Chamilo Changelog
This is our technical changelog, aimed at providing you a list of the new features, small changes and bug fixes as well as the security issues, style changes and known issues that remain present. This changelog is provided version by version, latest versions first and helps you locate when a specific feature has been made available in Chamilo. If you would like a shorter list of features or a list of overall features, please check our website:
Note: most #wxyz references are issue numbers you can find in our public bug tracking system. Some references marked BT#xyz are developments made externally for BeezNest customers and integrated into Chamilo. The details of these tasks cannot be seen for confidentiality reasons, but the code change is public and can be reviewed by anyone.
Chamilo 1.10.6 - ???, ?? of April 2016
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.10.6 is a minor, bugfix release of the 1.10.x branch, with a few new features and bugfixes on top of 1.10.4.
Release name
NNNh .....
Security fixes
Possibly breaking changes
Notable new Features
For end-users, teachers and Chamilo admins
For developers and sysadmins
Improvements (minor features) and debug
Stylesheets and theming
Web services
Known issues
- IMS/QTI import/export has issues
- In Internet Explorer 9, learning paths might not show other pages than the first to be opened. We lacked computers with IE9 at the time of release of 1.10.4. Guaranteeing IE9 support will likely require additional services. See the corresponding bug report
Chamilo 1.10.4 - Bath, 22th of March 2016
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.10.4 is a minor, bugfix release of the 1.10.x branch, with a few new features and bugfixes on top of 1.10.2.
Release name
Bath is a small city of the South of England that inspires peace and stability, with its roman-age public baths and buildings. We feel like 1.10.4 is a very comforting version, fixing little issues people have found on previous 1.10.x versions, and that the name suits it well.
Security fixes
- (c3b9a10e - #8094) Add security::removeXSS() to assignments tool
- (9b9de176 - #8090) Fix issue allowing a user to delete a message from someone else on the social walls
- (4ec97d92) Fix missing escape_string in LP title update
Possibly breaking changes
Notable new Features
For end-users, teachers and Chamilo admins
- (b1a5c910) Add filters to messags inbox/outbox
- (cf7627c0 - #8118) Add feature to customize the logo of a stylesheet
- (1c366ce8 - BT#10960) Take into account all lp ids not only lp with result
- (23173d5e - BT#10951) Add filters in announcements
- (a0d9ceb4 - BT#10950) Add announcement option when editing an event
- (c1f149e9 - BT#10949) Add pagination in course announcement + add multiple delete
- (f0840649 - #8037) Show user classes on learner details page
- (08b7cd57 - #8085) Add announcements tags list again
- (da8bce63 - #8086) Add modulo operation for calculated answers
- (d2a2878c) Updated Excel template to integrate no negative score management when importing questions. Fill blank or form type of question, matching type of question and category management
For developers and sysadmins
- (150bd15d - #7926) Fix Nginx config example
- (aebd287c - #8105) Boost agenda query efficiency
- (b22023e8 - #288) Add PENS plugin (beta)
- (75321976 - #8081) Added Last 15 days recents login chart
- (3bb91f12 - #8081) Added Chart to RecentLogin Statistics Page
- (a87abb12 - #8081) Add charts to statistics page
- (6db2ef0e - #8059) Add deletion of related resources when deleting a user (issues were caused by the inclusion of new foreign keys)
- (e77104ae) Fix default values in migration from previous versions
- (f283e196) Fix default values in migration from previous versions
- (d7a97678) TEXT Don't have default values in migration from previous versions
- (af936717 - BT#10749) Add option to force the download instead of the preview of a file through a URL parameter &dl=1 to download.php
- (4e271d32) Add migration correction
- (f4d3eb00) Remove use of undefined configuration param code_append in default configuration file
- (8bc797b7) Add setting show_hidden_exercise_added_to_lp
- (fc699728 - #8025) Support HTTPS with Gravatar
Improvements (minor features) and debug
- (5c22eb31 - #8140) Fix issue deleting users
- (413889a0 - #8150) fix css table responsive platform
- (084dcfb1 - #8148) Fix hotspot questions when Practice Mode is enable
- (869e06df) Add config variables for smtp: SMTP_DEBUG and SMTP_SECURE
- (c046d3ef - #8149) Fix Issue when chamilo doesnt remember the selected languague if logged off
- (ca61bced - #8143) Fix UTC problem in session access start dates for users
- (18b4dfb9 - #8150) Fix CSS tables reports course
- (ad7c1316) Remove the label FollowedStudentBosses
- (040b8da4) Fix icons using Display::return_icon or Display::returnIconPath
- (7dd9ca2e) Fix icon rendering
- (bc736858) Fix divide by zero error
- (5d2a3345) Replace img/ paths with function
- (e86630ac - #8148) Fix hotspot question when answers are shuffle
- (e0e55b70 - #8151) Comment personal session duration link edition (will restore in 1.11)
- (8b97be2b) Fix duration field in the DB
- (1a865fa5) Complete fix to add supported image types to CSS upload handler
- (93b41798 - #8135) Fix free busy calendar CSS in user list
- (ade8665d - BT#10948) Only api_is_allowed_to_edit() users can create groups
- (3d395541) Fix icon paths (needed for v2.0)
- (92375184) use WEB_CODE_PATH
- (0c4a683e) Use
- (b39cecc9 - BT#10970) Students cannot see other student announcements
- (4b860e70 - #8138) update viewBox icons inkscape responsive IE9, IE10 and IE11 CT#8138
- (9111c61c) Fix group by .
- (fa26547d) Fix icons of file list from Lp
- (a21c08b6) Fix slideshow in documents tool
- (849f971c - BT#10959) Fix LP when checking prerequisites
- (f7511895) Fix paths + add fixes from 1.9.x
- (b65d66ae) Fix icons
- (70be1b2d) Add api_get_cidreq() + format code
- (d74cea42) Fix icons.
- (c762b426) Add Display::returnIconPath function instead of using custom /img/ path construction
- (ed12ba15) Fix image path
- (93cae24e) Format code, use Session class, use Display::addFlash function.
- (681f6406 - #8076) Remove allow_post_notification field when editing forum thread/post
- (5e25f1d7 - #8124) Remove E_NOTICE when resolving the hotspot delineation question
- (ff07ecb8) Add from to in list course (web service)
- (30b29f4d) Remove E_NOTICE when adding a course
- (2758b3c4) Add api_get_cidReq, replace remove_XSS function with intval
- (ae49b38f) Students can't edit all documents inside a group
- (d45be1a3 - BT#10845)Re-add autoupload to drag and drop upload in documents
- (d4e94148) Removing browser_specific_head
- (e07caf39 - #8065) Fix dialog when deleting an event on the course agenda
- (69ff271e - #8065) Fix delete c_event form when the date is 'today'
- (9471e4b2 - #8065) Fix dialog when deleting a recurring course event
- (b507335e - #8124) Fix hotspot delineation question type
- (48c47f54 - #8125) Fix exercise description appearing multiple time in multiple-question-per-page mode
- (08307e8b) Fix missing icon in hotspot upload form
- (4efec51a - BT#7683) Fix appearance of the sessions catalogue
- (b45f9528) Fix groups style
- (c896e041 - #8123) CSS setting panel description for arrow state CT#8123
- (117f9dba - #8104) Fix Flat and Nested views preventing the clicking on the user image in a posts list (redirected to the full page of chamilo when the forum was in a LP)
- (52b94f03) Fix course catalogue responsive style for mobiles
- (0c0439c4) Add possibility to filter available languages in getAllLanguages()
- (72acb64e - #8122) Improve "return to course homepage" button style in exercises
- (f74e4d97 - #8092) Fix catalogue pagination when one tries to subscribe to a password-protected course
- (6594ee61 - #8123) Fix exercise description panel initially-collapsed behaviour
- (87ce2210) MINOR - Change 20 number to INVITEE constant
- (682e6d4f) Prevent making adding a group tutor from a invitee-type user
- (961375ba - #8044) Purge c_document and c_item_propery records when deleting a session
- (0458c389 - #8109) Fix course custom theme setting
- (f38c8d78 - #8113) Checking if user exist before insertion
- (7be074e1) Fix style of documents gallery
- (41383813 - #8037) Fix save class as a social group
- (a3f90367 - #10922) Fix hide_global_announcements_when_not_connected
- (b0c54e66 - BT#10922) Remove unnecessary instance of SysAnnouncement
- (66857729 - BT#10922) Fix update of global announcements in all languages
- (c8215d7e - BT#10657) Arrangement appearance configuration of the main page
- (b58f773c) Add new accepted formats to CSS upload handler
- (36f40bac) Added message class to behat tests (1.10.x)
- (8c1de01f - #8022) Fix checkbox extra field edit in course edition by admin
- (4bdce363 - BT#10893) Add new element addMultipleUpload to use drag and drop features in assignments and documents
- (cea07e84 - BT#8986) Fix error course info
- (1265dfc3 - BT#10730) Fix upgrade issue with usergroup_rel_user table
- (e7fa1a20) Add condition if value is empty in course restorer
- (cd5a4a44 - BT#10901) Fix course restorer
- (3f192a52 - BT#10902) Add show_invisible_exercise_in_lp_list setting
- (b5dedb9d) Added new style to messaging system in Languages
- (dd9554a5 - #8111) Added Button to disable all languages that are not the default
- (68dcc8e0) Add CSS class moved to learning path items
- (669e3633 - BT#10882) Fix category title in learning paths
- (2fb41be3 - BT#10896) Add dropbox drag n drop
- (a9322ed1) Format code + add api_get_cidreq + use api_get_path() in dropbox
- (603ad72d) Fix urls + format code in work tool
- (fff4a7a2) Fix edit profile form generating api key
- (00026313 - BT#10893) Add work drag and drop form
- (3d311507 - BT#10893) Add new jquery upload to documents and forum
- (48d96605 - BT#10902) Only show visible exercises
- (751682e3) Display the video poster field on bottom of ckeditor dialog
- (56eed0a0 - BT#10843) Fix button to display certificate and export badges
- (8f9d20cb - BT#10843) Fix image urls when exporting certificates to pdf
- (ab96a562 - #8108) Fix Button "Deny invitation" does not work.
- (873535d2) Allow set empty height for videos embed with ckeditor
- (9dabe823 - #8098) Fix Hotspot question, student cannot move points if several Hotspot questions on one page
- (f17c32e3) Fix permissions issue for admins looking at documents in courses where they are not teachers
- (2b2c541e - BT#10880) Fix group filter to attendances
- (0097b656 - BT#10880) fix SQL ambiguous id issue in attendances
- (53e453bf) Fix survey UI
- (05d217db) Fix breadcrumb URL in work tool
- (f0c4e728) Fix hotspot creation issue when relpath not empty …
- (9694d70b - #8103) Fix - Advanced settings do not work in forums inside a learning path
- (ca3d3759) Add gradebook category backup
- (a377c0fd) Fix usergroup_rel_user during migration.
- (ba346708) Fix session_rel_user table if session does not exists.
- (b4b5adf9 - #8099) Added correct UTC Dates DB Save In Sessions Add & Edit
- (6b4a268e - #8099) Fix correct UTC Dates DB Save In Sessions Edit
- (cc27d596) Minor - fix param comment
- (9518a9b5 - #8104) Fix Click the user img in thread list it redirect to the full page of chamilo when the forum is in LP
- (977f9da1 - BT#10856) Use Bootstrap's responsive style on tables
- (1c243004 - BT#10856) Fix filter by session on LP in learner details on curse page
- (e684d1da - BT#10861) Fix query in course tracking
- (35a2b32b - BT#10861) Fix mysql error in tracking lib
- (10e81d65) setAutoGenerateProxyClasses(true)
- (57bcaecd) Fix issue where users can't see announcements in "All" Langs
- (09507abd - #8099) Fix correct UTC dates DB saves for sessions
- (596c6b65 - #8093) Setting cache dir and dev = false (Doctrine will try to use a cache strategy)
- (7004bc14 - #8077) Fix all Stats report for fill-in-the-blanks questions
- (aec6d4f4 - #8095) Add Behat test for accept/deny invitations to social group
- (a8c216df - #8095) Fix accept/deny invitations to social groups
- (c3b9a10e - #8094) Add security::removeXSS to work titles
- (9c5f4189) Fix function name get_handler_field_info_by_variable()
- (2954d4db - #8077) Fix getFillTheBlankTabResult() and getNbResultFillBlankAll() is not defined
- (a04331b3 - #8076) Fix Forum Threads can't be edit
- (b385710a - #8092) Add Behat test for check access to public course with password
- (33fd9423 - #8092) Fix Access to public course with password
- (c68c83ef - #8092) Fix checkbox issue preventing the right selection in quickform
- (553e0a96 - #8092) Fix course settings form issues
- (d86b7886 - #8078) Show the collapsible panel header like a clickable block
- (70b667c9 - #8079) Use DQL to get questions by category
- (c165f721 - #8079) Fix get questions by category
- (488bf0ae - #8079) Fix style of button to convert multiple/unique answer
- (9b2d4e5e - #8078) Display question description collapsed
- (3f2f10af - BT#10567) Fix error when uploading large files
- (6e7badc4) Fix unnecessary escape slash in buycourse plugin French strings
- (3f0997af - #8081) Add margin below chart
- (aabd8a29 - #8089) Add Behat tests for social group
- (2e18ad61) Fix Accept/Deny friend invitations to allow for non-AJAX change (accessibility)
- (f8790285 - #8091) Prevent the addition of invitee user type to course group
- (1991f11d - #8087) Fix prevent sending to users in api_is_excluded_user_type() in dropbox
- (e45079df - #8090) Fix issue whereby people can delete others messages on the social
- (891d518e) Silence minor error about double IP for reverse proxies
- (6ca9a4f9) Fix send invitation to social group
- (e8efd313) Fix urls for social group member list
- (3752cc9d) Fix social group member list
- (506c4928 - #8089) Fix creating message on social group
- (896f3fb1 - #8089) Set the correct value for params arrays in MessageManager::send_message
- (ac3ddd9d - #8063) Fix path to SimpleWebRTC
- (cf438eb4 - #10836) Fix pagination in course Groups
- (cb46dfa3) Fix send mail without additional parameters
- (287baedc) Fix class resource not found (bis)
- (0aa1ab3c) Fix class resource not found
- (0ec03e6b - #8083) Fix gradebook link eval log
- (f3af58e7) Visual Fix when you switch visibility in course home icons
- (9f9f7994) Add $returnObj in function
- (5a9081c9) Change JS variable names for Hotspot library configuration
- (b176f632 - BT#10818) Fix more learning path mode embedframe expand
- (9708e67f - BT#10818) Fix learning path mode embedframe expand
- (55b592ae - BT#10818) Fix learning path fullscreen button navigation
- (1b7ca402 - #8041) Show all courses with pagination in courses catalog
- (d33b5643 - #8043) Fix custom header image shows in global announcements
- (d54af9a1 - #8080) Fix Visualization Error in Impress LP
- (eab4375b) Remove a strange "hello" message in lp_view.php
- (2897dfde - #8026) Fix "without Category" category shows when there is no learning path at all
- (96a29c13) Documentation: improve git upgrade section of installation guide
- (d226b530) Documentation: add section about upgrading with Git to the English installation guide
- (b2b01c8a - BT#10816) Fix query in course tracking (inactive students)
- (bb683991 - BT#10816) Fix erroneous announcement sending to all users
- (1fc0137a) Add galician and basque + add forced change language when using get param
- (66e8840f - #8050) Fix can not import any report on any extension in Gradebook
- (3b4445b1 - #8014) Fix agenda events sort by start date
- (881ed0eb - #8006) Fix issues when student try to download a wiki page as pdf
- (ff905d2e - #8061) Fix Forum Student evaluation doesn't give the list of posts anymore
- (d4773332 - BT#10675) Add filter $ignoreCategoryFilter
- (197a7eed) If there are more than 1 category show category title in learning paths
- (72d8aae5) Remove lastLogin use last_login instead.
- (6e09ed4e - #8053) Fix Bug - You can not edit attendance list.
- (939d7c52) Fix Drag & Drop for Teacher Corrections in Works
- (432b5647 - #8049) Fix Drag & drop multiUpload Click Event in Chrome Browser
- (5aa7996a) Fixed bug on edit user webservice: extra fields were not updated because $extras array were not transformed to associative array before sending it to editUserHelper.
- (ec5fd4a6) Fixed bug on create user webservice: extra fields method didn't return result so just the first one extra field was processed.
- (78a82f96) Added initialization of $op_Params to avoid warning on xml returned in webservice to disable a user.
- (3acf8999 - BT#10809) Fix reminder notification
- (97ed9c82 - BT#10701) Fix course code that generating error in learning path copy
- (83210008) Fix removeUsersFromCourseSession
- (30936fc2) Fix suscribe_users_to_session
- (40e70a62 - BT#10725) Fix webservices around course creation not using course ID but course code
- (bbbeaf5b - BT#10769) Fix edit doc/dir inside group
- (70ccc963 - BT#10776) Calculate gamification stars based on the last exercise attempt
- (84720561 - BT#10775) Fix bug when using auto-subscription session
- (a961d25a - BT#10776) Calculate gamification points based on the last exercise attempt
- (7e07d38f) fix function return value in announcements
- (5cf49b50) fix: variable $ldap_user has not been initialized
- (9f292516 - BT#10760) Add comment about Suhosin limits blocking courses import
- (f37e2596 - BT#10760) Avoid fatal error if, for some reason, the course object could not be properly instantiated in partial course import
- (c4f81fec - #10763) Fix Multiselect ADV in selection of destinations for announcements
- (3da7cdd0 - BT#10757) Remove wrong post count number in forum
- (3c8ecead) Use api_get_session_id() in several places in forum
- (530d559c - BT#10751) Add verification of the session publication date if date indicated
- (cc9f9596) Replace api_get_configuration_value() function
- (bb458441 - #8068) Fix issue in course resources tracking SQL query asking for session_id = 0 where table has been changed to use NULL value
- (cbf3866a) Change use of api_get_settings(), use new function getConfigurationValue()
- (72830d4f - BT#10725) Fix webservices
- (2bea5cbd) Fix double content in social messaging
- (2b9f826f) Change \n\r", "\n", "\r" to
- (4ff3d68e) Fix default visibility of sessions in creation through web services
- (53b21e8b) Fix link to session in course edition form
- (5476d3d1) Fix session creation issue with dates
- (ae61b4e2) Fix Vimeo url issues with HTTPS in HTMLPurifier
- (6a6b8aa8) Fix function name createForumTthread
- (9cdea4e8) Fix wrong redirection + add api_get_cidreq() in learning paths
- (c42c9be4) Fix database info page in admin screen
- (81bffa3c) Fix learning paths links for teacher
- (e38c3e54 - #10725) Use external values user, course session values
- (c6479435) Replace userid value in learning paths SCORM import
- (240fb5e6) Fix function calls in web services related to learning paths
- (62330ab3) Add missing get_course_id_from_original_id() function
- (7b0919aa) Fix WSSuscribeUsersToSession()
- (10ad09a8) Use original_course_id_name instead of course_id in web services
- (b28b490d) Add addSelectFromCollection() to FormValidator
- (de7908ab) Update example image for double-select profile field
- (162e4ec9) Fix double select update select
- (e1c443e1) Fix issue creating documents in learning paths
- (6a69ca69 - BT#10724) Fixed issue losing all admins in portal when removing admin rights of one user
- (de4fe039 - #8051) Fix double settings
- (9d81f35b) Add get_access_url_from_course() function
- (551700e5) Add SOAP calls examples in SOAP client test file
- (2c7e75fa) Added Web Service to get current portal list, add/get/remove user to portal add/get/remove course to portal
- (c953b098 - #8045) Fix Conflict between 2 CourseDescription classes
- (a0a274cb) Fix mysql errors in Gradebook
- (d9c71064 - #8042) Fix mysql errors in Gradebook
- (f9281cce) Fix DB issues with MySQL >= 5.7.10
- (1c3b1880 - BT#10676) Fix query in users list
- (e4f33554 - #8044) Add method to delete documents inside a session
- (8f0e33bf - BT#10706) Move user deletion *after* other tables records deletions to avoid foreign key issues. c_item_property still an issue (if any record is there) and under discussion
- (d923a4f9 - BT#10700) Add deletion from c_item_property when deleting a session
- (699afe5b - BT#10692) Fix courses list in multi-url view
- (bc903102) Add condition whereby a user creation date of '0000-00-00 00:00:00' is considered null
- (c1ddde57) Fix use of course info 'real_id' index when 'id' is needed
- (0755fb60 - #8029) Remove non deterministic "group by" in platform settings
- (06a87595 - BT#10596) Fix issue with course info not available in Oogie documents conversion
- (d9b4c01a) Avoid notice message for reverse proxies with only 1 IP.
- (4a7b1eca) Adding missing value user_ip
- (9309b7e0) Fix course creation SQL error due to wrong default values.
- (797043fb) Fix missing c_id
- (5c21e79d) Fix sql errors during installation
- (ede6cf87) Set updated_at by default in model class if is present in columns.
- (6b157785 - #8018) Fix saving new learning path item
- (8baa4bb9) Fix error creating hotspot question when relpath != "/"
- (7ebd0a11 - BT#10567) Add disk_quota to course creation WS
- (768829ad) Add dumpCssFiles when cleaning cache to ensure CSS refresh
- (57102fff - #8022) Fix extra field "special_course" (was not updating anymore)
- (d4cd676c - BT#10052) Fix questions categories when uploading a test in XLS format
- (44221a53 - BT#8659) Import questions with negative score by default
- (8a29439a - #8020) Fix agenda creation
- (c25fbb77 - BT#10631) Avoid show the invisible user extra fields on My Profile page
- (c4f585fc - BT#10629) Fix creation of forum threads for LP items
- (83de577b - BT#10629) Allow the dissociation of forum threads from LP items
- (c22e4cd7 - BT#10629) Confirm before associating/dissociating forum threads to LP items
Stylesheets and theming
Web services
- (1afc6067) Remove config save_user_last_login see #7042
- (d8531027) Remove files that are not needed.
Known issues
- IMS/QTI import/export has issues
- In Internet Explorer 9, learning paths might not show other pages than the first to be opened. We lacked computers with IE9 at the time of release of 1.10.4. Guaranteeing IE9 support will likely require additional services. See the corresponding bug report
Chamilo 1.10.2 - Alsted, 22nd of December 2015
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.10.2 is a minor, bugfix version of the 1.10.x branch, with a few new features and bugfixes on top of 1.10.0. Notably, this version enables the migration from 1.9.x to 1.10.2 (many bugs were reported in the migration from 1.9.x to 1.10.0, which were fixed within the 2 months to this minor version).
Release name
Alsted (55.405964, 11.666896) is a small village in the extended vicinity of København (Copenhagen) in Denmark. It is a very quiet little place inspiring... stability with a little growth. It reflects a typical (short) period of calm before Christmas in the growth of our community, before everything start to grow out of control again :-)
Security fixes
- There were no specific security flaws detected during the development of 1.10.2 but standard development procedures and criterias were followed during the development to ensure a very high security level.
Possibly breaking changes
Notable new Features
For end-users, teachers and Chamilo admins
- Migrations from 1.9.x is now possible without major issue (that we know of).
- (90e28522) If chamilo exercise added in LP has pass % then change status to passed/failed
- (edf83bdc - #7768) Add filter by user on sales report
- (5b26584f - #7768) Display payment method on sale report
- (df5a2eb3 - #7768) Register datetime of sales
- (0873af92 - #7847) Implemented survey answer type comment
- (8f67cf68 - #7768) Allow register beneficiaries with the sales of items
- (9fd7fb0a - BT#10254) Add setting document_manage_deleted_files
- (e9bd9ee6 - BT#10373) Assign skills when user review the last lp item
- (6432098b - BT#10373) Get best result for gradebook's learnpath link
- (04ce19c5) New Design for Preview URL (OpenGraph) and other Fixes
- (98250ce5 - #7875) Plugin skype: clickable link
- (8c734aa5 - #7880) Allow export badges when certificates aren't allowed
- (ca149ba8 - #7879) Set course's allow_public_certificates depending of allow_public_certificates global
- (5052c4d3 - #7881) Add page for badge criteria
- (0182e1f2 - #7883) Add badges to skills list + remove text from action buttons to increase space for description
- (6ce0372c - BT#10023) Add fill in blanks + matching in excel see BT#10023
- (71a8b340 - #7881) Add page for Issued Badge Information
- (6242ea43) Added cropped functionality to upload images in users and courses
- (9a3d190b - #7972) Allow attach a forum to LP item
- (489ce965 - #7705) Add new HotSpot library in SVG/JS
For developers and sysadmins
- (d357cb23 - #7181) Upgrade to webcamJS from JPEGCam
- (ef00b3c8) Add script to remove old tasks from sessions
- (8450f2f1 - BT#10372) Add SkillRepository
- (5ac54cf5) Remove deprecated javascript_service_displayed variable to avoid notice
- (c8bc145b) Delete courses folder after migration if folder is empty.
- (2b95a8c2) Add "I am a {language} user" and expose background context for tests
- (b6d11076 - #7898) Change of <i> to <em> for WCAG support
- (775ef96c - #7910) Add curl dependency
- (a380a690) Add possibility to use SVG logo for the platform
- (2776c378 - #7909) Add temporary indexes to speed up migration queries
- (f30d5fd8) Implemented 3 WebServices Functions to Subscribe/Unsubscribe teachers to session - Refs #BT10476
- (beb11dc9 - #7961) Added Wiris Editor for CKEditor
- (c83c6bc1 - #7932) Add script to remove duplicate current_settings
- (fe32a14a - #7932) Add script for fix failed migration from 1.9.x to 1.10.0
- (2c93a77e - #7970) Add new indexes
- (557a9bab) not removing '_' and dangerous characters in the database name check in step 4 of install form but still checking Mysql special characters required in CT3266 -refs CT7969
- (f2bbce9d) Fix search line visibility in exercises results table
- (be05ad25 - #7942) Fix user can't change email when enter password
- (9e5f74aa - #7930) Fix user image see #7930
- (a5b20ed8 - #7930) Fix avatar
- (0ac8d56a - #7972) Show forums on LP view
- (4aa2258e) Add Nginx config lines to install doc
- (7ca48ec3 - #10563) Added new feature to payouts and comissions to the buy course plugin
- (f6e320b6) Added new reports to courses and sessions to the user
- (76461821 - #7970) Add new indexes on extra_field and extra_field_values
- (7c57a309 - #7973) Json-LD Test - Gmail Quick Action Button on works
- (5ce8a6ec - #7978) Add Badge Baker offline feature
Improvements (minor features) and debug
- (7e337f85 - #279) Fix alt attribute in vcard link
- (bd489096 - #7558) Redirect user to video chat room when he/she created the video chat
- (de25e997 - #7558) Fix video element's background in video chat
- (87738089 - #7558) Fix show user avatar on chat window
- (0829fd88) Move constant in api.lib.php
- (6dc16448) Remove require_once already loaded by composer
- (bf9f7fd6) Remove GLOBALS code
- (74ca0d17) Remove $_configuration calls and use functions, format code.
- (b91733cc - #7835) Avoid icons names blocked by ad blockers
- (bfb3730b - #7539) Fix session course copy
- (4c0f3275) Fix career and promotion table
- (c44658d7 - #7456) Fix blank page when using hotpotatoe + LP
- (780d0b95) Fix draggable options
- (43978f8c - #7558) Show alert for video call end
- (b16814ca) Fix question clone.
- (09571139) fix a bug when uyploading pictures for multi-url
- (fa29e02a - #7841) Remove chat button from elfinder popup file selector for 1.10.x
- (cc4b8e98) Minimize use of Chosen-Select. Conflicts with Bootstrap Select
- (23124a9c) Added -- at start of each select
- (f5662a56) Don't show link to start chat with yourself
- (52954f2e - BT#7852) Fix password validation
- (f953ab29) Fix select skills when create/edit gradebooks. Conflict with fcbkcomplete
- (bf0ad1df) Fix gradebook when using sessions
- (3c87a267 - BT#10345) Fix add extrafield tag
- (35d690aa - BT#10345) Fix save course extrafields when course was created
- (2f23031f - #7854) fixed blank page in share survey generator link
- (0ac522bc) Fix missing "c" in the variable search_term preventing normal searches
- (9ced82d7) fixed teacher global report bug when he/she doesn't have students
- (73e1d513) fixed bug in student progress (teacher view)
- (aec05212 - BT#10376) Fix sent duplicated messages on Lost Password page
- (612ce07f) Fix a serious bug that does not allow you to do the exercises
- (8231967c - #7539) add fix extra content footer and header CT#7539
- (f6ffa4e9) Fix links in http/https see BT# 10217
- (4e03d875) Fix touch button in SCORM learning paths
- (1bbbea10) Fix the Issues with languages priorities
- (a6730468 - #7857) Fixes Gravatar Bug that overrides the actual User Picture
- (e44e7d56 - BT#9802) Fix home path for homepage files in multi-url context
- (7adc126a - #7878) Fix answer for Matching Draggable question
- (f329f5d7) Fixes the fact that an Anonymous see global chat bar - Refs 7890
- (ae31808d) Make user picture clickable in whoisonline
- (8c47a8c7 - BT#10420) Fix Multiple answer true/false/don't know
- (73a64d31 - BT#10363) Add pdf export
- (5321bdee - #7878) Force to choose the same number of proposal than of answers
- (3c6c5bc7 - #7885) Improve mail format for test submission by user
- (bd68ee8c - #7885) Improve mail format for dropbox submission by other user
- (cb27d270 - #7885) Add session ID to link in mail for dropbox submission by other user
- (2f3b53a3 - #7885) Improve notification message for new assignment creation
- (f73f4fbe - #7885) Improve mail sent to teachers on student submission of assignment
- (6bae8e38 - #7897) Fixes create new document that fails when select a destination
- (c4a6b6fe - #7683) Fixes an error in certificate report when you are a Student Boss
- (9cb8c047) Fix issue with gamification enabled for all learning paths when there is a setting for that in each learning path. Enabling gamification for a learning path thus requires to enable it globally and *then* enable it at LP level
- (65b8771a) Fix Friends page
- (4543a909) Fix whoisonline
- (76c8dcdb - #7900) Fixes User Access to course
- (d55a9e27) Don't show Hot Spot Delineation question type when Scenario is disabled
- (200ba3d3) Fixing show the Save icon on exercise submit
- (b18014ff) Fix missing cid in gradebook links
- (a4e168bb) Fix issue with date type selector not being set to the correct default in thematic advance
- (d3a910d4 - #7883) Improve check to select on skill wheel
- (e7ed13ba) Fix redirect to last course session access on Gamification mode
- (a47f82e0) Fix problem with PHP 5.4 version
- (441d7828) Fix permissions and cidReset detector to avoid preventing a course tutor to enter his own session-course
- (382bb40e - #7905) Fix personal, course, group and session events visibilities for all user roles
- (937ed5a1) Add remove_XSS() to folder creation process
- (ce46c290 - #7907) Fix fatal error by use method return value in write context
- (cf7bbfcf) Disable Post Button when Url Open Graph Preview is loading for 1.10.x
- (a7001ca1 - #7912) Fix question list order
- (0b9d1299 - #7909) Fix issue with terms and conditions validation
- (10ce9ae7) Fix this_section variable
- (a9f04a94 - #7909) Boost migration 1.9 to 1.10: speed up insertion of extra fields
- (219bd6cf - #7909) Fix terms and conditions edition (security token was not updated)
- (2b632aa5 - BT#9609) Add drh to edit student password
- (3769be65) Add link to course in myStudents.php tracking page
- (360edb5e - #7919) Set default 0 to access_url_locked
- (993d764a - BT#9609) Fix user edit by DRH
- (59f16b16) Added new function "Crop" to manage Images with defaul GD php lib
- (8a223914 - BT#10490) Fix survey already answered by anonymous users - res BT#10490
- (785527ba - #7921) Fix User can't post in a Friend's Wall (1.10.x)
- (eae9d76b - #7922) Fix fatal error HTMLPurifier_Filter_AllowIframes #7922
- (41063377) Fix double execution of migration classess
- (5c4ff621 - #7926) Fix Nginx configuration example in installation guide
- (81f0346b) Fix warning division by zero in gradebook (scored attendances) and check/uncheck all in attendances
- (9c903d3b - #7937) Fix issue with BigBlueButton recording setting in course
- (8cf9a900) fix z-index droppable button
- (f7c5b51d - BT#10513) Add session_hide_tab_list
- (db943cdd - #7952) Fix save document as template
- (bea21649 - #7953) Fix pagination on exercise results
- (5166be6a - #7953) Fix table filters on exercises results
- (3527d442) Fixed bug that didn't allow to show the new categories - 7925
- (ce76804d - #7928) Fix Forum Thread Count
- (f0005e55 - BT#10524) Fix access to gamification progress page
- (2c8f37ac - #7964) Fix web CSS path issue with multi-URLs
- (e33fa171 - BT#10526) Count progress of LP with serious games actived
- (18caca01 - BT#10534) Adding email in reports see BT#10534
- (5315a2cc) Don't show link to start chat with non-friend users
- (7a0f1a9b) Avoid returning SVG image if $return_only_path option is true
- (92c5d94c - #7972) Fix edit lp item
- (bfddb168 - #7972) Fix form for add an assignment to LP
- (da2cffb9 - BT#10470) Fix get_grade_model_id
- (1e08dfce) Fix create/edit document
- (4e117d53 - #7974) Set relatives paths to inserted images by CKEditor
- (4b59b006 - #7705) Fix CKEditor toolbar for text proposed answer
- (d1b6882a) Fix return value in write context
- (f079f9a4) fix deleted jquery scrollbar in chat
- (aecadd76) Fix warning about course password form element: Illegal string offset 'class' in main/inc/lib/pear/HTML/QuickForm/password.php on line 53
- (7eff7b8c - #7976) fix course access with no final '/' in URL
- (349f43a3 - BT#10599) Adapting Fix on swf upload to correct problem with swf that do no open in student view in session
- (f9c7990b) Update SSO example documentation to include settings_current table insert requirement (previously documented in the non-upstream chamilo drupal module)
- (c3be69c9) Fix session edition + fix session access error.
- (6e9a619f - #7977) Fix certification generation when using sessions
- (aaa81d9b - #7952) Fix bug in Template Creation the images on text editor doesn't show
- (e88e29cc - #7971) Allow create folder and rename folder/file in "my files"
- (d529f5fb - #7963) Allow to see course stats see #7963
- (7ed5ee35 - #7995) Extra fields in certificate must be visible and have the filter option
- (629f3765 - #7994) Fix "invisible" mathjax code
- (4dbab8da - #7971) Hide mediaelement in myfiles.php page
- (0ebaa7d4 - #10504) Replace old time with new api_get_utc_datetime() see #10504
- (33638f11 - #7972) Fix LP if forum doesn't exist doesn't show tabs
- (1b35843a - #7996) Remove http protocol information from URL to allow for HTTP *and* HTTPS
- (763a3671) Allow change answers for draggable matching questions - refs 7938
- (30642045) Fix session edition URL in promotions list
- (3bd493d8 - #7977) Fix generate certificates on the first time when user load the gradebook page
- (8567e075 - #8004) Hide headers when answering linked LP forum
- (e656f5ac - #8007) Update jplayer to latest version + fix player preview
- (d16ecc99 - #8007) Set Mozilla Firefox as able to play MP3 files
- (d712139f - #8004) fix scroll items forum lpview CT#8004
- (6645ea2f) Add User Access Overview report
- (ac29dcda - #8003) Avoid the filter the Gravatar URL when images are displayed
- (b9fe2756 - #8013) Fix SQL queries related to fulltext search engine
- (4c6d2e9e) Fix c_quiz_answer's correct field with id_auto
Stylesheets and theming
- Many icons have been re-designed in SVG format. Use the Test server mode to test showing all available SVG icons instead of PNG.
- (4c9a8d4a) Update FontAwesome version
- (846fe8a3) Add full library Bootstrap Select
- (4629b60d) Fix missing style for scorm failed but highlighted
- (cea58a72 - BT#10217) LP UI changes
- (d1a277cf - #7883) Change Skill Wheel design
Web services
- Added webservice to register a teacher in a session course
- (e5e0c9ef - BT#10573) Remove OfficialCode's modification in updateuser since it is not passed in the parameters
- (60ababa9 - BT#10566) Fix SOAP-ENC definition
- Many GIF format icons have been replaced by PNG equivalents
Known issues
- When returning to a sentence-ordering question type from a further question in a test, the previously-selected order does not appear (but is saved as the student initially answeres)
- IMS/QTI import/export has issues
Chamilo 1.10.0 - San Juan, 16th of October 2015
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.10.0 is a major version of the 1.10.x branch, with new features and bugfixes on top of 1.9.10. As a major version, it requires the use of the upgrade script in order to upgrade an existing Chamilo portal. See install instructions
Release name
San Juan (or the "Old San Juan") was the main (old) harbour of Puerto Rico island. A frequent stop-over harbour for Europe's immigrants to the "new world" (be it Latin America or North America). Chamilo 1.10.0 marks a very strong intermediate step between the "old" Chamilo, inheriting over 14 years of code and experiences, and the "new" Chamilo, still maintaining its history of user experiences, but reworking the building bricks in a way that will make new developments possible faster, so that Chamilo can spread to the rest of the world in a rapid but stable way. Chamilo 1.10.0 integrates several new techniques of development that should improve is reliability, speed and flexibility. Welcome to the New World of learning, welcome to Chamilo 1.10.0! (so to speak)
Security fixes
- There were no specific security flaws detected during the development of 1.10.0 but standard development procedures and criterias were followed during the development to ensure a very high security level.
- (1307b662 - BT#10295) Remove XSS when add/edit career
Possibly breaking changes
- Dropped support for PHP 5.3 and inferior (now REQUIRES PHP 5.4 or more)
- Dropped support for IE8
- We changed/fixed several calls to SQL NOW() to api_get_utc_datetime(), as our coding conventions require. This *might* have a small adverse effect of generating a hole or a superposition in connections tracking in a few admin reports. See commits 17c04ed, df95882, b568eb4 and 3b8a26f for details
- A few languages now get a "parent" language which is not English. In this case, we have based the update query on an ID that we "assume" to be the right one for Spanish, Italian, French, Chinese and Portuguese. If the ID is not correct, you might, in the worst case scenario, get Chinese or Arabic terms appear in a language that is not the primary one, like Galician (normally taking Spanish as parent language). This can be fixed very easily by an "UPDATE language SET parent_id = NULL"; for all your languages, and then re-apply the parent manually to your sub-language if it needs one.
- "Character set" platform setting can't be modified. It is now fixed to UTF-8 (see #7652). This comes as a decision given the fact that other character encoding types were only there for backwards compatibility reasons, and that the last version with something else than UTF-8 was released more than 5 years ago.
- Starting from 1.10.0, courses directories will really be deleted when the course is deleted. No more logical-delete-but-no-physical-delete policy where the folder used to remain available for last-minute recovery of resources. You are trusted to take backups when necessary to avoid inconvenient situations. This comes as a decision considering the increasing number of huge installations where ghost course directories become a considerable space issue very quickly, and as an observation that, in fact, this feature is very little known and very few people use it to actually recover deleted course material.
- The hotspot question type is broken due to changes in the underlying Chamilo code. Given the fact this question type is developed in Flash and none of the developers at the time of release had Adobe CS available (proprietary technology that requires compilation) we have been unable to update the corresponding Flash code. Work is under way to provide the same feature using only HTML5, but it is likely to appear in a corrective version for 1.10.0. If you have an urgent need for this feature, please contact an official provider to get this sorted:
Notable new Features
Only showing some of the more than 3000 commits since 1.9.10 ( This section is divided into two for practical purposes: one fo normal users, one for developers and sysadmins.
For end-users, teachers and Chamilo admins
- (d1aa7a96 - #279) Added new lib to vCard Exports
- (ab71b272) Add clear documentation about dropping support for IE8 (only supporting IE9 and up + all other browsers) starting in 1.0.x
- (8e1e8a97 - BT#9889) You can now link a video to your course description
- (bd551900 - BT#9889) Add Session Description page to see more details about the session from the sessions catalogue
- (415c428a - BT#9884) Courses inside the session can now be ordered manually
- (257ffbba - BT#9887) Add feature to search session by their courses' tag
- (56be49ac - #7614) Add custom tool icons on course homepage, allowing you to upload new icons for each tool inside your course
- (dafe35a1 - BT#9428) Add comparative chart in gradebook for student to compare class results to own results + PDF export
- (527a44f0 - BT#9943) Add audition data when deleting/adding users to a session
- (53e2b026 - BT#5765) Add the possibility for a learning path to be assigned only to specific users or groups (e.g. to give recovery content to specific students)
- (2a508446 - #7719) Add new session dates. Now sessions have display start/end dates, student access start/end dates and teacher access start/end dates)
- (d2686087 - BT#7058) Improve wiki toolbar
- (722803f5 - BT#9886) Add gamification_mode setting (global, but mainly for learning paths) and a special gamification presentation mode - More on this in the future in teacher documentation for 1.10.x
- (eb859c33 - BT#5763) Add learning paths categories feature to order your learning paths (if you have many in each course)
- (d30825c1) Add feature to restrict some global tabs to admin/teacher only.
- (545ca410 - BT#4301) Unify classes and social groups. A "closed-doors" social group is a class and can be subscribed to courses. Classes now have their own social space to interact out of courses context.
- (84901e87 - #6050) Users tool (inside course) redesigned to allow for the management of students, teachers, course-groups and classes
- (643d3e6c) Add requirements/dependencies (sessions sequences) in the session catalog and administrative sessions pages
- (d26d3817 - BT#4296) Add feature to let teachers create sessions
- (4ff6568d - BT#7058) Add unoconv support to enable broader file formats exports and conversions (more in future versions). This requires the installation of the UNO libraries on the server, so might not be available to all admins.
- (dc36a813 - BT#9874) Fix issue with HTTP links not opening in learning paths on HTTPS portals (now show as links if cannot open in iframe) + style adjustment
- (45cb387f) Add validation to open subscription to session
- (1c9bfc4e - #7558) Integrate WebRTC in global chat, enabling teachers and students to video-chat (one-to-one only) with social "friends" contacts through the global chat
- (ccbc30fe - #7363) Add My Certificates page
- (cc87b80b - BT#9442) Add certificates report and downloads
- (7895a0a7 - #7363) Add certificates search if certificates are set to public (allow_public_certificates option is true)
- (31570905 - BT#9442) Add certificates export to the student boss role
- (a9c6bea3 - BT#9442) Add courses list for platform admins (other than course teachers) in certificates report
- (2a7851f4 - BT#9442) Add sessions list for platform admins (other than session creators) in certificates report
- (7c769e07 - #7668) Add forum peer assessment/scoring feature, to optimize MOOCs (students have to score at least 2 others)
- (19dc4bd9 - #7668) Add "matching draggable" question type
- (944d336a - #7612) Add "draggable" question type
- (beffaccf - #7613) Add "unique image answer" question type
- (7124eb5b - #7645) Add work/assignments comments
- (df93f7cd - #7566) Fix issue showing previous exercise results in learning paths when one attempt limit but show results = true
- (366c609f - BT#9583) Add linking between skills management and badges management
- (7276ba4a - #7615) Add sessions sequencing, allowing for inter-sessions complex dependencies for all-automated long-term training
- (3e2929bd - #7211) Add auto-start filtering for audio/video in exercises results page (preventing auto-play of medio when viewing the results report)
- (b3e76394 - #1370) Remove metadata edition pages (was apparently not used and was starting to cause concern with maintenance)
- (54737902 - BT#9583) Add skills list for management
- (645ebb82 - BT#9583) Add more skills management features
- (95a3079f - BT#9583) Show skill info in skills wheel
- (a38d1a02 - BT#9583) Show course info in skills wheel
- (44443b95 - #7270) Block answer submission when pressing the "enter" key in "fill the blanks" question type
- (840fa1b9 - BT#9583) Show skills info in skills wheel (admin view)
- (d49cc6d9 - BT#9583) Show skill info in skills wheel (student view)
- (e479b196 - #7556) Fix global calendar events. Show events that start or end between a specific dates range
- (4991e1ea - BT#9583) Add create skill form (previously it was only possible to import them in CSV or create them from the skills wheel)
- (90cfd733 - BT#9437) Add access to session index page for general coach
- (ebc6ebb0 - BT#9737) Add responsive image maps feature (global announcements)
- Add two new roles: student's superior and invitee (more information in admin's guide)
- (491d4069 - BT#9720) Add access to skills wheel to HR managers
- (3744e309 - #7609) Add Skype plugin (only creates a skype user field in the user fields)
- (44f2b22a - BT#9237) Add option to hide certificate export link from students
- (f93a65f3 - #7578) Add Tagalog, Xhosa, Tibetan and Faroese languages in the default list of portal languages
- (27604d25 - #7536) Add Twitter Cards and Open Graph meta headers (see platform settings' tracking tab)
- (e5266051 - BT#9325) Add administration page panels edition with CKEditor
- (192fdb5e - BT#9431) Add company reports for student boss
- (6d34c775 - BT#9441) Add user groups to company reports
- (91c2f25d - BT#9431) Add group column in company report for student boss (if set as admin in those groups)
- (263826e7 - BT#9433) Add session support in company reports
- (24492aed - BT#5715) Add option to invite users inside a group
- (86d56c0a - BT#5715) Add user and group multiple select in survey
- (59c34310 - #4507) Add Gravatar support to auto-populate users profile pictures with Gravatar
- (2e0fbd7e - #7169) Add export/copy survey feature
- (48db928b - #7170) Add 'Questions overall report' in survey reports list
- (4c50fa27 - BT#9421) Add groups support/filter to attendance tool
- (f5c5081f - BT#9528) Add automatic session subscription feature to session catalog
- (27c79890 - BT#9428) Add ordering feature in gradebook items
- (b540f82f - BT#9426) Add possibility to really delete attendance sheets ("allow_delete_attendance" option). Previously, they could only be hidden
- (31eb59f9 - BT#9082) Show the user's avatar in all social pages
- (86031487 - BT#9082) Show my friends' skills and courses
- (ba5b122c - BT#9494) Add possibility to select exercises added in learning paths as scored items in the gradebook tool
- (af792744 - BT#9324) Show only session admin created users in user list and in session creation (1.10.x)
- (0f4ac577 - BT#9324) Prevent session admins to see all users
- (1a18a4cd - #7485) Add conversion from single answer to multiple answer and viceversa
- (04c7fff3 - #7268) Show user IP on exercise results for teacher
- (fec32f85 - #7268) Show user IP on exercise results
- (857fc4c0 - #7268) Show user IP on exercise overview
- (999c61ed - #7268) Show user IP on exercise report
- (132919c0 - BT#9422) User in group can edit wiki page
- (f5a8f682 - BT#9082) Display badge icon in social home
- (23e82709 - BT#9082) Display badge in skill wheel
- (ffef26e2 - #7525) Add possibility to achieve a skill when the certificates are not generated (previously, acquiring skills was linked to certificate generation)
- (c044bdcc - #7525) Add option to enable the certificates generation or not (previously, these were always generated but sometimes it was not desired considering the certificate had not been modified)
- (40f012b0 - BT#9083) Add plugin to create Drupal users (D7 only, with the Chamilo module for Drupal)
- (c489ada4 - BT#8939) Add Kannel SMS plugin
- (a0913e42 - BT#9082) Add OpenBadges (requires the Skills tool to be enabled)
- (bc3eb4a3 - BT#8968) Add CKeditor integration (replaces legacy FCKeditor) with all previous plugins rewritten or reintegrated
- (a0f28fec - BT#8316) Add support for session duration and session courses sorting
- (c94787cd - BT#9049) Add session description (shown in sessions catalog)
- (e17cb4c0 - BT#9329) Checks only results with qualification in gradebook
- (3a7cf71e - BT#7802) Adding agenda event comments
- (cd77a3ef - #7448) Prevent feedback edition by coach in exercise results
- (00c59b69 - #1483) Add install profiles mechanism (beta)
- (92ffaf62 - #7619) Add session view (option my_courses_view_by_session)
- (b1786914 - BT#10139) Create new extra fields letters and alphanumeric with spaces - refs BT#10139 #TMI
- (65778a19) Extend fill in blanks feature
- (5f231873 - BT#9896) Add option to send email when a user is being subscribed to a session
- (4c0780aa - BT#9897) Add new reset password option
- (fcc9030f - BT#9881) Add fields to associate forum to lp
- (389f0c2d - BT#9901) Fix issue with sublanguage terms saving (update jQuery call for the value of textarea)
- (265fd2ea) Update introduction to sub-languages to explain a bit better what's supposed to happen
- (d1992deb - #7150) Add tracking page link to learning paths list
- (4d2f0513 - #7808) Save asset time in learning paths
- (95e9710d - #5208) Add CKEditor to textarea in agenda event creation form
- (863b7c49 - BT#10219) Show Sign-Up button on sesion details page for not-logged user
- (3ff85070) PrestaShop plugin fixes.
- (f0f62976 - BT#10175) Allow subscription to open session
- (56d0756a - BT#10175) Add setting option to hide the course catalogue
- (cd77a3ef - #7448) Prevent coach to edit feedback on exercise result
- (4190658c - BT#9896) Send email when user has been subscribed to session
- (92ffaf62 - #7619) Add session view (option my_courses_view_by_session) in my courses list
- (9096794b - #7618) Add new options in fill blanks question type
- (5f231873 - BT#9896) Add option to send an email when a user is being subscribed to a sessino
For developers and sysadmins
- (017a5691 - BT#9881) Registers score log in gradebook
- (9575ad7a - BT#9398) Enable fullscreen HTML attribute in documents
- (de476395) Add "Languages" link in the Platform block on the administration page to make languages management easier to reach (saving 2 clicks)
- (41608e94) Add basis for Claroline to Chamilo migration scripts
- (55e678c8) Copy conf files during migration.
- (541fdf61 - BT#9898) Add management for Cron Job
- (cb3f1a46 - BT#7721) Add branch tables (this will be further developed upon in future minor versions and will enable multiple Chamilo instances to "synchronize")
- (ebf721fa - BT#9884) Add tags search feature for extra fields
- (9293ab1f - BT#9889) Vendor - Add Essense library to get video's embed url
- (aa3d79d4 - BT#9889) Add Formvalidator element of URL type
- (3ce0f0e6 - BT#9884) Create session repository class
- (50b93d89 - BT#9884) Use Doctrine entities in Session's detail page
- (17e11e17) Enable datetime for thematic advance
- (a76b1f27) Added subscribe users icon to lp list tpl
- (eb8924cb) Remove calls to unused field target_course_code
- (f753b615 - BT#9887) Restore function to search courses in the catalog
- (16907005 - BT#9887) Create extra field with tags for courses
- (c4d1197e - BT#9428) Add condition to see session details view
- (dc755d72) Add option in configuration.dist.php 'gradebook_detailed_admin_view'
- (1db15fba - BT#9962) Enable unsubscribe user from session's course
- (129d5543 - BT#9884) Edit form with tags from extrafields
- (034256bd - BT#9884) Save tags with extra fields
- (45ae0e38 - BT#9884) Add ExtraFieldRelTag table
- (c1dd1e0a) Save datetime values in UTC in the database when using Doctrine.
- (356cc8b1) Change size of fields + fixing migration files.
- (1bf20ea5) Update with group.iid.
- (ae139776) Remove chamilo_database_version updates method - now using version table
- (d8539af9 - BT#5765) Add new LP DB changes
- (0fe954e8 - #7719) Switch all session.date_start and date_end to session.access_start_date and access_end_date
- (7321add1 - BT#9886) Deleted unused CSS files
- (ce57926e - #7719) Add new dates in session table
- (c7031b7c) Rename getExpendedTimeInCourses() to getTimeSpentInCourses() - #minor
- (0623fd66) Rename autolunch field to its original meaning of autolaunch #db
- (6f7a4e3a) Add sortable listeners (for plugins).
- (b489e29f - BT#7058) Fix filename in wiki export to .odt
- (5aee71c6) Add migrations.yml in order to call correctly migrations command lines.
- (cab5e963 - BT#4301) Add group filter
- (0c8ff36e - BT#4301) Replace calls of GroupPortalManager with UserGroup
- (25c7825e - #7538) Add settings to settings_current table from configuration.dist.php
- (9b53d6a3 - #7538) Add last_login field to user table
- (99ece09c - BT#7945) Add proxy_settings configuration
- (0157b72e) Add table access_url_rel_usergroup
- (862995da - BT#5768) Add search input in multi selects
- (103e9377) Adding unoconv setting (multi-formats documents conversions)
- (128ca5b7) Move session CRUD files inside main/session, instead main/admin
- (67943d19 - #7669) Fix issue with BigBlueButton plugin and unique voiceBridge per conference room
- (baf51f0b) Convert user.user_id to in queries
- (b40c6349) Add missing setting 'session_course_ordering' in configuration.dist.php
- (8682e0db) Add CourseManager and CourseRepository classes.
- (dd947882 - #7646) Add symfony2 security encoders
- (90d8cd5f - #7683) Add salt in DB for new cipher mechanism
- (b46fa741) Add security + extra fields abstract classes.
- (82e5898d) Add fcbkcomplete js lib in template.lib.php
- (327c07aa) Unify extra fields in one table (now allows users, courses and sessions extra fields)
- (606ad078 - BT#9848) Remove tutor contact mail if show_session_coach setting is false
- (153ea698) Adding Timestampable extension
- (63eb068c - #7558) Rename video chat table
- (6c57ec9c) Add ExtraField entities in order to unify fields.
- (7e942b19 - BT#9773) Add force_sso_redirect
- (3d24dc0a) Adding doctrine cli, to generate migrations, create/update schema.
- (c37f3951) Risky: move many api_get_course_info() calls to api_get_course_info_by_id() and remove many useless and resource-consuming function calls
- (4a13818a) Remove foreach on languages files as there is only one remaining now
- (cba72ddd - #6088) Add relation to parent languages for pre-defined languages to improve translation for languages that are not the primary language of the country
- (41952c22) Remove all index.php files inside the old courses directory.
- (5363cee7 - #7558) Vendor - Add SimpleRTC
- (ef5fe3b8 - #7611) Vendor - Remove some JS libraries
- (33167758) Remove gitkeep
- (05321a4f - #7522) Move main/css to app/Resources/public/css
- (9cb3220b - #7522) Move uploaded css files to app/Resources/public/css #7522
- (b8939719 - #7522) Move home in app/home #7522
- (13b274cf - #7611) Vendor - Add XColor
- (f36a285e) Move searchdb inside app/upload/plugins/xapian/searchdb
- (417f86f5) Add app/upload/badges
- (101ad73e) Put .htaccess in the root. Don't add index.php inside courses.
- (074419ba - #7611) Vendor - Add jsPlumb
- (4cd32c04 - #7522) Remove unused dirs
- (9438dbdd - #7522) Add new file structure
- (cbb28b72) Remove unused functions. Use Patchwork\Utf8 to load common mb* functions
- (ef45b057) Move course_code to c_id (885 / 2302)
- (7a671cb4 - #7595) Add new migration structure
- (3b3323ef - #4467) Alter language vars to match conventions
- (d75f753f - #4467) Remove install language file
- (170c0899) Replace course code with id
- (50c43b9a) Rename exercice.php to exercise.php and add placeholder file
- (d3ada5c2) Replace id_session by session_id and course_code by c_id where relevant due to doctrine merge
- (a3945e81) Add .scrutinizer.yml to start measuring coe quality
- (ba572235 - BT#9737) Vendor - Add imageMap-resizer library
- (cbca63b4) Remove userInfo.php references, add function to load user profile
- (bcdd4f00) Rename course_rel_user.tutor_id with is_tutor
- (9f064013) Remove course_rel_user.group_id
- (41b5ec4c) Remove unused table php_session.
- (10143792) Remove ie6 fixes (IE6 not supported anymore).
- (7032abcd - BT#9431) Add script to pre-create groups based on user fields
- (53067f11 - BT#9438) Replace former calendar year with natural year and add new calendar year option
- (2738abd5) Rename survey_manager to SurveyManager + fix queries.
- (929e262c) Replacing OR with || in learning path quiz items + update id based in iid.
- (9d54652c) Remove use of 0000-00-00 00:00:00. Replace by null.
- (4935f93d) Replace id with real_id. Because "id" is the "course code" ...
- (221f333f) Replace id_user with user_id, and id_session with session_id
- (567b8930) Rename class table to class_item
- (a4acc4b4) Add iid in c_* tables.
- (6782df1b) Add version 1.10 migration.
- (8f2d553c - #7359) Implement optional use of SVG icons. Only enabled in test-server mode for now - Remove left-out error logs
- (fb77df5e - #7202) Renamed to events.lib.php ~ refs #7202
- (1a253a0b) Add doctrine/migrations
- (065e4863) Replace course_rel_user.course_code with course_rel_user.c_id
- (a2f08ce5) Use doctrine entities to create Database.
- (5f46223f - #7597) Remove unused tracking tables #7597
- (e3839a7a - BT#9438) Resubscription plugin: Replace configuration textfield with select
- (56fbda74 - BT#9325) Add conf variable to filter the session admin's block
- (ba297549 - BT#9060) Add to make template variables available
- (545330d9) Add session_id in gradebook.
- (a91a2fa3) Using Doctrine as a DB layer.
- (a40a7f69) Using Doctrine to connect to DB.
- (5fa16756) Use Doctrine to query the DB.
- (d575fa47 - #4467) Move survey, gradebook, wiki, learnpath, tracking, document, exercice, help and admin language files to trad4all
- (126cc18d) Add setting add_teachers_to_sessions_courses
- (5d3560a8 - BT#9588) Add SMTP unique sender configuration
- (fc6cbb5f - #7517) Adding mathjax plugin + db change "enabled_mathjax"
- (86179d61 - #7576) Fix dropbox file author issue
- (af6776d7) Consolidate database creation in one file.
- (253bfdd4 - #7539) Split set_css_files() in two to allow for overwriting CSS from jquery UI
- (d3bcd994) Remove "virtual course" unused function + format code.
- (ee38e659 - BT#9437) Add exclusion of hidden or closed courses in getCoursesWithoutSession() and fix dates issue in cron to create sessions every month for existing courses
- (9444a2f1 - BT#9092) Verify whether a user has completed the gradebook objectives in register_user_certificate()
- (c552d086 - BT#8986) Add session support to course restorer
- (08ccd629 - BT#9431) Add several group web services
- (cfb1353e) Adding form layout constants, horizontal or inline.
- (60a96645) Move db_stats.sql and db_user.sql inside db_main.sql
- (ee1705e0) Adding setting documents_default_visibility_defined_in_course
- (b0068c8f) UI improvements, adding addButtonCreate, addButtonUpdate, etc
- (e75de5ee - BT#9436) Add script to move users from course to session with all resources
- (f2e37d32) Updating fullcalendar 2.3
- (60033570) Update jquery-ui version 1.11.3
- (f3c83543) Replace Database :: get_course_info with api_get_course_info()
- (b180dd89 - BT#9444) Add remind_course_expiration cron script
- (7afbf21e - BT#9461) Indicate whether the mail must be sent on CourseLegal plugin
- (b2327d8f - BT#7682) Adding setting hide_course_group_if_no_tools_available
- (856b15af - BT#5776) Add prerequisite_min_score/prerequisite_max_score db changes
- (08458c11 - BT#9437) Add create_course_sessions cron script. Add active column to admin query. Add 'getCoursesWithoutSession' function to course.lib.php
- (074d2002) Add Bootstrap3 CSS Framework
- (153d7c8e) Adding field to user table
- (d451c636) Adding Doctrine ORM in
- (d60cfb87 - BT#9464) Added sessions/courses directory to have it in the initial package
- (d1a21a6c - #7268) Rename track_e_exercices to track_e_exercises table
- (5ac25720) importing make_clickable function from wordpress
- (23524307 - BT#9062) Recover normal profile edition in case of Drupal SSO
- (207a27cd - BT#9418) Create web service to search sessions
- (abb37d21) Update font-awesome v4
- (277c7fdb) Add c_id in track tables
- (6f6b200d) re-activate ldap user search feature using new ldap libs
- (39c65769 - #7268) Add and register ip address in new fields
- (505600af - BT#9083) Add CreateUser hook
- (4f5b2670 - BT#9062) Redirect to SSO master when editing user profiles
- (0a921c4b - BT#9167) Add session list Webservice
- (dfe2ab43 - BT#9070) Use course ID instead of code
- (dd2fc3f2 - BT#9092) Add hook for notification content and notification title formats
- (a95136fe - BT#9092) Add Hook management plugin and base library
- (8e8c7997) Improve use of db_client_flags setting
- (c8a8ca51) Fix db_persistent_connection notice
- (3cd5b4bc - #7510) Add DB compression flag configuration
- (646a600e - BT#9325) Save extra data in admin panel
- (370fd8c8 - #7501) Adds composer as autoloader instead of custom autoloader
- (431576b2 - #6579) Load favicon from CSS theme directory if it exists
- (f2a03393 - #7558) Add method to get a HTML code for a icon by Font Awesome
- (e94602ec - #7837) Replace old code with api_get_user_info
- (22dc909a - BT#10259) Add expiration_date validation
- (57f99efb - BT#10253) Add dropbox_hide_general_coach setting
- (8371a375 - BT#10217) XFrameOptions work around
- (7a11b484 - BT#10248) Show session_admin on Resume Session page
- (7cc56e69 - #7220) Fix missing variable in function orig_item_type (learning paths)
- (ca6f8213) Remove use of dbName or db_name
- (98f4510a) Remove virtual course code.
- (5a9ae883 - #7823) Set default value auth_cat_child
- (a2d3f1c9 - #7819) Add database port to installation procedure and configuration file
- (5451fd53) Delete group category and group when deleting a course.
- (2ce8bedf - BT#10219) Add method to search session by name on course catalog
- (c169d7fc - BT#10045) Attempt at Nginx and Apache config examples in installation guide (Spanish only for now). Still presenting issues with file uploads under Nginx
- (a1429e93) Add section about testing with Docker in
- (28a2a5e9 - BT#10145) Add param to prevent limitless redirections in SSO for Drupal
- (e1be9c98) Update fxp version requirement in README
- (9b5dc837 - BT#10174) Force session user data reload when login through sso
- (da5c70c1 - BT#10181) Add option to enable/disable individual skills
- (d2f674b4 - BT#10181) Add status and update_at on skill table
- (5542e7b6 - BT#10175) Show number of user in session for Advanced Subscription
- (d5467da5 - BT#10175) Add student status on admin_view for Advanced Subsciption
- (a7f2c5f6 - BT#10175) Add RewriteRule to get files in course directories
- (c897c8e1) Add option to boost encoding detection for learning paths - see
- (443b7823 - BT#10174) Add referrer_uri variable to enable the right redirect to happen when user is authenticated after a Single Sign On operation
- (1481dd45 - BT#10175) Fix links to example files in session imports
- (98d0cf78 - #7794) Move my_courses_view_by_session setting to database
- (a740f7ff - #7794) Move user_reset_password and user_reset_password_token_limit settings to database
- (ea94df06 - #7794) Move course_catalog_published setting to database
- (189ea94d) Fix query error when saving an lp_item imported from a ppt file -refs bt10091
- (9ed26091 - #7794) Move gradebook_detailed_admin_view setting to database
- (628e0ccd - #7794) Move prevent_multiple_simultaneous_login setting to database
- (5331084f - #7792) Add mathajax lib
- (620e7963 - #7794) Remove db_admin_path setting, now replaced by db_manager_enabled
- (9a04803f - #7448) Add setting to allow feedback from coaches on exercise results
- (00c59b69 - #1483) Add install profiles mechanism (beta)
- (a9d953db) If error in the query then hide the sql error (in production mode)
- (003ee631) Replace Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer/Writer with PHPExcel
- (b1786914 - BT#10139) Create new extra fields types 'letters' and 'alphanumeric with spaces' - refs BT#10139 #TMI
- (69422fa7 - BT#10139) Add pattern to validate only letters and numbers on course code
- (dc179487) Add script to delete old unused courses
- (dbe3b890 - BT#10139) Change date params when agenda event is created
- (e296bc84 - BT#10139) Add 'only_letters' and 'alphanumeric' types of extra fields
- (8d4d5756 - BT#10139) Add validation pattern for course code in create course form
- (a37f8d44 - BT#10139) Update jquery jqplot lib
- (5af5c283 - BT#9897) Delete token and time from user password reset after first use
- (b458a6f0) Add iid in c_group_info
- (541fdf61 - BT#9898) Add management for Cron Job
- (41608e94) Add basis for Claroline to Chamilo migration scripts
- (4c0780aa - BT#9897) Add new reset password option
- (67b0693c - BT#10092) Create TrackECourseAccessRepository entity
- (fcc9030f - BT#9881) Add fields to associate forum to lp
- The hotspot question type is broken due to changes in the underlying Chamilo code. Given the fact this question type is developed in Flash and none of the developers at the time of release had Adobe CS available (proprietary technology that requires compilation) we have been unable to update the corresponding Flash code. Work is under way to provide the same feature using only HTML5, but it is likely to appear in a corrective version for 1.10.0. If you have an urgent need for this feature, please contact an official provider to get this sorted:
Improvements (minor features) and debug
- (382bb40e - #7905) Fix personal, course, group and session events visibilities for all user roles
- (441d7828) Fix permissions and cidReset detector to avoid preventing a course tutor to enter his own session-course
- (d3a910d4 - #7883) Improve check to select on skill wheel
- (a4e168bb) Fix issue with date type selector not being set to the correct default in thematic advance
- (b18014ff) Fix missing cid in gradebook links
- (200ba3d3) Fixing show the Save icon on exercise submit
- (b9ebb0af) Fix missing links tool action icons titles
- (d55a9e27) Don't show Hot Spot Delineation question type when Scenario is disabled
- (483f502e - #7898) WCAG AAA improvement onChange JS
- (3cb74208 - #7883) Slightly change skills list style on skill wheel's left panel
- (0182e1f2 - #7883) Add badges to skills list + remove text from action buttons to increase space for description
- (2030e4cf - #7885) Improve mail sent to teachers on student submission of assignment (remove visible path)
- (5052c4d3 - #7881) Create page for badge criteria
- (73a64d31 - BT#10363)Add pdf export for gradebook results
- (ae31808d) Make user picture clickable in whoisonline
- (7db39d29) Add title and OpenGraph tags to certificate default template
- (f329f5d7) Fixes the fact that an Anonymous see global chat bar - Refs 7890
- (2b95a8c2) Add "I am a {language} user" and expose background context for tests
- (ca149ba8 - #7879) Set course's allow_public_certificates depending of allow_public_certificates global
- (8c734aa5 - #7880) Allow export badges when certificates aren't allowed
- (1bbbea10) Fix the Issues with languages priorities
- (98250ce5 - #7875) Plugin skype: clickable link
- (8f67cf68 - #7768) Allow register beneficiaries with the sales of items
- (df5a2eb3 - #7768) Register datetime of sales
- (5b26584f - #7768) Display payment method on sale report
- (c44658d7 - #7456) Fix blank page when using hotpotatoe + LP
- (b91733cc - #7835) Avoid blocked icons by ad blockers
- (2f18e077 - BT#10280) Format date in sessions categories list
- (ed50ffd6 - BT#10311) add jquery.timelinr and img BT#10311
- (a20b8fc7 - BT#10281) Apply format to session dates on session list
- (588ad672 - BT#10283) Allow filter session list by category
- (9837c8ad - #5208) Add CKEditor to Agenda, This fixed a minor bug
- (c2320a50 - BT#10269) Improve password strength on registration form
- (ff6f1185) Improve translation to French for tour plugin
- (d31059d2 - #10308) Show modal title when send messages
- (49d6dfed) Add small video conversion script. Might be useful for other things
- (431576b2 - #6579) Load favicon from CSS dir
- (f2a03393 - #7558) Add method to get a HTML code for a icon by Font Awesome
- (6956617f - BT#7680) Download file directly
- (8371a375 - BT#10217) XFrameOptions work around
- (7a11b484 - BT#10248) Show session_admin on Resume Session page - BT#10248
- (4d2f0513 - #7808) Save asset time in learning paths
- (fccfb6b7 - BT#7683) Add css frame.css in CkEditor
- (86e4df09 - BT#7683) Remove css frames theme Chamilo
- (2622d7bc - BT#7683) Fix scorm lesson appearance
- (189ea94d - BT#10091) Fix query error when saving an lp_item imported from a ppt file
- (620e7963 - #7794) Remove db_admin_path setting, now replaced by db_manager_enabled
- (0672f038) Fix course category order.
- (e7323004) Delete obsolete base_chamilo.css
- (57ca5358 - #7791) Fix default selection and clean inputs after adding events #7791
- (01082d5d - BT#7683) Fixcourse items block in social network
- (9a04803f - #7448) Add setting to allow feedback from coaches on exercise results
- (4190658c - BT#9896) Send email when user has been subscribed to session
- (11150ca1 - BT#9895) Improve mail for registration to platform
- (a9aec199) Fix iid/id issues when using exporting/importing courses.
- (8b3b3745) Remove unused build_datetime_from_array, fix dates.
- (bcdaab02 - BT#10139) Show input dates with format
- (8316506e - #1483) Add recursivity to install profiles mechanism and a default "production" profile
- (a9d953db) If error in the query then hide the sql error (in production mode)
- (003ee631) Replace Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer/Writer with PHPExcel
- (f53d157d) Fix calls to export_table_csv() which was replaced by arrayToCsv()
- (0e1f9e51 - BT#9897) Create tpl for reset password mail
- (dbe3b890 - BT#10139) Change date params when agenda event is created
- (e296bc84 - BT#10139) Create only_letters and alphanumeric types of extra fields
- (6a280f27 - BT#10139) Show session duration field like a number
- (8d4d5756 - BT#10139) Add validation pattern for course code in create course form
- (b0435938 - #7780) Change 'Student View' button label to 'Switch to student view' to make it more explicit
- (24a4aa16) Add whoisonline.tpl to enable templating
- (3ea9c064 - BT#10139) If course plugin image does not exists then use default image.
- (dde0a54a - BT#9898) Create template for mail for Course Finished cron
- (09347618 - BT#9898) Create template for mail for Remind Course Expiration cron
- (a6de7701 - BT#9898) Add administrator variables to template lib
- (e1205e2a) Use function getUTCDateTimeTypeClass to get class
- (b458a6f0) Add iid in c_group_info
- (731f0fb2 - BT#7683) Change image size for hot courses
- (67b0693c - BT#10092) Create TrackECourseAccessRepository
- (b8513e9b - #7779) Fix duplicate LP see #7779
- (2a7128ac - BT#9896) Enable use of tpl for session subscription's mail confirmation
- (98e741c8) Add stats for distinct users in number of logins report on admin statistics page
- (433999d0 - BT#9889) Show "subscribe to session" button when user is logged on Session About page
- (95d97793 - BT#9886) Calculate stars and points when gamification is active
- (503de2ab) Remove chamilo_database_version update. The filename has already the change number
- (2b8913b7 - BT#9881) Create gradebook_score_log table
- (66e1e9fe - BT#9881) Register when a user was subscribed to session
- (428ffbba - BT#9889) Don't show Subscribe To Session page when user not logged
- (850fdcf8 - BT#9889) Don't show requirement as completed when user not logged
- (9129f129 - BT#9889) Get session requirements for user not logged
- (bc270aa4) Replace window.back() with window.history.go(-1)
- (00aee04c - BT#9885) Add "courses-history" class to section id="page-content" element to allow for specific styling of closed courses - loosely refs BT#9885 #TMI
- (e92f66f0 - BT#9884) Add getPath() method to generate a direct link to the session or one of its courses - loosely refs BT#9884 #TMI
- (2422dc13) Change content copy suffix from "Copy" to "CopyLabelSuffix" to avoid the infinitive form in other languages
- (24b7f370 - BT#10092) Calculate the session progress
- (ec916c45 - BT#10092) Create My Progress page for gamification mode
- (b86351c8 - BT#10092) Get user session course subscription
- (9e55926c - BT#10092) Set the gamification mode on template class
- (69b28bab - #7778) Fix sessions copy in sessions list. Error due to datetime format (including seconds or not) - fixes CT#7778
- (58eda2ed - #7778) Show error message if session could not be created - loosely refs CT#7778
- (b7b47b15 - #7778) Remove automatic assignment of visibility = 1 at session creation (use default value) + fix functions comments - loosely refs CT#7778
- (7a64a95d - #7778) Update session copy feature to not hide resources in the base course if option selected (only hide in the new session) - loosely refs CT#7778
- (43f2de30) Add session category to sessions list
- (412f9460) Only show forum group information, the rest depends in the course.
- (27105de8 - BT#5758) Add group report
- (f9122055) replace & with &
- (32a448ff) Fix group overview.
- (09edcc72 - BT#9398) allowfullscreen in iframes
- (a294049b - BT#9880) Add parent language loader to plugin language loader
- (7bfd4658 - BT#9889) Relocate course tags section on About Session
- (52692f2e - BT#9889) Show session sequences in sessions catalogue
- (90edfa15) Fix bug when teacher can't edit document if it exists in a session.
- (de069364) Certificate into landscape position.
- (0596c25c - BT#10102) Show login form in not connected pages
- (e6367791 - BT#9428) Add institution_address setting
- (a893afb1 - #10102) Add Register page and lost password tpl
- (e97a2d8b - BT#10102) Add allow_fields_inscription field
- (fb8b7abd - BT#10102) Add option to hide headers if inscription is needed in a popup
- (dc8af33a - #9966) Copy certificate when option "import gradebook" is selected
- (53e475a9 - #9966) Add option to copy gradebook with links to the new course-session #9966
- (c26d5ad8) Add creation_date in course_info
- (b9d5191c - BT#7680) Enable dropbox notification
- (2e8fb1ab - #7717) Add "direct message" type instead of sending "You have a message from X"
- (aec5d690 - BT#6760) Upload multiple corrections in a file
- (756ffebb - BT#6760) Add work corrections
- (59dd41f6 - #7756) Show all course events for coach if entering a course within a session
- (359b0e07) Add documentation about BBB videoconference to install guide
- (fa1203ae - #6760) Add student publication folder visibility see #6760
- (36370b8f) Format code + don't apply utf8 encode in api_htmlentities. (requires testing)
- (6a8facef - #7349) If exercise is invisible show the name of the exercise without link #7349
- (6d717fb1) Fix get_avg_student_progress function average is calculated based in user
- (22652fa6 - #7718) Fix fill inblanks when using Russian, ">", "<" and "º" chars
- (888f6242 - #7498) Add option to send an email with a copy to all drh users related to the recipient.
- (19ea1ec7 - #7349) If lp is invisible then don't show in the progress
- (3d92ae23 - BT#9893) Enable gradebook as requirement only for session
- (0e0cae44 - BT#9893) Validate session subscription with sequences
- (454443d8 - BT#9893) Show Subscribe button depending the number of courses
- (f612d328 - #7676) Remove students list for students in announcement detail view
- (eb405908) Add function api_is_student_view_active() to centralize checks on student view
- (15d14d23 - #7672) Remove version number from footer and reformulate
- (807328fd - BT#10060) Add conf to set course catalog as published
- (7fcde3b9) add a path for overriding templates
- (63266a1f - #7756) Add session filter see #7756
- (b76beece - #7701) Add Translations for the chosen lib + fix select class
- (fded2aae) Use base64_encode to load images.
- (b0ae50f8) drh can see all events if it's related to.
- (501f74c4) Try base document if session document can not be found.
- (f9cded52 - #7614) add icons and text help introduction course CT#7614
- (fb770082 - BT#9425) Fixing attendance calculation and attendance presentation with group management
- (9bfd04a8) Add form to send message faster.
- (33a9576e - BT#10043) Add export reports to PDF
- (3314509c - BT#9901) Get user extra fields on Social tool
- (d9a5bb8f - BT#9885) Show general coach and description on About Session page
- (785f4f9b) Correct bug for Facebook authentication plugin
- (e9f3d1ae) Replace references to "exercice" by "exercise"
- (81364575 - BT#9885) Create session extra field for add a image to session
- (e8e232e5 - BT#9885) Get session's progress and stars from gamification
- (7d554301 - BT#10032) fixing error in global multiple answer, the NoNegativeScore check was only based on last answer and not on all the answers
- (915d625d) Changing menu, isonline and navigation's links' target from _top to _self to enable chamilo's use in iframe
- (f830eb42 - BT#9889) Add URL to share session descriptions on social networks
- (695e77ab - BT#9885) Vendor - Add latest version of Select2
- (cb0b16e3 - BT#9885) Load general coaches when the count is greater than 50
- (bc19d977) Facebook athentification plugin 2.0
- (ebb8c96c) Fix multiple select for session-course coaches + minor variables naming improvements
- (377aebda) Add + sign between icons in the sequence
- (e39ceab4 - BT#10012) Fix issue with SCORM upload file sizing
- (6eef8148 - BT#6369) Add configuration setting to installer
- (b39178df - BT#7683) Imrpove Chamilo intallation design BT#7683
- (ac87f109 - BT#9884) Fix links to courses in session on Session's details page
- (ee5cf73c - BT#9428) Fix export to PDF
- (a6e6160c - BT#9428) Fix gradebook general view
- (72985e90) Fix session visibility for coaches.
- (64c8f2f6) Fix firstname/lastname order.
- (aa964c39 - BT#9428) Fix average values in graph
- (7f28bbe7 - BT#9428) Allow same datetime in calendar + show time in export
- (79a220bd - BT#9428) Fix function get_number_of_attendance_calendar
- (e14b2f24 - BT#9428) Fix attendance with groups
- (1c902ad2) Fix wiki export to doc.
- (e72a2944) Fix queries to allow to_group_id = NULL
- (50a50668 - #7719) Fix session list
- (9808f466 - #7719) Change session date fields labels
- (03910a35 - #7719) Fix issues with display_start/end_date for sessions
- (dbd3d5c6 - BT#5768) Fix tutor/member list
- (cd8fc243 - BT#9886) Use tpl for lp_view.php
- (d1846523 - BT#9886) Add button to activate/deactivate serious game mode
- (dd523aaf - BT#9886) Use tpl for lp_list.php
- (7aa9e9f2) Fix class extends directive in previous commit #db
- (1ea0bfe4 - BT#5763) Fix category lp update
- (2170d46c) Add fix to use migrations via CLI.
- (19765164 - BT#9881) Fix create exercise in course session
- (c10937d4 - BT#9892) Improve display of attachments in forum
- (ded881a3) Fix missing comment field in c_calendar_event
- (b8087275 - BT#9892) Fix sort forum themes
- (dbc6cdaa - BT#9892) Fix sort forum categories
- (d34388a1 - BT#9892) Fix c_forum_thread table
- (de455340 - BT#7682) Fix group visibility
- (c7f6b078 - BT#7058) Show options if wiki page exists
- (2ac5036a - BT#9892) Fix css view nested forum post
- (5f615214 - BT#9892) Forum flat view post fixes
- (eb90a2dc) Fix courses URL with htaccess
- (939949f9 - BT#4296) Move session CRUD inside main/session
- (3f374bd2) fix preview in forum qualify page
- (b8c05e34 - #7539) fix css forum template CT#7539
- (00ef9244) Fix wiki creation and pdf export
- (f61a34f7 - BT#9893) Add sequence CRUD
- (6266c877 - BT#9890) Show the plugin README file in modal dialog
- (d2ff093c - BT#9413) Fix issue with delete link not appearing in users administration list
- (63e91d37 - BT#9413) Fix issue with broken CSS theme selector in user profile
- (a4156db9 - BT#9413) Fix issue refreshing user language
- (c0feb192 - BT#9413) Add web_css_theme path for templates
- (263290de - BT#9413) Remove CourseField class
- (2ab5aabb) Add lp_item as a resource that can have extra fields
- (e8c03a80 - BT#9413) Fix Drupal user creation
- (57ac01ff - BT#9413) Register drupal_user_id extra field
- (a6f0c6b3 - BT#9413) Validate user id by id field instead of user_id
- (36153f58 - BT#9413) Fix create/edit session extra fields
- (27ca375f - BT#9413) Fix WSSessionListInCategory web service
- (19532d86 - BT#9428) Add graph in gradebook
- (16afc16d - BT#9413) Load custom icons from web/css/themes/ if they exist
- (fc3db0b6) Learning paths: statusSignalReceived = 0 when saving an item.
- (bd847b2c - BT#9817) Fixes to allow for time and status to be saved with alternative AICC/HACP communication format
- (c44fb291 - BT#9817) Allow for session_id instead of aicc_sid in AICC HACP communication
- (ec8ca9e6) Replace custom update with UserManager::update_user()
- (0bcb5318) Add bountysource tag to README
- (e5f02d45) WebRTC: Fix issue with field type for chat_video.room_name
- (fbce1a11 - #7538) Add helper method to add current settings through migrations
- (117e5aad - BT#9413) Fix issue while generating PDFs - Set the complete path to the SYS_ARCHIVE folder
- (503d0d5e - #7363) Fix show links when user is not connected
- (47dd428a - #7677) Fix excessive permission check preventing course admins to subscribe students to courses
- (8ae55e49) Internationalize default admin name in installation procedure
- (785fbdaf - #7670) Show content of tickets the right way
- (62f33385 - #7370) Sell courses plugin: Fix session-course visibility and price configuration
- (2fdb8e62 - #7611) User Bootstrap modal for show exercise results
- (90128fb2 - #7611) Fix show exercise results
- (09c5864d - #7611) Allow solve Matching Draggable answer
- (cee0ce51 - BT#9435) Update cron job to create sessions every quarter instead of every month
- (c861a912) Show option to manage session fields for admin only
- (e54fdb3b) Fix resources rule loading.
- (665a9a60) Event::event_login now requires a user id
- (0187510f) Fix glossary plugin loading
- (3e76d5ea - #7613) Fix auto height in jQuery's accordion
- (48c66062) Add link to test settings directly from the exercises list page
- (a863dee4) Define previously-undefined $sysPath in installation process
- (07a9295d - BT#9583) Show skill description in skills list
- (2bb3b7d2 - #7638) Fix glossary ajax requests
- (cc7bce69 - #7585) Fix issue with & in URLs causing page link to break
- (a6ecec06 - BT#7539) Fix button style in exercises results
- (5c3f7018) Fix survey reports.
- (1ce9b11e - #9729) Fix title in learning paths impress slider section Bt#9729
- (2298d65c - BT#9729) Avoid dokeos_chapter iframe in slider
- (0aeb6807 - BT#9437) Fix user course list in session index page
- (02c71eb6 - #7474) Fix event list #7474
- (adbadd0c - BT#9704) Fix issue with new null value for empty registration date when tested through SSO
- (61dbad42) Add current user in the teacher list.
- (69b9175f - BT#9442) Filter report result for student boss - BT#9442
- (26663430 - BT#9442) List session from students in groups for admin group
- (622137fc - BT#9442) Add students filters as student boss
- (5106e2d3 - BT#9442) Fix course list when user is not student boss
- (c8613901 - #7543) Remove unused ticket plugin file #7543
- (467d59b2) Fix pagination in sessions catalog
- (6ea7de00 - BT#9701) Add no_redirect GET param support to avoid sending useless params on logout
- (fce96936 - #7398) Add link categories. Improve performance. Clean code
- (9374e430) Use DataImport class.
- (b0f7a0c9) Remove course.db_name calls.
- (19995bb7 - #7233) Correct glossary word boundary accents issue
- (cbde5138 - BT#9681) Add 'User homework upload e-mail notification' feature
- (625b4c9c) Add again section to enable local SCORM files upload (previously removed by mistake)
- (94c97676 - #7524) Replace ©_question by &question_copy to avoid issue with HTML © character
- (c7d05287 - #7438) Fix move-to form to avoid errors when moving files with two tabs in two different courses at the same time
- (39d307a2) Fix erroneous dot in Drupal SSO auth redirection method
- (747141bf - #7539) Fix links to images
- (09784ad1 - #7539) Fix test result page ribbons style partially
- (6b9c77d5 - #7202) Fix previous commit to Event::addEvent() - introduced bug with course ID and session ID ~ refs #7202
- (7977580a - #7202) Update Event::addEvent() and corresponding calls to use course ID instead of course code ~ refs #7202
- (4610e417 - #7202) Remove deletion of track_e_default registers on course deletion (avoids deleting course-creation register) ~ refs #7202
- (357ef611 - #7169) Remove Copy survey link in maintenance main page
- (e6cbdcca - #4507) Fix user personal productions web path
- (1cecc9ab - #4507) Replace 'get_user_picture_path_by_id' with 'getUserPathById' calls when only directory is needed
- (8637521b - #4507) Add 'getUserPathById' function
- (8b5f2c7f - BT#9431) Filter empty students list by student boss
- (67e3566c - BT#9431) Get subgroups
- (2020fef9 - #4507) Fix wiki discuss query
- (0c0a2bf1 - #1370) Remove metadata code
- (9c1e76cd - BT#9438) Add select support to plugin configuration page
- (0fee9063 - BT#9324) restore the single registration for 'prevent_session_admins_to_manage_all_users'
- (987c5d4d - BT#9435) Fix JS calls to jQuery's live() function, deprecated in favor of on() (but replaced by click() in all cases here)
- (7f9a1906) display fix session course
- (71199dc8) add CSS fonts default in "Chamilo" style
- (c6a28726) Add eval-math in composer
- (8694ff7c) Remove unused calendar code.
- (fc8df539) Rename constant TABLE_MAIN_MESSAGE with TABLE_MESSAGE
- (2f775125) Remove reservation DB changes.
- (7512eb30) Replace api_array_column with array_column, add fallback for php < 5.5
- (8eea2582 - BT#9617) Fix issue with course icons not showing correctly when visibility is updated on course homepage and custom icons are defined in CSS theme
- (fd6bdb18) Fix edition in course categories
- (7ade592f) Fix course categories count when adding/removing subcategories
- (01759564 - #4507) Solve database issue in social wall
- (ffd2749c - BT#9433) Fix calculate time spent on courses
- (2538b840 - #7595) Remove unused files in main/install/
- (da7c0b61) Remove hidden _extra_special_course field.
- (fdd54fc0) Remove use of function get_personal_session_course_list.
- (93308d09 - BT#9433) Adds $sessionId = -1 condition
- (5a70b89b - BT#8897) Replace "OR" with "||" in learnpathItem
- (f2f238d8) Allow admin to enter groups page even if social tool is disabled
- (b5ecad15 - BT#9436) Remove unrequired join table from query - boosts efficiency ~15x
- (bc135c1b) Update field -> make char(100) to allow for longer descriptions
- (1f30aa5a) Anonymize general coach in course2session script
- (8c6427d4) Moving track_e_*.c_id filling queries to migrate-db to reduce execution by PHP. This updates chamilo_database_version but it doesn't change the structure in any way.
- (9558ee30) Remove database.mysqli.lib.php replace to use Doctrine.
- (80955719 - BT#8897) Fix weird scorm status update
- (4f761602 - #4467) Remove reservation language file as the tool has been removed previously
- (df958828) Replace NOW() by api_get_utc_datetime()
- (17c04edf - #7570) Change NOW() for api_get_utc_datetime()
- (4a50c752 - #7588) Fix bad url
- (592090d4) affected_rows() function now needs a parameter.
- (bd565e20) Add gradebook param in api_get_cidreq()
- (81057bcd) remove duplicate css bootstrap - css default
- (3c893775 - BT#9083) Save drupal user id when creating new Chamilo user
- (ab651669 - #7487) Commenting unsupported tags by HTMLPurifier
- (36dbfb52 - BT#9463) Edit decision column style to make it larger
- (dda9a382 - #7570) Remove logins report second table and query when logins are shown by month. Change order by to DESC
- (24109620) Fix issue in course progress showing title of first module in "next topic" section on course homepage
- (8e2df9e6 - BT#9590) Update function to get count session courses
- (7cc76e76 - #7339) Effects and update scorm items presentation CT#7339
- (dce5e8ff - BT#9590) Filter the user list in all courses in the session
- (c4792482 - BT#9609) Add setting course_log_hide_columns default columns to hide
- (a13a78f3) Don't reset user id after send message/invitation
- (87b8f297 - BT#9429) Add users by default
- (fff1028f) Remove reservation source code.
- (a55d3d22) Fix user status in chat
- (085dc005) Move function to SocialManager
- (96ab630c - BT#9494) Fix Exercise result if was added inside a LP
- (ec75dcc1) Add 'input-size' attribute to control the size of an input.
- (c11fc4be) attendance_qualify_max should not be reset by gradebook.
- (b6b54d5b - BT#9255) Fix bad condition that sets all documents to invisible
- (3c3aa2a7) Remove the "conference" folder as it has not been used for more than 5 years
- (92c66317 - #4467) Remove language files with little use and clean deprecated language variables
- (2ef25686 - BT#9578) Remove WYSIWYG plugin requirement
- (c4f8d934 - BT#9463) Replace label class 'important' (BootStrap2) with 'danger' (Bootstrap3)
- (872323e4 - BT#9578) Fix advanced subscription settings updating and error message feedback
- (ce4a13f1 - BT#9568) Add session description with CKEditor
- (76c83f1d - BT#9255) Fix redirection after changing document visibility.
- (ac98223e) Provide a fallback value for $request_url_root if $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] *and* $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] are undefined (eliminates error in unit testing)
- (d6e85f94 - #7539) Use Bootstrap slider in announcements
- (c934c83f - BT#9092) Fix generate certificates by categories
- (e5d38fde - #7571) Remove wikilink button from Basic (default) toolbar and add it to WikiStudent toolbar
- (0fd3188c - BT#9559) Fix LP export to PDF
- (339aca53 - BT#9092) Advanced subscription plugin: Fix message for yearly cost limit
- (9c8376cd - BT#9425) Block access if group was set to invisible
- (a2238220) cidreq was missing when redirecting after item is deleted
- (18562153 - BT#9431) Rename WSBindGroup to GroupBindToParent, WSUnbindGroup to GroupUnbindFromParent and WSUpdateUserRole to WSUpdateUserRoleInGroup
- (0625c71c - BT#9022) Add 'split_users_upload_directory' setting when creating the certificate path (1.9.x)
- (afca1fca) prerequisite form : check input for scorm too
- (59bd83df - BT#9427) Adds total column in gradebook results
- (17700eda - BT#7569) Adds work db changes
- (b2953724 - BT#9420) Blocking glossary in LP if not allowed
- (f3be86f9) Using course id instead of course code to update course.
- (813715ed - #7539) Add img icons menus - tpl course home CT#7539
- (c021113a - BT#8973) Fix image paths from asciimath plugin
- (52ca2669 - BT#9431) Replace group name with full hierarchy group text
- (63e3987a - BT#8974) Fix svg path from asciisvg plugin
- (baac242c - BT#8979) Replace imgmap with mapping plugin
- (882aee8b - BT#9092) Load sublanguage in plugin templates
- (ba947ae6 - #7564) Use htmlspecialchars when parsing a URL
- (d74d7005 - BT#9420) Fix setting show_glossary_in_extra_tools
- (17132f99 - BT#9431) Remove social-tool requirement to use users social groups: groups can be used for other purposes as well
- (601bf131 - #7555) Add migrate-db-post queries to remove older c_id value fields
- (36bf640a - #7555) Remove course_code field from all queries using track_e_attempt
- (76ce397c - BT#9437) Add PHPDoc blocks. Replace strtotime with api_strtotime
- (a71ad2cc - BT#9461) Show error messages in subscription
- (bbcb9159 - BT#9461) Don't send email to accept terms conditions
- (590bc6ec - BT#9442) Update call to methods from GradebookUtils class
- (0682cb6f - BT#9420) Update show_glossary_in_extra_tools setting options
- (11b0e965 - BT#9420) Adding glossary possible options
- (60b19ffd - BT#9461) Show message when the mininum percentage is not achieved
- (59d51831 - #7123) Remove unused code (Reservation)
- (f8649ad5) Using doctrine to create/edit users.
- (661c8ff2 - #7539) Deleting obsolete PNG files and css CT#7539
- (20d3e452 - BT#9092) Fix save plugin configuration
- (228991c7 - BT#9464) Show error message to choose either session duration or time limit
- (4a57cef0 - BT#9418) Improve efficiency in searchSession() by avoiding to query extra fields if none requested
- (01476e85) Update tpl header: help, author, copyright meta
- (6a1adb02) Add new function addCheckBoxGroup(), rename add_label to addLabel
- (4d0c8955) Rename add_html with addHtml, remove unneeded elementTemplate.
- (314e30d5 - #7550) Remove advanced_filemanager setting
- (58499e76) Remove repeated query on session_rel_user in db_main.sql
- (28e3726a - BT#9461) Add mail render script and complete terms and conditions
- (ab68ea06 - BT#9418) Add secret key param to WSSearchSession
- (f9c14b9e - BT#9092) Fix test ws_session_user
- (56a98764 - BT#9465) Add web service to get a session by its id
- (497bf582) Only show user image if is not anonymous.
- (9a5c4afc - BT#9461) Add terms and conditions, script and ws
- (6bdbcacb - BT#9464) Check sessions and courses upload directories
- (efb85a00 - BT#9092) Fix mails to admin
- (ea1e4173 - BT#9092) Update isAllowedToDoRequest method to use ws to get profile percentage and set student always connected
- (7a03b6bb - BT#9323) Add 'DISTINCT' to session list query to avoid returning repeated records (1.10.x)
- (a8318426 - BT#9092) add test to webservice session details by user and add file php doc to mails test
- (8b734688 - BT#9092) Add SessionManager isValidId method
- (6061f697 - BT#9324) Show only session admin created users in user list and in session creation- refs BT#9324
- (32b87b37 - BT#9092) Rename getBriefSessionListAndExtraByCategory() to getShortSessionListAndExtraByCategory() to match other functions names
- (58b4bf61 - BT#9092) Add $extraFields parameter to getBriefSessionListAndExtraByCategory()
- (0c9ca6a9 - BT#9323) Add 'DISTINCT' to session list query to avoid returning repeated records
- (56736e4b) Course correction counter in the list of sessions
- (bc8088f1 - BT#9092) Rename variables, constants, plugin table, update mail header logo dir
- (8ac746a2 - BT#9082) Use short code (if any) instead of name in skills wheel
- (27f57183 - BT#9413) Refresh skill wheel only after closing administration popup
- (1d23e75b - BT#9413) Add right click modal to profile skill wheel
- (4517bf87 - #7091) Removes wcag_anysurfer_public_pages option
- (0c09c57c - #7514) Set autofocus on first row score
- (1ca9fe7b - BT#9082) Create badge thumbnail
- (4a18a2e3) Move sub_language.class.php inside inc/lib
- (d65a12c4) Change into a class
- (7bf47ed5) Adding Event and ExerciseLib classes.
- (d3078242) Fix sql syntax error when listing users of a session
- (02f0faa7 - BT#9082) Add error message when the upload has failed
- (0e085db7) Move code into a class + loading conf files in
- (19193942) Fixes certification validation. Takes the score not the percentage.
- (16daa5e4 - BT#9157) Fixed $extldap_config['port'] variable
- (d2d1206f - #7268) Rename table column from login_ip to user_ip
- (dbc2caab - #7528) Fix session filter. Fix session style when filtering. Write simpler and more efficient code
- (bcacb383) Moves and renames into inc/lib/
- (d1756906 - BT#9293) "*.phps" files are renamed to php when downloading a zip
- (4f762008) Removes move function inside api.lib.php
- (b7a5ae0a - #7525) Filter to show the Generate Certificates button
- (7e86a072 - #7528) Fix session filter field name: replace 'CourseName' with 'SessionName'
- (2140225e - #7497) Rename 'listCategories' function to buyCourseListCategories to avoid conflicts
- (ef0eb9f4) Move code from to document.lib.php
- (1e6380ac) Fixes Scoredisplay class name to ScoreDisplay
- (272710bb) Adds lib GradebookUtils class to avoid unneeded requires
- (d4dcaea5) Moves stats lib inside main/inc/lib
- (bb4d82bb - #7520) Upgrade php-intl extension to required #7520
- (d2057cb4) Fixes installation errors + adding monolog + removing unused class.
- (1ede08ef) Fixes class name LearnpathList
- (13238658 - BT#9092) Fix boss accept / reject action url
- (2f800f71 - BT#9092) Delete encrypt reference, improve hash validation, add secret_key plugin setting, update tpl
- (15d7e225 - BT#9082) Get badges when the user has achieved skills
- (cdf4d946) Using stable version of php-ffmpeg
- (8ea04a2e) Rename main_api.lib.php to api.lib.php
- (24c0f68c) Remove old fckeditor code.
- (2d92da19) Remove vendor content + using elfinder + ckeditor original sources.
- (c6fd153e - BT#9092) Use hash validation method instead of encryption methods
- (5a4a8431 - BT#9082) Fix get the user skills regardless course and sessions
- (a9e1472a - BT#9092) Update, change as_description to description
- (0fc2e8c5 - BT#9092) Add get Session Description method
- (4a543933 - BT#9092) Fix Hook Webservice Registration #hook
- (bbb7847a - BT#9063) Fix edit session E_NOTICE messages
- (5f7d075c) Remove old calendar. Moving agenda.lib.php inside main/inc/lib
- (04524308) Remove unused entity classes.
- (58417cc8) Remove hardcoded symfony2 lib.
- (dd2ba293) Update Brazilian translations, by @Morpheus2015 (Alan Cordeiro)
- (bffc4ab1 - BT#9082) Add data dir permissions as a requirement in installation process
- (779309fa - BT#9082) Update language variables used in OpenBadges
- (48a2d2e2 - BT#9082) Add SYS_DATA_PATH and WEB_DATA_PATH to api_get_path()- refs BT#9082
- (a64fc1b6 - BT#9082) Add missing criteria field to skill table (OpenBadges)
- (703731dc - BT#9092) Fix WSSessionListInCategory, add id output param and change "target" to "publico_objetivo"
- (c3124e87 - BT#9168) Add Webservice for session details BT#9168
- (01bea285 - BT#9092) Update mail method, add phpcrypt library into plugin
- (791e457b - BT#9092) Add AdvancedSubscriptions class methods
- (fdd0ad4d - BT#9092) Add AdvancedSubscription plugin
- (0bdad4fe - BT#9082) Update badges icon directory
- (324a291f - BT#9070) Rename api_is_invitee_user() to api_is_invitee()
- (59ff6a06 - BT#9070) Ignore field_loggeable-related code until it is implemented for all extra fields tables
- (fdbdd4f6) Removing myspace.lib.php includes
- (35bd7b39) Removes old autoloader.
- (0369173f) Adds mpdf in vendor dir.
- (2fde879c) Removing custom mpdf lib using composer.
- (448c456c) Directory should be created in the system before saving in the DB.
- (bdddf08a - BT#9068) Add SQL alter, update d3 and review PR
- (7430b61d - BT#9049) Remove deprecated session_field
- (14869484 - #7504) Remove QTIv1 class - not used anymore
- (d1f552d2) Fixes error when deleting a group, tutors should be also removed.
- (cef6d391 - BT#9340) Adds students/tutors export/import
- (fe3852be - BT#9087) Replace function to get the scorm time
- (5cfacae8 - BT#9087) Format time with PHP
- (d8ee7e4b - BT#9092) Update filenames, Add files for each hook interface
- (35111584 - BT#9084) Update (restrict) is_allowedToEdit condition to avoid giving too much freedom to student boss
- (fd6e93d2 - BT#9084) Add $relationType filter
- (494a230b - BT#9070) Rename api method
- (db49eca5 - BT#9070) Rename api function for code conventions
- (4f9e3d7e - BT#9070) Rename constant for invitee users
- (3cf13a77 - BT#9084) Integrate Advanced Skills plugin in the core
- (f7b569e9 - BT#9293) Using replace_dangerous_char to clean dangerous chars
- (178b2763 - BT#9287) Fixes user sorting
- (6a01e139) Add c-pchart from vendor as downloaded by composer
- (8b0b3150 - #7408) Add pChart class uses
- (27da74e9 - BT#9087) Display courses without session in report
- (21937d12 - BT#9086) Fix update teachers in courses
- (ce8cf9a3 - BT#9087) Add title to export action icon
- (4cc3fb3a - BT#9087) Fix issue with date selector in French using single quote for translation of 'Until'
- (56f7b033 - #7504) Remove duplicated Qti classes and methods
- (64d4c414 - BT#9325) Display the extra content in admin panels
- (cebeba5c - BT#9340) Adds "users" field on classes export
- (8eb022a5 - #7506) Twig templates: Fix path to other elements in default template so that a copy uses local resources by default
- (f14dfa42 - BT#8617) Adds show_description parameter in import csv files
- (277ae1e5 - #7420) Return to Teacher view in LP
- (178edb04 - #7483) Fix bug, audio was sent to root folder, text2audio tool
- (7a2bd011 - BT#9070) Don't generate a certificate to invited and visitor roles
- (faa83365 - BT#9070) Don't sent mail notification for a exam with a visitor/invited user
- (26ac7777) Removes Cpdf class already added inside the phpdocx library
- (ec817886 - #7408) Update, composer install pChart, update autoload files
- (8f37d161 - #7408) Update, move opensans folder to /main/fonts
- (cb57bc4f) Using PHPQRCode with composer
- (5b433468) Removes lib/nusoap/nusoap.php, classes are now loaded via composer.
- (2ec4b980 - #7408) Update to use c-pchart from composer
- (bb7a74ae - #7408) Add open sans font
- (6404f85e) Delete pchart from /main/inc/lib
- (798a8e84 - BT#7408) Add c-pchart by composer - BT#7408
- (a3893a64 - #7408) Add pChart 2.1.4 library
- (520ad843 - BT#9070) Show invited role in user list
- (fa4d8944) Add install/upgrade scripts for 1.10.x
- (9521629e - BT#9068) Detailed report css fixed survey BT#9068
- (6d5294a3 - BT#9070) Get the extra field data and their formatted values
- (5258895d) update survey graph pagination Ref # B9068
- (c32175ee - BT#9070) Remove CourseFieldOption, CourseFieldValue, SessionFieldOption, SessionField
- (b50178e6 - BT#9070) Use jQuery calendar in date fields
- (ed0f81e4 - BT#9070) Use existent extra fields management files
- (3c55c9c3 - BT#9070) Fix - User ExtraFieldValue
- (2edf9521 - BT#9070) Save course extra fields
- (14c93104 - BT#9070) Remove unnecessary SessionFieldValue class
- (09e59171 - #7491) Hides "protected" folders
- (4eaeae33) When cleaning user LP results delete also the interactions and objs
- (68ce8d75 - #7370) Replace api_protect_course_script with api_protect_admin_script
- (1211347d) Removes unused files + using only png files.
- (02a7fe77 - BT#7802) Fixes agenda comment UI
- (5fe3e21d - #7370) Enable course protection script
- (2fa39544 - #7370) Fix a few buy courses plugin issues
- (f37f0bd3 - BT#9068) Fix session_id and visible_result creation issue
- (2fd2c2b7 - BT#9022) Add certificate path to the web service. Add 'add_gradebook_certificates_cron_task_enabled' configuration parameter
- (56504c64 - BT#10254) Fix download zip when using windows
- (9a4c0f5f) Fix announcement, thematic and wiki imports
- (29fb361f) Move class UTCDateTimeType inside app folder (permissions issue)
- (7913f289 - #7808) Show link only if message tool is on, in e-mails sent to users
- (76d25d79 - BT#10102) Increase year range for date pickers
- (c65dbc37 - #7807) Move js code into 2 separate files
- (666cb686) Display: add functions toolbar actions for pages
- (108a252a - #5405) Remove remaining now() call in course.lib.php
- (0a8495e3) Remove gid unset, use api_get_group_id, api_get_course_id
- (21318bb1) Fix "Multiple answer true/false/don't know" question CRUD
- (546e927e) Change main/inc/conf references to app/config/
- (c9acd1f5 - #7768) Add class method for get user from course by status
- (9ba24374) Fix jsplumb error in admin question list
- (dd8733e6 - BT#10175) Fix generate PDF when output mode is F
- (5d15b588) Updating status for open sessions -refs BT10175 #FGE
- (87af6dcf - BT#10175) Show always the skill name like a tooltip on skill wheel
- (fcb12ae9 - BT#10175) Allow show full skill name on skill wheel
- (6a67ed2a - BT#10175) Fix showing description in exercise execution
- (30629475) Get rid of username column in the certificates' result page -refs BT10175 #FGE
- (3887d26e) Update install documentation link to localized version for French, Spanish and Italian
- (53cd9c7e - BT#10175) Fix URL link when searching skills
- (abae544d - BT#10175) Improve admin_view on Advanced Subscription
- (cd4d2758 - BT#10139) Add new export types
- (7832686c - BT#10139) Add export to xls
- (fccfb6b7 - BT#7683) Add frame.css in CkEditor BT#7683
- (76e9608e) Add CSS SCORM iFrame style
- (0672f038) Fix course cateogory order.
- (e7323004) deleted base_chamilo.css obsolete
- (1bc2b02f - BT#7683) Add icons for chat online status BT#7683
- (a9aec199) Fix iid/id issues when using exporting/importing courses.
- (8b3b3745) Remove unused build_datetime_from_array, fix dates.
- (4a3d526c) Avoid double header.
- (f3724f53 - BT#10139) Rename FormValidator functions
- (bcdaab02 - BT#10139) Show input dates with format
- (d44ab510) Add message if no courses in the session.
- (dcaad88a - #7788) Fix issue with missing image in auto-created forum
- (7d2eec85 - #7788) Fix issue with missing thread_qualify
- (3ea9c064 - BT#10139) If course plugin image does not exists then use default image.
- (dde0a54a - BT#9898) Create template for mail sent by the Course Finished cron
- (09347618 - BT#9898) Create template for mail sent by the Remind Course Expiration cron
- (d11fe190) Replace & with &
- (731f0fb2 - BT#7683) Change hot courses image size - BT#7683
- (38d5bb28 - BT#9895) update session subscription tpls and enable use of tpl for registration mail confirmation
- (98e741c8) Add stats for distinct users in number of logins report on admin statistics page
- (2b8f8a38) Fix missing values on call to chamilo_void_save_asset() in exercises included in learning paths #TMI
- (141be5d9 - BT#9889) Add session subscription confirmation request
- (433999d0 - BT#9889) Show subscribe to session button when user is logged on session description page
- (e6c81fae - BT#10092) Fix calculate points and stars by lps in courses
- (3ae53109 - BT#9886) Show lp_view progress bar when gamification is active
- (95d97793 - BT#9886) Calculate stars and points when gamification is active
- (389f0c2d - BT#9901) Fix issue with sublanguage terms saving (update jQuery call for the value of textarea)
Stylesheets and theming
- Dropped support for IE8
- Integrated Bootstrap 3 as base framework (gives Mobile First design advantages)
- Removed all previous stylesheets and rewritten main ones from scratch
- Most of the CSS classes to most elements have been changed, making it practically impossible to maintain previous CSS styles with this new version (we're very sorry about that, but it was either this or sticking to non-mobile-friendly design)
- Many pages have been moved to TPL, making it easier to redesign them
- (10e8ff1e - #7539) Add Beach CSS theme - CT#7539
Web services
- New groups and sessions web services
- Internal code for most web services have been changed to use instead of user.user_id and instead of course.code
- main/reservation code was removed
- main/metadata code was removed
- Tables "userinfo_def" and "userinfo_def_content" were removed as well as the code.
- Dropped support for IE8 and inferior
- Dropped support for PHP 5.3 and inferior
Known issues
- The hotspot question type is broken due to changes in the underlying Chamilo code. Given the fact this question type is developed in Flash and none of the developers at the time of release had Adobe CS available (proprietary technology that requires compilation) we have been unable to update the corresponding Flash code. Work is under way to provide the same feature using only HTML5, but it is likely to appear in a corrective version for 1.10.0. If you have an urgent need for this feature, please contact an official provider to get this sorted:
Chamilo - Sipán, 19th of March, 2015
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a patch (minor) version of the 1.9.x branch, with
bugfixes and a few new minor features, but more importantly fixes for
vulnerabilities discovered in 1.9.10 and previous versions (as such, you
can just overwrite previous files to upgrade from 1.9.8, or to
See our Security page for more information.
Release name
is a small city on the Peruvian Coast where the remains of the Lord of Sipán
(a ruler of the 3rd century AC) were discovered in 1987. It held many well-conserved
offerings. We believe this version of Chamilo, containing additional fixes on
top of an excellent 1.9.10 version, has its fair share of common points with Sipán.
Security fixes
Improvements (minor features) and debug
Chamilo 1.9.10 - Huánuco, 25th of January, 2015
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.9.10 is a new minor version of the 1.9.x branch, with many bugfixes and a few interesting new features (as such, you can just overwrite previous files to upgrade from 1.9.8, or to 1.9.10).
Release name
Huánuco is
a small city in the Peruvian Andes, Northeast of Lima. This is a special
version in memory of our cherished development team member César Perales, who
passed away on July 22nd, 2014, at age 27. César contributed mostly "in the
shadow" to Chamilo LMS, allowing the rest of the team to contribute more
actively. He was a vibrant young man. He will be missed. César lived in calle
Huánuco, in La Molina, Lima, Peru, where other team members bid him their last
farewell for his last, eternal trip.
To this image, this version marks a change of behaviour from the Chamilo team,
maturing into another plane of existence. This year, Chamilo LMS got used in
more contexts than ever before, with a growth that is superior to any other
open source LMS out there. It has become a more reliable and versatile
platform, that will serve its purpose, helping making education better and
more widely available, better than ever before.
Security fixes
All security issues are published and patches are attached on
our security issues page. If you think you found an additional security issue you'd like to report, please check our procedure there.
- (8a75f65 - #7242) Fix SQL injection in mySpace/users.php
- (d64a02c1 - #7272) Fix SQL injection threats and replace SESSION variable with api_get_user_id
- (58796166 - #7275) Add security token to course copy tool
- (#7440) Fix a series of SQL injection vulnerabilities due to integer filtering
- (1307b662 - BT#10295) Remove XSS when add/edit career
- (1b320e57 - BT#10298) Avoid XSS when event is created on agenda
Possibly breaking changes
Two changes have been made to the forum tool code, which might make some of your forums disappear and require a direct database intervention.
First case: If you use forums with sessions and have placed a session forum inside a base-course forum category, the forum category will now no longer appear in any session, and as such, the session forums contained in that category will disappear. You can easily fix that by checking the c_forum_forum table for any record with session_id != 0 that points to a forum category that has session_id == 0. This is related to issue #7264.
Second case: In very rare occasions, if you use group forums and have had issues with posts appearing twice, then this release will fix this bug, but might also make some forum posts disappear. Although we could not reproduce the error, you should be able to fix it by changing the group_id column inside the c_forum_thread table. This is related to issue #7267
This is an exceptional event in the history of Chamilo, and we believe it should only affect very few portals, but we prefer to take precautionnary measures and warn you upfront.
Notable new Features
- (7e67dd29 - BT#9018) Add PDF export for student publications list
- (5e8ae687 - #7478) Add cookie warning message to comply with new European legislation
- (e637608c - BT#8814) Add "Auto attendance" based on course login
- (960899a6) Add possibility to hide previous videoconferences even if recording is not enabled
- (3bc8fd6f) Add $_configuration['document_if_file_exists_option']
- (73e38162 - BT#9247) Adding exercise_max_fckeditors_in_page setting
- (b14bcb36) Add option $_configuration['certificate_pdf_orientation']
- (7dbed800 - BT#8703) Add hosting total size checker
- (218dc6a4 - BT#9175) Add hosting_limit_active_courses setting
- (1d68db47 - #398) Support Opale/Scenarii by adding variable to better support SCORM 1.2 by watching over the definition, by the SCO, of the lesson_status and the call to LMSFinish() or the move to another element
- (57750c21 - BT#8900) Add progress in learning paths report
- (903436ea - BT#8902) Add learning paths reduced report
- (1a6a4a92 - #7272) Add possibility for plugins to define main tabs
- (ef242abd - #7255) Add multiple file upload in forum, and show list of attachment files from view threads
- (c8f940be - #7338) Add REST web service to get personal messages (from inbox)
- (2db9057d - #7328) Add theme_backup and default_template settings
- (8d9a8253) Add script to check users data in CSV file
- (f52df87b - BT#8845) Add script to move users from one course to another depending on them having passed an exam or not
- (27493b32 - #7324) Add possibility to hide recordings from students in conferences list in BBB plugin
- (c24c758f - BT#8840) Add $_configuration['auto_detect_language_custom_pages'] to detect the language in custom pages
- (a2ff44cf - #7212) Add calculated answers feature (in beta test)
- (25cd7ddc) Use .gitattributes file to enable special Github features for versions packaging
- (002a0ab5 - #7309) New icons for questions types
- (0d131f9e - BT#8746) Add option "include all users" to export
- (88126fe2 - BT#8796) Add option to prevent multiple simultaneous login option ($_configuration['multiple_connection_not_allowed'])
- (58334f81 - BT#8746) Add OnlyBestAttempts option to show only the best attempts in exercise results list
- (8ad728a6 - #7279) Add tour plugin
- (fc3508ec) Add $_configuration['show_official_code_exercise_result_list'] to show the student's... official code in exercise results lists
- (6830ae3 - BT#8340) Add optional Memcache + DB persistence session storage mode (clusters context)
- (577c7e7 - BT#8703) Add $api_warn_hosting_contact() and $_configuration[1]['hosting_contact_mail'] to explain who to contact in case of reaching a hosting limit
- (5a5e6bc - BT#8736) Add $_configuration['email_alert_manager_on_new_quiz'] to send an e-mail to administrator for new quiz
- (ea16dbd - BT#8697) Add $_configuration['order_user_list_by_official_code'] to order users lists by official code
- (f286f35 - BT#7848) Add course legal agreement plugin
- (75045f7 - BT8730) Add pdf_logo_header setting
- (4601849, be487d6 - #7272) Add support for session in BuyCourse plugin
- (d06fd47 - #7275) Add support for sessions in course catalogue
- (eb45183 - BT#8662) Add $_configuration['hide_scorm_pdf_link'] to remove option to "download as PDF" in learning paths list
- (bea2ed0 - #7225) Add Clockworks SMS sending plugin
- (606c84b - #7236) Add $_configuration['course_catalog_hide_private'] option to hide private courses from courses catalogue
- (5720f35 - #7252) Add support for mobile phone numbers extra field type
- (7610baf - BT#8441) Add webservice mode to converter from ppt
- (2582408 - BT#8274) Add ViewerJS (view .pdf) in documents tool
- (3ef3032 - BT#8274) Add Wodo text editor (edit .odt and .odp) in documents
- (eadeaf8 - BT#8317) Add sessions duration feature
- (019987d - BT#8316) Allow courses to be sorted inside a session (requires manual database change)
- (bafcdef - BT#8611) Add option to make a copy of a surveys inside the same course
- (1ee0d78 - BT#8605) Add option to "add me as teacher in courses" during CSV import
- (9dbab31 - BT#8459) Add $_configuration['hide_scorm_copy_link'] to hide the icon in the learning paths list
- (d942e8e - BT#8457) Add $_configuration['allow_lp_return_link'] option to change the return link in LPs
Improvements (minor features) and debug
- (e406e2ee - #7768) Fix install process to avoid re-install plugin
- (edf83bdc - #7768) Add filter by user on sales report
- (fa29e02a - #7841) Remove chat button from elfinder popup file selector for 1.10.x
- (90e28522) If chamilo exercise added in LP has pass % then change status to passed/failed
- (fa9b35e8 - #7558) Show messages for status from video chat connection
- (4c9a8d4a) Update FontAwesome version
- (d357cb23 - #7181) Added new lib to upgrade to webcamJS from JPEGCam
- (b91733cc - #7835) Avoid blocked icons by ad blockers
- (0829fd88) Move constant in api.lib.php
- (d1aa7a96 - #279) Added new lib for vCard Exports
- (ed50ffd6 - BT#10311) add jquery.timelinr and img
- (249f7c9c - BT#10311) fix timeline panel
- (a20b8fc7 - BT#10281) Apply format to session dates on session list
- (fdb64746 - BT#10308) Improve send message on social network
- (f2a03393 - #7558) Add method to get a HTML code for a icon by Font Awesome
- (e94602ec - #7837) Replace old code with api_get_user_info
- (4e0fb4a3 - BT#10217) Replace http with https
- (57f99efb - BT#10253) Add dropbox_hide_general_coach setting
- (110060be - #7462) Fix pages blocked due to course restriction
- (299ba994 - #7477) Restore admin view in reports (was lost in 1.9.8)
- (7f55f837) Rename the custompages php files in order to avoid overwrites
- (306c7b08) Fix possible error when there are a lot of certicates to load.
- (bc07d715 - BT#9289) Adds set_time_limit(0) in the certificate generation page
- (f1c9210c - BT#9287) Add name_order_conventions configuration option
- (7820985b - BT#9280) Fix homepage edition
- (e57d9a66) Fix category link now forcing the registration in itemproperty table
- (c303f239) Add id_session in gradebook links
- (94ff182d) Deprecate get_statistic_table() in favour of get_main_table()
- (a4a4118a) Fix gradebook form link
- (4c70421c - BT#9200) Fix link categories (no visibility is used)
- (57e2ffbe) Fix comments in student publication list
- (699f26c5 - #7441) Fix default user list order
- (533b0385 - #7457) Fix deletion of personal files in documents
- (28c6e5e6 - #7447) Fix api_mail_html (adding error log, adding return)
- (8cb2d42f - #7455) Using strict mode when cleaning files
- (4a17ad6b - BT#8897) Fix chapter status when saving sub elements in learning paths
- (4f2ac346 - #6064) Fix language list
- (a667212d - #398) Fix query bug in learnpathItem::write_to_db()
- (4f2ac346 - #6064) Fixing language list in portal homepage edition
- (d36c6332 - BT#9250) Add certificate_filter_by_official_code
- (ef1dc064 - #9250) Add export certificates by user list
- (d9a6fc7d - BT#9235) If user selects overwrite then we overwrite the file
- (74c25067 - BT#9233) Coach can download files if session is read only
- (5d74663b) Fixing session list when session is read only and inside a category.
- (52c806a6) Fix possible issue checking the courses directory during installation on a host with default IP
- (c916b21c) Add reporting icon for DRH see 7064
- (e316005a - #7064) Drh can see wiki
- (0a64437e - #7064) Add DRH support for the survey tool
- (3adf5c2d - #7064) Add DRH support in Assignments
- (1d2626f2 - BT#6986) Fixing hotpotatoe bug while saving inside a LP
- (5e410a7f - BT#6986) Deleting LP objects in course homepage just in case
- (dc784cfe - BT#7802) Add calendar event extra fields
- (3684281a - BT#7064) DRH user can see exercise results
- (c6209ec7 - BT#8816) Adding "student_publication_to_take_in_gradebook" setting
- (601f44fe - BT#8816) Showing feedback if exists
- (4ad8b8b7 - BT#9183) Showing course icon instead of classic green course icon
- (b9668733 - BT#8852) Fixing upload + unzip
- (ac3d7525) Getting extra fields that have the filter option "on" in the user list
- (5a427a88) Adding "detect_deleted_visible_documents.php" script.
- (3ae83db6) Adding COURSE_REQUEST_* constants.
- (dc2745c1 - BT#9121) Subscribe users with no course to a selected course
- (0056481a - BT#9113) Fixing work assigned to users in a course-session
- (1bc9f0ab - #7426) Use new variable for signature formula in emails
- (b9d48abc - BT#9104) Add script to update extra field in batch
- (7bdf7db2 - #7338) Add CORS and content type headers to JSON response
- (3e500c8e - #7338) Add sent date to message
- (5eb945a5 - #7338) Sort messages by recent date
- (4f9b1911 - BT#8897) Fix issue updating next SCO element instead of current
- (ce6314e8 - #7439) Fix issue with progress bar not updating percentage
- (17f1e0e9 - BT#8274) Add condition that ppt2lp must be local before enabling converter icon - remote support not implemented yet
- (8493d094 - BT#9101) Showing only visible/invisible exercises
- (d78fa9c1) Adding DRH users in user list.
- (0d5a86cd - #7418) Fix show hide course progress details
- (28cbdc2c - #7406) Enable viewerJS for ODF
- (f9f53d15 - #7415) css update list course fix CT#7415
- (fd6d32de - #7414) Redirect admin to the admin page on first login
- (d3c39e12 - BT#8986) Build and restore base course content or session content
- (94604584 - BT#9021) Allow profile edition through SSO
- (6ac9959a - #7383) Fix for graph labels and block evaluation height graph
- (3587db21 - #7388) Adding aspell settings
- (36bf8746 - BT#9046) Don't show links if the category was deleted
- (3bc10253 - BT#7355) Removing $_COOKIE['TestCookie'] validation
- (97fda734 - BT#9017) Adding feedback notifications
- (e058fd58) Only look for completed attempts status = '' in Learning paths
- (7f85cac3 - BT#9016) Adding flash messages
- (d180448e - #7395) Fix bug gradebook category action missing cidReq param
- (b3a0d4ed - #7381) Fix bug in visibility change action from personal agenda
- (3d8a33ba - BT#9029) Hide the Logout button
- (008e7ffa - #398) Add quotes filter to suspend_data, lesson_location and launch_data to avoid issues with SCORM strings, as suggested by Stéphane Poinsart
- (b3862ee3 - #398) Add scorm_failed style and fix section style
- (693ff8e3 - #7356) add icons 128 64 48 32 new poll _na refs CT#7356
- (dfcc4f82 - #7356) Fix issue with disappearing icons in survey questions (partial)
- (b83d5117 - #7325) Fix issue with the version number not being extracted correctly from by an fread() on a HTTP socket
- (7d658aed) If course is not set then fire api_not_allowed() even if I'm admin.
- (20f981bc) Adding script that helps to synchronize exercise score with lp score
- (0f727270) Adding __session_id___group_id suffix when creating a document/folder
- (74a7f4a3) Format code , adding course ids.
- (cd792770) Do not rename work folder, this generates unlinked documents
- (03f2fafa - #7366) Fix course select form from course copy tool
- (dac4cabc - BT#8989) Fixing bug: in exercises included in a LP, lp_item_origin_id is not saved.
- (1412344b - BT#8852) Adding session id + group id suffix when uploading file
- (4bc0810e) Fix relative path for Xhprof reporting link
- (dd5aba44 - BT#6449) Updating session title
- (9a27d585 - BT#8892) Fixing possible error when updating works
- (e344aae3 - BT#6613) Deleting wav file if mp3 conversion succeeded
- (d1a3b48d - #7285) Avoid exception if "until" date is set without time for repeated events
- (3cc07708 - #7347) Fix profile template
- (6d4569d6 - BT#8966) Fixing error when saving big files
- (9d1dbc35 - BT#8960) Format code adding siteName in email title
- (fa8f1b51 - BT#8960) Format code + fixing title and sender mail
- (7d5f7236 - #7323) Remove main/install/ existence warning in admin page: risks have been removed
- (ee6b696a - #7358) Students can download their certificates in PDF file
- (4f3a08d7) Add script to list unused images
- (fe20a087 - BT#8960) Do not add auto reply for the main email
- (f32cacb2 - BT#8958) Fixing work counter
- (147a23b8 - BT#8953) Fixing question pool for admins
- (5e8de8ff) Improvements to presentation of the lp results table
- (a6bed8f0) Update installation guide for 1.9.10
- (f0c55ab5 - BT#8783) Fix bug preventing login when terms and conditions are active but not "allow registration"
- (c9cdd030) Update session icon (new icon)
- (ad223f20) Fix JS parse error caused by additional commas in main_api
- (643a7e2b - BT#8922) Fixing query in question pool
- (715cb49a - BT#8659) Don't force int values for global score questions
- (c7c1b8c1 - BT#8849) Fix links tool url replace "&"; by "&"
- (f95a57b4 - #7296) Add 'Assigned Courses' info row in teacher reporting screen (for DRH)
- (03c75e8a - #7342) Fix get_scorm_time() non-static calls to static method
- (e6a82dca - BT#8904) Fix get_progress_bar() calls
- (fc8d4255) Adding learnpath::getLpFromSession() function instead of calling manually.
- (c0dc2ab8 - BT#8898) Fix suspend_data, launch_data and lesson_location
- (f809a1a5) Prevent inserting 2 documents in the same course with the same name.
- (d91b21d2 - BT#8892) Fixing assignment counter when using session id
- (2910bf02 - BT#8892) Fixing assignment edition (adding session_id)
- (71d1cb35 - BT#8886) Remember last question id position when continuing exam
- (36c99d7c - BT#8605) Students can be teachers
- (03a9f8bb - #7319) Fix date validation
- (2a46802e - #7330) Add HotPotato preview for student
- (1cf9bffe - #7335) Show user name in chat window
- (ae64b54b) If cookie is not set. Set it again otherwise the site will be blocked
- (6be3d16b - BT#8857) Fix agenda edition
- (c2418c81 - #7296) Add boolean parameter 'showAllAssignedCourses' in function 'getCoursesFollowedByUser' to retrieve all assigned courses if needed
- (9e03986a - #7324) Improve list of BBB conference recordings to show length (in minutes) and show hide icon even if there is no recording
- (4b298278 - #7327) Fix issue with BBB plugin recording-to-link feature + update BBB plugin code style
- (620012a7 - #7327) Update BBB plugin to use GUID-like identifier to avoid clash between conferences
- (691535c7 - BT#8770) Fixing question_pool not showing questions of a specific category
- (444dfd95 - BT#8825) Always show the gallery icon
- (eee2cee5 - BT#8801) Fixing exercise attempts count in learning paths reports
- (e187de23 - BT#8826) Fixing user import without username
- (b12ef4ab) Fix small sprite overflow in slider paging
- (2f82c4b6) Add missing files from jqgrid lib.
- (74479bbc - BT#8808) Hiding session if all courses are hidden or closed
- (55aac07f) Fix delete course form session screen
- (b1e1cda1) Add the WebService WSEditUserWithPicture
- (d6a6d6ae - #3702) Fix social network sender to use no-reply address if defined
- (49154e2f - #7032) Prevent users with dash in username
- (b1d261db - #7320) Update Twig to version v1.16.0 + move to vendor folder
- (835382fc - BT#8773) Block access to assignment if not active
- (1c31e261) Fix code blocking emails with attachments
- (fa02a1f0 - BT#8787) Only show student attempts if exercise is visible
- (572c822e - BT#8787) Remove access to deleted exercises
- (f87ddb98 - BT#7802) Fix .ics import in agenda
- (5a947dc - BT#8340) Fix DB session handler by using alternative class name
- (b33c2b5 - BT#7740) Fix sessions list in sessions history page
- (5445d05) Fix display bug in learning paths that hides the table of contents when more than 15 items
- (6f818a9) Add getUserListByUserGroup() method
- (6f0062f - BT#8732) Fix removed userCoruseCategory
- (eefaab7 - BT#8717) Add CSRF token in dashboard configuration
- (59965d9) Fix user creation time
- (8dd695e - BT#8704) Fix old links in homepage configuration feature
- (d2b5877 - BT#7286) Fix PDF header date to show time in local time
- (f168c72 - BT#8700) Fix to several display issues in session page
- (a552a21 - #7237) Show only visible exercises in questions database
- (3547a45 - BT#8689) Prevent non-unique classes names
- (7a36a94 - #7271) Fix image gallery icon (had disappeared) in documents tool
- (03b4435 - #7269) Privacy change: hide users pictures to anonymous visitors
- (7333997 - BT#8680) Fix lost password process (not working with username)
- (b9bf6d1 - #7253) Improve UX flow by redirecting at the end of the course progress edition process
- (acdc14c - BT#8676) Add unique email validation option
- (3c09102 - #7253) Remove indication of mandatory fields in course progress details
- (25f34f2) Hide the forum thread preview frame when creating the thread
- (f783b34 - BT#8672) Add course_user_import_by_email.php as disabled script for now
- (3fd48df - BT#8672) Fix issue with CSV import of students to courses
- (94549cc - #7254) Show course progress advance inside sessions
- (8b650bf - #7269) Hide username to other users in the social network
- (3e6c69e - #7251) Fix issue with course progress not allowing edition in sessions
- (60f485b - BT#8671) Fix possible unintentional document deletion in session
- (30871fb) Add api_get_user_info_from_email() function to main API
- (2990cd0 - #7264) Exclude base-course forums and categories from the session course view
- (b1c7d61 - #7243) Fix issue counting teachers in expected tasks in assignments tool
- (340fce8 - BT#6449) Add shortcuts in teachers registrations to session courses
- (eef6933 - BT#7740) Fix support for delayed access days in session-course teachers views
- (557d45c - BT#8663) Fix layout of social network messages
- (70753e9 - BT#6449) Set new coach through CSV import if the session only contains one single course
- (97a1862 - BT#8397) Fix time delay by replacing mysql now()
- (b14987d - BT#7707) Add work, forum and time info + export option to user information page
- (cefb740 - BT#8606) Fix session label
- (85ad24f - #7261) Fix issue updating user field when login = email
- (d75f9c2 - #7249) Fix visibility issues in links categories
- (152e395 - BT#7057) Fix removal of user from session
- (9373db4) Fix double ampercent in logout link
- (25f5896 - #7244) Fix duplicating documents
- (56f891e - #7244) Set overwrite as default method for AJAX documents upload (reverts 9dcb404)
- (2024407 - BT#8624) Fix language setting in registration form
- (8e316df - BT#8606) Add date format to sessions CSV import
- (16e70d2 - BT#8604) Fix sessions category update
- (51b5937 - #7229) Fix issue in skills coloration and update
- (0358044 - #7237) Fix issue not hiding hidden exercises
- (1759dab - BT#8490) Fix CSV report
- (6736430) Fix issue in questions copy
- (07eda14 - BT#7780) Fix © bug making questions copy fail
- (92dd4a0 - BT#8423) Fix score = 0 in exam with a timer
- (b16193e - BT#8572) Fix issue setting score to 0 when there is a progress but no score in learning paths
- (34e50bb) Fix LPs list to allow admins to view all LPs
- (0000dd4 - #7683) Fix issue with SCORM items not appearing
- (0798f1d - BT#8498) Fix visibility of sessions for coaches when additional access days have been defined
- (804cc1b - #7232) Fix issue with users counting in tasks (when in session)
- (f979b13 - #7229) Fix bug when saving skill profile name and description
- (f25aed4) Fix double \n in global links file
- (6eae236 - BT#8479) Add sessions filter to questions bank page
- (4c324c2 - #6839) Add user account expiry date to CSV import
- (a8181c1 - #3702) Fix invitation mail sender field
- (9b29a3b - #7222) Fix issue with plugins only installing as course plugins
- (c2687f9 - BT#8426, #7208) Fix SCORM export+import feature
- (1973d6f - BT#8397) Add details to reporting screen
- (4e9576d - BT#8151) Fix issue with student download of own work
- (a914c0a, ...) Vastly improved presentation of thematic advance/course progress feature in course home
- (8f5ae4b - #6839) Add users edition through CSV import
- (bcea0b4) Fix bug in course information's users list when multi-url enabled
- (265499f - BT#8339) Fix custom pages link
- (caf2a58 - BT#8074) Hide shared_folder to users not registered in course
- (dfff494 - BT#7215) Add CSRF check in plugins config
- (4d15a0f - BT#8417) Fix buttons to hide fields in tracking page
- (911b2ac - BT#7179) Fix issue preventing password edition when username=email
- (4d15a0f - BT#8417) Fix hide buttons in users report
- (5213de2) Fix 1800 seconds flaw in learning paths availability
- (5660b37) Fix download link in install doc
- (09dc3f3) Update install doc for full-text indexing
- (333319b) Fix deadlock condition in documents download
- (7c18635 - BT#7210) Fix issue preventing the appearance of the "Create course" link
- (8be2bce - BT#8314) Add logging in track_e_default for changes in personal filemanager
- (8be2bce - BT#8314) Fix personal filemanager when root folder changes name
- (bc94d5c - BT#8392) Allow ExtraFieldValue method to get the last value instead of the first in case of duplicates
- (bbe627b - BT#8268) Add sso_challenge method as a second alternative to SSO authentication
- (5ed701e) Add optimization documentation for user_rel_tag table index
- (1204e13) Fix who is online user preview
- (9dcb404) Fix issue with AJAX document uploads using overwrite by default
- (a98ab8c - BT#8157) Fix error loading wav files using LP
- (cfac025 - BT#7780) Fix QTI import response message
- (c830878 - BT#7780, BT#6819) Fix condition showing deleted exercises
- (c98d190 - BT#7803) Show events for "everyone" when showing user events
- (f01b3b5 - BT#7780) Fix Aiken exercise import redirect display
- (39f5916 - BT#8295) Add Spanish to available languages in custom pages
- (3995283 - BT#8295) Fix lost password page in custom pages
- (528102f - BT#8289) Fix Chrome error when loading page HTML source
- (9c0c73a - BT#8157) Fix issue in documents edition in multiple open courses context
- (fbda6e2 - BT#8157) Add export users-class to CSV
- (fd61c0f) Add missing icons
- (a55776c - BT#8189) Fix for users inscription with approval setting
Stylesheets and theming
- No major style changes in this version, but a lot of visual improvements
- The possibility to select a template (from main/template/) through the configuration.php file has been added, although no new template is available yet (at least now you can create your own and use it)
- Old question types icons were replaced by new icons
- Old session "window" icon was replaced by a new icon
Web services
- (cce71ec4 - #7338) Add web services classes for autoload
- (595fafb - BT#8231) Add setting to decode UTF-8 in registration web services
- No removal worth mentioning in this version
Chamilo - 21st of June, 2014
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a very little patch version with one bugfix regarding the learning paths tool. Considering the fact that 1.9.8 is planned for the long term, we'd hate to have such a minor patch left on the side for a year or so. This will be packaged and promoted as 1.9.8, but the folder inside the 1.9.8 will be called, with a change to this changelog file and a one-line change to main/newscorm/learnpathItem.class.php (as such, you can update just this file to upgrade from to See the code change for detais.
Chamilo - 18th of June, 2014
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a patch version with one security patch on top of 1.9.8 (in the included library for FCKeditor). Please check our security issues page for more information.
Chamilo 1.9.8 - Thon, 15th of June, 2014
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.9.8 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.6.
This version is the first Chamilo version to drop support for Internet Explorer
7. We insist that you recommend your users to use modern browsers that respect
web standards. If they *cannot* avoid Internet Explorer, make sure they use at
least version 10, which respects a little bit more than half of the W3C
standards (but still much less than Firefox, Chrome, Opera or even Safari)
Release name
Thon is a small city in the Belgian region of Wallonia, several times classified as the most beautiful village of the South region of Belgium. It is a quite, beautiful place without anything out of the ordinary but made of beautiful, hundred years old homes built from famous Wallonia blue stone and crossed by the Samson river. Its stability and it's position just next to the large cliffs surrounding the Meuse are symbolically close to Chamilo 1.9.8, highly stable but a few steps away for the huge jump to the next major version.
All security issues are published and patches are attached on
our security issues page. If you think you found an additional security issue you'd like to report, please check our procedure there.
- Patches have been applied to one of the packages of FCKEditor used for image uploads in Chamilo These patches are included in 1.9.8 (see issues 11 and 12)
- Some other possible XSS attack vectors through initially privileged access have been fixed (see issue #13)
New Features
- Plugins: added possibility to add menu tab entry for any plugin
- (#5159) Added a way to hide course teacher, if there are too many
- (#5491) Added OpenMeetings plugin for videoconference through Chamilo
- (#5880) Allow student to check his/her test results if the date of the test is over
- (#6165) Added option to prevent "login as" feature on enhanced-security portals
- (#6213) Register "user disabling" action in important activities
- (#6216) Make check_version() AJAX-based
- (#6373) Added CAPTCHA on registration page (requires manual configuration edition)
- (#6416) Added "Sessions subscribed to" icon in users list
- (#6513) Exercises: Added auto-evaluation mode with feedback but without correct answer hint
- (#6599) Course copy: Included work/assignments copy in course copy
- (#6715) Tickets: new support tickets system integrated as a plugin (requires activation by admin)
- (#6725) Groups: Added possibility to increase the number of users in a group above the category limit
- (#6853) Added X-SendFile support to boost files download (requires manual configuration edition and web server modules)
- (#6883) Added individual mode for users assignments to HR director
- (#6904) Added list of students in course export
- (#6970) Exercises: Added possibility to clear all results before a specific date
- (#7051) Plugins: Added support for sessions in BigBlueButton plugin (requires re-installation or manual DB update)
- (#7056) Exercises: Added auditing of "clean results" action by teachers
- (#7063) Added support for "for" attributes in <label> fields for WCAG/WAI AA compatibility
- (#7072) Added user profile fields of type "File upload"
- (BT#7010) Add Aiken (Word) import format in exercises
- (#6224) Add browser language auto-detection at first connection
- (#5464) Added BuyCourses plugin for PayPal payments
Improvements (minor features)
- Increased maximum lifetime of videoconference sessions - now 5h (#6261)
- (#6015) Improved procedure to add new friends in the social network
- (#6064) Improved languages management in portal home edition screen
- (#6312) Set default session status filter to "All"
- (#6314) Multi-URL: Add message in course categories indicating that they are global and block local change
- (#6316) Changed confusing terms in classes and promotions labels
- (#6317) Changed confusing terms in sessions copy
- (#6514) Added missing date.timezone setting detector at install time
- (#6569) Drop-down selector (Chozen) now hides search if less than 10 items
- (#6588) Gradebook: Reduced size of elements description in gradebook items
- (#6621) Trim spaces in user profile fields (possible values)
- (#6704) Added scrollbar for teachers list in courses list (when too many teachers)
- (#6737) Documents: The "Learning paths" folder is now protected against deletion, move or rename by teachers
- (#6743) Attendances: A default attendance sheet is now created if none exists when teacher opens the tool
- (#6744) Attendances: Enable the gradebook box in options even if the gradebook tool is currently disabled
- (#6745) French: Improved course progress tool naming
- (#6746) Course progress: Added "+" button in dates list
- (#6748) Tracking: Link to user profile from user-created "important activities"
- (#6749) Social network: Added link decoration to social networks links
- (#6751) Attendances: Changed colour
- (#6752) Exercises: ASCIIMathML plugin in FCKEditor is now enabled in questions edition
- (#6768) When using a direct link to the course, allow users to login and got to course without intermediates
- (#6795) Finish session at 23:59:59 instead of 00:00:00 the next day
- (#6814) Allow data uri scheme in security.lib.php (this enabled drag-n-drop of images into text-areas)
- (#6836) Added select_ajax element to FormValidator (internal stuff)
- (#6882) Courses catalog: Now showing courses that were not in any category
- (#6889) Exercises: Group feedback and results options in exercises creation/edition form
- (#7158) Increase recommended max memory limit to 128MB to avoid problems with reports with lots of users
- (#7161) Thematic plan's edition mode doesn't display properly
- (#6768) Always redirect user to expected page after "Not allowed" message (always load the require_uri in api_not_allowed) and fix login button
- (bd0320a,d2ddee1 - BT#8199) Add session support in exams report
- (#6173) Add partial French translation to installation guide
- (#7192) Add possibility to download student assignment document from grading form
- (#4067) Groups: Student cannot see group documents on first access
- (#4788) Documents: Nanogong files do not play in document tool
- (#5751) Exercises: Quotes were forbidden/filtered in "question" field
- (#----) Fix CSV import to allow default export format
- (#5755) Documents: Audio creation with Pediaphon was broken
- (#5878) Exercises: Validation bug for answers
- (#5881) Exercises: Link when opened question was answered opened a blank page
- (#5883) Gradebook: No access to gradebook_flatview.php page (only code page displayed)
- (#5962) Gradebook: Impossible to add gradebook categories in sessions
- (#5988) Administration: "Show course languages" option's explanation lacks detail
- (#5994) Exercises: Issues with HotPotatoes
- (#5997) Exercises: Exercises scoring issue
- (#6033) Documents: Flash animations were cropped
- (#6044) Learning path: AICC import - "The package you are trying to upload has an unknown format."
- (#6062) Grabebook main charts do not take subcategories hierarchy into account
- (#6092) Wiki: Restore wiki page issue
- (#6124) Multisite/CAS: redirection loop when user is not registered
- (#6175) Surveys with neutral link should show who took it
- (#6179) Courses: In add user list by CSV, unsubscribing already-added-users remove all course teachers
- (#6214) Course import through CSV doesn't import category setting
- (#6215) Promotions copy doesn't copy course reference
- (#6259) Exercises: Repassing HotPotatoes test failed in a learning path
- (#6261) Plugins: Issue with time limit in BigBlueButton plugin
- (#6270) Survey: Answer to score questions are not correctly displayed after 'comment' question
- (#6304) Multi-url: assigning sessions to category
- (#6305) Import users to course CSV
- (#6306) Sessions can be created without tutor but then they don't appear in the list
- (#6310) Hotspot not storing the first spot created
- (#6311) Some active sessions do not appear when selecting "active" filter
- (#6313) Forum score not registered in gradebook
- (#6346) Admin can't access to the portal due the legal conditions.
- (#6355) ASCIImathml.js can block jquery execution
- (#6405) Automatic prerequisites assignation breaks on chapter items
- (#6415) Download dropbox files as archive fails for file names with a comma
- (#6490) RTL issues
- (#6493) Questions bank: Creating new question from bank doesn't allow edition of properties
- (#6495) Cannot create course event
- (#6497) Scoring of forum activity (related to #6313)
- (#6511) Hotspot fails - First area disappears (related to #6310)
- (#6512) In multiple-answers questions (type 2), editing and removing first check doesn't work
- (#6533) Fill-in blanks question description edition is not taken into account
- (#6535) Terms and conditions on course popup if following link
- (#6537) Gradebooks issues within sessions context
- (#6558) On test answer field and comment, error with character ' and images
- (#6586) When you create a new test, Start date and End Date are automatically modified
- (#6589) Marked forum threads users are not listed in sessions
- (#6598) Issues in platform announcements not maintaining format nor editor style
- (#6602) Online activity is added twice in Assessment category folder and in Default
- (#6604) Teacher/Learner view button doesn't work after a test done in a Learning Path
- (#6619) In authoring mode, question feedback column disapeared depending of test advanced configuration
- (#6622) Editing a learning path item makes it loose its order
- (#6623) Video view doesn't work as teacher in documents
- (#6624) Random questions quizzes in learnpath prerequisites show with max score
- (#6645) Need to click twice on the vertical bar to hide left panel in Learning Path view
- (#6647) Abstract class Question instanciated in file /main/newscorm/
- (#6654) Course catalogue: subscribe and goto buttons are gone
- (#6663) Portal Chamilo 1.9.6 unable to send email - contact - Administration
- (#6664) Deleting a session deletes also extra field session values
- (#6679) We don't see documents created in LP in the Document LP tool
- (#6680) Users insertion in Class though CSV didn't work anymore
- (#6690) Issue with hotspot questions
- (#6694) Tutor name in certificates is first student name, only in session context
- (#6695) Cannot create a forum from Learning Path if no forum category exists
- (#6696) Adding a document in Learning Path, not with the Dran and drop - Title of document is truncated if its title contains character
- (#6702) Allow online assignments option in assignments should show a clearer interface change
- (#6708) User cannot move to next question
- (#6724) Group forum not added in forum tool if forum category doesn't exist
- (#6728) YesNo survey icon show checkbox instead of radio
- (#6735) Escape MySQL wildcards characters in admin > user list advanced search form
- (#6741) Create course link in admin panel is removed when course suggestion enabled
- (#6755) Search in session screen doesn't work
- (#6761) Admin > Create new user > "Is admin" should be hidden by default
- (#6764) Weird multi-url splitting condition bug when using multiple server_name in Nginx
- (#6772) Hotspot: not registering first area (related to #6310)
- (#6773) Long-standing sub-language bug: terms saving sometimes misses "
- (#6778) Sessions with starting and ending dates not working as expected for teachers and students in 1.9.6 and 1.9.8
- (#6785) Can create documents with character , (comma) in its name, may causes issues
- (#6788) The logout action registers time in another timezone than login
- (#6796) Order of headers in users list (tracking) incorrect
- (#6803) In announcements, the ((user_name)) field takes the name of the teacher
- (#6807) "Duplicate headers received from server" message in work tool (work/download.php)
- (#6810) Student answer is Array in Fill_the_blank question if answer start with /
- (#6811) Scoring issue in True/False/Don't know answers
- (#6817) Embed code URLs in LearningPath
- (#6819) Test, In [Recycle existing questions - Add question to test] teacher don't see hidden tests
- (#6823) IP Address not shown if user are registered in a session
- (#6824) When deleting a user the "" field is not removed/updated
- (#6825) phpCAS error on logout
- (#6827) SQL error when backuping a course
- (#6828) Question categories are not restored from course backup
- (#6829) Anonymous Surveys doesn't work
- (#6831) Copy & paste from Word gives some errors
- (#6835) Constant TOOL_AGENDA does not exists
- (#6842) Forum messages issues
- (#6845) Problem submitting work to legacy deleted folders
- (#6846) Online users
- (#6863) Document tool - uploader bug(s)
- (#6875) Survey access link with plugin CAS
- (#6876) Gradeboook main charts have two 0 in the Y axis
- (#6877) Information missing in Assignment page comparing to previous version
- (#6878) Number of assignments per student don't update if we delete one
- (#6880) Incomprehensible behaviour when deleting an attendance
- (#6884) Exercise time limits change when including it in learning path
- (#6888) Whoisonline page extend button shows online users slightly misaligned
- (#6893) Current CSS not shown in CSS config page
- (#6902) When all attendances are hidden, it creates a new attendance
- (#6907) Error in configure_homepage.php if file home_tabs_logged_in.html desn't exists
- (#6909) No email sent at the end of exercise
- (#6913) Teacher cannot use the Student View when working on Closed course
- (#6914) Groups from classes option disappeared
- (#6917) Error in file /main/inc/lib/course.lib.php Required parameter missing
- (#6923) SQL Request error when edit limit of groups per student
- (#6926) No "send as announcement" in agenda
- (#6929) Export Glossary to PDF. Chamilo 1.9.x
- (#6930) "Reset learning path" doesn't work
- (#6932) Button to delete a folder in Assignments does not work.
- (#6933) French accents encoding issues in exercises
- (#6936) Problem with file main/inc/lib/template.lib.php : Twig fatal error
- (#6937) Events visibility in agenda
- (#6940) Nanogong audio recorder stopped working: security changes in browsers
- (#6941) Nanogong audio recorder plugin doesn't appear in Linux
- (#6942) Bug showing comment in agenda.php
- (#6943) Deletion of course is incomplete in database
- (#6948) Nothing happened if I click on the Add Audio icon in Learning Path Authoring
- (#6950) In test page, clean result action dont work for tests in Learning Path
- (#6951) Unnecessary button in work tool
- (#6968) Allow admin account to unsubscribe from a course
- (#6971) Button to apply to all languages appears in announcements edition page
- (#6973) HTML editor does not appear when creating documents - IE11
- (#6974) Assessments Categories works incorrectly
- (#6975) Error in Learning Path padding
- (#6976) scorm.css file missing for some themes
- (#6977) Multiple URL slave admins can delete global courses completely
- (#6981) jquery.lp_minipanel.js code error
- (#6984) Agenda doesn't show the events correctly. 1.9.x
- (#6985) Using < or > in a "fill blanks" answer does not work
- (#6988) Script busy or not responding
- (#6989) Forum - Subject title change when one title response is changed - Chamilo 1.9.4
- (#6990) main/mySpace/index.php page takes a lot of time when a Human Resources user has a lot of sessions/courses
- (#6996) Wiris bug, it shows double <meta charset>
- (#6997) Agenda event to "everyone" problems in mail and not showed in Announcements (1.9.x)
- (#7005) Anonymous access to the open course
- (#7010) Problem group forum : student can't reply on a message
- (#7019) When exporting all group in csv format, there is no user data (with solution)
- (#7020) Cpanel conflicts
- (#7025) Missing strings in 1.9.x
- (#7033) TOOL_FORUM_CONFIG_TABLE constant not found
- (#7034) Search function in forum
- (#7036) Update japanese language
- (#7043) dataTable.css all rights reserved
- (#7052) Nanogong voice recorder will record and play but not send recording to the database
- (#7054) wiki css - styles breaks in Chamilo 198
- (#7055) Rich text editing not available when using IE11 (IE strikes again)
- (#7058) Hotspot doesn't work correctly
- (#7061) Change title of button "Create course" in teacher registration if course creation disabled by admin
- (#7071) Replying a message in social network
- (#7073) Session coach does not see session
- (#7076) Chozen languages bar too large in IE11 and Safari 7
- (#7077) Learning path - Didn't show the bottom part of large documents
- (#7111) Blank screen when accessing public learning path as anonymous user with Chrome
- (#7112) Recycle course doesn't delete all documents
- (#7131) Time issues with total time connected when switching courses in a non-0 timezone
- (#7137) Course catalog - "Display all" mode only shows one course
- (#7149) DatePicker class not found on Windows
- (#7153) Wrong gradebook results in sessions with gradebook categories
- (#7155) Exercise description JS bug inside exercise view
- (#7162) Date not editable in announcements
- (#7171) Impossible to preview exercise with unlimited attempts more than once
- (BT#6294) Works: Fix insert_user_id for uploads + added cidReq in work forms to avoid loosing reference
- (BT#6223) Add missing "group by" in SQL clause
- (BT#6329) Fix many notice messages
- (BT#5928) Do not set sections as prequerisites in learning paths
- (31984a1) Add Euskera translation
- (c3a1b4a) Update Chamilo Rapid setup procedure in installation guide
- (baba938) Register survey answers with neutral (anonymous) link
- (b837405 - BT#6369) Add CSV import through CRON capability
- (bc13344) SCORM: Update scorm_api to manage progress and time on documents inserted inside a SCORM LP
- (405f950 - BT#6369) Integrate Monolog
- (69f3809 - BT#6369) Grouping of notification messages into one single e-mail
- (b7034b0 - BT#6451) Add sessions list icon to admin's users list
- (18cda53 - BT#6451) Remove useless spacing in icon groups in admin's users list
- (3f178c6 - BT#6487) Add jQuery password strength meter
- (c2cf9c2 - BT#6487) Add password strength filter
- (37597b8 - BT#6486) Add CAPTCHA after failed login attempts - see configuration.dist.php for config template
- (e9a0925 - BT#6486) loginFailed check now based on session (instead of $_GET)
- (fc452e9 - BT#6369) Add dump all and extra fields to cron CSV import
- (21021fb) Change wordwrap param to 120 in jQGrid
- (3cfed54) Fix document templates not appearing in learning path edition page
- (ec82b74 - BT#6449) Add new params when creating a session
- (b13415c - BT#6369) Add configuration setting for default import admin user in cron CSV import
- (51b6982 - BT#6418) Add new UI for works tool
- (16af474 - BT#6418) Fix bug in expiry time check in works tool
- (e29a326 - BT#6418) Add mising works + reminder options in works tool
- (d0f01d6 - BT#6537) Add Vimeo embed code for LPs
- (af9a4ad - BT#6509) Fix file element size in form
- (75f7f7b - BT#6509) Remove input fields decoration inside questions
- (4e01256 - BT#6536) Force download for DWG and DWF files
- (03b46d3) Update jQGrid version to 4.5.2
- (33c43a1 - BT#6369) Force session list for user when looking as an admin
- (f26a010 - BT#6369) Admin can see the relations between user and sessions
- (38b2a1e) Remove possibility to download invisible works
- (3b5b267) Only teachers can edit works
- (237dd03) Fix upload and add view icon for students in works tool
- (48f7d5d - BT#6560) Fix bug in MATCHING question type when using shuffled answers
- (48fc623 - BT#5854) Fix orphan questions bug
- (a941044 - BT#6509) Calculate fill-blanks input width on the fly
- (3592e1b, 02751d5) Fix learnpath_item_id param in SOAP web service for learning path
- (a4b86fc - BT#5848) Reading the Username, username, Id or id rows when importing users to a course
- (7c1cb6f - BT#6418) Fix local dates issues in works tool
- (8d0c9da) Fix right-floating footer in all Chamilo styles
- (7fcbd56, 24495c9) Implementation of "hidden" visibility for courses
- (c000a0e - BT#6619) Add studentview support in api_is_coach()
- (5f4c961 - BT#6613) Testing addition of audio recording through WebRTC (later disabled)
- (8f4f547 - BT#6613) Add mediaelement JS library to reproduce audio and video tags
- (b0e020c - BT#6614, BT#6615) Add "Add document" and "Add user" to new works tool UI
- (37f6995 - BT#6615) Block works list access for students not subscribed
- (fbc9eaa - BT#6449) Add fields exclusion in cron CSV import
- (2ab57d4 - BT#6616) Add document/works templates in works tool
- (8213304, 954c8f1) Fix FCKEditor + IE10 bug SCRIPT438
- (db03389) Fix IE8 issue when loading LP audio
- (37d724f - BT#6660) Fix icon in users folder (documents tool)
- (3112a12 - BT#6666) Fix category code on course creation
- (85a1d62 - BT#6675) Fix bug in AJAX filemanager search
- (ea749fa - BT#6675) User must login to search a document
- (fb51cb0) Add trim when looking for usernames
- (a475e63 - BT#6449) Allow multiple teachers in a course on CSV import
- (b792956 - BT#6692) Fix jQGrid count when searching for sessions + fix category URL
- (c0c4e1e) Add access_url_id in sessions category queries
- (5c29dd4 - BT#6695) Add a global default_calendar_view setting in the agenda
- (6145ecb - BT#6708) Add pagination when searching users in the social network
- (5f63106 - BT#6708) Fix user search query
- (8f5b7e0) Allow session manager to see session (query fix)
- (105e30e) Add SCORM logs colouring in JS console
- (c6b00d7) Fix missing real_id and point_info keys, while searching the catalog
- (9f5e804) Fix password protected course
- (dde291e) Fix coaches assignation when updating the course session using course_edit.php
- (45ee32f - BT#6692) If a coach user is deleted, the admin is assigned as coach and session_admin_id
- (9e045b8 - BT#6524, #6708) Comment code that deletes the attempt of the user
- (c08cbc0 - BT#6722) Fix class import
- (4c7a861 - BT#6682) Adding setVisible/setInvisible actions in the document list
- (4c7a861) Adding user_name_order setting does not work in 1.9 + fixing the user list order
- (82914a0) Add new Drupal SSO counterpart
- (fe018b5 - BT#6418) Work authors can *always* see their work
- (fd502ac) Fix for IP address tracking
- (67c2748 - BT#6532) Hiding certificate URL
- (5b8c384) If sender info is not set then try to use: 1. the no-reply email 2. the admin email
- (a425a23 - BT#6418) User can edit work if the "delete own document" is on and the work has not been reviewed
- (a035d0f) Allow modification of max number of user in groups
- (f658496) When editing a category group all settings are copied to the groups
- (dce1900 - BT#6738) Fixed 'shared_survey' mysql error during migration from 1.6.x to 1.8.x
- (480eb84) drh can access all content (courses, users) inside a session - see config template in configuration.dist.php
- (b81625b - BT#6687) Hide session if it doesn't have any content (courses)
- (efdc138) WARNING - This is a hack to the database structure, which will be ignored if not present: Add "c_student_publication.filename" field in order to separate the changes between student and teacher
- (cc1dfbb) WARNING - This is a hack to the database structure, which will be ignored if it isn't present: Add new field in the DB course.add_teachers_to_sessions_courses (ignored if field doesn't exist)
- (2de4c45 - BT#6449) Changing course_edit.php update teachers
- (b044222 - BT#6776) Adding an event_system() notification when personal documents are deleted
- (c1d3e10 - BT#6799) left_width value is now generated at runtime via jquery
- (c623215) Add coments per work, see template config in configuration.dist.php
- (2e7a124) Fix install issue preventing the right check on directories creation
- (3f23c7f) Teachers can be removed in the course_edit.php page
- (599734e - BT#6449) Add course coaches addition feature on admin/course_edit.php page
- (df5ea90) Add new settings documents_default_visibility_defined_in_course/documents_default_visibility...
- (90f6055 - BT#6815) Add course id when showing items
- (b00b6da - BT#6734) Add agenda events list
- (ed9df81) Fix LDAP code
- (dbdc8cc - BT#6621) When hiding a document in a course it also hides the document in all sessions
- (804ef62 - BT#6848) Fix session history link
- (cfef1d8 - BT#6801) Fix SQL error when getting orphan questions
- (9985547 - BT#6845) Add unsubscribe user from session/course option
- (2bc0785 - BT#6770) Add "login as" button for admins in course tracking
- (fcd6e26) Teacher don't need the show_email_addresses option to see phone/email when exporting to PDF
- (9d2fc90 - BT#6770) DRH can "login as" users
- (9533f3b) Adding icon + fixing course count in tracking pages
- (428a2b2) Admin can access the users' stats
- (4ee3a13 - BT#6770) Add user list for DRH with search box in tracking pages
- (5cfe24f) WARNING - This is a hack to the database structure, which will be ignored if not present: Add multiple URL support for classes (user group) new DB table added "access_url_rel_user_class" - only available on fresh installs, on manual DB update or by waiting for v10
- (9063249 - BT#6845) Add course session coaches in the get_personal_session_course_list()
- (1f162d6 - BT#6195) Add support for multiple URL for course categories
- (09a2e8a - BT#6782) Add teachers to course from a session
- (4bc737b - BT#6782) Change session source to multiple option
- (bc15484 - BT#6962) Add course code in URL in order to fix the "newscorm -1" error
- (e84ef79) Add handy function api_get_plugin_setting(), adding new "main_top" and "main_bottom"
- (05db5ec - BT#6939) Add language support in the before login plugin (other commits improve the plugin in other areas)
- (d13198c - BT#6963) Fix jQGrid ordering by column
- (cfa3ee4) Fix issue whereby platform admins are not considered course admins
- (f84285b) Fix youtube fckeditor plugin : use protocol relative url
- (ed93152) Implement new work student adding score/status in student view
- (6d3a26b - BT#6977) Add $_configuration['allow_my_files_link_in_homepage']
- (6e572a9) Fix flashvars in learnpath : replace only relative urls
- (8e8ab98 - BT#6985) Group tool: Adding import/export categories and groups CSV
- (5a696e6 - BT#6985) Add search form, tutors and members list in group overview
- (f227d91 - BT#6985) Add PDF export to group overview page
- (6c2506c - BT#6770) Do not edit DRH relationships when importing by CSV
- (979e4f5 - BT#7041) Only show courses from the current url
- (80a519f - BT#7027) When removing a user from a course the works are deleted too
- (21ed2a1 - BT#7007) Implemented webservice-based authentication
- (726eba9 - BT#6916) Move extra DB changes in an extra.sql custom file
- (fde063a - BT#6700) Fix IE10 bug in messages
- (f1a474f - BT#7008) Hiding Home_top when connected and hide global announcements when not connected - special options hide_global_announcements_when_not_connected and hide_home_top_when_connected, see config template in configuration.dist.php
- (1b939ab - BT#7007) Added phpseclib library to allow for AES128/CFB encryption mode
- (3c21fdb - BT#6613) Add php-ffmpeg library
- (c768066 - BT#7010) Add special options for Aiken format reading in non-UTF8
- (2a3c26b - BT#7008) Allow public/private tab links in navigation menu
- (d667207 - BT#7064) Added use of default course template parameter (course_creation_use_template) - see template config in configuration.dist.php
- (870673c - BT#7011) Add sessions filter to courses list
- (ba45725) Fix unzip_uploaded_file()
- (5bd2e52 - BT#7066) Add script to massively upload one file into each course's documents and link from course introduction - needs to be enabled in main/admin/index.php
- (be2304e - BT#7070) Fix default documents listing order
- (fa868fb - BT#7011) Add courses filter to sessions list
- (e9035f5 - BT#7089) Add support for DRH in api_is_platform_admin()
- (a937194 - BT#7013) Add user access by session report
- (c8e3425 - BT#7015) Add user learning path progress by session report
- (86d47af - BT#7089) Add link to "company report" in admin page for DRH
- (ebc2324) Add support for test categories in course backup/restore
- (138e5e4 - BT#6642) Fix error when deleting documents
- (cc5b2ec - BT#6770) Allow DRH to enter course as student, see config template in configuration.dist.php
- (a721c2b - BT#6770) Add courses and sessions filter on active status
- (7640e68 - BT#7016) Log user access to wiki
- (4052f7e - BT#7017) Add exercise progress report
- (092a136) Add permissions check in dropbox
- (48d356f) Add sessions count to data reporting from Chamilo
- (4f0a911) Fix text escaping issues in exercises titles
- (d07dbf1 - BT#7110) Course introduction is now the default for sessions, then any edition in session makes a session-level copy
- (62ebad5 - BT#7116) Session import fixes allowing multiple users in all sessions
- (84c261c - BT#7123) Add tracking info about who created the user in user edition page
- (65e26c4) Fix bug blocking JS from executing under HTTPS
- (311e823 - BT#6770) Add sleeping teachers/students counter in reporting tab
- (05a26a4 - BT#7119) Disabling messages/emails if user is inactive
- (c75cc0b - BT#7017) Add CSV export to admin reports
- (a39abd0) Don't unregister teacher course when adding user in course with csv import
- (69bc79f - BT#7128) Change delete document mechanism to use doc ID instead of path
- (030315b) Fix access to document folders inside sessions: Add first check on session doc, then check base course
- (703b1be) Redirect DRH directly to sessions (paginated list) to avoid loading the very expensive index
- (3eda877 - BT#7140) Add link to course from session tracking detailed list
- (b159706 - BT#7142) Add code to course search possibilities
- (e4bc5ed - BT#7140) Add condition to avoid high-load useless session queries
- (a0901d0 - BT#7156) Groups changes: add event_system() call to log stuff from groups, add 'allow_members_leave_group' option. WARNING: this requires a database change which is ignored if it doesn't exist
- (d2514af - BT#7163) Add session_import_drh.php script
- (9a73828 - BT#7174) Allow exercise edition even if it's added in a LP, "dangerous" fields are frozen
- (59d48b7) Change REL_COURSE PATH by WEB_COURSE_PATH when it convert a mp3 url to absolute
- (24565f3 - BT#7217) Add addAnnouncementToAllUsersInSessions option
- (a27ce6b - BT#7217) Add session ID to link in announcement sent from session
- (4e0f217 - BT#7104) Add hack to show new assignments in work tool on the courses list page
- (3d51602 - BT#7016) Add reading and participation report to reporting tab for admins
- (114fb7b - BT#7277) Add survey report to reporting tab for admins
- (55f2c8a - BT#7154) Extend set_course_parameters in template.lib to provide _c array in templates - see developers guide
- (a1bae6b - BT#7301) change exercise Id format to avoid excel treat it as a date
- (71e0e9c - BT#7293) Fix transparency for transparent PNGs when resizing
- (ccdb0c5 - BT#7316) check if user is also course_coach to allow exercise qualification
- (3d26545, 629afbf) Use https when necessary (including Pixlr)
- (94cc409 - BT#7392) Forcing Content-Type: text/html;utf8 for all pages
- (a11f828 - BT#7345) Change Galician name order
- (2fcd765 - BT#7356) studentview is only modified in
- (977e5da) Allow platform's student to see courselog of courses they are admin
- (5cf1da7 - BT#7273) Add "delete all" in works
- (f1ca812 - BT#6638) Add delete button for hotpotatoes attempts
- (ef5f4e4 - BT#4705) Add show_system_folders option in course
- (72f22cc) Add images sprite for sidebar menu icons
- (28e9d64 - BT#6418) Add attachments possibility in work comments
- (56f4a78 - BT#6735) Add option $_configuration['show_simple_session_info']
- (59de1f3) Add field Description (EnrichQuestion) in MultipleAnswer Excel test import
- (75d0c15 - BT#7311) Fix error when creating a folder inside a group
- (65119bc - BT#7682) Fix announcements bug in groups
- (2a3adc5 - BT#7688) Teacher can see invisible elements during LP construction
- (36486de - BT#7311) Fixing remove_XSS that always has ANONYMOUS even if you're in course
- (02eb40b - BT#7682) Show forums that have a category = 0 in learning paths building
- (efb50f8 - BT#7706) Removing COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY otherwise content will be truncated
- (ea500a2 - BT#7780) Fix multiple true/false/doubt question
- (e349c55 - BT#7763) Score per course report
- (d628a49) Finetune CSS loading order in template.lib.php
- (63d0324) Fix unintentional wildcard search on user_list
- (ae5ab7f) Print the full path of the directories checked by Chamilo installation instead of just their pseudo–relative paths
- (a5f40a2 - BT#7644) Change of conversion number from bytes to MB
- (3ef2245) Fix phpCAS error on logout, and redirection loop
- (86a3bc4 - BT#7297 - #7042) Setting $_configuration['save_user_last_login'] option. WARNING: this feature requires a database change - ignored if not present
- (9e0e4e1 - BT#7870) Don't delete documents when removing an LP
- (68d3c93) Table track_e_course_access now registers time in UTC
- (9d0baf3 - BT#7930) Fix XSS problem when using Google Chrome and Youtube src
- (64cda54) Removing PHP 5.2 validations
- (4c6799f - BT#7803) Improving agenda UI, fixing event edition, Adding date-range-picker element in FormValidator, Updating datetimepicker js library, Adding sabre-vobject ical library
- (0d0daa4 - BT#7780) Fix QTI import total question weight bug
- (cac3061 - BT#7688) Fix tool LP link when copying a LP
- (1e7a5c8) If event was marked as send to everyone clean the $sendToUsers list
- (48d9010 - BT#7968) Remove disabled teachers from list of session course coaches
- (f6b711f) Fix undefined watermark variable
- (b4bd250 - BT#7975) Adding lp extra fields - WARNING requires database structure change - ignored if not applied
- (0300ea0) Update course creation intro to show more relevant tools for teachers
- (f5e8a0f - BT#8074) Shared and chat folders now filtered by session
- (387cf2a - BT#8072) Show top menu bar even if empty to show logout button
- (cd7b428) Sound notification of incoming messages in chat
- (ef4d1ae) Add Adminer 4.1.0
- (a346e5a) Reversed gradebook scores array to reduce confusion
- (893d3ea) Fix issue getting last connexion date to a course (was getting it from the table track_e_course_access)
- (40a1e95 - BT#7780) Fix issue in course URL inside documents copied from one course to another
- (9b1ddc0, 82df5fb - BT#8207, BT#6768) Fix redirection issue in custom pages
- (#7153) Fix partial scores, total score, PDF export, percentage score, and certificate link in gradebook
- (#5565) Fix installation bug (again)
- (#7191) Fix SCORM autocompletion of parents
Stylesheets and theming
Stylesheets have been considerably changed in version 1.9.8, which might require a little update on your side if you have a custom stylesheet. We're sorry about it, but it was really necessary to improve the adaptability of the interface for mobile devices (which we are sure you will appreciate). If you only changed the logo, we recommend you make a copy of an existing Chamilo style (main/css/chamilo*) again, rename it and simply replace the logo then upload the new style. If you have more complex styles, you might want to ask for the assistance of your web designer at the moment you update Chamilo to this version.
- (#6217) Updated logo to new Chamilo logo in config section
- (#7007) Dropped support for IE7
- (#7126) Improve styling for profile-attached files
- (#7141) Great update to learning paths visualization
- (#7142) Changed help image in learning paths
- (#7147) Updated chat screen appearance
- (d64b865 - BT#8230) Add "section-login" class in login pages
Web services
- (BT#6246) Improved sessions list in sessions_list.soap.php and added GetLearnpathHighestLessonLocation() (also BT#6667)
- (BT#6246) Updated WSCreateUser() to manage active status, added WSGetUser(), WSGetUserFromUsername() and WSSubscribeUserToSessionSimple() and fixed WSListSessions() to allow sessions sales from Ubercart Drupal module
- (43949c7) Add check on existence of extra fields (optional)
- (#6763) Added WSUserSubscribedInCourse()
- (5ddc3c0) Assume student status in EditUser* services and prevent modifying an admin to student
- Custom tabs can no longer be defined directly in the settings_current table.
If you have custom_tabs in this table (select * from settings_current where variable='show_tabs' AND subkey like 'custom_tab_%'), please add them through the homepage edition screen.
- (#7180) Remove custom_tab_* feature
Chamilo - 22th of May, 2014
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a patch version with security patches on top of 1.9.6. Please check our security issues page for more information.
Chamilo 1.9.6 - Rochefort, 4th of June, 2013
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.9.6 is a minor stable version with security patches and a series of improvements on top of 1.9.4.
Release name
Rochefort is a small city in the South of Belgium, that has existed at least since year 1041 and has shown impressive resilience and stability, which we think 1.9.6 has reached as well. Rochefort's Brewery produces a very nice trappist beer exported even to Peru! As we are getting ready for a larger battle, getting Chamilo LMS every day to a larger community, we thought we'd make a last quiet stop and salute the little town where several contributors of Chamilo have set foot in the past.
- Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in announcement, blog and chat tools - see our security page for details
- Fixed unreported design flaw in e-mail password resetter
New Features
- Documents gallery now creates thumbnails to speed rendering up (#4536)
- New "Impress" visualization for learning paths (#4595)
- Show weight of current teacher's documents in session (#5298)
- Added system tracking for homepage edition (#5597)
- Show user data in admin tracking (#5723)
- User import through CSV now accepts language (#5746)
- Online-text assignments can be downloaded by teacher (#5805)
- Added improved permissions checker to installer to avoid HTTP 500 Server error page when entering the course on a Security Enhanced server (#5863)
- Added feature to "Mark all as read" in social messaging (#6019)
- Fixed wrong uploader user reference in e-mail sent to teacher when assignment is uploaded (#5970)
- Added return link on top of courses tree on homepage (#5986)
- Set minimum certification score to 75 by default in gradebook (#6001)
- Changed "Edit settings" label in groups edition (#6003)
- Improved (visually) the procedure to add new friends in the social network (#6015)
- Added "Re:[subject]" as title to answers in social messaging (#6018)
- Authorize .psd files uploads in custom stylesheet uploads to avoid frustration (#6038)
- Updated logo of all Chamilo styles with the new logo
- Improved visualization of very long assignments titles (cut at 27 chars)(#6163)
- Reverted the order of columns in gradebook flat view graphics (linked to #5883 but not exactly the topic)
- Fixed filter function in agenda tool (#2238)
- Fixed bug preventing HotPotatoes exercises from opening for students (#3993)
- Fixed missing conclusion text for exercises when seen from LP (#4227)
- Fixed bug changing forum post as main thread when edited by admin (#4271)
- Fixed bug preventing the creation of links in assignments description (#4374)
- Fixed confusing message for expired session (#4797)
- Fixed bug preventing import of large course backup files (#5334)
- Fixed confusing Nanogong text in admin settings (#5400)
- Fixed fonts size in Windows 7 (#5410)
- Fixed messaging isolation bug in multi-URL installations (#5441)
- Fixed bug importing backup copy (#5460)
- Fixed bug in survey not showing questions when invitation sent by mail (#5529)
- Fixed header in backup progress page (#5540)
- Fixed teacher viewing more folders in drop-down list (#5555)
- Fixed side panel not hiding in learning path when using through mobile device (#5563)
- Fixed 1.9.4 installation bug (#5565)
- Fixed wrong number of questions in survey list (#5567)
- Fixed reverse numbering of courses and users in sessions reporting block (#5594)
- Fixed users import from CSV in groups (#5603)
- Fixed groups too visible (#5608)
- Fixed score bug in exercise showing different scores to student and teacher (#5623)
- Fixed bug preventing edition of groups (#5625)
- Fixed visual bug in admin section, caused by mobile tweaks (#5660)
- Fixed bug in course code handling when importing users through CSV in course (#5670)
- Fixed crypto bug when upgrading from to 1.9.2 (#5685)
- Fixed users edition bug after upgrading from to 1.9.2 (#5687)
- Fixed wrong link in mail sent to user when a test has been reviewed by the teacher (#5697)
- Fixed bug in teacher report chart in admin dashboard (#5713)
- Fixed bug in end of HotPotatoes tests (#5719)
- Fixed quick toolbar icons not showing nicely in IE (#5733)
- Fixed e-mail sender for teacher announcements (#5738)
- Fixed missing images after backup restoration (#5765)
- Fixed bug preventing user from changing his stylesheet (#5767)
- Fixed notice message in (#5769)
- Fixed display bugs in IE (#5775)
- Fixed "FillGroup" confusing translation (#5778)
- Fixed students limit in a class (#5804)
- Removed mail sending to students when exercise is "exam" type (#5807)
- Fixed group chat history not being logged in documents (#5837)
- Fixed missing removal of survey invitations and answers on delete_user() call (#5847)
- Fixed course subcategories not showing after adding new course on same category (#5850)
- Fixed learning path view in student mode (#5855)
- Removed double course code info in admin courses list (#5865)
- Fixed bug preventing the printing of the gradebook flat view page (#5883)
- Fixed bug in BigBlueButton videoconference plugin to enable audio (#5884)
- Fixed several issues in recording of videoconference sessions (#5885)
- Fixed bug preventing the update of users picture (#5903)
- Fixed minor notice message about is_courseCoach (#5909)
- Fixed message when max_upload_filesize reached (#5938)
- Fixed downloadability of assignment when "invisible" (#5947)
- Fixed PDF export to include images (#5948)
- Fixed translation quirks for Spanish (#5949)
- Fixed bug removing students answers when modifying question (#5950)
- Fixed issue giving wrong time info in backup filename (#5951)
- Fixed horizontal/vertical view in survey questions (#5956)
- Fixed big issue in IE7&8 preventing to move to the next question in exercises (#5957)
- Fixed bug not showing phone number in student details (#5958)
- Fixed list of sessions not showing sessions (#5960)
- Fixed issue blocking the switch between tabs in session view (#5961)
- Fixed list of assignments not showing course assignments in session (#5963)
- Fixed issue uploading custom stylesheets (#5967)
- Fixed display issue in scoring system (gradebook) (#5969)
- Re-applied chart appearing in session view (#5971)
- Fixed missing title attribute in links on course homepage (#5976)
- Fixed missing images in glossary export (#5979)
- Fixed locking of user subscription to session when name contains special character (#5981)
- Aligned pager icons in images gallery (#5982)
- Minor orthographic fixes (#5985,#5987,#6002,#6063 and many others not referenced)
- Fixed CSS for categories list on homepage (#5989)
- Fixed missing results after exercise taken in learning path (#5990)
- Fixed style between course title and teacher name in courses tree on homepage (#5991)
- Fixed alignment in questions list for small screen resolutions (#5995)
- Fixed SQL error in (#5998)
- Fixed bug preventing change of password in profile (#5999, #6127)
- Fixed bug preventing display of documents templates when adding an element to the learning path (#6000)
- Fixed security issue allowing a student to take hiddn tests through the progress page (#6014)
- Fixed SQL error when uploading file to dropbox without destination (#6034)
- Fixed regression for score in forum threads (#6035)
- Fixed issue deleting one document at a time through course recycling feature (#6045)
- Fixed visibility of files in group documents for sender when just uploaded (#6046)
- Fixed bug preventing the re-enabling of the table of contents in learning paths (#6047)
- Fixed minor issue loading glyphicons from bootstrap.css (#6049)
- Fixed issue in Portuguese date format (#6054)
- Fixed security issue with reset password e-mail (#6113)
- Fixed warning in gradebook (#6122)
- Fixed bug preventing session coach to import users in his session even when authorized by admin (#6141)
- Fixed display issue in long HotPotatoes tests (#6150)
- Fixed learning path student view issue created from improvements to user experience (#6154)
- Fixed bug with jqgrid column titles character set not showing properly (#6159)
- Fixed missing variable definition in check_abs_path() function (#5705)
- Fixed bug whereby non-admin coaches can't see the details of an exam in a session (#6160)
Stylesheets and theming
- Updated Chamilo logo in default styles
Web services
- Removed Dok€os prefixes from services in user_info.soap.php
Chamilo 1.9.4 - Puebla, 18th of January, 2013
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.9.4 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.2.
Release name
Puebla is a large city very close to México D.F. and is considered an "extension" of the capital city in many ways. Puebla has very nice blend of precolombine and spaniard architecture. All in all, we felt like Puebla, in tremendous growth, was a close image to Chamilo 1.9 on its way to 1.10.
New Features
- Gradebook: Allow teacher to print certificates for entire class (#3708)
- Attendances: Warn about overlapping course attendances (#3716)
- Agenda: Tutors can now add events (and other related options) in group calendars (BT#4284)
- Admin: Class import/export (#3882)
- Admin: Add stylesheet download button to avoid requiring access to the code to start customizing a stylesheet (#5862)
- Admin: Added extra fields for courses and sessions (facilitates synchronization through webservices with additional info) (BT#4882)
- Reporting: Show IP addresses in main/admin/statistics reports (#3987)
- Learning paths: Enabled LP result in exercise report (#5469)
- Learning paths: LP illustration image is now shown as tool icon on course homepage (BT#5486)
- Exercises: Enabled exercise report by category (#5716)
- Survey: Anonymous survey participation link auto-generator, fixing awkward issues with invitations (#5851)
- Translation: Added support for Tagalog native language and main translation (still requires manual db update to enable, will be completed in 1.10) (#5854)
- Users: Added the possibility for teachers to add students to their course through users classes (#5514)
- Reporting: Added links to resources from statistics (#3731)
- Documents: Show course documents volume proper to a session (#4483)
- Skills: skills tree need a return link (#4492)
- Assignments: tool work: add zip and download feature from inside an assignment folder (#4616)
- Global: Added an icon to see in page whoisonline.php if user is admin, teacher or student (#5283)
- Classes: Added a search box and a way to display more than 20 items in classes tables (#5381)
- Reporting: In the Course Tracking table, we don't have possibility to display more line in the result table (#5753)
- Learning paths: Reintegrated features lost since 1.9 (#5758)
- Learning paths: Adding a preview when checking the LP items in the reporting tab (BT#4961)
- Internal/Development: Measure most frequent language terms (#4804)
- Survey: Survey invitations are now sent through the Chamilo messaging feature as well
- Thematic advance: Allowing multiple creation of course progress not restricted to 6 types (BT#4878)
- Plugins: Added security to Single Sign On mechanism - Limit IPs (BT#5137)
- Learning paths: Implements a Scorm constraint: If SCO_MasteryScore does not evaluate to a number, passed/failed status won't be set at all (BT#5153)
- Link: Added url type selector (#5794)
- Admin: Enabled class users import (#4518)
- Wiki: Export to PDF in WIKI (#3471)
- Learning paths: Considerably improved learning path ergonomy (#5593)
- Classes: In courses, added a button to see which classes are registered in the course (#5619)
- Exercises: Fixed questions alignment in IE8
- Forum: Cleant forum UI (#3376)
- Global: Multi select boxes are too narrow. Find a way to enlarge it ? (#4062)
- Exercises: Test "Learner score" page for teacher, keep filter active after correcting a test (#4697)
- Classes: When you want to Subscribe classes to courses, you should see the course Visual Code (#5553)
- Learning paths: In Learning path editing mode, add item display when click on the item title on the left side (#5662)
- Reporting: Change "X" icon for visibility eye icon (#5700)
- Assignments: Hide "Contains a file" text in assignments submit paper form (#5781)
- Exercises: description flashes when opening new question (#5831)
- Exercises: Finish test button should be orange (#5832)
- Adding new date format only day name: monday, sunday, etc (BT#4939)
- Gradebook: Adding new tag ((date_certificate_no_time)) for certificates also adding a new time format (BT#5032)
- Themes: improved responsive design
- Themes: Mobile: Remove logo in 480px and 320px views
- Internal/Development: Improved code documentation substantially (many commits)
- Themes: Login box appears left now, to allow it to appear on top in mobile view
- Internal/Development: Replaced many & by & for better HTML5 compatibility
- Internal/Development: Progressive replacement of course_code by course_id in tables
- Themes: CSS: update first #main_content to #top_main_content to avoid DOM errors (there were two #main_content ids)
- Global: Removing unwanted tags when exporting to CSV (BT#5082)
- Internal/Development: Removing files already added in controller.php + removing style.margin fix
- SEO: Moved H1 to H2 for hottest courses block - Although you can have more than on h1 per page, this block is really not a main block
- Admin: Improving query in session_list.php adding indexes in the session_fields and session_field_option (BT#4878)
- Gradebook: Disabling creation of an evaluation when creating a gradebook (BT#4878)
- Global: Removed X-UA-Compatible meta tag to avoid IE9 warnings
- Learning path: Added a configuration setting $_configuration['hide_teacher_icons_lp'] to show icons as before the ergonomy changes (#5593)
- Internal/Development: Removed call of $oLP object by reference to avoid PHP 5.4 warning (BT#5198)
- Global: Changed position of the notification counter to make it more visible
- Global: Updated position of the ribbon to floats (#5771)
- Courses: Disable options for students with assistant status in course (#5802)
- Exercises: Added the possibility to force the edition of a question if it has been used in a learning path (#5288)
- Install: Added autofocus buttons to allow for next-next-next-next procedure
- Internal/Development: Added data filler for exercises: one exercise with 5000 questions
- Exercises: Added option to access exercise settings directly if more than 50 questions
- Internal/Development: Updating, composer, autoload, using a controller way to call funcion only for index.php and userportal.php
- Global: If sender is not available, use no-reply e-mail when sending e-mail (#5738/BT#5316)
- Global: Boosted query for user's sessions list (BT#4890)
- Global: Show latest sessions first (by date) (BT#4890)
- Internal/Development: Changed timeline tool to use demo controller (using doctrine2) (#4570)
- Internal/Development: Moved Twig settings to
- Global: Improved performance of index.php and user_portal.php
- Admin: Added language file inclusion to AJAX for courses to show the label of the course icon in users admin list
- Admin: Hidden link to system_management and fixed issues with security token in the following screens (#5504/#5693)
- Plugins: Updates in BigBlueButton plugin to manage recordings better, and removing "join conference" button when there is no current conference (#5802/BT#5272)
- Plugins: Videoconference: Block students from closing if conference status says "FAILED" (#5802)
- Attendances: The creation of an attendance sheet now creates a first attendance date (BT#5622)
- Internal/Development: Creating main tables with UTF8 adding "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci" (#5678)
- Internal/Development: First running version of continuous integration build system at using PHPUnit
- Global: Improved message when user subscribes to course (BT#5655)
- Web services: Added examples for users registration web services (commit:21137)
- Plugins: Improved translation of BigBlueButton plugin (BT#5272)
- Web services: Added check on emptiness of firstname/lastname in WSUserEdit* services (BT#5743)
- Admin: Avoid not sending mails if notification extra fields do not exist (BT#5739)
- Fixed some issues for IE9 compatibility (#2233)
- Fixed issue with number of questions in random exercises(#2469)
- Fixed issue with HTML & text encoding in online editor (#3069)
- Colored correction (tags Abbr style) lost in document tool (#3417)
- Documents: Fixed problem in documents quota (#3535)
- Search: Fixed blank page when search plugin enabled (#3550)
- Exercises: Fixed view bug when moving questions (#3775)
- Global: User's language was still used after disabling (#3877)
- Learning paths: Navigation blocked (#3888)
- Exercises: Fixed problem with accentuated characters in image zones (#3919)
- Global: Anonymous user appears in closed course's log (#3938)
- Work: Assignment's author not always right (#4000)
- Global: Error in upper toolbar (#4038)
- Work: Tasks without directory lost in upgrade from 1.8 (#4046)
- Global: Bug using api_strtotime() (#4263)
- Documents: MPEG video playing doesn't work (#4877)
- Global: IE9 doesn't show Cosmic Campus menu background (#5194)
- Global: Error in WMV MIME type (#5294)
- Documents: (rejected) Documents uploaded from courses of the same session (#5297)
- Social: Height of social messaging's answer subject field is too low (#5326)
- Documents: Documents in learning path (sessions) do not appear to tutor (#5328)
- Work: Homework pagination count errors (#5332)
- Documents: Simple upload doesn't work with HTTPS (#5344)
- Global: Login field does not get focus in IE (#5345)
- Sessions: Removing user from one course doesn't update the subscribed users count (#5352)
- Global: Option to show code in course title doesn't work (#5355)
- Exercises: Cannot open HotPotatoes imported file if user is student and user id > 9 (#5359)
- Exercises: HotPotatoes frame too high if Admin bar is on (#5363)
- Exercises: Cannot see HotPotatoes tests result (#5376)
- Learning path: Fixed issues in upgrade from to 1.9 (#5377)
- Learning path: Fixed issues with progress of externally authored content (#5382)
- Exercises: Fixed issue with Excel tests results export (#5385)
- Exercises: Display of tests results - wrong alignment (#5414)
- Dropbox: Teacher not able to download dropbox files (#5447)
- Course: Problem accessing course protected with password (#5470)
- Admin: Sessions list doesn't show up (#5494)
- Admin: Problem generating admin page (#5504)
- Social: Disabling social network generates display bug in messages menu (#5505)
- Skills: Cannot get back to course from skills screen (#5532)
- Agenda: Event created by a group user should be visible to all group users (#5533)
- Users: Course assistant does not have access to course (#5542)
- Documents: Group folders were visible to all (#5551)
- Documents: Invisible folders appear in the location bar + fixed bug creating folders (#5555)
- Social: Error when changing profile with e-mail not required (#5556)
- Admin: Cannot change stylesheets (#5564)
- Exercises: Fill in the blanks questions with dash (-) in the answer doesn't work (#5569)
- Exercises: Long question titles hide results and spread below title box in exercise report (#5576)
- Admin: Error clicking the admin tab (#5580)
- Admin: Global setting "allow non admin to create course" has no effect (#5588)
- Exercises: suivi des exercices passés via session (#5589)
- Survey: Bug in the invited users list (#5591)
- Plugins: Students can open rooms as presenters through BigBlueButton videoconference plugin (#5596)
- Global: In course catalog, we see button "Go to the course" even if we do not have the right to go to the course (#5599)
- Documents: no time info if document has been sent the day or the day before (#5606)
- Social: Even if we don't use Social network tool, we still have the possibility to copy a document to our private file area (#5607)
- Global: Missing german language file for many plugins of fckeditor (#5612)
- Exercises: Hotpotatoes export result doesn't work (#5624)
- Global: In course list courses without category are in last position, and there are in first position in the Sort course tool (#5630)
- Course copy: When copying a course, Learning Path Web link items are empty (have no URL) (#5631)
- Announcements: Adding a group to an annoucement, we don't see the number of users in the group (#5634)
- Groups: In group document tool, if we add a file or create a directory in group doc, it is added in the root document path (#5648)
- Tracking: "Foreach" Warning on mySpace/index.php page (#5654)
- Dropbox: Impossible to delete documents received in dropbox (#5656)
- Classes: import file csv to add users (#5659)
- Groups: In some courses the group list is shown multiple times (#5661)
- Global: Access to forbidden courses (#5664)
- Groups: Error getting groups from course (#5666)
- Exercises: Students don't see their previous tests answers anymore (#5667)
- Classes: In 1.9.4, we don't have the possibility to create groups from classes (#5679)
- Users: In Course > User interface, if I add a class to a course, it is unregistered from other Courses (#5684)
- Admin: Login as show previous user in username (top left) (#5692)
- Admin: In 1.9.2, cleaning databases doesn't work (sec_token is wrong) (#5693)
- Learning paths: Can not change the name of a learnpath (#5695)
- Exercises: Fill in the blanks - Identical answers (#5703)
- Calendar: Events en course calendar dissapearing (#5720)
- Documents: Moving files in document: path indicator not correct (#5727)
- Webservices: Error in EditUser webservice (#5730)
- Learning paths: Ghost LP link in course homepage if renaming a LP (#5731)
- Calendar: Attachments in two different agenda events are the same (#5740)
- Survey: Survey results not saved (#5748)
- Global: Firefox 17 update breaks FCKeditor online WYSIWYG editor (#5752)
- Exercises: No notification sent for oral questions type (#5756)
- Documents: Suppresion en lot ne fonctionne plus (#5757)
- Links: c_id field missing in query (#5768)
- Assignments: Zip file of Assignements may contains files with the same name (#5770)
- Exercises: Display of 'congratulations' message badly located - overwrites the score (#5771)
- Survey: When publishing a Survey, we always have to fill MailSubject and MailBody fields - not necessary anymore (#5772)
- Global: Error when modifying global group option "A user can be member of maximum X groups" (#5776)
- Group: Cannot delete all group with menu in (#5777)
- Exercises: Error switching courses if you use an image from another course in a test (#5780)
- Assignments: The deleted assignments are counted in the total number of documents (#5783)
- Plugins: Teachers permissions in videoconference (#5802)
- Plugins: Rooms not managed correctly in videoconference plugin (#5803)
- Learning paths: Impossible to add prerequisites in chamilo-1.9.4-nightly-2012-12-06 - Fixed link to prerequisites (#5816)
- Exercises: Fatal error in Question_pool page (#5817)
- Survey: surveys not tracking (#5836)
- Learning paths: Error with SCORM path with search engine enabled - ChamiloIndexer class (#5839)
- Admin: User expiry date not working (#5846)
- Global: No css at profile page (#5858)
- Global: Chamilo 1.9.4 RC 1 - Posible bug en red social (#5861)
- Admin: Validating setting allow_user_course_subscription_by_course_admin (BT#5020)
- Gradebook: Adding setting for gradebook score results page (now it works as intended) (BT#4895)
- Reporting: Fixed reporting tab issue for teachers (BT#5035)
- Thematic advance: Fixed course progress date
- Admin: Fixed stylesheets uploa (BT#5043)
- Documents: Fixed bug exporting images in PDF (BT#5058)
- Exercises:Fixing hotpotatoe bug when viewing the exercise list as an student
- Learning paths: Fixes bug in a query when getting the status, this causes that the progress is stuck in 0% (BT#5069)
- Learning paths: learning_path folder in the document course belongs to any session
- Admin: Fixing bug when uploading users in a class via CSV now we don't delete the original users
- Documents: Fixes bug "Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'"
- Social:Fixing image block when social net is off
- Exercises: Fix bug of wrong exercise title in mail when teacher validate an attempt
- Admin: Adding user number in list (BT#4927)
- Gradebook: Fixing gradebook creation when creating courses during migration (BT#4878)
- Exercises: "only one question in exercise bug" fixed. When question_order is 1,1,1,1 instead of 1,2,3,4 (BT#5140)
- Exercises: Fixing bug when saving exercises, apache error "Request-URI Too Large" (BT#5151)
- Documents: Fixes swf upload problem in chamilo 1.8.x. When uploading a file with the character "-" the filename was changed from "-" to "_" in the DB for no reason. This fix resolves the problem only for *.swf files (BT#5144)
- Exercises: Fixing hotspot order on history.back (BT#5728)
- Plugins: Fixed "page after login" feature when logging into the system via LDAP $logging_in = true (BT#5154)
- Exercises: Removed tricky message appearing briefly when getting to the questions list ("Are you sure you want to delete?")
- Exercises: Fixed XLS import (BT#5328)
- Exercises: Fixed missing deletion of questions categories on course deletion (CourseRecycler class) (BT#5328)
- Documents: Fixed filenames when exporting to zip (#5770)
- Exercises: Fixed bug by which quiz questions were mixed after copy from one course to another (BT#5328)
- Assignments: Fixed issue when downloading text assignments as zip (#5805)
- Course copy: Fixed missing text_when_finished and pass_percentage quiz fields in course copy (#5744)
- Global: Fixed and optimized sessions visibility algorithm (BT#4890)
- Exercises: Fixed issue mixing matching answers in exercises copy (BT#5418)
- Exercises: Fixed copy of hotspot questions
- Exercises: Fixed bug when hiding an exercise
- Calendar: Fixes to calendar iCal export
- Global: Fixed extra field filter on sessions (BT#5540)
- Survey: Fixed bug when sending a survey invitation (BT#5559)
- Exercises: Fixed exam URL sent to the user (#5814)
- Exercises: Fixed bug using time limit (#5814)
- Learning paths: Fixed non-display of text when quiz finished in LP (#4227)
- Admin: Fixed sessions pagination bug (BT#5476)
- Admin: Fixed issues of pagination when searching in "important activities" report (#3987)
- FCKEditor: Fixed preg_match() call parameters
- Documents: Fix for FLV files import (#5343)
- Survey: Fixed survey questions count (#5567)
- Learning paths: Fixed LP JS error with Hotpotatos +fixed empty iframe + fixed wrong HTML attribute (#3343)
- Security: Fixed issue with check_abs_path() function under Windows whereby the path was not similar for uppercases reasons (#5670)
- Exercises: Fixed error in tests results sorting by category (commit:21109)
- Global: Fixed possible loop in course code search (BT#5558) and improve user filter (BT#5707)
- Install: Fixed double settings insertion during install (commit:21134)
- Admin: Fixed last access report (BT#5171)
- Course copy: Fixed many issues in exercises copy from course to course and portal to portal (commit:21142, BT#5731)
- Learning paths: Fixed SCORM support regression (BT#5069)
- Learning paths: Fixed start time (BT#5710)
- Global: Applied max num rows patch to dynamic tables (Jqgrid, BT#5476)
- Admin: Fixed users extra fields dates (#5879)
- Exercises: Fixed "Next" button bug in IE8&9 + results page not showing in review page (BT#5728)
Third-Party Libraries additions/updates
- Documents: Yoxview library was removed see #3307
Stylesheets and theming
- Added session-box-text and session-item elements to improve styling
- Modified #main_content to #top_main_content to avoid double #main_content id on the same page
Chamilo 1.9.2 - Hanga Roa, 27th of September, 2012
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.9.2 is a minor stable version with a series of improvements on top of 1.9.0.
Release name
Hanga Roa is the capital city of Rapa Nui, the Easter Island. The entire Rapa Nui culture is filled with mystery and assumptions about where and how the first Rapa Nui people came to be on the island, but it is accepted by many that the main strain came from Polynesia a long time ago. The population there is around 3,300 but warmly welcomes tons of tourists every year, a bit in the image of the small team of Chamilo now serving more than 1.4M users worldwide, with a welcoming 1.9.2 version that will help you get more time to yourself...
New Features
- Course home: Allow for the publication of direct links to learning paths in the sessions (#3367)
- Global: We now show th teacher's professional "card" when clicking on the teacher's name in the courses list (#3388)
- Global: Added option to send the student to the courses catalog the first time he logs in (#3898)
- Exercises: Added "success score" to exercises (#4541)
- Exercises: Added automated distribution of score in specific question type (#4656)
- Attendances: Added PDF + print button to attendance sheets (#5069)
- Assignments: Users can now see if they have already uploaded their assignment (#5145)
- Global: Added a course-specific registration link to increase speed of auto-registration (#5299)
- Exercises: Success score for an exercise can now be set manually to allow for specific percentages (#5330)
- Documents: The images and audio integrated apps now check available space left on disk before saving (#5346)
- Sessions: Added an "official" start and end date to the sessions
- Forum: Forum categories, fora and forum threads (but not forum posts to avoid inconsistencies in users property) can now be copied from one course to another (#5462)
- Exercises: Exercises and questions can now be copied inside or between courses, and be better included into learning paths (#651)
- Global: Improved WYSIWYG behaviour, now more natural (#1780)
- Interface: The action icons bar was improved (#2810)
- Social network: Added an icon to show whether users are on- or offline (#3316)
- Exercises: Improved interface in true/false/don't know question type (#3370)
- Learning paths: Fixed a series of small issues with the learning paths edition page (#3533)
- Global: Improvements on various timezone issues (#3747)
- Exercises: The test description now only shows on the test start page (#3845)
- Global: Fixed CSS positionning problem (#4075)
- Learning paths: Improved error message for too large SCORM files (#4142)
- Attendances: Reduced steps to create attendance sheets (#4484)
- Forum: E-mail notifications can now be sent daily only (#4761)
- Plugins: Improved the BBB 0.8 plugin (#4840 & #5312)
- Global: Enabled custom pages feature, which allows the system to server specific pages after login to specific user roles (#4850)
- Survey: Added surveys in item_property tracking (#4923)
- Global: Disable auto-capitalize when using mobile phones (#5116)
- Agenda: Improved the personal agenda items system (#5201)
- Global: Added a link for portal admins to hide the "Popular courses" block (#5268)
- Social network: Deleting private messages now requires confirmation (#5269)
- Global: Invalid address errors are now saved to the default error log (#5306)
- Exercises: Exercises with a pass % of 0 disable the pass % feature (#5383)
- Exercises: Small aesthetics improvements for true/false/dunno answer type (#5385)
- Users: Added the registration date in the users lists tables (#5473)
- Course copy: Improved error message on missing file (#5515)
- Exercises: Added grey icon for audio questions when exercise is bloqued (#5516)
- Admin: New global corporate report for learning paths and certificates (BT#5476)
- Global: Improved support for WCAG AAA (BT#5479)
- Internal/Development: Added video format converter script (hopefully useful in the future for HTML5 video format)
- Global: Fixed a bug with XLS export encoding (#1831)
- Documents: Fixed bug editing jpg/png with SVGedit (#3261)
- Exercises: Fixed missing reports on some questions in test feedback (#3347)
- Learning paths: Fixed tab-switching issue in LP edition (#3352)
- Assignments: Fixed issue by which students could send assignments passed the end date (#3918)
- Global: Fixed issue by which password reminder stopped working in some cases (#4032)
- Global: Fixed bug by which users lost their sessions when the Wiris plugin was enabled (#4468)
- Assessments: Fixed issue with the QR code generation in certificates (#5015)
- Plugins: Fixed issue when installing the BBB plugin when using subdirectories (#5103)
- Learning paths: Fixed the learning path tracking reset buttong (#5239)
- Learning paths: Fixed issue with HotPotatoes files paths being shown (#5253)
- Learning paths: Fixed blanck page when editing a document without title (#5265)
- Learning paths: Fixed issues in learning paths export (#5286)
- Social network: Fixed chat box remaining enabled when social network is not (#5295)
- Exercises: Fixed issue with exercise's start time not being saved (#5301)
- Migration: Fixed courses disappearing when migrating from 1.8 to 1.9 (#5302)
- Global: Fixed font preview being different from the final result (#5303)
- Exercises: Fixed very rare case where the expiration of time when reviewing questions with delete results (#5304)
- Exercises: Fixed display bug in modal results window (#5311)
- Social network: Fixed wrong extra text field in reply form in social messaging (#5327)
- Learning paths: Fixed a fatal error in learner reporting (#5347)
- Agenda: Fixed wrong month in calendar event popup (#5348)
- Global: Fixed issue by which profile fields of type select did not unfold (#5351)
- Sessions: Fixed issue by which access delays did not influence the visibility in courses list (#5353)
- Global: Fixed online e-mail editor setting (#5356)
- Exercises: Fixed but in exercises scenario (#5375)
- Exercixes: Fixed issue with open questions (#5434)
- Global: Fixed issue when enabling openid without the right config in the right place (#5463)
- Assignments: Fixed SQL error when adding an assignment (#5484)
- Global: Fixed FCKEditor error in assessments model creation (#5490)
- Global: Fixed courses backup (broken by the implementation of forum backup) (#5499)
- Assessments: Qualification's icon did not appear on tasks (#5517)
- Exercises: Fixed issue with reviewed question and 0 score (#5517)
- Global: Fixed missing student view button (#5528)
- Survey: Fixed issue sending survey invitations by e-mail (#5529)
- Admin: Fixed name clash between home-made function http_request() and a pre-defined http_request() function (#5531)
- Users: Problem accessing the course groups (#5537)
- Social network: An user could not modify its own official code, even if configured to be possible (#5538)
Chamilo 1.9.0 - Vogüé, 31st of July, 2012
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.9.0 is a major stable version with loads of added features.
Release name
Vogüé is a small town in the French region of Rhône-Alpes, and one of the most beautiful villages of France. It features a 12th century, a generally very pretty landscape and is one of the few remote towns in current growth. One of our new development team members chose this familiar town because it inspires stability and diversity.
New Features
This version of Chamilo includes a few new features.
- Most Chamilo pages are now HTML5-compliant (#4400)
- Chamilo now implements an adaptative design which greatly improves its use on mobile devices (#4400)
- Plugins: The plugin system has been reworked a lot and new plugins were added Static, Facebook/Twitter share buttons, Videoconference (with BBB), etc (#4450, #4557). Now you can select where the plugins will be show, we call these Regions. New Hello World, Social tools and Show regions plugins added
- Admin: Feature for admin to recover deleted attendances (BT#3002)
- Documents: Record your voice (flash mode)
- Global: Platform-wide, FB-type chat with social network friends (#3565, #5264)
- Exercises: Added questions categories management in exercises (#294 & #3974)
- Admin: E-mail alerts can be configured and sent to specific users (#984, #4358, #4658)
- System: Migration to one single, simple normal form database (#1245, #3910, #4728, #4791) (heavy migration process but should result in lighter database processing, migration heavily tried by many testers)
- Global: New CSS framework added
- Global: Implementation of Twig Template System
- Global: A feature sniffer now can check if the user's browser has enough resources to use all features of Chamilo (#1337)
- Tracking: Teachers can now see their own results if they are subscribed to a course (#1409)
- Social: you can now choose when to receive e-mails from the social network notifications (this requires a working Cron setup)(#2189)
- Exercises: It is now possible to answer a question and "Mark it" for later review, then review all marked questions (#2486, #3958 & #4031)
- Agenda: You can now connect your calendar to your Google Calendar (#3040)
- Agenda: You can now see a specific event's details from inside the calendar view (#3143)
- Languages: Added structure for Turkish and Basque languages (#3350)
- Exercises: Audio recording question: students can now record their answers as audio directly from the browser or uploading an MP3 (#3478)
- Exercises: any question can now be "cloned" (#3551)
- Admin: It is now possible to *search* for platform settings, through a neat search box (#3655)
- Exercises: A button now allows you to save each question when going through the test, even in all questions on one page mode (#3683)
- Admin: Added default visibility settings for new courses (#3684)
- Admin: Added possibility to disable the documents quick list on courses list page (#3766 & #3904)
- Wiki: A search feature now lets you search in all wiki pages (#3849)
- Glossary: It is now possible to import glossary terms through CSV files (#3857)
- Course progress: It is now possible to import course progress (#3858)
- Exercises: There is now a report by question for exercises, in order to know which questions are too difficult or too simple for most students (#3864 & #3954)
- Wiki: The wiki now includes contributions statistics (#3870)
- Admin: A new administration top bar has been added, Wordpress-style, which should allow administrators to manage Chamilo much faster (#3899, #4162, #4843)
- Exercises: Added "all questions" selector for random number of questions to avoid having to re-edit each time (#3942)
- Learning paths: Students can now add new forum threads if forum included in learning path (#3944)
- Assignments: It is now possible to fulfill an assignment directly as an HTML document from the assignment tool (#3978)
- Plugins: The BigBlueButton plugin has been adjusted to work with BigBlueButton 0.80 and manage webconference recordings from inside the course (#3988)
- Exercises: You can now add a congratulations text at the end of an exercise (#4074)
- Exercises: You can now watch the progress of your students, live, while they are taking an exam (#4100)
- Global: Added the possibility to vote for courses, and a "Popular courses" block on the homepage (#4191, #4200)
- Plugins: Added Shibboleth authentication plugin (#4554)
- Plugins: Added RSS feed plugin for course events (#4574)
- Plugins: Added statis HTML block plugin (#4575)
- Documents: Added WAMI Audio recorder in Flash to the documents tool (requires admin settings to be configured) (#4596)
- Plugins: Added a course search plugin to find a specific course by title (#4597)
- Plugins: "Share this" plugin (#4598)
- Admin: Added custom logged-out pages mechanism (#4610)
- Admin: Zombies! Now possible to disable old users (#4652)
- System: Added CDN static files controller for high-availability servers (#4653)
- Assignments: The teacher can now download all files from a specific assignment in one Zip (#4687)
- Documents: Added Flash(TM) webcam photoboot, whereby teachers (or students through groups) can take pictures from their webcam, wich get uploaded to the documents tool directly (#4856) (enable through admin settings)
- Plugins: Added plugin for School Server of OLPC Perú project (Squid proxy filtering from course) (#4925)
- Exercises: Added new type of questions that automate the repartition of score between available answers (#5012)
- Exercises: Time counter now changes color at 3, then 1 minute to increase awareness of student, and appears nicely in all-questions-on-one-page exercises (#5043, #5267)
- System: The stats collection of is now automatic. If you want to disable this feature, edit admin/index.php and look for fsockopen() (#5104)
- Global: Improvements for iPad(TM) and iPhone(TM) by disabling auto-capitalization (#5116)
- Documents: Added thumbnails to the advanced files manager in the documents tool (#5142)
- Tracking: Added a personal timeline for students in their My reporting tab (#5163)
- Admin: Added notification to admins when a new user is requesting approval for account activation (#5178)
- Documents: Added Flash(TM) reader for Freemind's mindmap format
- Admin: Removed the "use_document_title" option. Now always considered enabled (#3781)
- Admin: Session admins are now allowed to see sessions of other session admins (#3823)
- Admin: Max course space is shown in MB instead of bytes (#4016)
- Admin: Sessions now show the number of users subscribed (#4522)
- Admin: Improved user-related admin settings (#4576)
- Admin: Now highlighting current category in admin settings (#4615)
- Admin: Improved Chamilo external authentication mchanism to enable better Single Sign On (#4618)
- Admin: The new "System" block was added in administration
- Admin: A new option was added to delete files in /archive (only for the super administrator can access it)
- Admin: When disabling the gradebook tool, no more reference appear to the gradebook in other tools (#5034)
- Admin: The hide tool options now blocks the access to the tool. See BT#4138
- Admin: Removed $_configuration['tracking_enabled'] (#2808)
- Agenda: Invalid dates were removed in time selector (#1197)
- Agenda: The personal agenda is now enabled by default (#3828)
- Announcements: Announcements can now be re-sent by e-mail when edited (#4527)
- Documents: Advanced file manager now lets you see PDF previews (#2245)
- Documents: The Nanogong plugin integration has been improved to reduce the number of warnings and work on more platforms (#3257)
- Documents: Text to speech feature has been improved in many ways (#4022)
- Documents: Updated SVG-edit tool to latest version and included external SVG galleries (#4399, #4408)
- Documents: Improved photo retouching application (PixlR) integration to make it possible to run from a simple IP address (no domain name needed) (#4899))
- Documents: Added images thumbnail slideshow automatic resize (#5131)
- Exercises: Creation of questions was improved (better presentation) (#1151)
- Exercises: Improved Universal Time usage in exercises (#2075)
- Exercises: Now showing the start screen for exercises only on first screen (#3844)
- Exercises: Exams show correct answers for teachers in questions list and preview mode (#3846, #4072)
- Exercises: In exercises, show the results to the student even if the teacher didn't review it yet (varies depending on options) (#3949)
- Exercises: A new results listing allows you to sort by finish date (#3984)
- Exercises: When a teacher finishes giving feedback to a test, he is sent back to the list of tests still missing feedback (#4015)
- Exercises: Added a group filter in tests results (#4027)
- Exercises: Added a return button at the end of the exercises results page (#4842)
- Global: Most tables' pagination now work with jQuery for more interactive navigation (#340)
- Global: Most buttons were improved, both in visual style and in labels (#1145)
- Global: the FCKEditor has been updated and improved in many ways (#2479)
- Global: The header size has been reduced to give more space to content, in particular for wide screens layouts (#3191)
- Global: Modal windows usability has been improved (#3253)
- Global: Reduced the amount of session-kicking and improved messaging (#3266)
- Global: Implemented fixed width layout by default (#3315)
- Global: Menus and breadcrumb were sanitized (#3329)
- Global: The configuration.php file has been cleaned up to make it easier to edit (#3604)
- Global: Added username as tooltip to most users lists (#4030, #4226)
- Global: username has been replaced by full name in logout button (#4505)
- Global: FCKEditor now show all tools by default when maximized (#4534)
- Global announcements: Global announcements now show as a slideshow on homepage (#4537)
- Global: In the courses list, teacher names now link to their info sheet (#4586)
- Global: Courses/Session blocks layout have been improved
- Global: Right menus where improved and cleaned up
- Installation: Messages during installation have been improved (#1485)
- Installation: Install process now tests memory limit and suggests value (#607)
- Installation: Improved buttons behaviour (#4206)
- Learning paths: Improved tracking of multiple exercises in learning paths (#3188)
- Learning paths: The navigation was improved in the learning paths (#3365)
- Learning paths: Documents uploaded from the learning path tool are now located in the learning_path folder in documents (#3542)
- Learning path: Export of learning paths to PDF is now done as one item per page (#4532)
- Links: Improved coherency of links (#1845)
- Social: Social groups interface has been improved to make writing and answering to others easier (#3871)
- System: Increased the disk_quota database field in the course table, previously limiting max space to 4GB (#4028)
- System: Using a unique function for course creation now (#4068)
- System: Behaviour has been verified and improved with SSL (#4465)
- Exercises: Improving buttons (#4543)
- System: New courses automatically come with index.html in their directory to avoid browsing if web server not properly configured (#4592)
- Social groups: It is now possible to unsubscribe from a social group (#4593)
- System: Improved api_session_register() (#4784)
- System: Added optional limits for hosting services (#4792)
- System: Old "Class" tables have been migrated to the usergroups tables (#4882)
- System: Session mode is now the only mode available. Previous "class" mode should now be implemented through user groups
- Users: Users lists can now be exported to a PDF document
- Admin: Fixed bug by which a session could be added in two distinct URLs at the same time (#3733)
- Admin: Data filler: several fixes added (developers only)
- Admin: The setting "Hide course tools" was changed: Check the tools you want to hide from teachers. This will prohibit access to the tool instead of just hiding the tools.
- Admin: if the forums tool is hidden on the course, should not be displayed in the social network, also in a blog (#1959)
- Admin: Settings: Registration Page (#3681)
- Admin: Warn about failure to create backup (#3729)
- Admin: Backup and Import of course data into clean system will clutter course (#3837)
- Admin: Don't send e-mail to inactive accounts (#3855)
- Admin: Portal unable to send email contact Administration (#3883)
- Admin: Add/Edit course category bug when using non alpha char in code (#3947)
- Admin: Course has no category if you delete the category it belongs to (#3970)
- Admin: If you are admin and put the wysiwyg editor full screen, buttons are hidden (#4442)
- Admin: SQL error when creating a new course (#4477)
- Admin: Session title doesn't show in session box (#4514)
- Admin: E-mail template for registration (#4525)
- Admin: Long course codes "already exists" (#4548)
- Admin: settings_current does not get populated from db_main.sql (new install) (#4638)
- Admin: Chamilo 19.Alpha4 - Admin => Système =Statut du système (#4650)
- Admin: ldap_bind function (#4675)
- Admin: HRM : accessibility of the data (#4676)
- Admin: Export vs Import 1.9.0 Alpha4 (#4706)
- Admin: update_version variable not used (#4711)
- Admin: problem creating new field for user (user field) (#5025)
- Admin: view copied files from a course to his user folder by an administrator (#5102)
- Admin: fill and clean group for all groups don't work (#5106)
- Admin: Session admin cannot add users (#5146)
- Admin: Session course is not session cùourse (#5173)
- Admin: When you remove a user , member of a class (usergroup) from platform, number of registered members in the class(usergourp) doesn't change (#5227)
- Agenda: A complete rework was made for 3 types of calendars: Personal, Course and Admin. Now we use the Fullcalendar js library
- Agenda: failing adding all users after editing an event (#2158)
- Agenda: Show multi-day agenda events as spanning multiple days (#3717)
- Agenda: windows (select date) too small (#3894)
- Agenda: Error when adding user in calendar event if hamonym exists (#4278)
- Agenda: EventType not translated in courseLog.php (#4585)
- Agenda: Incorrect date in agenda (#4863)
- Agenda: No description in agenda AND long description (#4864)
- Agenda: Personal agenda does not show anything outside the course (#4865)
- Agenda: course switching automatically on popup (#5162)
- Announcements: Fixed applied when sending an announcement to a group
- Announcements: in session create ordering problem (#3743)
- Announcements: announcements for groups (#3992)
- Announcements: Problems in with announcements generated since agenda events (#4404)
- Announcements: Impossible to hide announcements (#4463)
- Announcements: attachments and notes in announcements (#4612)
- Announcements: body not sent in email (#4617)
- Announcements: announcements sent to all (#4715)
- Announcements: sent to all message is not updated (#4874)
- Announcements: not sending to one person (#4879)
- Announcements: appear on top of courses (#5249)
- Assignments: New assignment list, now we use jqgrid and we see the user name instead of the work title see BT#4131
- Assignments: Error downloading assignment X (#3834)
- Assignments: assignments download (#3964)
- Assignments: submission causes SQL error on c_id (#4054)
- Assignments: See echap character \ when having ' character in the Submit paper assignment description. (#4055)
- Assignments: Failure in the assignments section (#4403)
- Assignments: Visibility of documents in assigments (#4455)
- Assignments: Deadline and end date not clear in Dutch (#4526)
- Assignments: visible to all users doesn't work (#4528)
- Assignments: Sorting by hand out time (#4794)
- Assignments: we don't see filename nor description (#4880)
- Assignments: course settings are not updated in the current session (#5056)
- Backup: Impossible to copy content from one course to another (#4375)
- Backup: Problem viewing images after course copy (#4225)
- Backup: Bugs when copying questions from one course to another (#4228)
- Backup: Copy big courses with igbinary (#4443)
- Backup: surveys do not show (#4530)
- Backup: Error copying a type 11 question from a course to one another (#5164)
- Classes: CSV import problem with classes (#4071)
- Classes: Pb if name of classe contains char ' (#4014)
- Classes: Potentially bug on classes (#5154)
- Course access: closed courses are realy closed (#4814)
- Course description: Links in new window open in the same (#3997)
- Course progress: Anyone can delete thematic items (registered users) (#2121)
- Course progress: Small icons appear when submitted a new Thematic section in Thematic control tool (#4065)
- Course settings: In French, course settings show escaped apostrophes (#4207)
- Course users: adding a teacher lacks title in users list (#4531)
- Course users: Lists of users sort on previous field (#4538)
- Dashboard: hiding blocks from dashboard interface can fail (#4083)
- Data filler: insert users and courses (#4056)
- Documents: Jplayer lib updated
- Documents: Hot potatoes folder bug (#2165)
- Documents: show in frames doesn't run well on iexplorer 7 and 8 (#2719)
- Documents: Resizing flv video embed doesn't work (#2927)
- Documents: docs don't display image if document moved (#1278)
- Documents: Path problem when uploading media (except images) with fckeditor (both advenced nor basic) (#3197)
- Documents: Watermark portal image file should be in default_course_documents/images/ (#3596)
- Documents: Can't add new templates in (#3862)
- Documents: World-access on course does not work for Documents (#3865)
- Documents: Documents without title (which is auto-created folders) not shown (#3896)
- Documents: INSERT IMAGE (#3914)
- Documents: Folders in Documents Tool not Visible for Anonymous User When Couse Access Set to Open (#3922)
- Documents: editing a pixlr image fail (#3923)
- Documents: create and save a svg image fail (#3924)
- Documents: export a svg image to png fail (#3925)
- Documents: Folders in Documents Tool With Comments Do Not Show Folder Name (#3926)
- Documents: can't edit and save a svg image (#3927)
- Documents: Path problem when uploading media with fckeditor (both advanced and basic) (#3933)
- Documents: Medias copied when duplicate a part of a course doesn't appear in the Chamilo document interface (#3934)
- Documents: By creating a document with fckeditor and IE *, there is no title in the BD only path (#4023)
- Documents: no preview files in ajaxfilemager when create a html file (#4203)
- Documents: no play flv files in documents tool (#4204)
- Documents: fckeditor bug when adding a wmv video (#4217)
- Documents: Error when you put HTML tags with attributes and " in a file/folder name (#4240)
- Documents: cannot save pictures from photographic retouching (#4266)
- Documents: Document tool upload current folder not changing (#4380)
- Documents: Imposible eliminar imagen en curso copiado de otro (#4469)
- Documents: In documents tool, audio files do not play (#4491)
- Documents: bad update time label (#4609)
- Documents: When edit and after save an html document does not return to document list (#4611)
- Documents: Second html edit from document tool does not run (#4637)
- Documents: creation layout is broken (#4777)
- Documents: bad fit when edit a document 1024x768 (#4786)
- Documents: PDF export - 2 issues (#4841)
- Documents: when create a course the flv directory sample is duplicated (#5136)
- Documents: bad work when view a flv file (#5137)
- Documents: No directory created in documents on course creation (#5238)
- Documents: Google(TM)) text to audio bad file if language not defined (#5277)
- Dropbox: unable to download files (#5057)
- Dropbox: duplicate warning when uploading a doc (#5058)
- Exercises: Crash when importing QTI2 exercices from Dok€os (#1363)
- Exercises: Fixed various issues with score calculation (#4406)
- Exercises: Can't access orphaned questions from question pool (#3324)
- Exercises: Hotpotatoes and google chrome (#3332)
- Exercises: Weird popup option for feedback (#3472)
- Exercises: Questions database does not work (#3764)
- Exercises: Error if I answer a HotSpot question if not the last question of the 1 question per page test (#3782)
- Exercises: Image zone on a copy of a test (#3838)
- Exercises: lines too close together in exercices (#3893)
- Exercises: When creating a new test question, there is an overflow on the right of the screen (#3905)
- Exercises: Exercice generated with Chamilo doesn't work in LP (#3912)
- Exercises: Question title too long overlap other question info in test admin (#3941)
- Exercises: number of random question displayed for a test is wrong if you delete some questions (#3945)
- Exercises: Score in test reported wrongly as zero (#3968)
- Exercises: Exercise creation: dropboxes do not show anything (#4025)
- Exercises: Learner score > Number of test is wrong (#4026)
- Exercises: When you continue a random question test, you don't have the same list of question (#3972)
- Exercises: If you remove a question from a test, you cannot reuse the question (#3973)
- Exercises: "New exercice" icon should not show up when exercise is inactive/hidden (#3998)
- Exercises: Results on quiz missing ... (#4020)
- Exercises: SQL error on test result page for teacher, when sorting by date. (#4061)
- Exercises: overflow tables 1024x768 (#4252)
- Exercises: Report form quiz (#4407)
- Exercises: Test preview appear align on the right in test questions view (#4440)
- Exercises: Filtering test result table doesn't work (#4441)
- Exercises: Test review window doesn't close when click on [X] icon (#4489)
- Exercises: Some bugs in exercices - Chrome + audio (#4493)
- Exercises: "Remove answer option" in exercises changes questions numbering (#4539)
- Exercises: "Review" option not aligned in test preview (#4540)
- Exercises: review only marked questions in all-on-one-page mode (#4542)
- Exercises: Exercises results export: wrong data (#4545)
- Exercises: Bad score calculation on 1.9 Beta Platform (#4604)
- Exercises: Issue with quiz correction (#4606)
- Exercises: Mouse over highlighting doesn't work for action column in test list (#4613)
- Exercises: Total number of question and test score doesn't update for copied questions (#4614)
- Exercises: Multiple choice question score calculation for the question (#4661)
- Exercises: The group column of the Test > Learner score page table is empty (#4698)
- Exercises: Wrong display of questions when reordoring a question above the saved div (#4783)
- Exercises: Multiple answers score computing (#4801)
- Exercises: Ranking (student Progress) calculation is wrong (#4861)
- Exercises: live stats show more answered questions (#4876)
- Exercises: single page mode : transition previous-next question does not store (#5169)
- Exercises: Process time for function get_exam_results_data is slow (#5179)
- Exercises: sort by Validated/Not validated doesn't work. (#5180)
- Exercises: Report by question (#5257)
- Exercises: reaching time limit provokes refresh for each non-answered question (#5263)
- Forum: Problem when inserting a google map in the forum (#2159)
- Forum: threads names do not show in gradebook (#4550)
- Global: Trainings suddenly blank (#3607)
- Global: course catalog go out (#3847)
- Global: codification problem around index user_portal ... files (#3874)
- Global: maximize the editor size has stopped working on several tools (#3901)
- Global: css break in IE9 (#4265)
- Global: Hiding tabs should show them in right-side panel (#4269)
- Global: DATABASE ERROR #1064: on file main/inc/ (#4402)
- Global: Strange error with the login (Chamilo (#4405)
- Global: The wysiwyg editor is vertically squeezing my image to an of 1200px (#4448)
- Global: New style broke the quick toolbar (#4451)
- Global: HRM can't access to courses (#4504)
- Global: User info box align left when user has no courses and right if he has courses (#4506)
- Global: Platform users cannot view a course "Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform" (#4508)
- Global: Logout link should remain logout link (#4515)
- Global: username update doesn't work (#4516)
- Global: Font resizing feature only resizes part of the interface fonts (#4524)
- Global: Incorrect protocol (http/https) in link created by javascript code (#4552)
- Global: Rename the "quitter" button for "disconnect" (#4591)
- Global: Course list not displayed properly on home page (#4599)
- Global: Check Rapid still works (#4601)
- Global: Course legal notice isn't visible when not registered in a course (#4619)
- Global: 'Tricky' logout (#4640)
- Global: Self register to the course logic error when (self) enrolment isn't allowed (#4642)
- Global: Duplicate ID tab_active (#4668)
- Global: Duplicate ID clickable_email_link (#4669)
- Global: SortableTable html validation errors (#4673)
- Global: Course voting score starts at 0 (#4683)
- Global: Allow user to unsubscribe from platform (#4720)
- Global: Security issue bug in FCKEditor 2.6.6 (#4743)
- Global: this.GetSelection() is null js error when fckeditor wiris plugin is enabled (#4760)
- Global: USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH = 40 but if we use the "Use the email as username" setting? (#4793)
- Global: time_limit_whosonline in seconds or in minutes?? (#4795)
- Global: Style broken on homepage - anonymous (#4807)
- Global announcements: visibility broken again (#4808)
- Global: 1.9 nightly 04 Termes et conditions (#4851)
- Global: Empty random course pick in catalog (#4862)
- Global: Go to course button is missing on private courses (#5140)
- Global: Course catalog allows people access to unassign courses (#5212)
- Global: Hide e-mails in users subscriptions list (#5216)
- Global: User can access to the platform even if the account is inactive (#5217)
- Global: On Chamilodev, white space in anonymous header (#5223)
- Global: Open course, "Go to course" button and the empty assignment (#5240)
- Global: "When ""unsubscribe allowed"" is set in a course, the student has no way to unsubscribe" (#5258)
- Global: Popular courses block does not filter by url (#5271)
- Glossary: csv export with international chars do not work (#4758)
- Gradebook: Multiple gradebooks by course
- Gradebook: Public certificates list (#3630)
- Gradebook: Certificates barcodes (#3631)
- Gradebook: Assessment modification (#4047)
- Gradebook: Error modifying weight of activity in assessment (#4685)
- Gradebook: weight recalculation error when category weight is changed (#5168)
- Groups: "Number proposed exceeds max." message if group as no number of users limitation (#3773)
- Groups: fix pixlr in groups (#3921)
- Help: FAQ window from help cannot be closed (#3861)
- Install: step4 unclear description (#3804)
- Install: Three error messages after installation (#3915)
- Install: Chamilo - Connection error chamilo_test_chamilo_connection (#3937)
- Install: New single DB method: showing "Several" in confirmation screen (#3966)
- Install: New tables added in the stat DB should be added with the track_ prefix (#3967)
- Install: screen shifts because of smaller header1 (#4040)
- Install: Database check is incorrect (#4041)
- Install: Problem in a Local instalation (#4214)
- Install: Try several permissions during installation (#4630)
- Install: strange button for previous step (#5243)
- Install: Seems that the table xxx.metadata doesn't exists (#5118)
- Learning paths: SQL error when uploading SCORM package (#4143)
- Learning paths: Students' answers disappear when test is in learnpath (#4211)
- Learning paths: Error when adding mp3 to learning path item if lots of items, +adding drag&drop audio (#4503)
- Learning paths: detailed stats allow for other attempts (#4546)
- Learning paths: export a learning path with an exercice fail (#5130)
- Learning paths: Students don't see tests in a learning path (#5133)
- Learning paths: they play the same audio file, even if you change activity. (#5134)
- Learning paths: minipanel learning path doesn't work (#5181)
- Learning paths: When I create a learning path a new visible folder is created in the document tool (#5251)
- Learning paths: Integration quiz of a LP - timer KO + pas de score (#5255)
- Learning paths: adding an assignment when assignments are empty (#5256)
- Links: Links added in a learning path doesn't work (#4250)
- Links: check online link does not run (#4251)
- Links: to document title fails when editing SVG (#4780)
- Migrate: Duplicate column name 'theme' (#5109)
- Migrate: Duplicate column name 'type' (#5110)
- Migrate: undefined index:update-db- on line 303 (#5117)
- Migrate: sql error for alter table (#5119)
- Migrate: Encryption problem upgrading from to 1.9 nightly 2012-07-10 (#5165)
- Migrate: Undefined index: activate_legal (#5188)
- Migrate: Undefined index: legal_agreement (#5189)
- Migrate: Undefined index: id_auto (#5190)
- Migrate: empty answer in update db (#5191)
- Migrate: After upgrade only a few courses are available (#5262)
- Multi-url requires database insertion to work (#1850)
- Notebook: edit notebook does not run well (#4624)
- Portal announcements: lost features (#4268)
- Plugins: BigBlueButton (#4381)
- Plugins: When saving the BigBlueButton plugin multiple times the icon is generated many times (#2967)
- Plugins: Error on table pluggin_bbb after reinstall (#4555)
- Plugins: Forms variables are not viewed in all regions when activate a plugin in several regions (#4559)
- Plugins: ldap plugins missing (#4625)
- Plugins: unable to set/configure plugins (#5244)
- Search: Fixed queries of fulltext search feature (#3166)
- Sessions: Session list uses now jqgrid in order to filter fields better and faster.
- Sessions: Import of sessions via XML doesn't work (#4069)
- Sessions: Fails (#4127)
- Sessions: Sort user list in "Training sessions list > Session overview > List of user" doesn't work (#4569)
- Sessions: Category session/session - learner has an error messare (#5153)
- Sessions: reporting-learner details in course: tests stats empty (#5176)
- Social network: Bug and/or localization problem in social network's group (#3994)
- Social network: group strange behaviour (#3950)
- Social network: It's not possible preview an image in social network portfolio (#4202)
- Social network: view copy files from a course to my portfolio show course files, no portoflio files (#4254)
- Social network: I cannot upload a user image for my profile (#4577)
- Social network: my files doesn't work (chamilodev) (#4787)
- Social network: Invitation pending => blank page (#5156)
- Social network: friend invitations are not delivered (#5195)
- Surveys: Fillsurvey bug (#4629)
- Surveys: happiness/compliance survey (#5100)
- System: Checked files in main/external_module (#1397)
- System: ajaxfilemanager_c.js and ajaxfilemanager.js should be the same (#3971)
- System: course.css should be deleted or merge into other file (#4050)
- System: too slow (#4079)
- System: SQL error in get_personal_session_course_list (#4649)
- System: Undefined variable: nbr_courses (#4712)
- System: Delete get_scorm_database() functions and other "scorm database calls" (#4716)
- System: Missing tables after upgrade (#4725)
- System: Missing indexes after upgrade (#4726)
- System: forum join with item properties missing some filter (#5026)
- System: Duplicate column name 'max_attempt' (#5108)
- Videoconference: A fix was applied to avoid a bug in BigBlueButton by which all videoconference rooms were marked as "not running" (BT#3102). Kindly financed by NoSoloRed and delivered by BeezNest
- Tracking: Admin can't view the tab "My reporting" because the status was changed to Session Admin (#3816)
- Tracking: When exporting users in CSV or Excel, the first names are reversed with the last names. (#4043)
- Tracking: SQL error in Course Reporting "Documents most downloaded" (#4051)
- Tracking: Time spent in course 1500 hours and more (#4084)
- Tracking: Visibility of results for students (#4229)
- Tracking: Inconsistency of terms in test result table (#4236)
- Tracking: Check if global stats distinguish between multiple URLs (#4521)
- Tracking: improper use of echo statement in access_datails.php (#4689)
- Tracking: error in mySpace/user_add.php (#4812)
- Tracking: learner score test details : not filtered by learner (#4858)
- Tracking: Reporting-sessions: division by zero on closed course (#4860)
- Tracking: overall statistics errors (#5175)
- Translations: chinese name in wrong order (#3614)
- Translations: Avoid empty translations (#3884)
- Translations: (gallerie > galerie) (#3999)
- Translations: get_lang() doesn't manage well empty translations (#4511)
- Translations: Confusing language terms: homework/assignment/student publication (#4529)
- Translations: Dutch translation for hotspot filetype is wrong (#4544)
- Translations: Mark learners should be Grade learners (#4549)
- Translations: User list in french (#4605)
- Plugins: BBB plugin only works with root dir install (#3625)
- Users: Columns badly located in users list (learner view) (#4356)
- Users: Users cannot update their user name (#4364)
- Wiki: wiki all pages - each page is not the last version (#3848)
- Wiki: tuning count wiki words (#3850)
- Wiki: I can not change the alignment of the tables in the wiki (#3900)
- Wiki: menu is overlapped by status message (#4832)
Style changes
Due to the move to HTML5, it is very likely that any older stylesheet will have to be updated when upgrading to Chamilo 1.9.
- Styles changed for all forms
- New top bar added (only for admins)
- Responsive layout for Mobile Devices
- If you haven't updated to previously, then you will benefit from's security patches by installing 1.9.
Known issues
- Document title: The option to NOT use a document title different than the filename in the documents tool has been removed. This means that if this setting was not set to the default option in your Chamilo option or if you have a very old installation that you have been upgrading over the years, you might experience problems accessing the documents. In this case, we recommend contacting an official provider of Chamilo to take this migration in charge.
- During upgrade, if your database ends with "c_", the installation process will report errors in the PHP error log. This is due to a check on the new c_id field for database normalization, but is not important. The corresponding logging code can be disabled in database.lib.php
- Agenda regression: because we implemented a much more usable and familiar agenda for most of you, and because we lacked some time to go into the details, we have temporarily removed the possibility to make an event visible to specific users (they are always visible to all the course users right now) - see task #5201 for details
- Exercises: When reviewing an exercise, hotspot questions results are not remembered see #3980
- Learning paths: Copying a learning path with embedded documents and exercises from one course to another might cause resource linking problems (images, audio, etc). We recommend copying the complete course and then removing unnecessary elements, or exporting the learning path as SCORM.
Third-Party Libraries additions/updates
- Fullcalendar js library version 1.5.2
- Twig Template system added
- Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework
- More libraries were added but haven't been properly registered at this time...
- Removed deprecated "search" plugin (used to work with MnoGoSearch but hasn't been used for years to our knowledge - was successfully replaced by Xapian)
- Removed the RED5 installation guide from the documentation directory: the supported BigBlueButton videoconference system provides its own installation manual, linked from the Chamilo admin guide.
- Removed the "Use document title" option - now we force users to use a document title - this avoids many issues with documents names - see #3781
Chamilo - Rottweil, 20th of July 2012
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a minor security fix, stable version for version If you are using Chamilo, we highly recommend you upgrade to this version, either by following the usual upgrade procedure, or by applying a very small patch, as explained on our security issues listing page. The security fixes are all considered "moderate". This means you could loose data (specifically dropbox tool data in this case) and your users might get tricked into providing credentials to potential hackers, but the integrity of your server will not be in direct danger. was developed in a separate branch, but fixes were applied to the 1.9 branch, which means 1.9 can be considered as the follower of as much as of If you have, migrating to 1.9 will effectively remove the need for migrating to the intermediary step of
Why Rottweil?
Rottweil is a small medieval German town where the occasional tourist might feel very relaxed and secure. This feeling is increased by the obviously-difficult-to-attack strategical position. Considering the security-only aspect of this release, we wanted a small city name that would represent this more secure aspect. Rottweil has been visited by one of our team members in the past... that's all it takes.
- Fixed long-standing e-mail sending bug (fixed in upstream and documented on the forum and all over the internet)
- Fixed a reflected XSS PHP_SELF security flax in the phpdocx 3rd-party library - #5202
- Fixed an unauthorized file deletion in dropbox by logged in users - #5202
- Fixed XSS unfiltered input in dropbox - #5202
Chamilo - La Molina, August 2011
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a minor corrective stable version for version with a bunch of new minor features added.
New Features
This version of Chamilo only includes a few minor new features:
- Training planning through users free/busy calendar (only admin for now) (changeset fefa973c92f3 and a873df3067d3)
- Links checker in links tool (changeset 95cfbc1ac887)
- Restored extra fields export in exercises (changeset 01dcb74cfdfc)
- Added tokens to announcements (changeset 66d9c5e10b42)
- Students can download learning paths as PDF (changeset 3bd77279faee)
- Added tokens to certificates generation (changeset c2201eee3558)
- Attendances session support
- Added quick browsing of directories' documents - requires manual activation for now: in user_portal.php, find $load_dirs and set to $load_dirs = true;. Will be setable through admin page in next version (changeset 7f84869233c2)
- Certificates: An easy to remember URL to view students URL: (public for everyone right now) see #3630
- Certificates: QR code generation for certifications #3631
- New landing page for every exercise created, now we show the student's results see BT#2804
- Attendances and Course Progress added in the backup/copy course Chamilo creation
- Improving UI + fixes in previews
- Import ICS with multiple events #3622
- Now we can create an event with only a start date
- In the Personal Calendar (day view) now we show hours from 0:00h to 5:00h
- Fixed wrong date convertions
- Fixing announcements listing BT#2751
- New slider added in the index.php see #3785
- Made assignments editable/removable by students only until they have been reviewed and scored (> 0) by the teacher (changeset bc1b8e1e603d)
- Teachers can changed the score even if the assignment is already passed.
- Fixed wrong date convertions
- Improving UI
- Fixed bug when clicking in the "Today" filter. Filter is set to "All" by default BT#2663
- Adding shortcuts in order to edit or create Attendances plans
- Documents
- "Document preview" bug fixed when using a course in Dutch (yoxview bad translate file) (changeset e205fe6d94fe)
- Bug fixed when using glossary terms in a document #3620
- Bug fixed when reading MP3 files using the jplayer plugin #3593
- Bug fixed when hiding a course document in a session
- Bug fixed when using the simple upload form
- Improved documents visibility now we check the parents visibility
- Exercises
- Fixed question matching when using French/Spanish accents
- Exercise results: Fixing and improving export to CSV using jquery BT#2722
- Fixed bug with feedback in XLS import #3763
- New overview page added in order to view the current student attempts
- Question pool bugs fixed see #3789
- Gradebook
- Several fixes including, better session integration and some warning messages added when total score is not correct
- Adding 2 new tags in the certification: course title and gradebook result
- Glossary
- Order arrows are removed #3123
- Fixed problem when adding a document in a learning path with glossary terms #3620
- Fixed mp3 previews
- Fixed wrong date convertions
- Learning path
- Drag and drop to order LP items! #3741
- Bug fixed when editing a document title in a LP but not updated in the Document tool #3714
- Fatal error fixed when editing item prerequisites when the videoconference is enabled #3658
- When creating documents inside the LP tool, a new folder with the LP name is created inside the Learning Path folder
- Links
- URL fixed when adding the link in the course homepage BT#2751
- Token support added #2477
- Migration
- Fixed fatal error in upgrade from 1.8.5 by requiring image.lib.php - BT#2777
- Fixed fatal error in upgrade from by checking the availability of the DateTimeZone library in PHP - BT#2777
- Portal administration
- System information fixed #3552
- Sub language fixed (parse error) #2910
- Bug fixed when enabling BBB plugin #3637
- Improving Notification class: adding a footer and an introduction message
- New way to generate usernames when importing users using CSV or XML file
- Activities stats date fixed
- When uploading users using a CSV/XML file, the username is generated using the first letter of the first name and the lastname #3686
- Now we can clean the chamilo/archive folder from the Portal Administration to make free space #3748
- Catalan and Dutch translations updated
- User portal/ My courses
- Improving Course Catalog load time
- Course catalog view is random by default
- Courses order feature (creation of categories of courses by user) was moved from the Course Catalog to an independent window
- Sessions
- A Session doesn't exist in 2 URLs at the same time #3733
- New session page UI fixes
- Social Network / Groups
- Reply counter fixed in group topics and improving UI
- Fixed lot of bugs when sending messages to an user (wrong format email notifications) see #3827
- Survey
- Adding user extra fields in CSV/XLS exports #1647
- System
- Fixed possible bug with magic_quotes_gpc #2970
- Style changes
- Fixed who is online user images (changeset 61945685bcff)
- CSS styles: fix.css and fix_chamilo.css were deleted, there are only base.css and base_chamilo.css calls are added directly in the CSS file
- All CSS were reduced and improved in order to use the base.css and base_chamilo.css styles
- New breadcrumb added to old styles (blue, academic, etc)
- Fixed several limited-risk potential XSS
- Adding session fixation #3600
- Fixed several potential SQL injections #3601
Known issues
- Watermark portal images are now saved in the main/default_course_document/images/ folder. If you used portal-wide watermarks before, you might need to upload the watermark image again.
- A style-specific switch had been added in, which improved the appearance of older style but went against MVC's principles and broke copies of Chamilo-based styles. This switch has been removed, which may lead to the breadcrumb in non-chamilo-based styles to appear as less attractive, but keeps the MVC model safe so anyone can modify the appearance safely from the CSS. This might require very little cosmetic changes from you (in your style's default.css file), but we believe it's for the best.
Third-Party Libraries updates
- Chozen library added (select tag improved) #3740
- Jquery updated to version 1.6.2
- Jquery-ui updated from version 1.8.7 to 1.8.16
- bxslider library added to view Announcements
Chamilo - Bellavista, May 2011
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a minor corrective stable version for version 1.8.8 to enable easier install on shared hosting.
New Features
- Improved certificates interface with explicit configuration requirements messages (#3503)
- New block in control panel (#3235)
- Improved exercises construction with better messages and allowing to show score without the right answers (#2539)
- Updated Nanogong to 4.2 (#3257)
- Thematic progress do not show on course homepage anymore (#3505)
- Scoring users contribution in forum broken (#3504)
- Can't add hotpotatoes to a course anymore (#3469)
- Promotions copy replicates sessions several times (#3465)
- Glossary broken with new yoxview (#3464)
- Courses missing from user_portal.php after upgrade (#3419)
- Learning path icon does not appear in iPad view (#3413)
- Sorry, you are not allowed on admin settings (#3265)
- Learning path mini panel does not show progress in IE7 (#3116)
- Series of little visualisation bugs (#2493)
- For other changes see 1.8.8 changelog below
- Fixed several limited-risk potential XSS.
- For other changes see 1.8.8 changelog below
Known issues
- Groups (admin only): When a user is subscribed in a Course through a Group and he's also subscribed in the same Course (traditional way), when removing the user from the Group, the user will be also removed from the Course in both levels.
- Changed "givenname" for "cn" in LDAP queries. This might break some of the previous implementations of this plugin
- If you used split users directories before v1.8.8 in combination with the "My files" feature (if it existed at all at that point), you will probably have a problem now, as the code in the previous version was wrong and was saving the personal portfolio file in another directory than the user's. Sorry about that. If you need professional assistance, see the website under support -> professional support for official providers who could help you. And don't forget to keep a backup. If you don't understand a thing about what I'm talking about, you are probable not concerned by this bug, so don't worry too much.
- Document tool: when moving an HTML file using the "move" functionality, images, videos and any incrusted file in that HTML will not be moved automatically see #1278
Deprecated features
- For other changes see 1.8.8 changelog below
Deprecated files
- For other changes see 1.8.8 changelog below
CSS changes
- For other changes see 1.8.8 changelog below
Language changes
- Changed "alumno" to "estudiante" globally for Spanish language (#2235)
Chamilo 1.8.8 - Miraflores, May 2011
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.8.8 is a major stable version. Although it doesn't come with a strong redesign, it provides a large number of small improvements to the teacher's toolset and the user's using pleasure. Audio recording, schema drawing, certification generating, better administration features, plugin for videoconference with BigBlueButton and e-commerce with PrestaShop are only a few of the improvements that you will find in this version.
New Features
- New application of a drop-down menu to select where to save new documents created (Feature #1758)
- Added possibility to chose target in links even when not on homepage (Feature #1879)
- Also showing teachers results in exercises results list (was confusing for most teachers)
- Updated Google Maps plugin to 1.98 (Feature #1925)
- Added a personal portfolio to Social Network. All users can easy copy some files from several courses in his/her personal portfolio (Feature #1853)
- Students can edit, move and delete documents and drawings; create, move and delete subfolders, create user templates and make personal backups into a course inside his user shared folder (Features #2076, #2484)
- Learning Path: New LP exercises reports added for teachers and admins (Feature BT#1634)
- Support for displaying vector graphics files (SVG) and multimedia OGG files, facilitating the inclusion of videos and audios in HTML 5 (Feature #2244)
- Admin tool to compare and move scores and tracking from a course to a session course BT#1786
- An optional "Course (training) validation" feature has been implemented. When it is activated, teachers loose ability to create coursers. Teachers fill course requests instead. After approval by admins, the requested courses are created by the platform administrator. (Feature # 2099)
- A new UI option "Fill with exemplary content" has been added to the course creation form. Now teachers and platform administrators are able to choose whether example content should be put or not in the courses they are going to create. When a course is not created directly by a user, then the platform setting "Example material on training creation" is taken into account. (Feature # 539)
- Added install/uninstall script possibilities for plugins (BT#1752)
- New SVG-Edit drawing tool. Teachers, students (into his/her user folder) and groups can create, edit and import SVG vector graphics online and export to PNG (Features #2044, #2101)
- A new plugin for making ASCIIsvg-based mathematical graphics has been created for the online editor (enable it from administrator's section). To use it, browsers should support SVG-technology. See a demo, implemented on TinyMCE:; for syntax and additional information see This plugin uses the library file chamilo/main/inc/lib/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js which has combined functionality ASCIIMathML + ASCIIsvg (Feature #2132)
- Feature #2132: In the administrator's section "Administration > Configuration settings > Editor" some settings are to be used as follows:
- "ASCIIMathML mathematical editor" - activates the plugin for inserting mathematical formulas;
- "Mathematical graphics editor ASCIIsvg" - activates the plugin for inserting mathematical graphs;
- "Load the file ASCIIMathML.js in all the system's pages" - activates the possibility for inserting/showing formulas and graphics outside the "Documents" tool, elsewhere in the system.
- A new plugin to insert Widgets into your web pages
- Users can use vozMe online services to convert text in mp3 audio files (Feature #2497)
- New voice generator tool. Mp3 audio files generation from a text. Mp3 audio files generation from a text. Teachers, students (into his/her user folder) and groups can create and save mp3 audio files from a text through external service support speech synthesis of Google (build and save), Pediaphon (build and save) and vozMe (build and download)(Feature #2497)
- Spellcheck button on web editor can be enabled (Feature #2207)
- Increased control by platform administrator on the visibility of the folders in the documents tool (Feature #2164,#2484)
- Added admin feature to hide tools from all courses - BT#1942
- Added jqgrid library for better data tables interactivity (Feature #340)
- Added careers and promotions functionality (see #2706)
- Session start and end date can be left blank (see BT#1911)
- Exercises: Questions list improved through new drag and drop behaviour
- New Session page added when clicking the session name in the Course list
- Added support for Hindi language (Feature #2746)
- Added sessions, promotions and careers cloning features (Feature BT#1916)
- Integration of Pixlr image editing services and photo retouching (Feature #2712)
- Added experimental MySQLi driver. Requires manual replacement of database.lib.php to enable
- Added font resize capabilities for accessibility (Feature #2237)
- Added management of favicon.ico by multi-url (Feature #1739) - just add the favicon.ico file inside the home/url/ directory
- Added notification by e-mail on social network events (Feature #2189)
- Added Excel questions import
- Exercises: Hotspot Delineation and Hotspot Direct Feedback option added see #2974
- Documents: Added multiple uploads and drag&drop upload features #2784
- Webservices: Added new functions in order to sell Chamilo courses using a Prestashop plugin see BT#2325
- Learning path: Adding a toggle button in order to hide the navigation menu see #3116 added by Alberto Torreblanca
- Document: Export an html file into a PDF document #1909
- Access details: Now we can filter the access details of a user by date 3258# First version developved by Jorge Frisancho Jibaja - USIL
- Integrated Nanogong voice recording tool. Teachers, students (into his/her user folder) and groups can record their voice and send to document tool(Feature #3257)
- Added text-justify icon in online editor (#2928)
- Upgraded to HTMPurifier 4.2.0 for better security protection (#2972)
- Added "available space" message at the bottom of the documents tool (#3056)
- Created a base.css stylesheet to improve cascading character of the stylesheets (#3163)
- Now deleted SCORM resources are removed from the filesystem when emptying course (#875)
- Added the possibility to have longer questions (#1538)
- Improved presentation of documents window (#1807)
- Added floating helpers on the right side (#1839)
- Added report for inactive users (#1929)
- Improved export of wiki to PDF (#2357)
- Added improved support for multi-disks installations (#2511)
- Added new dashboard report (#2755)
- Added support for course image
- Improved courses catalog display
- Grouped tools in course settings page (#2563)
- Improved icons quality - redesigned the icons system
- Added new course homepage display mode for mobile devices
- Agenda: UI improvements
- Announcements: UI improvements
- Attendance: Adding sticky header for the attendance sheet
- Exercises: UI improvements
- Exercises: Now we show the first name and last name of the students in different columns see BT#1263
- Exercises: Support UTC dates for time control and Exercise time limits see #2075
- Exercises: Allowing duplication of exercise within a session BT#1647
- Exercises: Improving pagination when browsing exercise results (private task BT#1901)
- Exercises: Question Pool improvements: now we can copy a question from other courses see BT#1917
- Learning Path: New mini floating panel, left-closing panel and other minor UI improvements
- Profile: UI improvements
- Installation: Tracking is always enabled from now on #2066
- Social network now works with 1024x768 resolution #1958
- Highlighted questions titles in test tool (#2037)
- Added option to not show right answer (but show score) at end of test (#2739)
- Added max score 100 to learning paths options (#2907 & other)
- Added full-text search integration (requires php5-xapian module) (linked to #3250)
- Added tool to make corrections to the student texts from the HTML editor(#3325)
- Gradebook UI and charts improvements (#3296)
- Assignments: now checking size of document received before giving upload confirmation (#3260)
- Integrated student access details reporting page improvements (#3258)
- Added support for Latvian (#2926)
- Added documents UI improvements for images view (#2719)
- Block the access to previous questions in exercises (#2682)
- Added support for ogv, ogg, ogx (#2244)
- Added support for .docx
- Improve group homepage (#2077)
- Added support for global announcement by URL (#1763)
- Fixed tools shortcuts crash bug (#3356)
- Fixed element creation default position in learning path (#3331)
- Fixed gradebook (#2851) + date and code fields (#3314) + print button (#2850) + removed useless code (#2705)
- Group chat tool fixes (#3313)
- Fixed deletion of all tasks when deleting session tasks (#3283)
- Fixed path translations in document copy (#3197)
- Fixed thematic advance UI issues (#2909)
- Fixed several bugs in Flash/FLV display and inclusion in HTML documents (#2763 and others)
- Prevent creation of documents with dotted name (#2600)
- Fixed private messaging in social network (#2509 and #2508)
- Fixed audio files missing from backup (#2247)
- Fixed permissions on assignments (#2102)
- Fixed several timezone bugs in exercises and assignments (#2081)
- Fixed social network's appearance to fit in 1024x768 (#1958)
- Fixed groups auto-population feature (#1949)
- Fixed charset conversion problems in previous migrations to Chamilo (#1765)
- Fixed gradebook flat view (#3239)
- Fixed bad conversion of course title after upgrade (#3231)
- Fixed missing files missing from copy when in unregistered directory (#3059)
- Fixed deprecated assignments (PHP 5.3) in wiki (#2902)
- Fixed HotPotatoes import (#2560) and numbering (#3186)
- Fixed warning for mktime() expecting parameter 6 to be long integer (#2559)
- Fixed Flash FLV movies display (#2541)
- Fixed FCKEditor when using sub-languages (#2492)
- Fixed certificates generation (#2295 & #2342 & #985 & #760)
- Fixed bug in open questions creation (#2193)
- Fixed order of questions on results page for random exercises (#2073)
- Fixed exe_weighting in track_e_exercices (#1932)
- Fixed items visibility or multi-url HRMs (#1911 & #1912)
- Fixed bug in CSS for documents creation templates (#1885)
- Fixed XLS export encoding issue (#1775)
- Administration: Fixed an encoding problem about database connection which is specific to Chinese language. The initial solution has been proposed by Oliver Corre (Bug #1802)
- Administration: Fixing links "Add a page (CMS)" when using multple urls see BT#1805
- Multiple URL feature: Fixed Course user list (BT#1547)
- Multiple URL feature: Fixed User List options when adding courses, users, sessions see BT#1470
- Multiple URL feature: System Announcements and Global agenda now are filtered by URL see BT#1441
- Multiple URL feature: Added multiple URL support when adding user, courses, sessions to a Human Resources see BT#1470
- Student publication: Fixed bug when editing an item see BT#1377
- Student publication: Fixed bug when deleting an item see BT#1556
- Student publication: Fixed bug when deleting all items including session items see #3283
- Exercises: Fixed bug in QTI import (private task BT#1368)
- Exercises: Time control bugs fixed #2069
- Exercises: Question order in results fixed #2073
- Exercises: Fixing question list order #2075
- Documents: Fixing coach and students in a session permissions BT#1652
- Learning Path: Teachers can reset LP results see #2024
- Learning Path: Fixing bug when deleting a LP item that have prerequisites in other items see #1756
- Learning Path: Fixing empty document names after migration when adding documents in a LP see BT#1803
- Profile: Deleting production user's files fixed see #1682
- Thickbox does not work well in the Social Tool #1995
- Fixed Chamilo social-content-right #2010
- Fixed screen when you try to access a protected course through the url #2026
- Fixed bug deleting course teacher in admin edition #2109
- Gradebook: Hiding print icon in Certificates BT#1650
- Link Tool: IE icons replaced
- Wiki: Fixed sessions #1659
- Wiki: Fixed behaviour of plugin wikilink #2217
- Wiki: Fixed links with accents and special characters do not work well in utf-8 #2286
- A student can edit a file through an url into the documents tool after he/she visits his/her group #2485
- Irrelevant check has been removed, it prevented the page "Administration > Setting the registration page" to be accessed
in the case of assigned value "No" to the setting "Administration > Configuration settings > Portal > Registration".
This bug has been reported by Wolfgang in the forum and by Oliver Corre in the Chamilo support site (Bug #1846)
- Fixed bug in plugin display areas (Bug #741)
- Fixed items reordering in profiling tool (Bug #1153)
- Fixed confusing interface in "Forgot my password" screen (Bug #1754)
- Fixed name consistency in web services (Bug #1905)
- Fixed footer in Internet Explorer (Bug #1305)
- Fixed missing function prototype (Bug #1906)
- Fixed document preview frame - now adaptative size (Bug #1751)
- Fixed misuses of api_get_local_time() (Bug #1851)
- Fixed new tools notifications in courses list (Bug #1132)
- Removed many backticks (on our way to db independentization)
- Fixed bug with split user directories and personal files (Bug #2239)
- Fixed bug in link to course from courses list when code != from category
- Fixed bug with unregistered directories in documents when copying course to other course (Bug #3059)
- Fixed positioning on last element of subsection in learnpath building (BT#2333)
- Fixed bug by which tracking in courses could only be exported up to 50 rows at a time as for the HTML page limit (BT#2342)
- Reviewed coding conventions and applied fixed to undefined variables to avoid notice-level messages
- Removed a series of "File not found" errors caused by mistaken references
- Fixed files count in assignment/work tool (#2242)
- Fixed error message on first entrance to a special course (#2240)
- Fixed visibility problem for documents-embedded media files (#2198)
- Fixed duplicate course appearing when special course registered more than once (#2194)
- Fixed removal of lp_items when removing lp (#2038)
- Fixed double image appearing in social tool (#2036)
- Fixed deadlock in fields required for password change (#1956)
- Fixed bug displaying list of files for HotPotatoes included in learning paths (#1891)
- Fixed several dates localizations (#1851)
- Fixed remnants of UTF-8 migration problems (#1805)
- Fixed bug in attendances for users added after the registration of attendances (#1800)
- Fixed QTI2 export problem (#1787)
- Fixed deletion of all tasks when deleting all tasks from one specific session (#)
- Fixed user image resizing algorithm (#1414)
- Fixed footer in IE (#1305)
- Fixed bug in sessions categories (#1300)
- Fixed missing options in gradebook settings (#1223)
- Fixed MP3 player in forum (#1200)
- Fixed "what's new" icons to show even when never logged in before (#1132)
- Fixed lost images in SCORM export (#1039)
- Fixed missing areas for plugins display and added "plugin as course tool" feature (#741)
- Fixed problem in saving real numbers in gradebook (#653)
- Fixed survey language translation (#526)
- Fixed more than 10 potential low-impact security issues in wiki (see our security page for details).
Known issues
- Groups (admin only): When a user is subscribed in a Course through a Group and he's also subscribed in the same Course (tradional way), when removing the user from the Group, the user will be also removed from the Course in both levels.
- Changed "givenname" for "cn" in LDAP queries. This might break some of the previous implementations of this plugin
- If you used split users directories before v1.8.8 in combination with the "My files" feature (if it existed at all at that point), you will probably have a problem now, as the code in the previous version was wrong and was saving the personal portfolio file in another directory than the user's. Sorry about that. If you need professional assistance, see the website under support -> professional support for official providers who could help you. And don't forget to keep a backup. If you don't understand a thing about what I'm talking about, you are probable not concerned by this bug, so don't worry too much.
- For some reason, we have been reported unsuccessful migrations from 1.8.7 to whereby the course_rel_user table was not integrally copied. We recommend keeping your database backup until you're sure every student/course relationship was copied (comparing the lines in the table before and after migration might help you)
- Document tool: when moving an HTML file using the "move" functionality, images, videos and any incrusted file in that HTML will not be moved automatically see #1278
- Hotpotatoes: When taking a Hotpotato exam added to Chamilo there is a javascript error, this bug can be only reproduced using Google Chrome see #3332
Deprecated features
In order to maintain a sufficient level of stability and push innovation
forward, we have decided to officially drop support for specific features.
This doesn't mean that they won't work anymore, but it indicates that they
will cease being improved slowly, until we do not feel anyone is using them,
at which point (probably several years afterwards) we will remove them from
the code.
If you feel like a feature listed here is of major importance to you, you can
either take the maintenance of this feature officially in charge by contacting
us at or you can hire the services of one of our official
providers (see our website, Support tab).
- Legacy classes - There is now new code to combine classes with the
sessions feature or with the courses in a cleaner, more efficient way. We
invite you to switch to session mode and rebuild your classes through the
new "Class" option in the sessions block and let us know how that works our
for you.
- Virtual courses - This feature has long been deprecated and we doubt any
of our user is using it. If you are, please find another mechanism that suits
your needs for that.
Deprecated files
- main/garbage/ directory
- main/app_share/ was previously the experimental directory for a screen sharing application never deeply implemented. Use BigBlueButton instead, now.
CSS changes
- CSS factorization - putting all common CSS to main/css/base.css see #3163
- CSS factorization - putting all common CSS classic styles into main/css/base_classic.css see #3163
- CSS factorization - putting all common CSS chamilo_XXX styles into main/css/base_chamilo.css see #3163
- Improving breadcrumb for chamilo_XXX styles, this feature is not enabled for other themes
- Thickbox UI was changed to improved usability
Chamilo - Palmas
New Features
- Ajax File Manager updated to 1.0 RC5 (Feature #247)
- Display message when uploading a file that is larger than the maximum file size (Feature #250, #1769)
- Improved SCORM lesson_status behaviour (Feature #283)
- Multiple answers can now be shuffled (Feature #291)
- Added simple document search feature (Feature #300)
- Added short URL feature for users profile (through .htaccess disabled by default) (Feature #322)
- ASCIIMathML.js: The script for showing mathematical formulas has been upgraded from version 2.0.2 to version 2.1. Additional changes have been made in the online editor's plugin asciimath (Feature #541)
- Moved slideshow buttons to action bar to improve usability (Feature #744)
- Added robots.txt to avoid parsing by index engines (Feature #837)
- Added e-mail notification on wiki updates (Feature #1202)
- Re-enabled course tutor role: a student can be tutor and help the teacher (Bug #1206)
- Removed possibility for student to upload an assignment outside an assignment directory (Bug #1220)
- Improved gradebook XLS report (Bug #1237)
- Added performance info in test server mode (Feature #1634)
- Adding an assignment to the calendar is now done by hand out date instead of creation date (Bug #1638)
- The mPDF library (which is used for PDF-files generation) has been upgraded from version 4.2 to version 4.6 (Feature #1656)
- Now a student only downloads *his* shared folder (Feature #1663)
- General visual improvements in gradebook tool (Feature #1740)
- General code improvements in gradebook (Feature #1742)
- Now displaying images uploaded by users in courses inside their social profile (Feature #1750)
- Added simple social network link feature (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, ...) (Feature #1764)
- Enabled PDF export for HTML documents in documents tool (Feature #1768)
- Changed Mr. Chamilo picture in course introduction for the Chamilo logo (more professional) (Feature #1778)
- Fixed excessive memory usage caused by HTMLPurifier (Bug #1297)
- Duplicate query calls have been removed from .../install/ The bug has been reported (with solution given) by Omar Arino (Bug #1713)
- Fixed answer option rendering problem (Bug #351)
- Fixed install process not detecting HTTPS (Bug #413)
- Fixed multi-url statitics bug (Bug #1099)
- Fixed references to previous platform in hotspot (Bug#1161)
- Fixed UTF-8 characters encoding problems in hotspot (Bug #1752)
- Fixed various wiki comments bugs (Bug #1203, #1204)
- Improved the survey report export to make one cell for each percentage question (Bug #1249)
- Tests tool: Errors have been fixed about showing HotPotatoes tests and results. The solution has been proposed by Hubert Borderiou (Bug #1301)
- Fixed cache memory problem preventing sub-languages to show translated tool titles in course homepages (Bug #1304)
- Fixed problem with more than 100 users in attendance sheets (Bug #1364)
- Fixed bug with left and right arrows in learning paths, whereby the system didn't move to the next chapter (Bug #1413)
- Fixed wiki report (Bug #1432)
- Fixed minor spacing problem in new links in wiki (Bug #1433, #1434)
- Fixed notice messages in Chamilo install process (Bug #1442)
- Fix users and courses reports access bug when upgrading from to 1.8.7 (Bug #1443, #1449)
- Fixed users CSV import/export issues (Bug #1454)
- Fixed PDF export under Linux (Bug #1461)
- Fixed DB errors in attendance through session users list stats (Bug #1462)
- Fixed access to course documents by students in session courses (Bug #1463)
- Limited global announcement e-mails to selected language users (Bug #1471)
- Fixed sender e-mail for global announcements (Bug #1472)
- Fixed sending global announcements to disabled users (Bug #1474)
- Fixed bug in score in trainer reporting view (Bug #1479)
- Fixed call to undefined function imageftbbox in stats (Bug #1481)
- Fixed (through #1297) bug preventing attendance sheets to show (Bug #1510)
- Fixed HotPotatoes score not being saved in learning path (Bug #1512)
- Fixed error in progress page with single-db installs (Bug #1581)
- Improved resource visibility from sessions (Bug #1599)
- Fixed various French sintaxis minor bugs (Bug #1608, #1635, #1636, #1639, #1642, #1643, #1644, #1645, #1648))
- Fixed chat history file download auto-triggered (Bug #1637)
- Tasks now create a calendar event based on the hand out date instead of the task creation date (if hand out date is defined) (Bug #1638)
- Fixed minor unescaped backslash in assignments description (Bug #1641)
- Fixed wrong character set used in RSS feed import (Bug #1649)
- Fixed hidden extended profile fields in social network's shared profile - now visible if selected by admin (Bug #1650)
- Fixed moving learnpath chapters (Bug #1651)
- Fixed learning paths visibility from sessions (Bug #1653)
- Fixed plain text pasting in wiki (Bug #1655)
- Fixed certificates "back" button (Bug #1683)
- Fixed bug not showing star icon for documents created through session (Bug #1684)
- Fixed next/previous links in sessions list preventing numerous sessions to be seen (Bug #1712)
- Fixed copy of questions between courses (Bug #1714)
- Fixed bug in breadcrumb for shared directory (Bug #1718)
- Improved shared folder when inside session (Bug #1719, #1720, #1721)
- Fixed order in attendance sheets (Bug #1733)
- Fixed encoding problem in announcements in Chinese (Bug #1734)
- Fixed broken UTF-8 text in hotspot (Bug #1752)
- Fixed image insertion in documents (Bug #1760)
- Tests tool: Titles of the imported HotPotatoes tests are retrieved in their original spelling, without modifications due to technical reasons, as it was before. The problem has been reported by Oliver Corre (Bug #1761)
- Fixed PDF export from wiki to limit header/footer repetition (Bug #1767)
- Fixed unclear label in tests list titles (Bug #1770)
- Fixed videoconference starter page (classroom/meeting) (Bug #1774)
- General code cleanup (if conditions) (Feature #1744)
- Fixed security bugs in the wiki (Bug #1666)
Deprecated files
- html2pdf library (replaced by mPDF libray)
- main/WCAG folder has been removed (deprecated)
- main/online folder has been removed (deprecated)
Chamilo 1.8.7 - Istanbul
Release notes - summary
Chamilo 1.8.7 is a major release including a lot of new features, mostly focused on social network, the handling of sessions (which will help many educational institutions, public or private, to manage their contents in a more flexible way) and visual style, and a few important bugfixes. It lays the first stable stone in the Chamilo software project. This version is the first one to highly recommend PHP 5.2 or superior, and require PHP 5.1 or higher.
Also, this version of Chamilo will automatically convert all your data to UTF-8, which will make it more difficult to migrate from Dokeos versions higher than
New Features
- Full UTF-8 support has been implemented (Feature #272)
- UTF-8 becomes recommended system encoding to be used. It is also recommended that HTML-documents created with external tools be UTF-8 encoded.
- For newly installed systems: UTF-8 is the default value of the administrator's setting "Character set". Database tables will now be storing UTF-8 encoded text.
- For upgraded systems: The upgrade procedure automatically changes the character set to UTF-8. During upgrade database tables are converted to UTF-8 and the corresponding changes to text fields are applied. Conversion to UTF-8 of HTML documents stored in the file system is not performed, this is not mandatory.
- Note about integration with external systems: Keep in mind that since version 1.8.7, pieces of text kept in the database are UTF-8 encoded. If an external system accesses database records directly, some corrections to contents of the external database might be necessary.
- Class attendance (usable in Gradebook), which allows b-learning teachers to keep attendance registers
- Student certificates allow teachers to build certificates in their own format, using online-built HTML templates
- Thematic/Academic progress (shown on course homepage), which allows teachers to show how their courses is progressing following a pre-established schedule
- Timezone management at user and platform level (Feature #599)
- HR dashboard: statistical reporting page (by blocks) about students, courses or sessions, available to platform administrator, session administrator or human resources manager
- Exercise tool: Teachers can delete students results of an exercise (NOT LP results)
- Exercice tool: Shuffle answers
- Exercice tool: Copy exercises, copy questions (Feature #651)
- robots.txt file added (Feature #837)
- Upgraded PclZip library to version 2.8.2 (Feature #553)
- Upgraded PHPMailer library to version 5.1 (Feature #272)
- pChart Horizontal bars library added thanks to gferri see (Feature #790)
- Added setting to remove permission for teachers to subscribe students in their course
- Added setting to show "report bug" link in header
- Added new visualization mode for courses: vertical activity
- Improved presentation of courses + sessions in courses list (bigger icons, clearer boxes)
- Adding Ical import funcionality in agenda events see CT#1238
- Updating license version to GNU/GPL v3
- Fixed major course copy drawback by which exercise contents were keeping links to the old course (thanks to Ludovic Gasc and SANTEXCEL - BT#658)
- Some PHP short tags fixed. Reported by Sicabol, see (Feature #347)
- Student publications deleted when an user is unsubscribed of a course. Reported and fixed by André Boivin
- Fixed bug reported by Carlosbrolotobar in whereby normal students don't can't see their social profile section in the right menu if they can't see the courses catalog.
- Corrected mailing functions, now they load the file mail.conf.php. Previously the file mail.conf.dist.php was to be loaded by mistake. (Feature #272)
- Online editor: A new configuration option about editor's background has been proposed by Wofganag Schneider and it has been implemented. See (Feature #347)
- Online editor: IE proprietary commenting tags are desactivated before loading the edited text. This fix has been proposed by Hubert Borderiou. (Bug #573)
- Online editor: Upgraded from FCKEditor 2.6.5 to FCKEditor 2.6.6, Build 25427 - Feature #626
- Fixed bugs caused by the undefined constant REL_SYS_PATH and by the declared twice constant TABLE_MAIN_GROUP. Problems have been reporded by krikrizzz and Knightly. See the related forum topics and (Feature #347)
- Fixed course copy table lp_item audio not copied. Reported by Henri Hedman (Bug #575)
- Fixed Added an option to cancel prerequisites in a course (Learning path). Fixed by aboivin in
- Empty extra user fields are now deleted from the database
- Quiz tool: erasing "rn" characters in fill in blanks and free answer bug fixed (Bug #829). Reported by David Auzeine
- Quiz tool: answer field updated from "id" to "id_auto" in the chamilo_stats.track_e_attempt table when migrating from to 1.8.7
- Quiz tool: Answer list fixed when using "matching" question type (BT#801). Reported by Noa Orizales
- Quiz tool: Fixed problem with open questions when entering words with the "rn" characters see CT#1035
- Quiz tool + LP : Fixed bug when adding a exercise twice in the same LP with multiple attempts or not.
- Quiz tool + LP + Multiple attempts : Pre requisites will work the first time a student pass the LP.
If a student finished all steps correctly he will view all steps, prerequisites will not work here.
- Learning Path (Courses): PHP sessions of a LP are destroyed when visiting the main course page.
- Assignment tool: Work.php deletes all homeworks bugs fixed. Reported and fixed by carlosbrolotobar
- Core API: Support has been implemented for json_encode() function for PHP version < 5.2. The correspondent bug-report "Hide and show not working" and testing have been done by Hubert Borderiou
- Fixed target problems in links tool, in link edition
- Fixed minor bug in online mail editor in order to show the sender's name and e-mail
- Fixed bug that prevented importing SCORM resource from course archives (Bug #872)
- Fixed bug that prevented proper tests importing from course zip-archives created on systems prior to Chamilo (Bug #879)
- Quiz tool: fixed graphical bug preventing the use of matching-type exercises (thanks to USIL team - BT#914)
- Added hidden debugging feature that marks all right answers (for matching, multiple and single choice questions) (private BT#914)
- Adding javascript library for the Pear HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect class (see CT#883)
- Assignment tool: Fixed problem with work/assignment tool whereby a moved work lost the ability to be scored
- Announcement tool: display images inside content of announcement sent by email (now the attachment images are embedded inside content) - private BT#925
- User image is show in the course list (User portal)
- Copy course sessions fixes see CT#1253
- SQL query fixed Wiki tool see CT#1201. Report by Hubert Borderiou
- Learning path: Show document title instead of filename. Report and fix sent by Hubert Borderiou; See CT#1038
- Many other bug fixes
CSS changes
- Added HTML div around plugin areas
- Updated header area (reduced header height)
- Changed .rounded style from background: #ccc to border: 3px solid #CCCCCC in all styles
- By creating a new course, will be enabled default, the option to display the chat in a new window
- When installing the platform will be active by default the following options: Allow edit tutors in the courses of the sessions, social network and sending messages
- When you add an answer in Multiple choice or Multiple answers the score default is zero
- Portal news UI improvements
- User portal page UI improvements
Known issues
- Timezone functionality is not available in the most recent versions of PHP available for CentOS/RHEL ( 5.1.6-23.2.el5_3 ) (see Chamilo now requires PHP 5.1 or superior and highly recommends PHP 5.2.
- When the user publishes an event as announcement, this same announce can be repeat many times
- FCKEditor FLV Videos: If you already insert a FLV video you should re-embed it. The SWFObject was replaced with object tags.
Deprecated files
- Online editor: The plugins "Flash" (obsolete) and "placeholder" (non-relevant to the finished product) have been removed. (Feature #347)
- HTMLPurifier updated to version 4.1.0
- FLV FCKEditor Plugin modified. SWFObject replaced with "object" and embed tags. Avoids the execution of javascript. See CT#1297
- Security: fixed several possible SQL injections in links edition
Chamilo Salto - January 2010
Release notes - summary
Chamilo is a intermediate release including a lot of new features, mostly focused on social network, the handling of sessions (which will help many educational institutions, public or private, to manage their contents in a more flexible way) and visual style, and a few important bugfixes. It lays the first stable stone in the Chamilo software project.
New Features
- Implemented by-session content creation tools updates
- Added tabs editor (from admin)
- Added course catalogue
- Added a link to export courses in the "platform administrator > courses list" entry (DT#4257)
- Added sessions history (optional access to previous sessions in read-only or read-write, for students)
- Added advanced search in sessions: you can also search by session name, session category, tutor and visibility. (DT#5541)
- Added an option to configure courses as "auto-registered" (every user has it in his courses list and is automatically subscribed)
- Added chat tool to the groups(DT#3318)
- Allowed password to be recovered using username *or* e-mail
- Added editable section to the registration form
- Added option to send a email to a portal administrator upon course creation (DT#3489)
- Added privacy for the chat tool in a sessions or groups context (DT#5558)
- Added possibility to view glossary terms in exercises and learning paths (courses)
- Reporting: notification of users who have never been active yet
- Reporting: the additional user profile fields (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > profiling) can now be shown in the reporting screens
- Subscribing users in a course: you can now filter on addtional user profile fields when subscribing a user in a course (through user/subscribe_user.php)
- Definition of wiki pages as tasks for students is now possible
- Added feedback to student wiki pages, synchronized with their progress in the task
- Added posibility to establish a time limit for each wiki page
- Added posibility to establish a max number of words into each wiki page
- Added posibility to establish a max number of versions for each wiki page
- Improved control of concurrent users in wiki
- Improved the use of wiki pages such as student's portfolios (individual task)
- Added an immediate redirection to the course after login when a user is enrolled only in one course (defined by the platform administrator through platform administration > configuration settings > training)- DT#3466
- Added user's photo into users list interface - DT#5496
- Disabled trainer/tutor name field in create course form, set to current user's name by default. Can be modified into course settings - DT#5496
- Added option to export the training list to CSV in Administration > Training - DT#4256
- Added user tags in social network - DT#5508
- Revamped "Who is online" look - DT#5490
- Added new search tool - DT#5610
- Added user groups at platform level (social network) with posibility to send group messages, add moderators, readers, etc - DT#5611
- Made construction of presentations with the images of document tool easier
- Upgraded from FCKEditor to FCKEditor 2.6.5, Build 23959 - DT#2867
- Added settings for WYSIWYG editor into the Platform Admin Area (instead of files)
- Upgraded html2pdf libray to 3.26
- Upgraded mimetex to 1.71
- Rebuilt social network menu interface
- Improved messages tool: Easier to use, no annoying ajax menun makes it faster and more reliable
- Added multiple attachments to messages sending
- Added possibility to send emails to multiple users
- Improved user portal page when Social Network is enabled: User image, and subscriptions links are shown
- Added inc/ajax library folder to structurer AJAX calls - see CT#431. All new jQuery + AJAX reponses should be located there
- RSS Feed added by default to the extra fields, as well as the user tag. Still requires manual visibility change to be enabled
- Improved reporting tab performance tenfolds (main/mySpace/courseLog.php file)
- Added list of students who have not submitted an assignment yet, and the possibility to send them a reminder by email - BT#487 BT#489
- Added new question type in exercise tool: Multiple answer combination a.k.a "Exact answer" - CT#402
- Added e-mail notifications when a student answers an exercise
- Added extensible footer style, allowing for much more information to be shown there
- List of course improved when using Course categories in user_portal.php
- Simplified SCORM engine, making it more reliable but supporting less SCORM messages (interactions and objectives disabled for now)
- Fixed a bug in course homepage always showing a box even when no tools were shown (r8747:3ad59f6aed1f)
- Score result in reporting is expressed as a percentage
- CSV export of reporting no longer contains html code in the last column
- The course list is now sorted like you have defined on the course management page
- Display order in LP fixed (Organize view) #5668
- Automatic deletion of a link in gradebook fixed - DT#5229
CSS changes
- New Chamilo themes added
- Fixed older styles support
- Added iepngfix hack to support png images in IE6
- Changed footer to allow for extensible height
- Added many CSS elements to support new tools (social network, glossary, etc)
Known issues
- In Hotspot under Windows® (server-side), uploading a PNG file results in an unstable exercise
- Scorm: Objectives and interactions are not supported
- Scorm: Hotspot and Exact type of questions can't be exported in a SCORM package
- Course backup: When trying to generate a backup the image/video paths are not update with the new course code see CT#521
- If the "Show glossary terms" option is selected for the lessons tool (SCORM) and exercises, the description of the exercise might contain the answers to the question. Need human intelligence to avoid this.
Deprecated files
- main/btf_functions.php file deleted. All functions are in the new class inc/lib/course_home.lib.php
- main/messages/message.class.php moved to inc/lib/message.lib.php in messages tool
- main/messages/message.css is now useless
- main/messages/cookies.js is now useless
- message_for_group_form_inc.php in social tool moved to the inc/ajax library
- main/social/select_options.php moved to inc/ajax library
Dokeos - August 2009
Release notes - summary
Dokeos is a minor release including just a few new features, mostly focused on internationalization, and several bugfixes.
New Features
- Implemented new sub-language feature by which language terms redefinition becomes possible through the admin section (FS#4321)
- Admin: Terms and conditions added DT#4320
- Improvements in document tool, allow seeing glossary terms (FS#4337)
- Small improvements in SCORM export(FS#4300)
- At the beginning of the installation script, added an imperative check for PHP 5 has been added. (FS#4296)
- When the system Dokeos is switched into "Test server" mode, a clickable indicator appears in the footer. This indicator is visible by platform administrators only. (FS#4341)
- A transliteration function has been added. Currently, it is used in uploading files. Files with non-English names get names that contain ASCII letters only, remaining readable in the corresponding language. Rationale: The PHP5 run-time environment does not manage file name encodings, adding such a non-native feature involves too much work. For avoiding character encoding problems, transliteration of file names is the possible solution. (FS#306)
- An internationalization option has been added for improving sorting in arbitrary language. When the intl php-extension has been installed, various sorting routines exploit it for better sorting. Rationale: The PHP5 run-time environment does not provide native and reliable way of sorting UTF-8 strings. (FS#306)
- Installation script: The page about system requilements has been updated. Also, at the very beginning, a check has been added whether the mbstring php-extension is installed - see the related forum topic. (FS#306)
- A new php-based configuration for the online editor has been implemented, see dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php. Also, toolbar definitions have been split in separate php-files within the directory dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/toolbars/ . Customization of the editor is more convenient and flexible now. (FS#2867)
- Online editor: A upgrade from FCKEditor 2.6.4 to FCKEditor has been implemented. (FS#4383)
- Online editor: Blocking copy/paste for trainees has been added. The feature is configurable through editing the toolbar definition files within the directory dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/toolbars/ . (FS#2867)
- Online editor: Preview tabs have been added to the dialogs for inserting video, flv-video, and YouTube video. (FS#2867)
- Online editor: The audio plugin has been activated by default as an implementation of the "Insert audio / Audio properties" dialog. This new plugin is intended to replace the "MP3" plugin. (FS#2867)
- Online editor: The simple file manager, the advanced file manager and the image manager have been integrated by default with the editor's dialog system. Thus, they work faster and in a more secure way. (FS#2867)
- Online editor: Configuration of the mimetex plugin has been reworked to gain simplicity. The procedure for configuration has been updated, see the related forum topic. (FS#2867)
- Online editor: A new asciimath plugin for inserting mathematical formulas has been added. It is based on the ASCIIMathML.js library. (FS#2867)
- Social: Added possibility to define RSS feeds inside personal page of social network (need to define an 'rssfeeds' extra user text field)
- Online editor: Several known bug-fixes from FCKEditor 2.6.5 SVN have been implemented, tickets #1537, #2156, #2689, #2821, #2856, #2874, #2915, #3120, #3181, #3427, #3429, #3439, #3446, #3481, #3677, #3818, #3880, #3925. (FS#2867)
- Online editor: The toolbar icons have been upgraded to those from FCKEditor 3.0. (FS#2867)
- A solution has been implemented for fixing the "__flash__removeCallback" bug, which affects the media player on Internet Explorer browser. (FS#4378 and FS#2867)
- Quiz: fixed bug in multiple-choice/single-answer questions results (whereby the wrong answer was saved)
- Admin: Added courses from sessions inside AJAX popup of courses list in users list (SVN#22398)
- Admin: Showing full-length course titles in list of courses while adding to sessions(SVN#22399)
- Admin: Added session name in title of session edition pages(SVN#22400)
CSS changes
- Sticky footer now available in all Dokeos stylesheets. If you own a custom stylesheet you will need to update it, see DT#3549 for further details.
Known issues
Deprecated files
- The whole main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/ directory should be removed for security reasons
Dokeos 1.8.6 Svalbard - June 2009
Release notes - summary
Dokeos 1.8.6 Svalbard is a major release including new features.
New Features
- FCKEditor 2.6.4, build 21629 added (FS#2528 and FS#2867)
- Improvements to the profiling tool (previously called "User fields") to improve presentation and flexibility, and allow edition
- Added new authorized charsets for learning path tool
- Official code available in My Reporting (FS#2640)
- Added possibility to switch fill-in-the-blanks answers (FS#2683)
- Now hiding database password field with *** in install/upgrade procedure (FS#2680)
- Added attempts limit to tests
- Hide language form if only one language available
- Added possibility for the course teacher and tutor to delete quiz attempts by users
- Added possibility for session coaches to register external users directly to their session (FS#2700)
- Added possibility to allow coach to access a defined number of days before and after a session (FS#2724)
- Activates unique (ajax) and multiple (multiple select) inscriptions for courses and users in sessions (FS#2719)
- Handling of sessions in tools has been improved : for example we can't see anymore an annoucment of another session (FS#2743)
- Tests : In students results page, set the question comment in red when the student's answer is wrong. Set in green when the answer id good
- New audio recorder in learning path
- New mp3 player (FS#2977)
- New Glossary tool (FS#3248)
- Integrated the gradebook at course level (FS#3173)
- New wiki tool (considerably improved, built on CoolWiki plugin) (FS#2873)
- Remove possibility to delete system directories in documents tool (FS#1522)
- Database server: no more need for special SQL modes for MySQL 5.0 to be turned off through the "sql_mode" setting. The Dokeos system does it internally (FS#2787)
- Some low-level functions that intensively use the language translation sub-system have been optimized for speed (FS#3260)
- Documents tool: The document-type icons have been made clickable (FS#3296)
- Documents tool: Online editor has been disabled for HotPotatoes tests in order their functionality to be preserved (FS#3345)
- Allow ZIP export of assignments for teacher and tutor
- Added attach documents to Agenda
- Added Web Services Interface (SOAP)
- Added Google Maps support
- Added Imagemap editor
- Online editor: Inserting links to YouTube streaming service has been added (FS#2867)
- Improved chat (open in new window option, smileys, teacher/learner difference and time indication for each message, user picture showing directly, possibility to hold several conversations in several courses at the same time)
- Option to hide/show e-mail addresses to all users (FS#3244)
- Added an introduction section for each group area (FS#3200)
- New Global Agenda (FS#3391)
- New Notebook tool in courses
- Added reporting on the last connections of a user in the chat
- Added link create course message to go directly to the course(SVN#17497)
- Added ability to take partial surveys and finish them later (FS#2510)
- New Survey Feature: Surveys without invitation mail (FS#3403)
- Added Booking system (a.k.a Reservation 2 Extension) (FS#821)
- Added user profiling fields in auto-registration page (FS#2666)
- Added check for writeable status of session save path in installation directory (FS#2970)
- Allow forum threads to be moved (FS#3460)
- Minor - Added update information for quizzes (FS#3417)
- Sending e-mails to all admin on user account creation confirmation (FS#3475)
- Changed user profile setting defaults to make phone field disabled and picture enabled (FS#3474)
- Added intermediary buttons in platform settings pages to avoid scrolling too much to apply atomic changes (FS#3473)
- Simplify default platform language choice by adding quick icon (FS#3472)
- Session admins can now add users to the portal (FS#3476)
- Added Advanced File Manager (FCKEditor plugin) to improve flexibility in files upload (FS#2970)
- Added New Message Tool (a.k.a Message 2 Plugin) (FS#3503)
- Added Question difficulty level in Exercises (FS#3515)
- Added Removed buggy audio recorder and added new MP3 player with easy upload (FS#3515)
- Improved Survey export (SVN#17927)
- Students can now view their uploaded works in Work tool (FS#3486)
- Implemented
add to calendar an assignment with the date when it is completely
closed, also when you remove it from assignment tool, it's removed into
calendar too, the same case when it's edited, for that I had to change
the value of add_calendar field into student_publication_assignment
table, now when it's sent to calendar this value is the id into
calendar_event table, instead this value is 0.
- Added Social tool + friend list (FS#3383)
- Added introduction section to blog and course description (FS#3165)
- Added import/export (CSV/XML) of extra user fields
- Added ability to import users in XML and subscribe to visual code (FS#3552)
- Added pChart v1.1.2 library to manage charts in Gradebook tool(FS#3718) and the Access details of a user
- Added SHA1 as a possibility to encrypt user passwords (FS#3798)
- Added global templates to use between courses (SVN#18955)
- Added To change your password, you must enter your current password (SVN#19225)
- Added New Dokeos stylesheets
- Improvements to the User profile
- Improvements to the Learning path display view (no more frames)
- Added HTML Purifier
- Added tracking/logging of admin activity FS#842
- Improved security in exercises module
- Fixed issue in dropbox documents zipping feature - see related forum post
- Increased size of php_session data field to allow for reasonable-sized session to be kept in the database (FS#2657)
- Fixed a few issues in mailing and codes for survey tool (FS#2662)
- Considerably improved migration of SCORM learning paths from Dokeos 1.6.x to 1.8.x
- Added student-view link for platform admin
- Fixed bug about last access reporting in dropbox tool (FS#2458)
- Saving survey invitation's mail subject (FS#2662)
- Various improvements in clone cleanliness - avoiding many notice-level error reports
- Fixed user picture problems in admin pages
- Mysql error fixed in Reporting in a single DB installation (FS#2638)
- Fixed phone number field missing during registration (FS#2639)
- Fixed breadcrumb in portal administration (FS#2642)
- Fixed issues in FCKeditor edition of documents with video, flash and mp3 included (FS#2679)
- Fixed security issue affecting Windows servers with system file inclusion on homepage (FS#2692)
- Fixed one-question-per-page view in Quiz tool (FS#2678)
- Removed possible risk of having a database code too large for the course.db_name field (FS#2426)
- Added missing online help for blogs (FS#811)
- Fixed bug showing whole article as link in blog (FS#811)
- Fixed bug whereby the course permissions were not updated when using the multiple-action mode in course users list
- Fixed bug preventing opening of a learning path item following a failed prerequisite condition (SVN#15853)
- Fixed bug preventing the activation of plugins (FS#2771)
- Fixed bug adding double comments in dropbox tool in IE only (FS#2757)
- Fixed IMS/QTI2 little export problem (FS#2634)
- The learners can't send files anymore to other learners if "Do not allow
students to send documents to other students within a course" is false
- The mails sent in exercises tool are sent from the address defined in admin (FS#2712)
- "Next" and "Previous" page now works when searching a session (FS#2721)
- Fixed bug when launching a quiz with one question per page (FS#2738)
- Fixed javascript bug with swap menu in ie6 (FS#2815)
- Fixed bug in surveys when we want to display answers of an invited person (FS#2731)
- Fixed
bug when copying a course with surveys. There is now a check for
existing surveys with the same code and language (FS#2734)
- Fixed bug when seeing matching results in quiz tool (SVN#15987)
- Added filtering of SCORM objectives when writing to DB (SVN#16437)
- Removed duplication of database write operations for SCORM objectives (SVN#16438)
- Fixed HTTP_REFERER bug in ical_export (FS#3041)
- Fixed bug in SQL queries for new installs, preventing the creation of the course_module table (FS#3040)
- Fixed
the fact that the password was never sent by e-mail when encrypted,
even when it had just been changed for a user, causing a useless e-mail
to be sent (SVN#16673)
- Fixed bug in users pictures display when using the tuning setting of splitting users dirs (SVN#16673)
- Fixed bug in documents picture gallery preventing uppercase image extensions to be seen (SVN#16755)
- Fixed bug whereby the repeated agenda items in groups were visible to all (FS#3095)
- Fixed bug whereby e-mails sent did not have the standard syntax (SVN#16708)
- Fixed bug whereby an empty institution name gave a useless output in the header (SVN#16710)
- Fixed bug whereby questions ordering was broken when deleting one question in the middle (SVN#16879)
- Fixed
bug in user fields, not displayed the default value in profile and add
user, and you could modify this values(see FS#3307)
- Fixed bug in link (see FS#3306)
- Improved display of human resource manager option (see FS#3304)
- Documents tool, folder selector: Fixed a bug that prevented Home (root) folder to be shown (FS#3089)
- Users tool: Fixed a bug preventing detailed information about a user to be shown or edited (FS#3009)
- Fixed a bug causing various problems due to improper priority order of loading PEAR packages (FS#3237)
- The
PclZip library has been upgraded to version 2.6. Additionally, a known
bug has been fixed - improper processing of the option
- Fixed a bug causing improper numeric sorting of data displayed in various tables (FS#3282)
- Agenda tool: Fixed a wrong range for hour selection. The bug has been reported and solved in a forum by TL (FS#3324)
- Agenda tool: style changes - Align drop-down lists in date and time when you add a new calendar event and modify it
- Fixed Date Validation when you add a new exercises and modify it (FS#3249)
- Tests tool: Fixed broken filter on orphan questions in questions pool, reported and solved in the forums by mark111 (FS#3329)
- Fixed security flaw allowing anonymous user to enter "open to the platform" courses (FS#3359 - SVN#17499)
- Fixed forum visibility bug for private groups forum (FS#3327)
- Fixed many links bugs when using a forum inside a learning path (FS#3256)
- Fixed: dropbox changed notification icon appears while dropbox inaccessable (FS#3395)
- Fixed: access to a hidden document was possible (FS#2835)
- Dropbox fix: move multiple selected files to category feature is back. (FS#3005)
- Fixed: Long lines in Announcements did not show up in email (FS#2988)
- Fixed: the productions users aren't saved in the the correct directory (FS#3456)
- Fixed error in install/htaccess.dist whereby the url-append was not set correctly (SVN#17791)
- Fixed missing check on cDir in (SVN#17793)
- Removed possibility to create sub-directories in the dropbox tool - wasn't working anyway for various versions (FS#3434)
- Improved access control for group tool (FS#3209)
- Fixed profiling date field popup bug (FS#2985)
- Added check on max members in group before subscribing new people (FS#3453)
- Changed usage of mail functions to use api_mail() everywhere and fix mail headers problems (FS#2445)
- Fixed bug changing the language to false in platform settings (FS#3472)
- Fixed various HTTPS + IE related bugs, related to caching in general (SVN#17795)
- Fixed 31 bugs in file/image/sounds/flash uploads/delete/permissions in profile/homepage/agenda edition pages
- Fixed a bug in migration for several versions at once whereby new course tools were repeated several times (SVN#17935)
- Fixed security issue allowing users to upload php files on the server through FCKEditor (FS#2970)
- Fixed folders by default into document tool must not be removed - see FS#3611
- Fixed qualification of themes into forum tool - see FS#3609
- allow show results with floating point,in exercice tool - (partial FS#3630) - SVN#18367
- Fixed event into agenda when it's sent from assignment and Improved display form when you create an assignment - see FS#3583
- Fixed difficulty of the question lost - see FS#3659
- Fixed XML user import for single courses import (related to FS#3552)
- Fixed bug with user image not showing in upgrade from previous versions
- Fixed bugs causing wrong attempts to translate some icons on course homepage when the server is in testing mode (FS#3285)
- A
fix for the Oogie converter to work on Windows OS has been applied.
Initial code has been proposed in the Dokeos forums by Øyvind Johansen
(oyvind) and wilbrod - see FS#3969
- Fixed Windows-related
bugs preventing creation of SCORM packages from presentations, see
FS#3972. The problem has been reported in the Dokeos forums by
- Some minor bugs have been fixed in "Document Metadata" form (FS#4030)
- Fixed a bug preventing updating dates of group documents after edition. Many thanks to Ludwig Theunis, nickname: TL (FS#4072)
CSS changes
- Added classes glossary-term, glossary-term-title, glossary-term-desc, glossary-term-action-links for the glossary tool
- Added personal-notes tool-related styles
- Changed many things in the public-admin style (Dokeos default) to improve
design - will probably affect other styles a little despite efforts not to
- Added new styles
Important language changes
- Changed "courses" to "trainings" in English and "Cours" to
"Formations" in French. This change is likely to be very confusing to
most users! Please either update your language files or warn your users
if you are willing to keep that change.
- Changed "Learning Path" link to "Course" in English and French
- Changed and unified work/assignment/student publications tool as "assignments"
- Changed "Dropbox" tool to "Documents sharing" (or "Documents sharing space" when referring to one's own space in the tool)
- Changed "Student View" link to "Teacher view" and vice-versa
- Many buttons now have more defined action names
Known issues
- Inserting the same exercise twice in one learning path may generate score inconsistencies
Deprecated files
- The whole main/inc/lib/xajax/tests/ should be removed
Dokeos 1.8.5 Valparaiso, June 2008
Release notes - summary
Dokeos 1.8.5 is a major debugging release but includes interesting new features as well.
New Features
- Considerable security improvements - 2 major and 1 minor security patches have been applied since the latest stable version
export improvement (now generates SCORM 1.2 compliant packages and
transforms Dokeos quizzes into SCO items, using interactions as a bonus)
- Possibility to filter extension of submitted files all around Dokeos
- OpenID authentication support
- Possibility to import Word documents
- Possibility to import docx and pptx documents (new MS-Office format)
- Grades,
evaluations and success certificates available thanks to the
integration of the gradebook extension. Activating this module will
clash with a gradebook extension installation made previously
- Coloured icons added to courses list in administration panel to show access permissions
- Logout button now shows the username of the current user
- Student view re-activated and fully-functional
- Searching
the forum is now possible so you can use the forum as a knowledge base.
The search results are highlighted throughout the forum and you can
search on multiple words also.
- Group members are now displayed in a sortable table
- Possibility to export survey results in XLS format
- Documents, Works and Dropbox tools usability has been improved in many ways
- In the agenda, you can display the X upcoming events (can be configured by the platform admin)
- The course agenda now has a month view like the my agenda
- In
the user list of the platform administration you can now quickly see
for what courses the user is subscribed by hovering over the courses
- The platform system announcements can now be sent through email also
- User
fields have been added globally, allowing you to add user data like
birthdate, mother tongue, city or whatever data you want to ask your
- The LDAP code has changed. If you had some customisations there, you might want to save them and re-apply them after the upgrade
- Functions renamed to respect coding conventions and use ldap_ namespace
- Most
parameters moved to the administration panel. You will need to
configure the administration panel with the settings that were
previously in
- Added non-anonymous mode (just add a login and a password in the configuration panel)
- Added search domain configuration through panel
- Added customizable field-check for student-teacher switch
- The installation guide has been updated to help you find your way through the new LDAP configuration panel
- You still need to activate LDAP by uncommenting two lines in configuration.php
- New stylesheets can be added through the platform administration interface
- Notification
by email has been improved in the forum. You can now indicate that you
want to be informed of messages on the forum level or on the thread
level, even if you did not participate in the discussion yet.
- The
platform administrator can decide to display the courses that are not
open on the login page. When these courses are displayed on the campus
startpage then the user that is logged in can quickly subscribe to this
- When creating a new group you can decide to create
a public or private forum or no forum at all. These are group category
- Group forum is also displayed in the group space
- Surveys that are not based on invitation but open to all (or certain) members of the course are now available
- Agenda
- iCal import and export of course events, with a choice of public, private or confidential markers
- Repetitive
course events can be created (and exported to iCal). Repetitions types
supported are: daily, weekly, monthly by date (e.g. the 5th of each
month) and yearly by date
- Document templates have been greatly improved to speed-up custom course content creation
- Audiorecorder
(depending on streaming server) now records sounds in the
document/audio directory, making them easily reusable by the course
- Audiorecorder is not loaded by default (took too long) and you can load it with a simple click
- W3C - Compliance with XHTML 1.0 Transitional has been improved
- Tracking - A new page to display access details by user is available under the Reporting tab, in the user details in a course
- Removed header from learning path tool. It was taking too much space and was not flexible enough for CSS styling
- Improved speed of 1.6 to 1.8 migration by adding indexes
- Prerequisites management in learning paths fixed (includes quizzes, hotpotatoes and SCORM)
- Various minor bugs fixed in the learning path tool (scoring, copy, re-ordering)
- Various minor bugs fixed in the session handling
- Fixes to the survey tool (date management, questions order in export)
- Fixes to the calendar tool (access by students)
- Fixes to the announcement tool (access by students)
- Fixes to the group tool (default group settings)
- Bugfix: complete export in survey tool displayed the question of all the surveys and not only those of the selected survey
- Bugfix:
registering a new user resulted in the language field of the user being
empty which resulted in an english profile by default. This has now
been changed to the platform language.
- Performance improvement in the user list of the platform administration
- Bugfix: group tutors were not migrated from 1.6 to 1.8
- SCORM export: fixes in export method
- Documentation is now fully XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant
- Fix FCKeditor Flash upload lack of usability and problems with IE
Known issues
- Audiorecorder takes a few seconds to write the audio file
back to the document directory, so the page shouldn't be changed too
quickly after recording a sound track
- When migrating from 1.6 to 1.8, some SCORM learning paths might need to be re-imported, which means their tracking is lost
Dokeos 1.8.4 - September 2007
Release notes - summary
1.8.4 is both a features and debuggingmajor release.
New Features
- Templates. See
- Wide Hotspots tests to allow real-life situations simulation
- Flash video import and streaming
- Installation guide renewed. See
- Added animated Mr Dokeos character :
- English and Dutch teacher manual added
- Assignments form now fills automatically with document title and user name
- Document authoring space now bigger
- IMS/QTI export of tests
- Export of media (images, Flash, Audio) and tests in SCORM export
- Agenda default time management for an event improved
- Oogie PowerPoint converter setup simplified
- Improved support for other character sets (enabling better support for
UTF-8 and russian and asian fonts)
- Upgrade script improved : now possible to upgrade direct from 1.6 to 1.8.4.
- Blogs user rights
- FCK Editor image import
- Videoconferencing slides now include Documents directory of course
- SCORM content can be displayed Full Screen
- SCORM interactions now properly running
- Hotspots tests redesigned and bigger hotspots zone
- Alphabetical sorting of lists fixed
- Excel export in reporting now removes HTML tags
- My profile page display layout
- Import HotPotatoes tests scoring
- Images gallery in Documents bad display
- Agenda default date now more relevant
- Tests random questions order option clarified
- Templates editing and media removal now easier
- Apostrophe bug in Learning path Build mode
- Table of contents wider in Learning path
- Audio player now autostarts
- Spelling mistakes in French and English
- Group features now related to group, not generic
- Blogs SQL errors fixed
- Introduction images were missing in tests reporting
- SCORM export now working
- My agenda Personal events editor bug fixed
- Oogie PowerPoint import installation easier
- Time spent on platform tracking improved
- Course Backup/restore bugs fixed
- Course copy bugs fixed
- Default visibility status of learning paths fixed
- Images gallery display reordering
- Agenda default time management for an event improved
- Groups display alphabetical sorting fixed
Dokeos 1.8 - May 2007
Release notes - summary
Dokeos 1.8 is a major release. The software becomes a complete suite
including not only a learning management system and a learners
administration dashboard, but also an easy-to-use authoring system and
a simple videoconferencing interface.
New Features
- Ms-PowerPoint® to Learning Path conversion
- Integrated Live Conferencing
- Templates and styles for rapid online authoring
- Search engine
- New question types: hotspots and open answers
- Reporting dashboard with export to Ms-Excel
- Surveys
- Educational blogs
- Learning Path: better import and export of SCORM, IMS and AICC
- Documents tool: PowerPoint and Word into HTML file type conversion
- Tests tool: less sequential and more user-friendly
- Forum : better admin and content management
- code cleanup
- new nice looking icons
- new layout for the course homepage
- Version check: be informed when a new Dokeos release is available.
- Platform Statistics so you can boast with your campus.
Dokeos 1.6.5 - July 2006
Release notes - summary
Security Release. 1 bug has been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes
Dokeos 1.6.4 April 2006
Release notes - summary
Bugfix release. 2 bugs have been fixed. One security hole has been fixed
Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes
Dokeos 1.6.3 February 2006
Release notes - summary
Bugfix release. 44 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes
Dokeos 1.6.2 - September 2005
Release notes - summary
Bugfix release. 14 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes
Dokeos 1.6.1 - August 2005
Release notes - summary
Bugfix release. 31 bugs have been fixed. Click the link below to see the complete list of bugfixes
Dokeos 1.6 - July 2005
Release notes - summary
In Dokeos 1.6, security and interoperability have been improved. Protection
for documents has improved, and courses have more accessibility options.
Password encryption is enabled by default. The php.ini setting
"register globals" does not have be on anymore.
New Features
- Campus home page can be edited online
- Improved translations, made with the new Dokeos translation tool
- Language switch - when you enter the portal, you can choose your language.
- Who is online: a list of users who are logged in, you can click to see
their pictures and portfolio, or click to talk to them through our built-in web chat tool.
- Learning path - import and export of SCORM packages, improved layout,
prerequisites based on score in tests
- Agenda - many new options, e.g. every user can add personal agenda items.
- Document tool - many new options, improved layout, improved HtmlArea
- Security - PHP register globals setting don't need to be on anymore
- Administration section - all functions are easier to access, you can
configure many options through the web interface instead of by digging through the code.
- Improved course management - completely rewritten course import/export
functions, easily copy content from one course to another
- Plugins and modularity - new system to add plugins to Dokeos more easily
- API libraries - our function libraries have been expanded and improved
- Interoperability: support for SCORM import/export, XML import/export for
some features, IEEE LOM Metadata support in documents and groups, import of
Hotpotatoes, connection with QuestionMark (this last one will be available
as plugin).
Dokeos 1.5.5 - 2004
- Learning path : Scorm content import tool
- WYSIWYG editor : create content on the fly
- Table of contents : structure content on the fly
- Dropbox : peer2peer content sharing management
- Links categories : structure links catalogue
- New navigation : one click to tool
- Events since my last visit : be informed of what has changed since your last login
- My agenda : synthetic weekly view of all the events related to you
- Add a picture to my profile : see who is who
- Security : privacy and anti-cracking protection
- 5 more languages : russian, catalan, vietnamese, brazilian, thai and a revised chinese
- New chat tool : real-time textual discussion
- Audio & video conference : real-time live broadcasting of events + textual interaction with ore than 200 people.
- Announcements to some users or some groups only
- Time-based learning management : add resources to time line in Agenda
- Audio & video in Tests tool : create listening comprehensions, situation-based questions on the fly
- Forum thread/flat view : see discussions in more detail
- Forum email notification : get an email when your forum topic is active
- Language revision : dokeos vocabulary has been generalised to be adapted to different types of organisations and not only universities