function show_image(image,width,height) { width = parseInt(width) + 20; height = parseInt(height) + 20; window_x =,\'windowX\',\'width=\'+ width + \', height=\'+ height + \'\'); } '; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; if ($_GET['chatid'] != '') { //send out call request $time = time(); $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time); $chatid = addslashes($_GET['chatid']); if ($_GET['chatid'] == strval(intval($_GET['chatid']))) { $sql = "update $track_user_table set chatcall_user_id = '".Database::escape_string($_user['user_id'])."', chatcall_date = '".Database::escape_string($time)."', chatcall_text = '' where (user_id = ".(int)Database::escape_string($chatid).")"; $result = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); //redirect caller to chat header("Location: ".$_configuration['code_append']."chat/chat.php?".api_get_cidreq()."&origin=whoisonline&target=".Security::remove_XSS($chatid)); exit; } } /** * Displays a sortable table with the list of online users. * @param array $user_list */ function display_user_list($user_list, $_plugins) { global $charset; if ($_GET['id'] == '') { $extra_params = array(); $course_url = ''; if (strlen($_GET['cidReq']) > 0) { $extra_params['cidReq'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']); $course_url = '&cidReq='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']); } foreach ($user_list as $user) { $uid = $user[0]; $user_info = api_get_user_info($uid); $table_row = array(); $url = '?id='.$uid.$course_url; $image_array = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($uid, 'system', false, true); $friends_profile = UserFriend::get_picture_user($uid, $image_array['file'], 92, 'medium_', ' width="90" height="90" '); // reduce image $table_row[] = ''; $table_row[] = ''.api_get_person_name($user_info['firstName'], $user_info['lastName']).''; //$table_row[] = ''.$user_info['lastName'].''; if (api_get_setting('show_email_addresses') == 'true') { $table_row[] = Display::encrypted_mailto_link($user_info['mail']); } $user_anonymous = api_get_anonymous_id(); if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true' && api_get_user_id() <> $user_anonymous && api_get_user_id() <> 0) { if ($user_info['user_id'] != api_get_user_id() && !api_is_anonymous($user_info['user_id'])) { $user_relation = UserFriend::get_relation_between_contacts(api_get_user_id(), $user_info['user_id']); if ($user_relation == 0 || $user_relation == 6) { $table_row[] = ''.Display :: return_icon('add_multiple_users.gif', get_lang('SocialInvitationToFriends')).' '.get_lang('SendInvitation').'
'.Display :: return_icon('mail_send.png', get_lang('SendAMessage')).' '.get_lang('SendAMessage').''; } else { $table_row[] = ''.Display :: return_icon('mail_send.png', get_lang('SendAMessage')).' '.get_lang('SendAMessage').''; } } } $table_data[] = $table_row; } $table_header[] = array(get_lang('UserPicture'), false, 'width="90"'); $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Name'), true); //$table_header[] = array(get_lang('LastName'), true); if (api_get_setting('show_email_addresses') == 'true') { $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Email'), true); } $user_anonymous = api_get_anonymous_id(); if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true' && api_get_user_id() <> $user_anonymous && api_get_user_id() <> 0) { $table_header[] = array(get_lang('Friends'), false, 'width="200"'); } /*this feature is deprecated if (api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true' && isset($_SESSION['_user'])) { $table_header[] = array(get_lang('SendMessage'), true); } */ $sorting_options['column'] = (isset($_GET['column']) ? (int)$_GET['column'] : 2); /*if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true' && api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true') { //send_invitation_friend_user(); echo '
'; echo '
'; }*/ Display::display_sortable_table($table_header, $table_data, $sorting_options, array('per_page_default' => count($table_data)), $extra_params,array(),'grid'); /*if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true' && api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true' ) { echo '
'; }*/ } } /** * Displays the information of an individual user * @param int $user_id */ function display_individual_user($user_id) { global $interbreadcrumb; $safe_user_id = Database::escape_string($user_id); // to prevent a hacking attempt: $user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $user_table WHERE user_id='".$safe_user_id."'"; $result = Database::query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (Database::num_rows($result) == 1) { $user_object = Database::fetch_object($result); $name = GetFullUserName($user_id).($_SESSION['_uid'] == $user_id ? ' ('.get_lang('Me').')' : '' ); $alt = GetFullUserName($user_id).($_SESSION['_uid'] == $user_id ? ' ('.get_lang('Me').')' : ''); $status = ($user_object->status == COURSEMANAGER ? get_lang('Teacher') : get_lang('Student')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'whoisonline.php', 'name' => get_lang('UsersOnLineList')); Display::display_header($alt); echo '
'; echo $alt; echo '

'; echo '
'; if (strlen(trim($user_object->picture_uri)) > 0) { $sysdir_array = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($safe_user_id, 'system'); $sysdir = $sysdir_array['dir']; $webdir_array = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($safe_user_id, 'web'); $webdir = $webdir_array['dir']; $fullurl = $webdir.$user_object->picture_uri; $system_image_path = $sysdir.$user_object->picture_uri; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($system_image_path); $resizing = (($height > 200) ? 'height="200"' : ''); $height += 30; $width += 30; $window_name = 'window'.uniqid(''); // get the path,width and height from original picture $big_image = $webdir.'big_'.$user_object->picture_uri; $big_image_size = api_getimagesize($big_image); $big_image_width = $big_image_size[0]; $big_image_height = $big_image_size[1]; $url_big_image = $big_image.'?rnd='.time(); echo '
'; global $user_anonymous; if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true' && api_get_user_id() <> $user_anonymous && api_get_user_id() <> 0) { echo '
'; echo ''.get_lang('ViewSharedProfile').''; echo '
'; } } else { echo Display::return_icon('unknown.jpg', get_lang('Unknown')); echo '
'; } if (api_get_setting('show_email_addresses') == 'true') { echo Display::encrypted_mailto_link($user_object->email,$user_object->email).'
'; } echo $status.'
'; echo '
'; if ($user_object->competences) { echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ($user_object->diplomas) { echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ($user_object->teach) { echo '
'; echo '
';; } display_productions($user_object->user_id); if ($user_object->openarea) { echo '
'; echo '
'; } } else { Display::display_header(get_lang('UsersOnLineList')); echo '
'; echo get_lang('UsersOnLineList'); echo '
'; } } /** * Display productions in whoisonline * @param int $user_id User id * @todo use the correct api_get_path instead of $clarolineRepositoryWeb */ function display_productions($user_id) { $sysdir_array = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($user_id, 'system', true); $sysdir = $sysdir_array['dir'].$user_id.'/'; $webdir_array = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id($user_id, 'web', true); $webdir = $webdir_array['dir'].$user_id.'/'; if (!is_dir($sysdir)) { mkpath($sysdir); } /* $handle = opendir($sysdir); $productions = array(); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == '.htaccess') { continue; // Skip current and parent directories } if (preg_match('/('.$user_id.'|[0-9a-f]{13}|saved)_.+\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/i', $file)) { // User's photos should not be listed as productions. continue; } $productions[] = $file; } */ $productions = UserManager::get_user_productions($user_id); if (count($productions) > 0) { echo '
'; echo '
'; } } // This if statement prevents users accessing the who's online feature when it has been disabled. if ((api_get_setting('showonline', 'world') == 'true' && !$_user['user_id']) || ((api_get_setting('showonline', 'users') == 'true' || api_get_setting('showonline', 'course') == 'true') && $_user['user_id'])) { if(isset($_GET['cidReq']) && strlen($_GET['cidReq']) > 0) { $user_list = Who_is_online_in_this_course($_user['user_id'], api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline'), $_GET['cidReq']); } else { $user_list = WhoIsOnline($_user['user_id'], $_configuration['statistics_database'], api_get_setting('time_limit_whosonline')); } $total = count($user_list); if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { Display::display_header(get_lang('UsersOnLineList')); echo '
'; echo get_lang('UsersOnLineList'); echo '
'; echo '
'.get_lang('TotalOnLine').' : '.$total.'
'; if ($_GET['id'] == '') { echo '


'; } else { if (0) { // if ($_user['user_id'] && $_GET["id"] != $_user['user_id']) { echo ''.get_lang('SendChatRequest').''; } } } if ($user_list) { if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { display_user_list($user_list, $_plugins); } else { //individual user information - also displays header info display_individual_user(Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id'])); } } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) { Display::display_header(get_lang('UsersOnLineList')); echo '
'; echo get_lang('UsersOnLineList'); echo '
'; } } else { Display::display_header(get_lang('UsersOnLineList')); Display::display_error_message(get_lang('AccessNotAllowed')); } $referer = empty($_GET['referer']) ? 'index.php' : api_htmlentities(strip_tags($_GET['referer']), ENT_QUOTES); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { echo ''.get_lang('Back').''; } else { echo ''.get_lang('BackHome').''; } /* ============================================================================== FOOTER ============================================================================== */ /*echo '
';*/ Display::display_footer();