNode($node); |
$em->persist($document); |
$em->flush(); |
$rights = []; |
switch ($row['visibility']) { |
case '0': |
$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_DRAFT; |
$readerMask = ResourceNodeVoter::getReaderMask(); |
$editorMask = ResourceNodeVoter::getEditorMask(); |
$resourceRight = new ResourceRight(); |
$resourceRight |
->setMask($editorMask) |
->setRole(ResourceNodeVoter::ROLE_CURRENT_COURSE_TEACHER) |
; |
$rights[] = $resourceRight; |
break; |
case '1': |
$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED; |
break; |
case '2': |
$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_DELETED; |
break; |
} |
$link = new ResourceLink(); |
$link |
->setCourse($course) |
->setSession($session) |
->setGroup($group) |
->setUser($toUser) |
->setResourceNode($node) |
->setVisibility($newVisibility) |
; |
if (!empty($rights)) { |
foreach ($rights as $right) { |
$link->addResourceRight($right); |
} |
} |
break; |
$em->persist($link); |
} |
$em->flush(); |
continue; |
$file = new ResourceFile(); |
$file |
->setHash('') |
->setName($documentData['title']) |
->setOriginalFilename(basename($documentData['path'])) |
->setSize($documentData['size']) |
; |
$node = new ResourceNode(); |
$node |
->setName($documentData['title']) |
->setDescription($documentData['comment']) |
->setResourceFile($file) |
->setCreator($author) |
->setResourceFile($file) |
->setResourceType($resourceType) |
->setCreatedAt($createdAt) |
->setUpdatedAt($lastUpdatedAt) |
; |
$em->persist($node); |
$em->flush(); |
$rights = []; |
switch ($row['visibility']) { |
case '0': |
$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_DRAFT; |
$readerMask = ResourceNodeVoter::getReaderMask(); |
$editorMask = ResourceNodeVoter::getEditorMask(); |
$resourceRight = new ResourceRight(); |
$resourceRight |
->setMask($editorMask) |
->setRole(ResourceNodeVoter::ROLE_CURRENT_COURSE_TEACHER) |
; |
$rights[] = $resourceRight; |
break; |
case '1': |
$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED; |
break; |
break; |
case '2': |
$newVisibility = ResourceLink::VISIBILITY_DELETED; |
break; |
} |
$link = new ResourceLink(); |
$link |
->setCourse($course) |
->setSession($session) |
->setGroup($group) |
->setUser($toUser) |
->setResourceNode($node) |
->setVisibility($newVisibility) |
; |
if (!empty($rights)) { |
foreach ($rights as $right) { |
$link->addResourceRight($right); |
} |
} |
} |
$em->persist($link); |
$em->flush(); |
break; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |